What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

You don't see how whites having a huge wealth gap over blacks makes it harder for them to take your advice than it would be for whites to take your advice? Kind of hard to develop anywhen black families hold $5.04 for every $100 in white family wealth.

It's easy for you to say SO being a white who has a huge wealth edge over blacks. Who knows how YOU would do if you were in the black community. All we know is you are white so you live in a society that favors whites.

It's easy for you to tell blacks what to do to get out of the mess whites put them in when all you did was be born into a white family and white community where whites get jobs before blacks do because of your white privilege that you don't even realize exists.

It would be nice if blacks started their own Microsoft and Car company and employed all black people except about 10% whites.

In many ways desegregation was the beginning of the end of economic independence in predominantly black communities.

Instead of retaining loyalty to community based bussineses, black consumers took their business to the places that they were forbidden pto patronize in the past. I can vividly recall how proud my grandmother was to be able to walk into an establishment that she could not be served in before, and actually pay a HIGHER price than she would have paid closer to her own home.

That is the epitome of effective brainwashing and social conditioning.

To take pride in being able to participate in an illusion of acceptance.

Sounds like longing for the Jim Crow days. :eek:

Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Well there is some truth to it. Personally, I should be glad the Turks enslaved the Greeks for hundreds of years. Why? Because it led to me being born. Had they not invaded that would have changed the timeline.

It's like someone who was born to a woman who's husband was killed on 9-11. She met another man after her husband was killed and she had this child. That child should be glad 9-11 happened because if it didn't they would have never been born.

Slavery and 9-11, bad things. BUT, without slavery you wouldn't have been born.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Again, a very simplistic view of the situation. Yes, anyone who is poor is still living on the Democratic plantation. And anyone who is already successful is running the plantation. Or, most of you are house slaves. You got it good enough so no need to rock the boat right? And since you already got yours, it's easy to overlook all the liberal policies that helped you get to where you are in life. Affordable college, being white and priviledged, having 2 parents in the home, knowing someone who could give you your first job, being smart, having the benefit of going to a good school district because you were born in the right area code.

And yes, white southerners in Red states have never left the plantation. When blacks were freed rich whites had to find someone to work on those plantations and looky who they found. Po White Trash.

Republican leaders have spent months promoting the myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

Stop sucking off the Democratic tit!!!

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

It is not just about $$$$ it is about the high crime rate.
Yea, because a poor white person in a white community doesn't feel as desperate and hopeless as a poor black person, so they don't resort to crime. Anyone who's a violent criminal has given up all hope of being a productive member of society. So maybe white people aren't as desperate and don't feel as hopeless. Plus there are a million other factors on why black communities are more dangerous. Ultimately you don't seem to get that black people are treated like second class citizens in this country. They probably feel like Palestinians who feel so hopeless they strap on suicide bombs.

The relationship between race and crime in the United States has been a topic of public controversy and scholarly debate for more than a century. The incarceration rate of blacks is more than three times higher than their representation in the general population. Research shows that the over representation of some minorities in the criminal justice system can be explained mostly by disproportionate rates of crime, but also by socioeconomic factors and racial discrimination by law enforcement and the judicial system.

92 Percent Of African-Americans Say Black Americans Face Discrimination Today
You think poor whites in Appalachia don’t feel desperation?
Then why aren’t they killing each other? We should put drugs and guns in there and see what happens.

They have drugs and guns. They just aren’t brainwashed by the Donkeys.

You know what's funny? Republicans worship corporations. You guys literally handed them the keys to your government. Anyways, I find it funny that you poor Republicans are so against Affirmative Action even though your masters are all for diversity. So, you disagree with the CEO's you worship?

The Pledge
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

The GOP may offer less Affirmative Action but corporations are moving forward regardless of what the GOP says.

The Pledge

So basically the GOP getting rid of Affirmative action isn't going to stop smart people from doing the right thing.

The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ aims to rally the business community to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace by working collectively across organizations and sectors. It outlines a specific set of actions the undersigned companies will take to cultivate a trusting environment where all ideas are welcomed and employees feel comfortable and empowered to discuss diversity and inclusion.

All the signatories serve as leaders of their companies and have committed to implementing the following pledge within their workplaces. Where companies have already implemented one or several of the commitments, the undersigned commit to support other companies in doing the same.

The persistent inequities across our country underscore our urgent, national need to address and alleviate racial, ethnic and other tensions and to promote diversity within our communities. As leaders of some of America’s largest corporations, we manage thousands of employees and play a critical role in ensuring that inclusion is core to our workplace culture and that our businesses are representative of the communities we serve. Moreover, we know that diversity is good for the economy; it improves corporate performance, drives growth and enhances employee engagement.

Simply put, organizations with diverse teams perform better.

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
A comfortable place to stay.

Asclepias and IM2 feel better when they can blame the White Man for their disadvantages. Asclepias makes it clear he believes Slavery is still in place today and IM2 is just bitter. Fortunately there are more Blacks today who have the intelligence to put this division in the past and know they have opportunities they’ve never had before. Maybe someday these 2 will figure it out...
Either youre illiterate or youre stupid. It says right in the 13th amendment that slavery is still legal.

Obviously you’re struggling to understand it’s meaning, unless you’re claiming that someone entering prison is an act of Slavery...
Obviously you are too dumb to understand its meaning. It plainly says slavery is legal as long as you are in prison.


You need to read it again and get some help, soon...

The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

I wish the gop would stop offering more subsidies and tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations. The first thing they do when they regain power.
But it’s OK that Dems run on benefits for the multi-generational poor.
the right wing only cares about the (rich) People not the (poor) People.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

No. But anyone who doesn't sign the diversity pledge will not look good in the business community and could even be punished by boycotts or being called out publicly. And don't just sign the pledge and not get diverse. You'll get called on that too. So no the government won't force companies to do anything but we the people can and will.

This is the promise these companies are making. At least they get it:

1. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously.

2. We will share best—and unsuccessful—practices: Each of our companies has established programs and initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Yet, we know that many companies are still developing their strategies. We will commit to helping other companies evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies and encourage them, in turn, to share their successes and challenges with others.

We recognize that these commitments are not the complete answer, but we believe they are important, concrete steps toward building more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We hope our list of signatories will grow, and we invite other CEOs across America to join us.

Let’s come together to make good on the inherent promise that all of our people should be able to bring their best selves to work and unleash their full potential. By working together toward diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

No. But anyone who doesn't sign the diversity pledge will not look good in the business community and could even be punished by boycotts or being called out publicly. And don't just sign the pledge and not get diverse. You'll get called on that too. So no the government won't force companies to do anything but we the people can and will.

This is the promise these companies are making. At least they get it:

1. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously.

2. We will share best—and unsuccessful—practices: Each of our companies has established programs and initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Yet, we know that many companies are still developing their strategies. We will commit to helping other companies evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies and encourage them, in turn, to share their successes and challenges with others.

We recognize that these commitments are not the complete answer, but we believe they are important, concrete steps toward building more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We hope our list of signatories will grow, and we invite other CEOs across America to join us.

Let’s come together to make good on the inherent promise that all of our people should be able to bring their best selves to work and unleash their full potential. By working together toward diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.
I bet when IT went 100% Indian Business Visa you didn’t give a shit because at least they’re brown.
Even Blacks are too stupid to realize that Business Visas and Illegals kicked them out of many professions.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.

Black families have been destroyed. This leads to shit educational outcomes. WHich leads to shit jobs.

None of that has anything to do with racism, discrimination, or Republicans.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

What Happens When CEOs Take A Pledge To Improve Diversity And Inclusion?

Their shared beliefs were that this is one of society’s biggest issues, that their companies need to better represent the community, and that diverse teams perform better. Their commitment to improve the culture of their organizations resulted in the creation of the CEO Action Pledge for Diversity and Inclusion which now has over 350 member companies representing 85 different industries.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

No. But anyone who doesn't sign the diversity pledge will not look good in the business community and could even be punished by boycotts or being called out publicly. And don't just sign the pledge and not get diverse. You'll get called on that too. So no the government won't force companies to do anything but we the people can and will.

This is the promise these companies are making. At least they get it:

1. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously.

2. We will share best—and unsuccessful—practices: Each of our companies has established programs and initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Yet, we know that many companies are still developing their strategies. We will commit to helping other companies evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies and encourage them, in turn, to share their successes and challenges with others.

We recognize that these commitments are not the complete answer, but we believe they are important, concrete steps toward building more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We hope our list of signatories will grow, and we invite other CEOs across America to join us.

Let’s come together to make good on the inherent promise that all of our people should be able to bring their best selves to work and unleash their full potential. By working together toward diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.
I bet when IT went 100% Indian Business Visa you didn’t give a shit because at least they’re brown.
Even Blacks are too stupid to realize that Business Visas and Illegals kicked them out of many professions.

Well we know it affected you and that's why you are so sensitive about the subject. You remind me of a coal miner.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

No. But anyone who doesn't sign the diversity pledge will not look good in the business community and could even be punished by boycotts or being called out publicly. And don't just sign the pledge and not get diverse. You'll get called on that too. So no the government won't force companies to do anything but we the people can and will.

This is the promise these companies are making. At least they get it:

1. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously.

2. We will share best—and unsuccessful—practices: Each of our companies has established programs and initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Yet, we know that many companies are still developing their strategies. We will commit to helping other companies evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies and encourage them, in turn, to share their successes and challenges with others.

We recognize that these commitments are not the complete answer, but we believe they are important, concrete steps toward building more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We hope our list of signatories will grow, and we invite other CEOs across America to join us.

Let’s come together to make good on the inherent promise that all of our people should be able to bring their best selves to work and unleash their full potential. By working together toward diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.
I bet when IT went 100% Indian Business Visa you didn’t give a shit because at least they’re brown.
Even Blacks are too stupid to realize that Business Visas and Illegals kicked them out of many professions.
with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; blacks could be coming up with a new Carthage for the Union; simply because they have some money to work with.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

What Happens When CEOs Take A Pledge To Improve Diversity And Inclusion?

Their shared beliefs were that this is one of society’s biggest issues, that their companies need to better represent the community, and that diverse teams perform better. Their commitment to improve the culture of their organizations resulted in the creation of the CEO Action Pledge for Diversity and Inclusion which now has over 350 member companies representing 85 different industries.
Now back to reality...
You know what diversity means?
Business Visas.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.

Black families have been destroyed. This leads to shit educational outcomes. WHich leads to shit jobs.

None of that has anything to do with racism, discrimination, or Republicans.
Just remember when blacks moved in to our neighborhood, you and your family moved out and mine stayed.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

What Happens When CEOs Take A Pledge To Improve Diversity And Inclusion?

Their shared beliefs were that this is one of society’s biggest issues, that their companies need to better represent the community, and that diverse teams perform better. Their commitment to improve the culture of their organizations resulted in the creation of the CEO Action Pledge for Diversity and Inclusion which now has over 350 member companies representing 85 different industries.

I hope all the more qualified whites denied jobs or promotions to make this happen, are libs happy to take one for the team.
The GOP can offer Blacks less welfare, less food stamps, and an end of Affirmative Action. Sound good?

When affirmative action needs to be ended is when they should end it. When I go to companies and I see ZERO black people working there, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily we don't need affirmative action to be the law of the land. Fortune 500 companies have all signed a Diversity Pledge. They pledge to have the right amount of women and minorities working for them. Why? It's the right thing to do.

Why don't they already have the right amount of women and minorities working for them? The answer Republicans give is why blacks don't vote GOP. Republicans don't believe racism discrimination and bigotry play a role.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

No. But anyone who doesn't sign the diversity pledge will not look good in the business community and could even be punished by boycotts or being called out publicly. And don't just sign the pledge and not get diverse. You'll get called on that too. So no the government won't force companies to do anything but we the people can and will.

This is the promise these companies are making. At least they get it:

1. We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously.

2. We will share best—and unsuccessful—practices: Each of our companies has established programs and initiatives around diversity and inclusion. Yet, we know that many companies are still developing their strategies. We will commit to helping other companies evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies and encourage them, in turn, to share their successes and challenges with others.

We recognize that these commitments are not the complete answer, but we believe they are important, concrete steps toward building more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We hope our list of signatories will grow, and we invite other CEOs across America to join us.

Let’s come together to make good on the inherent promise that all of our people should be able to bring their best selves to work and unleash their full potential. By working together toward diversity and inclusion within our workplaces, industries, and broader business community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.
I bet when IT went 100% Indian Business Visa you didn’t give a shit because at least they’re brown.
Even Blacks are too stupid to realize that Business Visas and Illegals kicked them out of many professions.

Well we know it affected you and that's why you are so sensitive about the subject. You remind me of a coal miner.
And yet you have never once responded like that to any of the Blacks here.
Face it, you’re a self hating White man.
In many ways desegregation was the beginning of the end of economic independence in predominantly black communities.

Instead of retaining loyalty to community based bussineses, black consumers took their business to the places that they were forbidden pto patronize in the past. I can vividly recall how proud my grandmother was to be able to walk into an establishment that she could not be served in before, and actually pay a HIGHER price than she would have paid closer to her own home.

That is the epitome of effective brainwashing and social conditioning.

To take pride in being able to participate in an illusion of acceptance.

Sounds like longing for the Jim Crow days. :eek:

Not necessarily. What it means is that in addition to the restrictions of Jim Crow being lifted, that community awareness and recognition of how recirculation of monetary capital keeps a community growing and building generational wealth is important.

Case in point. Any metropolitan area that you visit, normally has a "Koreatown, a Chinatown, a Little Italy"...etc. and these ethnically based communities in many ways are economically self supporting.

They have their own job market, their own banks, and the businesses are supported by the people who live there. And because this is America everyone is free to come and visit.

That's what I am saying.

Only the dumbest white actually would think you are for a return to jim crow because you stated what you did.

Well, IM2, there are actually some here who believe that blacks were better off as slaves, and that the black population should in some perverse way be grateful that slavery existed here.

Afterall, had it not been for slavery, we would all be living in mudhuts and running through the jungle naked.

The ignorance that resides in some here is astonishing.
Well there is some truth to it. Personally, I should be glad the Turks enslaved the Greeks for hundreds of years. Why? Because it led to me being born. Had they not invaded that would have changed the timeline.

It's like someone who was born to a woman who's husband was killed on 9-11. She met another man after her husband was killed and she had this child. That child should be glad 9-11 happened because if it didn't they would have never been born.

Slavery and 9-11, bad things. BUT, without slavery you wouldn't have been born.

You've gone stupid here sealy. Why whites think they can say what you did is irritating, but ignorance is part of life.

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