What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

It doesn’t create more demand. The market decides the value of services not government. You still can’t provide solid data to support your narrative. Until then, goodbye.
yes; higher paid labor creates more in demand because minimum wage labor tends to spend most of their income.
15 will be the new minimum. Services cost more net effect =0 . Please come up with researched data and not just your emotional diatribe. You want the tax base to increase demand. That doesn’t work
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
Dems offer that too.

No they don’t, all they’ve done is offer you and all minority’s an excuse to claim victim hood, no opportunities exist when you’re claiming victim status. I could careless what your ethnicity is, I’m looking at your work ethic, character, integrity, etc...

Concern yourself with your own work ethic, character, integrity, etc white man... The only people playing victim is whites.

You sit on this forum day in and day out complaining that White America mistreats Blacks, how do you come up with Whites are playing the victim?

You’re constantly stating that Whitey is taking advantage of your rights because you’re Black, reality is perfectly clear, you play the poor Negro Victim because Whitey is so evil to your poor Black Ass. Why don’t you stand up and look in the mirror and see what the real problem is, it’s right there in the reflection, it’s your dumb lazy ass cry baby crap.

We talk about racism likes it’s 1920, it’s no where close to the Segregationist past, you need to grow the f'ck up and act like a man, instead you blame Whitey, get the f'ck off of this forum...

I am going to blame whitey because whitey caused the problem. And unlike your stupid, uneducated, illiterate white racist ass, I can prove what I say.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

The racial wealth gap is reinforced by federal policies that largely operate to increase wealth for those who already possess significant assets. The Corporation for Enterprise Development finds that more than half of the $400 billion provided annually in federal asset-building subsidies—policies intended to promote homeownership, retirement savings, economic investment and access to college—flow to the wealthiest 5 percent of taxpaying households.5 Meanwhile, the bottom 60 percent of taxpayers receive only 4 percent of these benefits and the bottom 20 percent of taxpayers receive almost nothing. Black and Latino households are disproportionately among those receiving little or no benefit. Unless key policies are restructured, the racial wealth gap—and wealth inequality in general—will continue to grow.

Whitey made these federal policies.

Lower homeownership rates among Blacks and Latinos have many roots, ranging from lasting legacies of past policies to disparate access to real estate ownership. The National Housing Act of 1934, for example, redlined entire Black neighborhoods, marking them as bad credit risks and effectively discouraging lending in these areas, even as Black home buyers continued to be excluded from white neighborhoods. While redlining was officially outlawed by the Fair Housing Act of 1968, its impact in the form of residential segregation patterns persists with households of color more likely to live in neighborhoods characterized by higher poverty rates, lower home values, and a declining infrastructure compared to neighborhoods inhabited predominantly by white residents.

Discriminatory lending practices persist to this day. When households of color access mortgages, they are more often underwritten by higher interest rates.11 Mainstream lending institutions were deeply implicated in discriminatory lending: in 2012 Wells Fargo Bank admitted that they steered thousands of Black and Latino borrowers into subprime mortgages when non-Hispanic white borrowers with similar credit profiles received prime loans.12 In addition, the proliferation of high-cost credit options such as payday lenders in many neighborhoods of color, combined with the scarcity of banks and credit unions, is another likely contributor to weak credit. The fact that Black and Latino families are more likely to have taken on subprime mortgages in recent years contributed significantly to the devastating impact of the housing collapse that began in 2006.

Whitey created these discriminatory lending practices.

Public policy decisions are critical to understanding why Latinos and Blacks are less likely to have completed a four-year college degree than whites, as well as why Latino and Black graduates build less wealth as a result of their degrees. Educational inequities have deep historical roots in policies that prohibited slaves from learning to read and the century of substandard “separate but equal” educational facilities that followed, leaving many students of color poorly prepared for college. These past educational inequities matter today because parents’ educational level—as well as family incomes and wealth itself—significantly predict children’s educational success across their lifetimes.17 At the same time, contemporary policy choices, from the retreat from integration in K-12 education to the declining public support for affordable higher education, shape the educational opportunities available to youth of color who are more likely to need financial support for college, thereby contributing to the existing racial wealth gap.

Disparities in education begin early in the lives of children in the U.S. and current education policies often foster inequities. 18 The policy decision not to invest in quality preschool education for all young people sets the stage for racial disparities that persist throughout the educational system from K-12 to higher education. While quality K-12 education is essential for college readiness, residential segregation leaves many Black and Latino students, particularly those from low-income families, concentrated in low-quality, under-resourced schools. As policy has shifted away from efforts to integrate public education that prevailed after the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954, research has documented dramatic increases in segregation, with Black and Latino students increasingly attending the same schools.19 Predominantly Black and Latino schools spend less per student than predominantly white schools, a disparity that is only partly accounted for by the different property-tax bases of school districts creating a highly unequal educational system across the country.

Whitey made these policies.

American households derive much of their economic security from the labor market, with earned income, employer-provided health coverage, paid leave, and workplace retirement plans offering greater opportunities to build wealth for the employees who have access. The greater a household’s income, for example, the more money household members have to save and invest. Meanwhile if an employer provides an affordable health insurance plan, employees often spend less than if they had to purchase their own coverage or risk incurring substantial medical expenses that can drain wealth. Pensions and 401(k)-type plans with an employer contribution offer a mechanism for employers to contribute directly to household wealth, adding to retirement savings. Yet labor markets are one of the primary drivers of the racial wealth gap, accounting for 20 percent of its growth in the last 25 years.23 In addition, unemployment, which causes many families to draw on and deplete their assets, explains an additional 9 percent of the growth in the racial wealth gap.

Disparities in labor market outcomes arise from a variety of sources, including employment discrimination, lack of geographic access to jobs, and disparate social capital. Income disparities affect both current consumption and wealth building opportunities. Median Black and Latino families have lower incomes than white families: while the typical white family makes $50,400 a year, the typical Latino family makes just $36,840 and the typical Black family has an annual income of only $32,028 (see Figure 14).

Whitey created these disparities.

Racial and ethnic inequality in American labor markets was codified and maintained by law for much of U.S. history. It was not until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that federal law prohibited job discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Yet public policy decisions—from the enduring exclusion of certain job categories to the protections of the Fair Labor Standards Act to immigration laws that inhibit workers from exercising their full rights in the workplace—continue to shape the U.S. labor market in ways that systematically disadvantage Blacks and Latinos, helping to explain why people of color bring in lower incomes and receive lower wealth returns than white families.

For most Americans, the vast majority of income comes from a paycheck. Black and Latino workers are not only paid less, but are also more likely to be employed in jobs that fail to offer key benefits such as health coverage, paid leave, or retirement plans. The disparity in benefits helps to explain why families of color accrue less of a return on each dollar of wealth earned than white families: Blacks and Latinos are more likely to pay for necessities like health care out-of-pocket and therefore, to have less to save and invest for the future. This also means that households of color are more likely to miss out on the tax incentives and wealth-building vehicles provided by employer benefits

Why don’t Black and Latino workers simply move into better-paying jobs? The lower rates of college degree completion discussed previously is one important factor. However, white workers with and without college degrees out-earn their Black and Latino counterparts with similar levels of education. The persistence of job discrimination is a critical part of the explanation for the lower incomes of Black and Latino workers.

Whitey codified the laws and continues practicing pay discrimination.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

Learn to read more than cartoons prick. Because I can show you more. We blame whitey for what whitey has done. And no one gives a damn if we don't live during segregation bitch. There is no satisfaction until this shit completely ends. There is no such thing as being happy because it happens less than it used to.

So just be quiet and understand that no one is going to listen to the white man because everything your ass has was handed to you by the government. The problem is you. So when you see that man in the mirror understand that what whitey sowed he will now reap.

Mortgage lending is not decided based on your race, period. It's based on your FICO score, income and debt ratio. If you're determined to believe The Racial Wealth Gap, I suggest you dig a little deeper without your race baiting bias, and then you'll discover the facts this biased report skips over. I would bet you'll ignore the truth and keep eating up that hate either you or someone close to you planted in your soul. Be careful what you wish for, the truth can get pretty ugly.
yes; higher paid labor creates more in demand because minimum wage labor tends to spend most of their income.
15 will be the new minimum. Services cost more net effect =0 . Please come up with researched data and not just your emotional diatribe. You want the tax base to increase demand. That doesn’t work
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
15 will be the new minimum. Services cost more net effect =0 . Please come up with researched data and not just your emotional diatribe. You want the tax base to increase demand. That doesn’t work
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
Please try and make a rational point. You have yet to do that. Unemployment compensation has nothing to do with market value. Again please try and point out with data how the law doesn’t promote equality. Are you 12?
You know, now that I think about it, it was an old black man that taught me a lot about Republicans.

Funny how you say that because old black men and women taught me a lot about why blacks left the republican party.

Something tells me they weren't very smart. Hmm! Kinda like you.

They were smarter than those fictional blacks you are talking about. That's why you can't beat me in a debate.

Show me a debate where you've bested me.

This one.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Why should anyone in office offer blacks anything more than whites? Everyone should be treated equally.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Why should anyone in office offer blacks anything more than whites? Everyone should be treated equally.
To rectify the 400 years they gave whites more than Blacks?

If whites really believed everyone should be treated equally why didnt white people do that from the start?
I disagree with any white person trying to link plantations to that of any city, especially cities where mostly "dark" people live...

Since, very much unlike plantations, those "dark" people can move if they have the resources to do so -- they can move anywhere they like in fact

But I understand the desire for closet racists and buckdancing black folks to always go on and on about plantations

However, they never shame or mock Jews who also vote overwhelmingly democrat as being in democratic concentration camps

Just over 40 percent of SNAP recipients are white. Another 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American, according to a 2015 Department of Agriculture report.

Not one Jew. LOL
Seems like those whites are on the democrat plantation
Again, a very simplistic view of the situation. Yes, anyone who is poor is still living on the Democratic plantation. And anyone who is already successful is running the plantation. Or, most of you are house slaves. You got it good enough so no need to rock the boat right? And since you already got yours, it's easy to overlook all the liberal policies that helped you get to where you are in life. Affordable college, being white and priviledged, having 2 parents in the home, knowing someone who could give you your first job, being smart, having the benefit of going to a good school district because you were born in the right area code.

And yes, white southerners in Red states have never left the plantation. When blacks were freed rich whites had to find someone to work on those plantations and looky who they found. Po White Trash.

Republican leaders have spent months promoting the myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

Stop sucking off the Democratic tit!!!

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

It is not just about $$$$ it is about the high crime rate.
Yea, because a poor white person in a white community doesn't feel as desperate and hopeless as a poor black person, so they don't resort to crime. Anyone who's a violent criminal has given up all hope of being a productive member of society. So maybe white people aren't as desperate and don't feel as hopeless. Plus there are a million other factors on why black communities are more dangerous. Ultimately you don't seem to get that black people are treated like second class citizens in this country. They probably feel like Palestinians who feel so hopeless they strap on suicide bombs.

The relationship between race and crime in the United States has been a topic of public controversy and scholarly debate for more than a century. The incarceration rate of blacks is more than three times higher than their representation in the general population. Research shows that the over representation of some minorities in the criminal justice system can be explained mostly by disproportionate rates of crime, but also by socioeconomic factors and racial discrimination by law enforcement and the judicial system.

92 Percent Of African-Americans Say Black Americans Face Discrimination Today
You think poor whites in Appalachia don’t feel desperation?
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Why should anyone in office offer blacks anything more than whites? Everyone should be treated equally.
To rectify the 400 years they gave whites more than Blacks?

If whites really believed everyone should be treated equally why didnt white people do that from the start?
I wasn't here 400 years ago, neither were you. That is a ridiculous reason.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Why should anyone in office offer blacks anything more than whites? Everyone should be treated equally.
To rectify the 400 years they gave whites more than Blacks?

If whites really believed everyone should be treated equally why didnt white people do that from the start?
I wasn't here 400 years ago, neither were you. That is a ridiculous reason.
Who said you or I were here 400 years ago? Thats a stupid reply to my post..Can you answer the question I asked? If whites believed in equality why didnt they put that in place from the start instead of waiting 400 years? Also why do they resist equality to this very day?
Last edited:
yes; higher paid labor creates more in demand because minimum wage labor tends to spend most of their income.
15 will be the new minimum. Services cost more net effect =0 . Please come up with researched data and not just your emotional diatribe. You want the tax base to increase demand. That doesn’t work
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
Why are you saying that? Republicans totally believe in Socialism. Why do you think they want to get rid of healthcare, school lunches for poor children and job training? So they can give that money to neediy billionaires who need it.
You know, now that I think about it, it was an old black man that taught me a lot about Republicans.

Funny how you say that because old black men and women taught me a lot about why blacks left the republican party.

Something tells me they weren't very smart. Hmm! Kinda like you.

They were smarter than those fictional blacks you are talking about. That's why you can't beat me in a debate.

Show me a debate where you've bested me.

This one.

In what way? I don't go around posting racist threads or posting as "c" into an "a" to "b" conversation. I know better. Apparently, you do not. You can't see past race into the quality of a human being, of which you are the lowest form of scum possible.
15 will be the new minimum. Services cost more net effect =0 . Please come up with researched data and not just your emotional diatribe. You want the tax base to increase demand. That doesn’t work
even the dollar menu won't double. and, why only complain about inflation for Labor? you haven't whined about inflation for fuel.
I’m not whining. You are
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
Why are you saying that? Republicans totally believe in Socialism. Why do you think they want to get rid of healthcare, school lunches for poor children and job training? So they can give that money to neediy billionaires who need it.
Are you insane? Republicans don’t believe in Socialism. That’s a liberal thing. You’re a fucking moron
Last edited by a moderator:
i am advocating for equal protection of the law. socialism is about equality.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
Please try and make a rational point. You have yet to do that. Unemployment compensation has nothing to do with market value. Again please try and point out with data how the law doesn’t promote equality. Are you 12?
it has to do with full employment of capital resources. capital must circulate under capitalism. capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a social inefficiency that requires a social safety net to correct.
Socialism doesn’t work. It always runs out of other people’s money. Everyone does have equal protection.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
Please try and make a rational point. You have yet to do that. Unemployment compensation has nothing to do with market value. Again please try and point out with data how the law doesn’t promote equality. Are you 12?
it has to do with full employment of capital resources. capital must circulate under capitalism. capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a social inefficiency that requires a social safety net to correct.
Keep spinning. Please come back with data. Not socialist talking points that don’t apply to economics. If you are the face of socialism, it is doomed.
What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Why should anyone in office offer blacks anything more than whites? Everyone should be treated equally.
To rectify the 400 years they gave whites more than Blacks?

If whites really believed everyone should be treated equally why didnt white people do that from the start?
I wasn't here 400 years ago, neither were you. That is a ridiculous reason.
Who said you or I were here 400 years ago? Thats a stupid reply to my post..Can you answer the question I asked? If whites believed in equality why didnt they put that in place from the start instead of waiting 400 years? Also why do they resist equality to this very day?
We don't resist it today. How would I know why anyone waited 400 years? YOU did mention 400 years, as if any of us had or have control over it.
equal protection of the law. besides, you are not being punished by paying for social services; Ding, says so.
I never said I was being punished. You must be having your own conversation in your little head. The law gives equal protection. Please show how it doesnt.
employment is at-will in any at-will employment State; with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation could be fourteen dollars an hour equivalent.
Please try and make a rational point. You have yet to do that. Unemployment compensation has nothing to do with market value. Again please try and point out with data how the law doesn’t promote equality. Are you 12?
it has to do with full employment of capital resources. capital must circulate under capitalism. capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a social inefficiency that requires a social safety net to correct.
Keep spinning. Please come back with data. Not socialist talking points that don’t apply to economics. If you are the face of socialism, it is doomed.
it is a self-evident truth. who would be worse off with recourse to unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed? How would a local government be worse off? How would our economy be worse off?

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