What exactly does BLM want?

What exactly does BLM want?
Equal treatment.
cool ...lets get rid of affirmative action and racial hiring quotas ..... if you arent qualified you dont get the job ... you dont get extra points for being a minority .

And while we're at it, lets get rid of Hate Crime laws. What are Hate Crime laws? Laws that give additional punishment to somebody that attacked or killed a likely Democrat voter.
Go over to my response to the guy you quoted and help him sound it out. Maybe between the two of you you can get it without having someone read it to you.
Why even create this thread if all your purpose is to deceive and lie?
Any functioning adult who claims to truly not know what's going on here, whether they agree with it or not, is simply being obtuse. What is happening is not some big secret, nor are its reasons, and it has existed in the big picture for generations. And longer.

One would have to consciously avoid news and opinion to be in the dark here.

Difficult to imagine this is serious.
Do you really not believe the very words of the BLM founder. Do you NOT see the symbols used by BLM and their DIRECT correlation with Marxist symbols?

We have too many people burying their heads in the sand. Jesus.
BLM is one organization. This is not about them. This significantly pre-dates them. There is MUCH more to it than them.

They are just one reaction to an environment that has existed for a LONG TIME.

We have too many people burying their heads in the sand. Jesus.
BLM is a domestic Taliban. And yes Mac1958, these anti-American savages apparently funded by Soros types and delusional Whites brainwashed by Frankfurt school controlled public schools and colleges have been at it for years. They simply use savages resisting arrest as an excuse.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.

The problem is your reports (and I've read several like them) compare apples to oranges.

A young white guy gets busted with some coke, and a black guy gets busted with the same amount.

The white guy when busted surrenders to police and cooperates fully. While being processed, he doesn't give them any hard time. He ends up in court, very well dressed, new hair cut, and pays attention to the proceedings. When allowed to speak, he apologizes to the court, tells them he simply made a very stupid mistake. The judge (who has his criminal record) only sees that one charge.

The black guy when busted run from the cops. In the process, he tries to get rid of the evidence. When the cops catch up to him, he starts fighting them. When the police find the bag he threw away, he states it isn't his, even though one of the officers seen him throw the bag. When he gets to the station, he refuses to cooperate. He ends up in court looking like he just left a bar. He's rolling his eyes during the proceeding, not looking at the judge or the prosecutor, shaking his head back and forth. The judge not only watches his disrespect for the court, but looks at is criminal record which is lengthy, especially for a guy his age.

Can you tell me why these two different judges would give both offenders the same sentence?
So your counter-argument against a report filed to the UN a report that you don't dispute the facts of is a hypothetical anecdote that would at best count as an excuse? Can you tell the difference between the strengths of our argument?

My point is that you (and these studies) only look at the bottom line. There is a lot of in-between that is ignored. I've been to court. I was in a judges chamber when he interviewed the police on the conduct of the person involved; he interviewed me. It was not pleasant, and it was a black guy. The judge did not favor him very much based on what we told him.

We don't penalize people simply on the thing they are being in court for. If it were that easy, and everybody got the same penalty regardless of circumstance, then we would only need a printer to spit out the same sentence no matter what each and every time.

We have judges for a reason. The judge has to weigh everything in a case, not just the charge itself. In my example above, a judge is not likely to throw the book at a guy who got caught up in a bad situation, making him a felon, and spending the best years of his life in prison for a simple mistake. Conversely, he's not going to give a guy a break who's been in and out of the slammer repeatedly, especially if it's the same kind of crime.

Since this subject rears it's ugly head from time to time, I'm going to throw you a bone here. One day I asked a friend of mine, who works in the justice system in downtown Cleveland if he thought blacks get harsher sentences than whites? He said he had no statistics available, but his opinion is that yes, depending on the judge, at times they do.

But guess what? The judges he was referring to were black judges. It makes sense. If a white judge had animosity to black people in general, the worst thing he could do for a black community is get that criminal back out on their streets. The best thing he could do is lock up that criminal for as long as possible.

A black judge is the opposite. He or she may live in those black communities, or perhaps family or friends. The best thing that black judge could do is throw the book at a black criminal. They want to rid their society of such people, not give them a slap on the hand for them to return and cause more trouble.
Actually neither I nor the study looks simply at the result. In fact, in its introduction, it recognizes that racism isn't the best explanation for it. It states economics as the main reason. I've been here on record on multiple OP's recognizing the folly of boiling the systemic problems (note I didn't say racism) of the justice system and society as a whole to simply racism.

In the end, the reason for inequality doesn't really matter to those who are a victim of it, they just see that it happens and the injustice of it.

What is important to those that want to solve the problems is that the fact that there is a problem is acknowledged and that the reasons for it are discussed honestly. That means that black people don't immediately assume racism as the only reason for their problems (although denying it exists is equally dishonest). And those who oppose BLM don't deny the validity of their concerns and for sure not focus on the minority who use violence during the protests.
Why even create this thread if all your purpose is to deceive and lie?
.....you don't even know the answer---hahahahha--which makes what everyone is saying about blacks not even knowing what BLM wants or means = true
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
..there is no problem of police brutality--I've linked this before
Why even create this thread if all your purpose is to deceive and lie?
There are a percentage of people who can not compete. And it is painful to admit it. The Black community have their share and it may be higher. Some of the job classifications they are not in that much. And quotas have put some in that are not that good. The same for every other real privileged group. White males have been the biggest losers in this. There are millions and millions of impoverished white males with no privileged agenda programs upfront for them Black males have suffered because they are not at the top of quota list. This is truth. No malice in it. You see it in all of our key industries. From science to industrial to manufacturing and more. At some point we will come to realize this. If it is to late when it comes it will not be nice. It may not be nice anyway.
I only partially agree with that post.
My original career has been destroyed by Business Visas.
I saw many Blacks being laid off in IT just like Whites.
And then I wonder why Blacks don't petition Congress about this issue.
..I work with a lot of blacks in the police equipment business--and business is down because of the protesting by blacks
BLM is a neo-communist front group bent on the destruction and fundamental transformation of America into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe.
'Some people just want to see the world burn'.

Alfred Pennyworth.

I agree. There are people who are only happy when they are complaining. BLM is their own worst enemy.
....BLM are like the nazis who want to kill whites...I've linked this many times..they are America's worst enemy--and if you don't see that, you are a dumbass and hate America
'Some people just want to see the world burn'.

Alfred Pennyworth.

I agree. There are people who are only happy when they are complaining. BLM is their own worst enemy.
....BLM are like the nazis who want to kill whites...I've linked this many times..they are America's worst enemy--and if you don't see that, you are a dumbass and hate America
The people who buy into the neo-communist propaganda and race baiting are what stalin would call useful idiots, advocating for their own enslavement.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.

The problem is your reports (and I've read several like them) compare apples to oranges.

A young white guy gets busted with some coke, and a black guy gets busted with the same amount.

The white guy when busted surrenders to police and cooperates fully. While being processed, he doesn't give them any hard time. He ends up in court, very well dressed, new hair cut, and pays attention to the proceedings. When allowed to speak, he apologizes to the court, tells them he simply made a very stupid mistake. The judge (who has his criminal record) only sees that one charge.

The black guy when busted run from the cops. In the process, he tries to get rid of the evidence. When the cops catch up to him, he starts fighting them. When the police find the bag he threw away, he states it isn't his, even though one of the officers seen him throw the bag. When he gets to the station, he refuses to cooperate. He ends up in court looking like he just left a bar. He's rolling his eyes during the proceeding, not looking at the judge or the prosecutor, shaking his head back and forth. The judge not only watches his disrespect for the court, but looks at is criminal record which is lengthy, especially for a guy his age.

Can you tell me why these two different judges would give both offenders the same sentence?
So your counter-argument against a report filed to the UN a report that you don't dispute the facts of is a hypothetical anecdote that would at best count as an excuse? Can you tell the difference between the strengths of our argument?

My point is that you (and these studies) only look at the bottom line. There is a lot of in-between that is ignored. I've been to court. I was in a judges chamber when he interviewed the police on the conduct of the person involved; he interviewed me. It was not pleasant, and it was a black guy. The judge did not favor him very much based on what we told him.

We don't penalize people simply on the thing they are being in court for. If it were that easy, and everybody got the same penalty regardless of circumstance, then we would only need a printer to spit out the same sentence no matter what each and every time.

We have judges for a reason. The judge has to weigh everything in a case, not just the charge itself. In my example above, a judge is not likely to throw the book at a guy who got caught up in a bad situation, making him a felon, and spending the best years of his life in prison for a simple mistake. Conversely, he's not going to give a guy a break who's been in and out of the slammer repeatedly, especially if it's the same kind of crime.

Since this subject rears it's ugly head from time to time, I'm going to throw you a bone here. One day I asked a friend of mine, who works in the justice system in downtown Cleveland if he thought blacks get harsher sentences than whites? He said he had no statistics available, but his opinion is that yes, depending on the judge, at times they do.

But guess what? The judges he was referring to were black judges. It makes sense. If a white judge had animosity to black people in general, the worst thing he could do for a black community is get that criminal back out on their streets. The best thing he could do is lock up that criminal for as long as possible.

A black judge is the opposite. He or she may live in those black communities, or perhaps family or friends. The best thing that black judge could do is throw the book at a black criminal. They want to rid their society of such people, not give them a slap on the hand for them to return and cause more trouble.
Actually neither I nor the study looks simply at the result. In fact, in its introduction, it recognizes that racism isn't the best explanation for it. It states economics as the main reason. I've been here on record on multiple OP's recognizing the folly of boiling the systemic problems (note I didn't say racism) of the justice system and society as a whole to simply racism.

In the end, the reason for inequality doesn't really matter to those who are a victim of it, they just see that it happens and the injustice of it.

What is important to those that want to solve the problems is that the fact that there is a problem is acknowledged and that the reasons for it are discussed honestly. That means that black people don't immediately assume racism as the only reason for their problems (although denying it exists is equally dishonest). And those who oppose BLM don't deny the validity of their concerns and for sure not focus on the minority who use violence during the protests.

Your remark goes right back to the OP. WTF do they want?

This started over a black suspect dying partially over the actions of a white police officer. Nothing in their interactions indicated anything of race between the victim or any of the officers. The department seen the video. They arrested the police officer, and charged him with murder. He will have his day in court. He will likely go to prison. So what are the protests and riots about? What do these savages want us to do, kill the police officer on the spot before an investigation even starts?

I'd be willing to bet that if you could stop each and every person at these protests/ riots, half of them wouldn't even know Floyd's name. It's not about him, it's about the fact that Democrats have allowed this to happen two other times in their cities recently with little to no resistance, and now these people think they can pull this stunt anytime they want with impunity. Floyd was merely an excuse for them to act out. They don't care, and neither does BLM.

Poverty has nothing to do with it either. Our homeless people have cell phones for crying out loud. People from other countries that come here laugh at what we consider poverty. So-called poverty is nothing more than a cheap excuse for criminal behavior.
What exactly does BLM want?
Equal treatment.
cool ...lets get rid of affirmative action and racial hiring quotas ..... if you arent qualified you dont get the job ... you dont get extra points for being a minority .

And while we're at it, lets get rid of Hate Crime laws. What are Hate Crime laws? Laws that give additional punishment to somebody that attacked or killed a likely Democrat voter.
Go over to my response to the guy you quoted and help him sound it out. Maybe between the two of you you can get it without having someone read it to you.

I got it--you don't. You said they want equal treatment. Well, we want equal treatment too.
What exactly does BLM want?
Equal treatment.
cool ...lets get rid of affirmative action and racial hiring quotas ..... if you arent qualified you dont get the job ... you dont get extra points for being a minority .

And while we're at it, lets get rid of Hate Crime laws. What are Hate Crime laws? Laws that give additional punishment to somebody that attacked or killed a likely Democrat voter.
Go over to my response to the guy you quoted and help him sound it out. Maybe between the two of you you can get it without having someone read it to you.

I got it--you don't. You said they want equal treatment. Well, we want equal treatment too.
You're already getting more than equal.trestment.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.

The problem is your reports (and I've read several like them) compare apples to oranges.

A young white guy gets busted with some coke, and a black guy gets busted with the same amount.

The white guy when busted surrenders to police and cooperates fully. While being processed, he doesn't give them any hard time. He ends up in court, very well dressed, new hair cut, and pays attention to the proceedings. When allowed to speak, he apologizes to the court, tells them he simply made a very stupid mistake. The judge (who has his criminal record) only sees that one charge.

The black guy when busted run from the cops. In the process, he tries to get rid of the evidence. When the cops catch up to him, he starts fighting them. When the police find the bag he threw away, he states it isn't his, even though one of the officers seen him throw the bag. When he gets to the station, he refuses to cooperate. He ends up in court looking like he just left a bar. He's rolling his eyes during the proceeding, not looking at the judge or the prosecutor, shaking his head back and forth. The judge not only watches his disrespect for the court, but looks at is criminal record which is lengthy, especially for a guy his age.

Can you tell me why these two different judges would give both offenders the same sentence?
So your counter-argument against a report filed to the UN a report that you don't dispute the facts of is a hypothetical anecdote that would at best count as an excuse? Can you tell the difference between the strengths of our argument?

My point is that you (and these studies) only look at the bottom line. There is a lot of in-between that is ignored. I've been to court. I was in a judges chamber when he interviewed the police on the conduct of the person involved; he interviewed me. It was not pleasant, and it was a black guy. The judge did not favor him very much based on what we told him.

We don't penalize people simply on the thing they are being in court for. If it were that easy, and everybody got the same penalty regardless of circumstance, then we would only need a printer to spit out the same sentence no matter what each and every time.

We have judges for a reason. The judge has to weigh everything in a case, not just the charge itself. In my example above, a judge is not likely to throw the book at a guy who got caught up in a bad situation, making him a felon, and spending the best years of his life in prison for a simple mistake. Conversely, he's not going to give a guy a break who's been in and out of the slammer repeatedly, especially if it's the same kind of crime.

Since this subject rears it's ugly head from time to time, I'm going to throw you a bone here. One day I asked a friend of mine, who works in the justice system in downtown Cleveland if he thought blacks get harsher sentences than whites? He said he had no statistics available, but his opinion is that yes, depending on the judge, at times they do.

But guess what? The judges he was referring to were black judges. It makes sense. If a white judge had animosity to black people in general, the worst thing he could do for a black community is get that criminal back out on their streets. The best thing he could do is lock up that criminal for as long as possible.

A black judge is the opposite. He or she may live in those black communities, or perhaps family or friends. The best thing that black judge could do is throw the book at a black criminal. They want to rid their society of such people, not give them a slap on the hand for them to return and cause more trouble.
Actually neither I nor the study looks simply at the result. In fact, in its introduction, it recognizes that racism isn't the best explanation for it. It states economics as the main reason. I've been here on record on multiple OP's recognizing the folly of boiling the systemic problems (note I didn't say racism) of the justice system and society as a whole to simply racism.

In the end, the reason for inequality doesn't really matter to those who are a victim of it, they just see that it happens and the injustice of it.

What is important to those that want to solve the problems is that the fact that there is a problem is acknowledged and that the reasons for it are discussed honestly. That means that black people don't immediately assume racism as the only reason for their problems (although denying it exists is equally dishonest). And those who oppose BLM don't deny the validity of their concerns and for sure not focus on the minority who use violence during the protests.

Your remark goes right back to the OP. WTF do they want?

This started over a black suspect dying partially over the actions of a white police officer. Nothing in their interactions indicated anything of race between the victim or any of the officers. The department seen the video. They arrested the police officer, and charged him with murder. He will have his day in court. He will likely go to prison. So what are the protests and riots about? What do these savages want us to do, kill the police officer on the spot before an investigation even starts?

I'd be willing to bet that if you could stop each and every person at these protests/ riots, half of them wouldn't even know Floyd's name. It's not about him, it's about the fact that Democrats have allowed this to happen two other times in their cities recently with little to no resistance, and now these people think they can pull this stunt anytime they want with impunity. Floyd was merely an excuse for them to act out. They don't care, and neither does BLM.

Poverty has nothing to do with it either. Our homeless people have cell phones for crying out loud. People from other countries that come here laugh at what we consider poverty. So-called poverty is nothing more than a cheap excuse for criminal behavior.
..I've asked MANY times on USMB= how are these incidents RACIAL????!!..I get no answers

...but, when a black MURDERS whites BECAUSE of racial reasons, the MSM doens't even mention race!!!!..like this:
In Chicago they're asking for smaller class sizes in schools an end to charter schools and stoppage of school closings in Chicago, which was happening because the city is flat broke like the rest of the state.

So, I guess this is an education initiative.

It's become a catch-all. Like a political party with platform initiatives, it's anything any everything at this point. They were given a taste of victory when the rioting was allowed by passive mayors and governors seemingly frozen in place, and then came the actual discussions of defunding the police, so they received positive reinforcement for that nonsense. Now the list of demands grows by the hour.
Specific examples of police brutality are in great demand, and yet the supply is woefully short.

Hence they (the BLM crew) must explode the importance of the extremely rare instances, pretend that they are endemic, then ignore or obfuscate the criminality of the "victims." JUST ONCE show me a Black victim of police violence who is in fact completely innocent. They do exist, but as said above, the supply is very short.

If the BLM crew is looking for "equality," they will be disappointed. The only equality they can have is the one they already do have - the one guaranteed by the Constitution. There is no "systemic racism." That is a catch-all phrase that cannot be defined by examples because none exist. Show me an applicant for ANYTHING who is turned down because of his or her race. Doesn't happen any more, except in small irrelevant companies that are a dime a dozen. If one turns you down, there are ten others with the Welcome Mat out for you.

All men are created equal. But that refers to OPPORTUNITY and not RESULTS. You are responsible for your own results. Deal with it.
The constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistics don't show that, blacks are not just more likely to be arrested, they are also more likely to get sentenced harsher.

Racial profiling is not just pervasive but also discriminatory in its nature.
when you commit crimes you get arrested ... and when you keep committing crimes become a habitual scum bag repeat offender you get more time in jail.
And yet that's not what the report shows. Same crimes, harsher sentences.

The problem is your reports (and I've read several like them) compare apples to oranges.

A young white guy gets busted with some coke, and a black guy gets busted with the same amount.

The white guy when busted surrenders to police and cooperates fully. While being processed, he doesn't give them any hard time. He ends up in court, very well dressed, new hair cut, and pays attention to the proceedings. When allowed to speak, he apologizes to the court, tells them he simply made a very stupid mistake. The judge (who has his criminal record) only sees that one charge.

The black guy when busted run from the cops. In the process, he tries to get rid of the evidence. When the cops catch up to him, he starts fighting them. When the police find the bag he threw away, he states it isn't his, even though one of the officers seen him throw the bag. When he gets to the station, he refuses to cooperate. He ends up in court looking like he just left a bar. He's rolling his eyes during the proceeding, not looking at the judge or the prosecutor, shaking his head back and forth. The judge not only watches his disrespect for the court, but looks at is criminal record which is lengthy, especially for a guy his age.

Can you tell me why these two different judges would give both offenders the same sentence?
So your counter-argument against a report filed to the UN a report that you don't dispute the facts of is a hypothetical anecdote that would at best count as an excuse? Can you tell the difference between the strengths of our argument?

My point is that you (and these studies) only look at the bottom line. There is a lot of in-between that is ignored. I've been to court. I was in a judges chamber when he interviewed the police on the conduct of the person involved; he interviewed me. It was not pleasant, and it was a black guy. The judge did not favor him very much based on what we told him.

We don't penalize people simply on the thing they are being in court for. If it were that easy, and everybody got the same penalty regardless of circumstance, then we would only need a printer to spit out the same sentence no matter what each and every time.

We have judges for a reason. The judge has to weigh everything in a case, not just the charge itself. In my example above, a judge is not likely to throw the book at a guy who got caught up in a bad situation, making him a felon, and spending the best years of his life in prison for a simple mistake. Conversely, he's not going to give a guy a break who's been in and out of the slammer repeatedly, especially if it's the same kind of crime.

Since this subject rears it's ugly head from time to time, I'm going to throw you a bone here. One day I asked a friend of mine, who works in the justice system in downtown Cleveland if he thought blacks get harsher sentences than whites? He said he had no statistics available, but his opinion is that yes, depending on the judge, at times they do.

But guess what? The judges he was referring to were black judges. It makes sense. If a white judge had animosity to black people in general, the worst thing he could do for a black community is get that criminal back out on their streets. The best thing he could do is lock up that criminal for as long as possible.

A black judge is the opposite. He or she may live in those black communities, or perhaps family or friends. The best thing that black judge could do is throw the book at a black criminal. They want to rid their society of such people, not give them a slap on the hand for them to return and cause more trouble.
Actually neither I nor the study looks simply at the result. In fact, in its introduction, it recognizes that racism isn't the best explanation for it. It states economics as the main reason. I've been here on record on multiple OP's recognizing the folly of boiling the systemic problems (note I didn't say racism) of the justice system and society as a whole to simply racism.

In the end, the reason for inequality doesn't really matter to those who are a victim of it, they just see that it happens and the injustice of it.

What is important to those that want to solve the problems is that the fact that there is a problem is acknowledged and that the reasons for it are discussed honestly. That means that black people don't immediately assume racism as the only reason for their problems (although denying it exists is equally dishonest). And those who oppose BLM don't deny the validity of their concerns and for sure not focus on the minority who use violence during the protests.

Your remark goes right back to the OP. WTF do they want?

This started over a black suspect dying partially over the actions of a white police officer. Nothing in their interactions indicated anything of race between the victim or any of the officers. The department seen the video. They arrested the police officer, and charged him with murder. He will have his day in court. He will likely go to prison. So what are the protests and riots about? What do these savages want us to do, kill the police officer on the spot before an investigation even starts?

I'd be willing to bet that if you could stop each and every person at these protests/ riots, half of them wouldn't even know Floyd's name. It's not about him, it's about the fact that Democrats have allowed this to happen two other times in their cities recently with little to no resistance, and now these people think they can pull this stunt anytime they want with impunity. Floyd was merely an excuse for them to act out. They don't care, and neither does BLM.

Poverty has nothing to do with it either. Our homeless people have cell phones for crying out loud. People from other countries that come here laugh at what we consider poverty. So-called poverty is nothing more than a cheap excuse for criminal behavior.
..I've asked MANY times on USMB= how are these incidents RACIAL????!!..I get no answers

...but, when a black MURDERS whites BECAUSE of racial reasons, the MSM doens't even mention race!!!!..like this:

Exactly. Where was the outrage over the knockout game? After Ferguson, it was as popular as drinking beer. It was barely reported on by the MSM, and some have even denied it's existence, or that it had racial motives. Some white people were seriously hurt in those racial attacks, and if I remember correctly, one died.

Now what would happen if this knockout game were developed by whites, and we were doing this to black people at random? Does anybody think the media would barely look at the problem twice?
What exactly does BLM want?
Equal treatment.
cool ...lets get rid of affirmative action and racial hiring quotas ..... if you arent qualified you dont get the job ... you dont get extra points for being a minority .

And while we're at it, lets get rid of Hate Crime laws. What are Hate Crime laws? Laws that give additional punishment to somebody that attacked or killed a likely Democrat voter.
Go over to my response to the guy you quoted and help him sound it out. Maybe between the two of you you can get it without having someone read it to you.

I got it--you don't. You said they want equal treatment. Well, we want equal treatment too.
You're already getting more than equal.trestment.

And so are minorities. If a cop arrests me and I fight them, I'm going to get he same treatment as any person of color. A judge will see my conduct and give me more time than he or she otherwise would have. There is no unequal treatment. Why do you and your comrades believe there is? Because you believe whatever the media wants you to believe.

What exactly does BLM want?
Equal treatment.
cool ...lets get rid of affirmative action and racial hiring quotas ..... if you arent qualified you dont get the job ... you dont get extra points for being a minority .

And while we're at it, lets get rid of Hate Crime laws. What are Hate Crime laws? Laws that give additional punishment to somebody that attacked or killed a likely Democrat voter.
Go over to my response to the guy you quoted and help him sound it out. Maybe between the two of you you can get it without having someone read it to you.

I got it--you don't. You said they want equal treatment. Well, we want equal treatment too.
You're already getting more than equal.trestment.

And so are minorities. If a cop arrests me and I fight them, I'm going to get he same treatment as any person of color. A judge will see my conduct and give me more time than he or she otherwise would have. There is no unequal treatment. Why do you and your comrades believe there is? Because you believe whatever the media wants you to believe.

Not true.

Sorry for your luck.

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