What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?

Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?
This became a political issue when conservatives sought through force of law to discriminate against transgender Americans.

Conservatives contrived ridiculous lies about men ‘molesting’ minor girls in the restroom, followed by laws designed to discriminate against transgender women in particular, laws that were a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist.
Where is the discrimination? Expecting someone with a penis to use the restroom designated for penis's is discrimination how exactly?
Mind you this does not answer the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

I would also like to point out that these laws you find wrong were not mention to punish the .05% of the population that is confused but rather the 99.05% that would or could be subject to those willing to take advantage of the situation to expose themselves to everyone else of the opposite sex.
IcebergSlim said:
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

that's how the MINIORTIY can beat the Majority into submission with Governments help
Its not gays. It's aggressive women that work in the media and government.

it's a cult of change facilitators and you know it.
You gotta keep your eye on them bitches.....drop your guard for a moment, and you'll wake up missing some of your vital bodily fluids....
Why do you think women can't do harm?
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

This post is singular in that it is the furthest this dumb-ass poster has ever gotten before working in some kind of "Fallacy".

He's never posted without diagnosing the post he is responding too as a ______Fallacy. He's got a million kinds of fallacies...and after reading the nonsense above....I'm guessing a million kinds of phallicies too.

But, he is clearly guilty of one of his own Assumption Fallacies...that of assuming "transgender Americans" are only "different from everyone else"...because Conservatives are mean.

We feel for them, in fact...they are dealing with a serious psychopathology...but they will not be cured of it by letting men with dicks take dumps in the stall next to our twelve year old daughters...nor do we fail to notice that such nonsense would attract perverts with even more serious and dangerous psychopatholigies.

The LGBTs have just gone too far. I suggest they vote Democratic...and that the people who are for "live and let live", but are not ready to bend over and take one in the Bum to show solidarity...which looks like the next demand----that they vote Republican...and if a Republican got elected, maybe the LGBT would just be happy with the many successes they have had so recently...and finally shut the fuck up.
Homosexuals makes up less than 1% of the population and you know these "transgender" makes up even less. but we are all suppose to bend over for them.

that's how the MINIORTIY can beat the Majority into submission with Governments help
You truly are an ignorant idiot, typical of most on the right.

That a given class of persons might be a minority is not ‘justification’ to deny them their rights, or subject them to discrimination through force of law.

And respecting the rights of all Americans, defending the rights of all Americans – including the rights of gay and transgender Americans – is not ‘forcing’ the majority to do anything.
If the authorities weren't sympthetic to transgenders, transwomen would be slaughtered by the mob.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?

The queers won the gay marriage battle, so they proceed to the next item on their agenda. This won't stop until the queers are legally able to have sex with our children.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?

it is nothing but another made up left wing crisis, so they can scream "conservatives and republicans are intolerant and hate trannys"

its political bullshit, nothing more.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?

The queers won the gay marriage battle, so they proceed to the next item on their agenda. This won't stop until the queers are legally able to have sex with our children.

yep, until 'anything goes' becomes the law, they will keep this shit coming.
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

This post is singular in that it is the furthest this dumb-ass poster has ever gotten before working in some kind of "Fallacy".

He's never posted without diagnosing the post he is responding too as a ______Fallacy. He's got a million kinds of fallacies...and after reading the nonsense above....I'm guessing a million kinds of phallicies too.

But, he is clearly guilty of one of his own Assumption Fallacies...that of assuming "transgender Americans" are only "different from everyone else"...because Conservatives are mean.

We feel for them, in fact...they are dealing with a serious psychopathology...but they will not be cured of it by letting men with dicks take dumps in the stall next to our twelve year old daughters...nor do we fail to notice that such nonsense would attract perverts with even more serious and dangerous psychopatholigies.

The LGBTs have just gone too far. I suggest they vote Democratic...and that the people who are for "live and let live", but are not ready to bend over and take one in the Bum to show solidarity...which looks like the next demand----that they vote Republican...and if a Republican got elected, maybe the LGBT would just be happy with the many successes they have had so recently...and finally shut the fuck up.
Fuck your 12 year old daughters. If they got testosterone shots they'd end up being a pedophile like all other transmen.

Why do you think all women are angels and all men are evil? Its just the same old cuckservative/feminist alliance. Just like you joined forces to implement mass immigration.
Where would someone stand to pee in a women's bathroom?

You insensitive misogynist bigot. Of course women should be able to pee standing up if they so choose. Women can do anything men can do, remember?
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

This post is singular in that it is the furthest this dumb-ass poster has ever gotten before working in some kind of "Fallacy".

He's never posted without diagnosing the post he is responding too as a ______Fallacy. He's got a million kinds of fallacies...and after reading the nonsense above....I'm guessing a million kinds of phallicies too.

But, he is clearly guilty of one of his own Assumption Fallacies...that of assuming "transgender Americans" are only "different from everyone else"...because Conservatives are mean.

We feel for them, in fact...they are dealing with a serious psychopathology...but they will not be cured of it by letting men with dicks take dumps in the stall next to our twelve year old daughters...nor do we fail to notice that such nonsense would attract perverts with even more serious and dangerous psychopatholigies.

The LGBTs have just gone too far. I suggest they vote Democratic...and that the people who are for "live and let live", but are not ready to bend over and take one in the Bum to show solidarity...which looks like the next demand----that they vote Republican...and if a Republican got elected, maybe the LGBT would just be happy with the many successes they have had so recently...and finally shut the fuck up.
Fuck your 12 year old daughters. If they got testosterone shots they'd end up being a pedophile like all other transmen.

Why do you think all women are angels and all men are evil? Its just the same old cuckservative/feminist alliance. Just like you joined forces to implement mass immigration.


I sure enjoyed this response of yours...it made no sense at all, but we are here to be entertained...and your post was entertaining. Can you enlighten me on this "cuckservative/feminist alliance". Sounds intriguingly Bohemian, to a Scots-Irish boy, but something tells me to stay away.

I sure don't think all women are angels...not still angels anyway---but there are ample Fallen Angels about...which are preferable for every occasion.
MACAULAYiri post: 14090812 said:
"What exactly brought about all this transgender nonsense in politics suddenly?"

It’s not ‘sudden.’

It’s merely the most recent manifestation of the fear, ignorance, and hate common to most on the right.

Conservatives, for the most part, fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty – whether it’s same-sex couples marrying or transgender Americans expressing themselves as is their right to do.

As a consequence of their unwarranted fear and hate, conservatives seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law – to humiliate them, to make them different from everyone else, and to drive them back into the shadows of society.

This idiotic ‘bathroom’ law in North Carolina is an example of that, it’s a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their hatred of transgender Americans, and to foment bigotry toward transgender Americans using demagoguery and fear-mongering for some perceived partisan gain.

The unwarranted hostility directed toward transgender Americans is further evidence that conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

This post is singular in that it is the furthest this dumb-ass poster has ever gotten before working in some kind of "Fallacy".

He's never posted without diagnosing the post he is responding too as a ______Fallacy. He's got a million kinds of fallacies...and after reading the nonsense above....I'm guessing a million kinds of phallicies too.

But, he is clearly guilty of one of his own Assumption Fallacies...that of assuming "transgender Americans" are only "different from everyone else"...because Conservatives are mean.

We feel for them, in fact...they are dealing with a serious psychopathology...but they will not be cured of it by letting men with dicks take dumps in the stall next to our twelve year old daughters...nor do we fail to notice that such nonsense would attract perverts with even more serious and dangerous psychopatholigies.

The LGBTs have just gone too far. I suggest they vote Democratic...and that the people who are for "live and let live", but are not ready to bend over and take one in the Bum to show solidarity...which looks like the next demand----that they vote Republican...and if a Republican got elected, maybe the LGBT would just be happy with the many successes they have had so recently...and finally shut the fuck up.
Fuck your 12 year old daughters. If they got testosterone shots they'd end up being a pedophile like all other transmen.

Why do you think all women are angels and all men are evil? Its just the same old cuckservative/feminist alliance. Just like you joined forces to implement mass immigration.


I sure enjoyed this response of yours...it made no sense at all, but we are here to be entertained...and your post was entertaining. Can you enlighten me on this "cuckservative/feminist alliance". Sounds intriguingly Bohemian, to a Scots-Irish boy, but something tells me to stay away.

I sure don't think all women are angels...not still angels anyway---but there are ample Fallen Angels about...which are preferable for every occasion.
Keep your Scots Irish boy out of this you poof.
Was it preemptive laws put forth by the right or some outside source from the left that somehow shoved this into the political realm which resulted in these new laws?

This is an honest question. What started this shitstorm?

The queers won the gay marriage battle, so they proceed to the next item on their agenda. This won't stop until the queers are legally able to have sex with our children.
Don't be silly......that's what priests are for.

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