What, exactly, do warmists think that deniers are denying?

just to make things clear, I am talking about legitimate public figures who have been called deniers, like McIntyre, Watts, Lindzen, Curry or the Pielkes. hell, I'll even throw in Monckton if your side takes credit for Mann.

let's start with the basics-

1. my side says there has been warming since the end of the Little Ice Age. 0.7C was the acknowledged concensus amount circa Y2K. after Y2K the massive amounts of 'corrections' to the temperature data make the total very uncertain.

2. my side says that doubling atmospheric CO2 should theoretically warm the surface by 1.0-1.2C, with everything else being equal. your side?

3. my side says that CO2 has increased and that human burning of fossil fuels is responsible for a significant portion of that increase. yours?

those three things are the basis of AGW and I would like to point out that both warmists and skeptics agree to a very close degree on them. it may seem like baby steps but I would like to document our agreements before we diverge into our differences and the reasons for them.

are most people who are interested in the science rather than the politics OK with it so far?
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists - Telegraph

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists
The third characteristic is selectivity, drawing on isolated papers that challenge the dominant consensus or highlighting the flaws in the weakest papers among those that support it as a means of discrediting the entire field.
An op-ed article is science to you?
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Don't make stuff up. Skeptics don't deny that the earth is warming...we deny that mankind is changing the global climate via CO2.
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Don't make stuff up. Skeptics don't deny that the earth is warming...we deny that mankind is changing the global climate via CO2.
Well, since you edited the newspaper article about deniers claiming global cooling, here is another. There are plenty more.

DEMING: Another year of global cooling - Washington Times

DEMING: Another year of global cooling

Falling temperatures are giving climate alarmists chills
"Turds like you". Impressive command of the epithet there Paddy.

Honestly, gentlemen, the repetitious expressions of your long standing hostility towards the educated has never really been necessary to establish the gaping dichomtomy twixt the two of you. I can't imagine that anyone would EVER get you confused. Move on, laddies. Move on.

So if you criticize a follower of the AGW cult, then you are "hostile towards the educated?" What "gaping dichotomy?" You mean the way he posts drivel and I post facts and logic?

Obviously your education didn't include a course on logic.
just to make things clear, I am talking about legitimate public figures who have been called deniers, like McIntyre, Watts, Lindzen, Curry or the Pielkes. hell, I'll even throw in Monckton if your side takes credit for Mann.

let's start with the basics-

1. my side says there has been warming since the end of the Little Ice Age. 0.7C was the acknowledged concensus amount circa Y2K. after Y2K the massive amounts of 'corrections' to the temperature data make the total very uncertain.

2. my side says that doubling atmospheric CO2 should theoretically warm the surface by 1.0-1.2C, with everything else being equal. your side?

3. my side says that CO2 has increased and that human burning of fossil fuels is responsible for a significant portion of that increase. yours?

those three things are the basis of AGW and I would like to point out that both warmists and skeptics agree to a very close degree on them. it may seem like baby steps but I would like to document our agreements before we diverge into our differences and the reasons for them.

are most people who are interested in the science rather than the politics OK with it so far?
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists - Telegraph

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists

Confusing yes.. But part of the legit debate.. Not statement of deniers.. Just observations on empirical evidence. That being the 15 year hiatus, the minimal rate of temp rise, and strong indications that the sun may be entering some kind of minimum..

Judith Curry (quoted in that article) is one of the few top climate scientists taking the line that the climate system is more complicated than the simplistic CO2 modeling that has been done. And she is absolutely correct in that observation..
Who are the climate change deniers?

Despite the international scientific community's consensus on climate change, a small number of critics continue to deny that climate change exists or that humans are causing it. Widely known as climate change "skeptics" or "deniers", these individuals are generally not climate scientists and do not debate the science with the climate scientists directly—for example, by publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or participating in international conferences on climate science. Instead, they focus their attention on the media, the general public and policy-makers with the goal of delaying action on climate change.
Complete bullshit.. Many outspoken critics at the top echelons of "climate science". You only need a few to refute the "science is settled" crowd. And THEY DO debate openly.. In the past 4 yrs, Climate Science has done a superb job of contradicting itself with revelations that the oceans are a HUGE negative feedback on the climate, the climate system contains significant DELAYS in equibrilium, and that the modeling performance is NOT sufficient to predict LONG LULLs in the warming and overemphasizes the effects of CO2 while underestimating the effects of natural cycles..
Over the years, the deniers have employed a wide range of arguments against taking action on climate change, some of which contradict each other. For example, they have claimed that:
• Climate change is not occurring
• The global climate is actually getting colder
• The global climate is getting warmer, but not because of human activities
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but this will create greater benefits than costs
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but the impacts are not sufficient to require any policy response

Prime example of why this thread is LONG overdue.. Only the last 2 are SIGNIFICANT denier positions.. You could make a much longer list of what Global Warming zealots are claiming. There are THOUSANDS of laughable claims that pass media scrutiny.. Including claims of higher crime and hair loss.

You've exactly proved the point that debate is being avoided by mocking and slurs. And THERE IS NO Global Warming Consensus.. Not by polling, not by predictions. Ask the IPCC what the temperature increase will be for the next 50 years. What is the "consensus" on that? There is none.. There is a wide range of scraggly fears and prognostications. But no SCIENTIFIC consensus...
just to make things clear, I am talking about legitimate public figures who have been called deniers, like McIntyre, Watts, Lindzen, Curry or the Pielkes. hell, I'll even throw in Monckton if your side takes credit for Mann.

let's start with the basics-

1. my side says there has been warming since the end of the Little Ice Age. 0.7C was the acknowledged concensus amount circa Y2K. after Y2K the massive amounts of 'corrections' to the temperature data make the total very uncertain.

2. my side says that doubling atmospheric CO2 should theoretically warm the surface by 1.0-1.2C, with everything else being equal. your side?

3. my side says that CO2 has increased and that human burning of fossil fuels is responsible for a significant portion of that increase. yours?

those three things are the basis of AGW and I would like to point out that both warmists and skeptics agree to a very close degree on them. it may seem like baby steps but I would like to document our agreements before we diverge into our differences and the reasons for them.

are most people who are interested in the science rather than the politics OK with it so far?
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists - Telegraph

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists

Confusing yes.. But part of the legit debate.. Not statement of deniers.. Just observations on empirical evidence. That being the 15 year hiatus, the minimal rate of temp rise, and strong indications that the sun may be entering some kind of minimum..

Judith Curry (quoted in that article) is one of the few top climate scientists taking the line that the climate system is more complicated than the simplistic CO2 modeling that has been done. And she is absolutely correct in that observation..
Think about it, with the sun entering a minimum, warming only slows down! Obviously some other forcing influence is approaching the equivalent of the sun's influence! What do you think will happen when the sun is no longer at a minimum?
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists - Telegraph

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists

Confusing yes.. But part of the legit debate.. Not statement of deniers.. Just observations on empirical evidence. That being the 15 year hiatus, the minimal rate of temp rise, and strong indications that the sun may be entering some kind of minimum..

Judith Curry (quoted in that article) is one of the few top climate scientists taking the line that the climate system is more complicated than the simplistic CO2 modeling that has been done. And she is absolutely correct in that observation..
Think about it, with the sun entering a minimum, warming only slows down! Obviously some other forcing influence is approaching the equivalent of the sun's influence! What do you think will happen when the sun is no longer at a minimum?

The earth will continue its exit from the present ice age just as it has been doing for millennia
Don't play dumb, deniers are denying that the Earth is warming.

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists - Telegraph

Global warming? No, actually we're cooling, claim scientists

Confusing yes.. But part of the legit debate.. Not statement of deniers.. Just observations on empirical evidence. That being the 15 year hiatus, the minimal rate of temp rise, and strong indications that the sun may be entering some kind of minimum..

Judith Curry (quoted in that article) is one of the few top climate scientists taking the line that the climate system is more complicated than the simplistic CO2 modeling that has been done. And she is absolutely correct in that observation..
Think about it, with the sun entering a minimum, warming only slows down! Obviously some other forcing influence is approaching the equivalent of the sun's influence! What do you think will happen when the sun is no longer at a minimum?

Except that solar scientists are looking at patterns and seeing a FUTURE decrease in the total solar output.. Like (maybe) what happened in the 1700s.. CURRENTLY, the Total Solar Isolation is holding steady at 300 yr relative HIGH.. Imagine what will happen to the temp curve that's been essentially flat for 15 yrs if we come off that relative solar high?

That and the realization that ocean thermal oscillations are additive when it comes to Global averages. And THEIR effect on the temperature is large enough to have stalled out the temp rise.. All of these confounding issues are now INCORPORATED into mainstream climate science. Should have happened decades ago..

Its not over -- we don't even SEE a fat lady singing anywheres...
The earth will continue its exit from the present ice age just as it has been doing for millennia

The world exited the ice age 5000 years ago. It's been heading back into one since then.

Well, at least until the past few years. Then the slow cooling suddenly switched to fast warming, for reasons that no natural causes can explain.
The earth will continue its exit from the present ice age just as it has been doing for millennia

The world exited the ice age 5000 years ago. It's been heading back into one since then.

Well, at least until the past few years. Then the slow cooling suddenly switched to fast warming, for reasons that no natural causes can explain.

:lol::lol::lol: Jeez admiral, when you go full stupid you don't mess around! I had to capture this post of yours just so people can see what happens when you post something of your own. That's when we get to see the REAL admiral, and boy...is he DUMB!

You might want to go back and take a look at the last 14,000 years and then you can come back and post your retraction.

You are keeping true to form though.... Hansen's predictions were 300% off, and your recollection of the history of the last ice age is 200% inaccurate!:lol::lol:

BTW, look up PLEISTOCENE...that will be a good beginning for you...we currently are enjoying the HOLOCENE....

Just some friendly pointers to set you in the right direction...
Confusing yes.. But part of the legit debate.. Not statement of deniers.. Just observations on empirical evidence. That being the 15 year hiatus, the minimal rate of temp rise, and strong indications that the sun may be entering some kind of minimum..

Judith Curry (quoted in that article) is one of the few top climate scientists taking the line that the climate system is more complicated than the simplistic CO2 modeling that has been done. And she is absolutely correct in that observation..
Think about it, with the sun entering a minimum, warming only slows down! Obviously some other forcing influence is approaching the equivalent of the sun's influence! What do you think will happen when the sun is no longer at a minimum?

Except that solar scientists are looking at patterns and seeing a FUTURE decrease in the total solar output.. Like (maybe) what happened in the 1700s.. CURRENTLY, the Total Solar Isolation is holding steady at 300 yr relative HIGH.. Imagine what will happen to the temp curve that's been essentially flat for 15 yrs if we come off that relative solar high?

That and the realization that ocean thermal oscillations are additive when it comes to Global averages. And THEIR effect on the temperature is large enough to have stalled out the temp rise.. All of these confounding issues are now INCORPORATED into mainstream climate science. Should have happened decades ago..

Its not over -- we don't even SEE a fat lady singing anywheres...
Variations in total solar irradiance were too small to detect with technology available before the satellite era. Total solar output is now measured as varying (over the last three 11-year sunspot cycles) by approximately 0.1%

You might want to go back and take a look at the last 14,000 years and then you can come back and post your retraction.

So you're even ignorant of how ice age cycles work? When you fail this hard at the basics, you make geologists look bad.

Hansen's predictions were 300% off,

You've seen the debunking of that crazy fable before, yet you still choose to repeat it. You just conveniently discard any facts that aren't convenient for your cult.
Think about it, with the sun entering a minimum, warming only slows down! Obviously some other forcing influence is approaching the equivalent of the sun's influence! What do you think will happen when the sun is no longer at a minimum?

Except that solar scientists are looking at patterns and seeing a FUTURE decrease in the total solar output.. Like (maybe) what happened in the 1700s.. CURRENTLY, the Total Solar Isolation is holding steady at 300 yr relative HIGH.. Imagine what will happen to the temp curve that's been essentially flat for 15 yrs if we come off that relative solar high?

That and the realization that ocean thermal oscillations are additive when it comes to Global averages. And THEIR effect on the temperature is large enough to have stalled out the temp rise.. All of these confounding issues are now INCORPORATED into mainstream climate science. Should have happened decades ago..

Its not over -- we don't even SEE a fat lady singing anywheres...
Variations in total solar irradiance were too small to detect with technology available before the satellite era. Total solar output is now measured as varying (over the last three 11-year sunspot cycles) by approximately 0.1%


Great chart.. You just need a larger historical perspective on the climate..


Quite a runup on that scale.. It "paused" back in the 80s.. But delays being what they are to equilibrium on a ball as big as the Earth.. There are likely substantial delays involved in distributing all that heat.. Over 1W/m2 since the Maunder Min back in the 1700s..

Warmers LOVE to use sunspot counts, include the 22 yr cycle variance, ANYTHING they can toss out there to ignore the baseline increase in insolation...
You might want to go back and take a look at the last 14,000 years and then you can come back and post your retraction.

So you're even ignorant of how ice age cycles work? When you fail this hard at the basics, you make geologists look bad.

Hansen's predictions were 300% off,

You've seen the debunking of that crazy fable before, yet you still choose to repeat it. You just conveniently discard any facts that aren't convenient for your cult.

Sure thing admiral!:lol::lol: Here's the wiki entry for you...that seems to be the limit of your abilities....

The last glacial period, popularly known as the Ice Age, was the most recent glacial period within the current ice age occurring during the last years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago.

OOOOOOOOPS! But then, you are one of those who think 2+2=11, so there is no hope for you!

Last glacial period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who are the climate change deniers?

Despite the international scientific community's consensus on climate change, a small number of critics continue to deny that climate change exists or that humans are causing it. Widely known as climate change "skeptics" or "deniers", these individuals are generally not climate scientists and do not debate the science with the climate scientists directly—for example, by publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or participating in international conferences on climate science. Instead, they focus their attention on the media, the general public and policy-makers with the goal of delaying action on climate change.
Complete bullshit.. Many outspoken critics at the top echelons of "climate science". You only need a few to refute the "science is settled" crowd. And THEY DO debate openly.. In the past 4 yrs, Climate Science has done a superb job of contradicting itself with revelations that the oceans are a HUGE negative feedback on the climate, the climate system contains significant DELAYS in equibrilium, and that the modeling performance is NOT sufficient to predict LONG LULLs in the warming and overemphasizes the effects of CO2 while underestimating the effects of natural cycles..
Over the years, the deniers have employed a wide range of arguments against taking action on climate change, some of which contradict each other. For example, they have claimed that:
• Climate change is not occurring
• The global climate is actually getting colder
• The global climate is getting warmer, but not because of human activities
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but this will create greater benefits than costs
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but the impacts are not sufficient to require any policy response

Prime example of why this thread is LONG overdue.. Only the last 2 are SIGNIFICANT denier positions.. You could make a much longer list of what Global Warming zealots are claiming. There are THOUSANDS of laughable claims that pass media scrutiny.. Including claims of higher crime and hair loss.

You've exactly proved the point that debate is being avoided by mocking and slurs. And THERE IS NO Global Warming Consensus.. Not by polling, not by predictions. Ask the IPCC what the temperature increase will be for the next 50 years. What is the "consensus" on that? There is none.. There is a wide range of scraggly fears and prognostications. But no SCIENTIFIC consensus...

So you are going to totally ignore that the fossil fuel industry has funded a disinformation campaign?

Global Warming Skeptic Organizations

An overwhelming majority of scientists agree — global warming is happening and human activity is the primary cause. Yet several prominent global warming skeptic organizations are actively working to sow doubt about the facts of global warming.

These organizations play a key role in the fossil fuel industry's "disinformation playbook," a strategy designed to confuse the public about global warming and delay action on climate change. Why? Because the fossil fuel industry wants to sell more coal, oil, and gas — even though the science clearly shows that the resulting carbon emissions threaten our planet.

Facts about Global Warming and the Fossil Fuel Industry's Secret Tactics to Undermine Them Exposing the Disinformation Playbook: An Interactive Slideshow | Union of Concerned Scientists

Powerful coal, oil, and gas interests are trying to confuse us all about global warming and renewable energy. Not with facts or reasoned argument — but with disinformation.

In this interactive slideshow, UCS reveals the tactics used by the fossil fuel industry to spread disinformation and delay action on climate change — the very same tactics used by Big Tobacco for years to mislead the public about the dangers of smoking.
Last edited:
Except that solar scientists are looking at patterns and seeing a FUTURE decrease in the total solar output.. Like (maybe) what happened in the 1700s.. CURRENTLY, the Total Solar Isolation is holding steady at 300 yr relative HIGH.. Imagine what will happen to the temp curve that's been essentially flat for 15 yrs if we come off that relative solar high?

That and the realization that ocean thermal oscillations are additive when it comes to Global averages. And THEIR effect on the temperature is large enough to have stalled out the temp rise.. All of these confounding issues are now INCORPORATED into mainstream climate science. Should have happened decades ago..

Its not over -- we don't even SEE a fat lady singing anywheres...
Variations in total solar irradiance were too small to detect with technology available before the satellite era. Total solar output is now measured as varying (over the last three 11-year sunspot cycles) by approximately 0.1%


Great chart.. You just need a larger historical perspective on the climate..


Quite a runup on that scale.. It "paused" back in the 80s.. But delays being what they are to equilibrium on a ball as big as the Earth.. There are likely substantial delays involved in distributing all that heat.. Over 1W/m2 since the Maunder Min back in the 1700s..

Warmers LOVE to use sunspot counts, include the 22 yr cycle variance, ANYTHING they can toss out there to ignore the baseline increase in insolation...
Interesting how you have a chart going back to the 1600s when there were no instruments capable of accurately measuring solar radiation. So you are using proxies, which vary greatly depending which proxy used. No problem, pick the inaccurate proxy that fits what you want and ignore all the other inaccurate proxies.


This figure shows two different proxies of solar activity during the last several hundred years. In red is shown the Group Sunspot Number (Rg) as reconstructed from historical observations by Hoyt and Schatten (1998a, 1998b) [1]. In blue is shown the beryllium-10 concentration (104 atoms/(gram of ice)) as measured in an annually layered ice core from Dye-3, Greenland


Solar activity events recorded in radiocarbon. Present period is on right. Values since 1900 not shown.


11,000 Year Sunspot Number Reconstruction SN = sunspot number. "The tabulated years correspond to centers of the corresponding 10-year intervals. Negative values are artifacts and are consistent with zero within the error limits."


Red curve shows 2,000-year solar Hallstadtzeit Cycles.
The last glacial period, popularly known as the Ice Age, was the most recent glacial period within the current ice age occurring during the last years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago.

That's nice. It's still not what I'm talking about. But you make sure to have fun with whatever you're doing.

Back on my planet, which is earth, the ice age gradually ended, temps rose, temps peaked from around 8000 - 5000 years ago, and then started their slow decline.


If you want, you can save some face by declaring I should have said "8000" instead of "5000". But my point stands. The world had been slowly cooling for the past 5000 years, until the past couple decades.

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