What exactly does BLM want?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
This is a serious inquiry. What specifically would satisfy BLM and cause them to stop rioting and destroying things?

the BLM NY leader was on Fox last night and was asked that exact question, he dodged and did not answer.

If you reply please no talking points, just specifics
He said "If you do not not give us what we demand we will burn it down". I don't think we'll ever get a einitive answer, it will be ever changing.
You will NEVER get an answer. Sure they'll say "SHUCKS WHEN NO MORE BLACKS ARE KILLED". Neat, so every two years when a bad cop kills a MARTYR thug I guess it's time to riot again right PROGS? Meanwhile other races don't count right, that alone shows who PROGS really are.

PROGS are dirty, their minds only function to parrot, do drugs, eat and pretend they're heroic for the black community & ME TOO when they're the worst offenders.
This is a serious inquiry. What specifically would satisfy BLM and cause them to stop rioting and destroying things?

the BLM NY leader was on Fox last night and was asked that exact question, he dodged and did not answer.

If you reply please no talking points, just specifics

What do they want? They are Black Supremacists and so they want ONLY Blacks in America and GTFO Whites, Hispanics and Asians. This is what I think BLM want. Soon BLM will start to target OTHER Blacks who they consider NOT Black enough.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
This is a serious inquiry. What specifically would satisfy BLM and cause them to stop rioting and destroying things?

the BLM NY leader was on Fox last night and was asked that exact question, he dodged and did not answer.

If you reply please no talking points, just specifics
I don't know, what specifically would satisfy you to convince you Trump is an idiot? Or an atheist that God exists? Or a religious person that God doesn't exist? This is not me deflecting this is pointing out that knowing exactly what it would take to restore trust between the black community and the police is a hard question to answer. BLM has issued highly specific demands Movement for Black Lives - Wikipedia. Knowing if it'll be enough to satisfy them is harder to answer.
They want Much Laxer law enforcement because they are engineered to misbehave and want much broader latitude so their crimes and delinquencies are not treated as such
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.
Why even create this thread if all your purpose is to deceive and lie?
There are a percentage of people who can not compete. And it is painful to admit it. The Black community have their share and it may be higher. Some of the job classifications they are not in that much. And quotas have put some in that are not that good. The same for every other real privileged group. White males have been the biggest losers in this. There are millions and millions of impoverished white males with no privileged agenda programs upfront for them Black males have suffered because they are not at the top of quota list. This is truth. No malice in it. You see it in all of our key industries. From science to industrial to manufacturing and more. At some point we will come to realize this. If it is to late when it comes it will not be nice. It may not be nice anyway.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.

The problem is your reports (and I've read several like them) compare apples to oranges.

A young white guy gets busted with some coke, and a black guy gets busted with the same amount.

The white guy when busted surrenders to police and cooperates fully. While being processed, he doesn't give them any hard time. He ends up in court, very well dressed, new hair cut, and pays attention to the proceedings. When allowed to speak, he apologizes to the court, tells them he simply made a very stupid mistake. The judge (who has his criminal record) only sees that one charge.

The black guy when busted run from the cops. In the process, he tries to get rid of the evidence. When the cops catch up to him, he starts fighting them. When the police find the bag he threw away, he states it isn't his, even though one of the officers seen him throw the bag. When he gets to the station, he refuses to cooperate. He ends up in court looking like he just left a bar. He's rolling his eyes during the proceeding, not looking at the judge or the prosecutor, shaking his head back and forth. The judge not only watches his disrespect for the court, but looks at is criminal record which is lengthy, especially for a guy his age.

Can you tell me why these two different judges would give both offenders the same sentence?
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.

Most employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The person that makes the most green for the employer is his best employee.

Blacks are hired on race in some cases. As a former truck driver, I used to deliver to our regular customers who slowly changed their mostly white crew to mostly black. Blacks will do the job for less money. Perhaps not as good of a job as the whites, but in the end, the company makes higher profit. Blacks can afford to work for less money because the cost of living is lower in black communities. They do have a real advantage over white workers.

Nearly every case where a death occurs at the hands of police, white or black, it's because the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the officers. If BLM really cared about black lives, they would be promoting the disabling of police officers. How do you disable a police officer? Follow every command they give you to a tee.
This is a serious inquiry. What specifically would satisfy BLM and cause them to stop rioting and destroying things?

the BLM NY leader was on Fox last night and was asked that exact question, he dodged and did not answer.

If you reply please no talking points, just specifics

What they want is basically a lawless society. When a black person runs from police, they want the cops to not pursue the suspect because he's black. If the suspect fights with officers, they should stand back and let the suspect go, no matter the seriousness of the crime. If a black suspect spits on officers, he should not be charged with assault, the police should just have to take it, it's part of their job. When a black starts shooting at police officers, they should just take cover until the suspect runs away or runs out of ammunition.

This is what BLM really wants.
This is a serious inquiry. What specifically would satisfy BLM and cause them to stop rioting and destroying things?

the BLM NY leader was on Fox last night and was asked that exact question, he dodged and did not answer.

If you reply please no talking points, just specifics
Everything...they want your money and your property and for you to be their slaves.
And the White members are BLM are in for a shock if BLM gets what they want.
Don't believe for a moment they're after justice.

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