What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?

Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

that's how the MINIORTIY can beat the Majority into submission with Governments help
Its not gays. It's aggressive women that work in the media and government.

it's a cult of change facilitators and you know it.
Where would someone stand to pee in a women's bathroom?
A sexual pervert (transexual, homosexual, bisexual, or some other kind of sick sexual) maybe doesn't have to pee. Maybe it just wants to take advantage of the new "open bathroom" laws, dress as a woman, and walk in and expose itself to unsuspecting little girls.
I suspect that flashers are predominantly heterosexual.....

Do you believe all -sexuals are "sick"?
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?

The media, or maybe more precisely, the patrons of the media. Transsexual stories started drawing bigger audiences, and that's all the media cares about, so they started playing it up.
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

Wow..a 100+ word comment and not one time was fallacy used....I'm duly impressed
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.
This moron thinks using the term fallacy is a slam dunk for the win.

Keeping dicks in the men's room isn't hostility to a lucid mind. It's evidence of how far down the sewer the left is going. It's all part of the big picture, which is when you can convince a population the gender is irrelevant you can get them to believe anything.
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

Wow..a 100+ word comment and not one time was fallacy used....I'm duly impressed
cough cough
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
This became a political issue when conservatives sought through force of law to discriminate against transgender Americans.

Conservatives contrived ridiculous lies about men ‘molesting’ minor girls in the restroom, followed by laws designed to discriminate against transgender women in particular, laws that were a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

that's how the MINIORTIY can beat the Majority into submission with Governments help
Its not gays. It's aggressive women that work in the media and government.

it's a cult of change facilitators and you know it.
You gotta keep your eye on them bitches.....drop your guard for a moment, and you'll wake up missing some of your vital bodily fluids....
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
This became a political issue when conservatives sought through force of law to discriminate against transgender Americans.

Conservatives contrived ridiculous lies about men ‘molesting’ minor girls in the restroom, followed by laws designed to discriminate against transgender women in particular, laws that were a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.
No, they sought to keep men out of the ladies room. You get confused very easily.
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.
This moron thinks using the term fallacy is a slam dunk for the win.

Keeping dicks in the men's room isn't hostility to a lucid mind. It's evidence of how far down the sewer the left is going. It's all part of the big picture, which is when you can convince a population the gender is irrelevant you can get them to believe anything.

Come to shed some Stupid on the issue, IceIce?
I don't know what rock you folks have been hiding under, this has been an issue for years, even before the court granted faghadist marriage. Houston's former faghadist mayor was pushing an ordnance since at least 2011, it finally passed the city council in 2014 and was then abolished at the polls.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
This became a political issue when conservatives sought through force of law to discriminate against transgender Americans.

Conservatives contrived ridiculous lies about men ‘molesting’ minor girls in the restroom, followed by laws designed to discriminate against transgender women in particular, laws that were a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.
No, they sought to keep men out of the ladies room. You get confused very easily.

Do you have any idea what gender dysphoria is about, IceIce?
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

that's how the MINIORTIY can beat the Majority into submission with Governments help
You truly are an ignorant idiot, typical of most on the right.

That a given class of persons might be a minority is not ‘justification’ to deny them their rights, or subject them to discrimination through force of law.

And respecting the rights of all Americans, defending the rights of all Americans – including the rights of gay and transgender Americans – is not ‘forcing’ the majority to do anything.
Anything the left knows that Republicans are against that's going to be the conversation....
Look at the the questions on abortion to Trump from Chris Mathews.
Anything that's a wedge issue the Dems want out there.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
good question...I don't know for certain?

The first I heard about it was coming from the right wing with their preemptive legislation....?
It’s been part of the right’s anti-LGTB agenda for decades.

Having lost in the courts with regard to their efforts to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law, most on the right have now targeted transgender Americans for similar discrimination.
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

No no, that was a horrible choice of words

I disagree. I think it was a perfect choice of words.

I don't think homosexuals are going to be happy until we actually bend over and takeone to show solidarity with them...and they will want us to supply our own vaseline.
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

No no, that was a horrible choice of words

I disagree. I think it was a perfect choice of words.

I don't think homosexuals are going to be happy until we actually bend over and takeone to show solidarity with them...and they will want us to supply our own vaseline.

I refuse to comply...fuk'em
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
This became a political issue when conservatives sought through force of law to discriminate against transgender Americans.

Conservatives contrived ridiculous lies about men ‘molesting’ minor girls in the restroom, followed by laws designed to discriminate against transgender women in particular, laws that were a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.
No, they sought to keep men out of the ladies room. You get confused very easily.

Do you have any idea what gender dysphoria is about, IceIce?

Yep, it's an aberrant mental status, AKA mental illness.

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