What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

To rectify the 400 years they gave whites more than Blacks?

If whites really believed everyone should be treated equally why didnt white people do that from the start?

400 years is a bit overboard......but it was the way of life at that time in history. Not just in the US but Europe or parts of, as well. And don't go getting your tighties in a wad over that comment either. Slavery had been in existence since the beginning of time amongst different peoples...….and you know that.

Yet still whine & complain about 'slavery'.....***NEWSFLASH*** slavery is dead. It was abolished more than 150 years ago. The Civil Rights movements of the 60's projected blacks into equality status, and yet ya'll still complain about the past.

Are there still some discriminations? Yeah probably in certain circles, but overall it's over. Guess what??? Blacks can hold jobs, they can get an education in the same schools as whites, they can shop, eat at restaurants, buy a house or a car or anything they want, they can live in the same communities and neighborhoods as whites or anywhere they want, they can have bank accounts and even run a business of their own, they can be Dr's & lawyers & politicians. They can even be President, or Senators or Supreme Court Justice.

They can also fail at any of those things JUST LIKE WHITES DO.

Ya keep bitching about everything wrong in your lives, but seem to forget all that is right in your lives. You conveniently forget all that your ancestors fought sacrificed & died for...…..for all those little things they were denied and you now take for granted & complain about because 'whitey' has more.

There is a saying about wanting what someone else has......are you prepared to do what they did to get it? .
No 400 years isnt a bit overboard. I know it was that way at that time in history. Thats the reason I said to rectify. Its not like they didnt know it was wrong because they discussed it. Not only did they decide to allow slavery they kept their own personal slaves.

Slavery is still legal today so go try selling that bullshit to someone that doesnt know better. Youre making this long winded argument and all your doing is trying to rationalize whites legislating themselves a 400 year head start. Lets cut to the chase. Its just like I said. You cant compete on a level playing field. You know it and I know it. Its the main reason for all the laws created by whites to hold Blacks back that are still being used to this very minute.

No I am not prepared to give diseases to other cultures. No I am not prepared to commit genocide once their numbers are reduced and no I am not prepared to steal their land. Thats white philosophy and I am not white. I dont want what whites have because I have no need to handicap someone else in order to be successful.

Sure you do......you want to 'handicap' the whites to make you feel better for your own failures. But that takes too much effort doesn't it and you'd rather feed your own pity party instead.

Whites don't owe you a damn thing anymore. Suck it up buttercup, YOU are responsible for your own life & happiness so if it sucks, that's on YOU and no one else..
While it would probably be amusing watching you white boys whine about how unfair it all is I'm not into being sadistic. I'm good with the knowledge that as long as there is a level playing field I can best any white boy on the planet. Whites owe the world everything. They have never achieved anything without first lying, stealing, or killing to get it. I know this is a bitter pill for you white boys to swallow but lets face facts. Nature made you recessive and weak for a reason. You were mutation that nature knew it would have to correct.

Good for you. Now try 'besting' yourself to challenge yourself to become a better person without hate over the past and get on with your own future.
Youre assuming I have "hate" because I tell you white boys like it is? I have no hate. That doesnt mean I'm going to sugar coat the truth for you.
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. Hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together. Personally I dont see Lincoln as the savior white people want me to view him as. I know he was a racist that could have cared less if Blacks remained enslaved.
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.

That's one way of looking at this. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.
But another way of putting it. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Back then the dems were more like the repubs of today.

I call bullshit. One only needed to look at and reference the DOI to make a decision.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that he supported the amendment to legalize slavery for all of eternity. Why did you not comment on that?
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.
But another way of putting it. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Back then the dems were more like the repubs of today.

I call bullshit. One only needed to look at and reference the DOI to make a decision.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that he supported the amendment to legalize slavery for all of eternity. Why did you not comment on that?
Well, we are locked forever in a conundrum here. The man that was conflicted on slavery, fought it tooth and nail spend countless American lives to end slavery. If that doesn't end this debate, nothing will. Apparently it wasn't enough.
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.
But another way of putting it. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Back then the dems were more like the repubs of today.

I call bullshit. One only needed to look at and reference the DOI to make a decision.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that he supported the amendment to legalize slavery for all of eternity. Why did you not comment on that?
Well, we are locked forever in a conundrum here. The man that was conflicted on slavery, fought it tooth and nail spend countless American lives to end slavery. If that doesn't end this debate, nothing will. Apparently it wasn't enough.
There is no conundrum. He wasnt conflicted and he didnt fight to end slavery. He plainly said and showed with his actions that he would have kept every Black person a slave if it would save the Union. The story they try to sell you in school is that he loved Black people so much he fought to free them. We know from documented history thats just marketing.
Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Either youre illiterate or youre stupid. It says right in the 13th amendment that slavery is still legal.
Er, um well, Lincoln was Republican and he emancipated the slaves. Reminds me of the kicker to a old joke, But what has he done for us lately? Got me on that one. hardy har. So what have democrats done to , er, for blacks lately?
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.
But another way of putting it. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Back then the dems were more like the repubs of today.

I call bullshit. One only needed to look at and reference the DOI to make a decision.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that he supported the amendment to legalize slavery for all of eternity. Why did you not comment on that?
Well, we are locked forever in a conundrum here. The man that was conflicted on slavery, fought it tooth and nail spend countless American lives to end slavery. If that doesn't end this debate, nothing will. Apparently it wasn't enough.
There is no conundrum. He wasnt conflicted and he didnt fight to end slavery. He plainly said and showed with his actions that he would have kept every Black person a slave if it would save the Union. The story they try to sell you in school is that he loved Black people so much he fought to free them. We know from documented history thats just marketing.
So, what ended slavery? Unicorns spouting rainbows from the planet liberal- hindsight- holier than thou judgmental- pedantic know it alls? No mention of them in the history books . Lincoln, mostly.
Thats one way to put it. Another way would be to say he emancipated the enslaved after first supporting a constitutional amendment to forever protect slavery. Still another way to put it would be to say he only emancipated the enslaved to keep the union together.
But another way of putting it. So meanwhile back at the ranch, the democrats sat on their holier than thou asses and did nothing, meanwhile our republican president Lincoln did the heavy lifting. He made decisions NOBODY even now would want to give. You look at this through the lens of history and through modern eyes and have the luxury of someone that judge it after it happened in our context. Aren't you a saint.
Back then the dems were more like the repubs of today.

I call bullshit. One only needed to look at and reference the DOI to make a decision.

I noticed you had no comment on the fact that he supported the amendment to legalize slavery for all of eternity. Why did you not comment on that?
Well, we are locked forever in a conundrum here. The man that was conflicted on slavery, fought it tooth and nail spend countless American lives to end slavery. If that doesn't end this debate, nothing will. Apparently it wasn't enough.
There is no conundrum. He wasnt conflicted and he didnt fight to end slavery. He plainly said and showed with his actions that he would have kept every Black person a slave if it would save the Union. The story they try to sell you in school is that he loved Black people so much he fought to free them. We know from documented history thats just marketing.
So, what ended slavery? Unicorns spouting rainbows from the planet liberal- hindsight- holier than thou judgmental- pedantic know it alls? No mention of them in the history books . Lincoln, mostly.
Slavery never has ended. Read the 13th amendment.
Slavery is as dead as your brain cells, buck-o. Unless you count say, exploiting illegal aliens as our neo slave class. But that is a different mater, different thread and a matter for tomorrow. Peace, Namaste until next time. Adios.
Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Either youre illiterate or youre stupid. It says right in the 13th amendment that slavery is still legal.

Obviously you’re struggling to understand it’s meaning, unless you’re claiming that someone entering prison is an act of Slavery...
Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Either youre illiterate or youre stupid. It says right in the 13th amendment that slavery is still legal.

Obviously you’re struggling to understand it’s meaning, unless you’re claiming that someone entering prison is an act of Slavery...
Obviously you are too dumb to understand its meaning. It plainly says slavery is legal as long as you are in prison.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews

I am living in the present. Join me.
Living in the present has nothing to do with the facts.

I am talking about present day Jews in America. Not Jews who lived under a totalitarian regime. Don't be obtuse, Assfaceias.
Jews have proven to be sheep when they are persecuted. Blacks would never just walk into the gas chamber.
There use to be a lot of lay round blks but more hussle now. There is a Bro in the Old District in New Orleans sells water make a cool 55 k a year. Like he said no overhead cost.
Republicans here complain I make an extra $20k a year selling weed. They say I should pay taxes on that money.

But trump can take $50 million from his father tax free and that makes trump smart.
Just over 40 percent of SNAP recipients are white. Another 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American, according to a 2015 Department of Agriculture report.

Not one Jew. LOL
Seems like those whites are on the democrat plantation
Again, a very simplistic view of the situation. Yes, anyone who is poor is still living on the Democratic plantation. And anyone who is already successful is running the plantation. Or, most of you are house slaves. You got it good enough so no need to rock the boat right? And since you already got yours, it's easy to overlook all the liberal policies that helped you get to where you are in life. Affordable college, being white and priviledged, having 2 parents in the home, knowing someone who could give you your first job, being smart, having the benefit of going to a good school district because you were born in the right area code.

And yes, white southerners in Red states have never left the plantation. When blacks were freed rich whites had to find someone to work on those plantations and looky who they found. Po White Trash.

Republican leaders have spent months promoting the myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

Stop sucking off the Democratic tit!!!

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

It is not just about $$$$ it is about the high crime rate.
Yea, because a poor white person in a white community doesn't feel as desperate and hopeless as a poor black person, so they don't resort to crime. Anyone who's a violent criminal has given up all hope of being a productive member of society. So maybe white people aren't as desperate and don't feel as hopeless. Plus there are a million other factors on why black communities are more dangerous. Ultimately you don't seem to get that black people are treated like second class citizens in this country. They probably feel like Palestinians who feel so hopeless they strap on suicide bombs.

The relationship between race and crime in the United States has been a topic of public controversy and scholarly debate for more than a century. The incarceration rate of blacks is more than three times higher than their representation in the general population. Research shows that the over representation of some minorities in the criminal justice system can be explained mostly by disproportionate rates of crime, but also by socioeconomic factors and racial discrimination by law enforcement and the judicial system.

92 Percent Of African-Americans Say Black Americans Face Discrimination Today
You think poor whites in Appalachia don’t feel desperation?
Then why aren’t they killing each other? We should put drugs and guns in there and see what happens.
Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Either youre illiterate or youre stupid. It says right in the 13th amendment that slavery is still legal.

How's acome my black friend and his brother own their grandma's house that's been in their family for 140 years and has no mortgage? Is it black privilege? I say it's American rights. Furthermore, I think I ain't too far off the mark with that.

You don't see how whites having a huge wealth gap over blacks makes it harder for them to take your advice than it would be for whites to take your advice? Kind of hard to develop anywhen black families hold $5.04 for every $100 in white family wealth.

It's easy for you to say SO being a white who has a huge wealth edge over blacks. Who knows how YOU would do if you were in the black community. All we know is you are white so you live in a society that favors whites.

It's easy for you to tell blacks what to do to get out of the mess whites put them in when all you did was be born into a white family and white community where whites get jobs before blacks do because of your white privilege that you don't even realize exists.

It would be nice if blacks started their own Microsoft and Car company and employed all black people except about 10% whites.

In many ways desegregation was the beginning of the end of economic independence in predominantly black communities.

Instead of retaining loyalty to community based bussineses, black consumers took their business to the places that they were forbidden pto patronize in the past. I can vividly recall how proud my grandmother was to be able to walk into an establishment that she could not be served in before, and actually pay a HIGHER price than she would have paid closer to her own home.

That is the epitome of effective brainwashing and social conditioning.

To take pride in being able to participate in an illusion of acceptance.

Sounds like longing for the Jim Crow days. :eek:

Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Keep spinning. Please come back with data. Not socialist talking points that don’t apply to economics. If you are the face of socialism, it is doomed.
it is a self-evident truth. who would be worse off with recourse to unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed? How would a local government be worse off? How would our economy be worse off?
It isn’t a self evident truth. You only worry about unemployment compensation and ignore the market value. Unemployment value has nothing to do with real market wages. I wouldn’t expect you to understand. Again please provide data. Until you do. You are nothing more than a hack.
How is it not a self-evident Truth? You diverted from the social issue of Nobody being worse off; your metrics can be simply and merely adjusted for cost of living purposes.
This conversation is over until you ball up and provide data. I didn’t divert I addressed it. You are to obtuse to understand it. Provide facts not ignorant talking points. U til then, good bye
look into any tax website. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage pays some income tax.
I was never arguing that. Try and stay on the subject. At least try to support the things you say. Your little diversions are comical.

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