What exactly is the point of investigating Planned Parenthood anyway?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
521 DAYS Until that bastard is gone.

I hope president Cruz turns around immediately after his inauguration speech and reads the moonbat messiah his miranda warning.

Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
I love simple questions like this.

Physiology, and rational thought, have absolutely no place in the purely emotional argument the right puts out on abortion.

Every part of their argument is profoundly flawed, and the parental instincts it exploits makes it hard for righties to resist the moral outrage it inspires.

How perfect is calling the other guys baby killers?
So... That doesn't really explain what people hope to get out of forcing investigations. The first possibility is that nothing will be found. Maybe it'll get cleaned up. Maybe that particular facility didn't do that sort of work. There's always a chance that nothing will come out of it legitimately. Obviously nothing's gonna happen because everything was clean. The second possibility is that something is found. Maybe a whispered conversation is inadvertently recorded. Maybe some form of physical evidence gets dug up. It's not like anything's going to happen in this case either. The worst case scenario for the White House and PP is that the far right media picks it up for a while before getting distracted by some other scandal. The only legal action that's going to be taken will be against the whistle blowers who started this whole mess to begin with.
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
Further? You need some before you get to "further".
There is no point.
I'm glad you agree. It just doesn't matter what gets found or by whom. It's going in the history books as a hoax either way, just like the IRS scandal, the gunwalking scandal, the Solyndra scandal, and every other buried crime for the past seven years. They are literally wasting their time and the state's money at this point.
My instinct response was "Um....to stop the slaughter of babies and the auctioning of their dismembered corpses!"

Then I saw your point. And yes....it's useless.
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.

The point is to expose the Deceit FRAUD and Ignorance that comprises the EVIL THAT IS the Ideological Left... .

I mean, just look at the way it works.

Planned Parenthood is built upon a series of LIES.

And EVERY TIME that those lies are being exposed, those who are complicit in those lies run to shut down whatever exercise is exposing it.

Take any discussion on abortion on any message board on the web... TRY THIS... go to any message board. Find the threads which have been locked. What you'll find when you open those threads, within a few posts of the closing, will be a photograph of an aborted Baby.

THAT is the LIARS running to STOP THE DISCUSSION~ It's EVIL doing what EVIL DOES!
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
I love simple questions like this.

Physiology, and rational thought, have absolutely no place in the purely emotional argument the right puts out on abortion.

Every part of their argument is profoundly flawed, and the parental instincts it exploits makes it hard for righties to resist the moral outrage it inspires.

How perfect is calling the other guys baby killers?

The Right loves their talking points, their emotional impact is so much easier than offering reasoned arguments: The Death tax; Tax and Spend; Big Tent, Compassionate Conservative, Socialism!!!, Gun Grabbers, libtards, Benghazi!!!, Solyndra!!!, etc.

It might be funny had President Lincoln not been so prescient: "You can fool some of the people all of the time."

There is that purely emotional argument I was talking about.

Not so much on the listening for this one.
Yeah, no. What's emotional about stating the fact that one of these two possibilities will occur? Either nothing is found and the DOJ doesn't act because there's nothing to act on, or something turns up and the DOJ doesn't act because they're not going to act on it. This has been the trend for the past seven years, with every scandal that's come out. There is no reason to expect a different outcome this time. The best thing the team behind the CMP can do is stop releasing videos, disband, and make themselves disappeared real quick.

Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
I love simple questions like this.

Physiology, and rational thought, have absolutely no place in the purely emotional argument the right puts out on abortion.

Every part of their argument is profoundly flawed, and the parental instincts it exploits makes it hard for righties to resist the moral outrage it inspires.

How perfect is calling the other guys baby killers?

The Right loves their talking points, their emotional impact is so much easier than offering reasoned arguments: The Death tax; Tax and Spend; Big Tent, Compassionate Conservative, Socialism!!!, Gun Grabbers, libtards, Benghazi!!!, Solyndra!!!, etc.

It might be funny had President Lincoln not been so prescient: "You can fool some of the people all of the time."
It's worth mentioning that none of this was talked about in the OP or any follow up posts up until now. No argument for/against abortion was made. Nothing was mentioned about the death tax or socialismor the phrases "tax and spend", "big tent", "compassionate conservative", "gun grabbers", or "libtards". It was about the fact that the outcome of the investigations is entirely irrelevant. It doesn't matter what's found, who finds it, or where it turns up. The case is closed as far as the courts and public are concerned and it will remain closed indefinitely. The investigations are a waste of time and money and the best thing the people who created this situation can do is refrain from violating the court order not to release more videos, go invisible, and never surface again.
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So... That doesn't really explain what people hope to get out of forcing investigations. The first possibility is that nothing will be found. Maybe it'll get cleaned up. Maybe that particular facility didn't do that sort of work. There's always a chance that nothing will come out of it legitimately. Obviously nothing's gonna happen because everything was clean. The second possibility is that something is found. Maybe a whispered conversation is inadvertently recorded. Maybe some form of physical evidence gets dug up. It's not like anything's going to happen in this case either. The worst case scenario for the White House and PP is that the far right media picks it up for a while before getting distracted by some other scandal. The only legal action that's going to be taken will be against the whistle blowers who started this whole mess to begin with.
I'm still trying to understand what the crime would be.

The narrative is "trafficking baby body parts"

Which gives the impression Planned Parenthood has a secret shadow division that acquires baby parts in some horrific and illegal way, then sells them and becomes wealthy doing so...or maybe they're just fullfilling their satanic baby killing duties.

I know they think I should be wanting to stop the baby slaughter, but is anyone actually alleging that kind of stuff happened? or is that just the product of the outrage from an unstable righty on this site?

There is that purely emotional argument I was talking about.

Not so much on the listening for this one.
Yeah, no. What's emotional about stating the fact that one of these two possibilities will occur? Either nothing is found and the DOJ doesn't act because there's nothing to act on, or something turns up and the DOJ doesn't act because they're not going to act on it. This has been the trend for the past seven years, with every scandal that's come out. There is no reason to expect a different outcome this time. The best thing the team behind the CMP can do is stop releasing videos, disband, and make themselves disappeared real quick.
So it's impossible for the DOJ to find something, AND act on it?

That sounds like a good way to rationalize anything that doesn't go your way
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.

The point is to expose the Deceit FRAUD and Ignorance that comprises the EVIL THAT IS the Ideological Left... .

LOL, such a strong argument ^^^, well researched, documented and proved with clear and convincing evidence. How much more ridiculous can any member of the crazy right wing become?

Well, there is Rabbi(t) and Crusader - who never served - Frank, 2aguy and M14 shooter. At least Keys is not alone in his mania.
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.
I love simple questions like this.

Physiology, and rational thought, have absolutely no place in the purely emotional argument the right puts out on abortion.

Every part of their argument is profoundly flawed, and the parental instincts it exploits makes it hard for righties to resist the moral outrage it inspires.

How perfect is calling the other guys baby killers?

The Right loves their talking points, their emotional impact is so much easier than offering reasoned arguments: The Death tax; Tax and Spend; Big Tent, Compassionate Conservative, Socialism!!!, Gun Grabbers, libtards, Benghazi!!!, Solyndra!!!, etc.

It might be funny had President Lincoln not been so prescient: "You can fool some of the people all of the time."
Yeah, well, the left did it too during the Bush years
Say the investigations are allowed to find something. Then what? Honestly, what do people expect to happen if further evidence of criminality comes to light? Do people honestly think there's any way in hell that any Obama governed DOJ - regardless of who's attorney general - is actually going to prosecute someone from that side? Honestly? There's more chance of the CMP people getting hit with a real (or more likely a laundry list of fabricated) crime(s) than that.

The point is to expose the Deceit FRAUD and Ignorance that comprises the EVIL THAT IS the Ideological Left... .

LOL, such a strong argument ^^^, well researched, documented and proved with clear and convincing evidence. How much more ridiculous can any member of the crazy right wing become?

Well, there is Rabbi(t) and Crusader - who never served - Frank, 2aguy and M14 shooter. At least Keys is not alone in his mania.

OH! What a lovely concession. How positively sweet of you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
So it's impossible for the DOJ to find something, AND act on it?
It is when it touches on something this politically sensitive. Do you really think that they're going to be allowed to take that case? Honestly? I mean, they can't even prosecute in the torture case. Do you really think they're going to be allowed to touch a Democratic cash cow like that?
So... That doesn't really explain what people hope to get out of forcing investigations. The first possibility is that nothing will be found. Maybe it'll get cleaned up. Maybe that particular facility didn't do that sort of work. There's always a chance that nothing will come out of it legitimately. Obviously nothing's gonna happen because everything was clean. The second possibility is that something is found. Maybe a whispered conversation is inadvertently recorded. Maybe some form of physical evidence gets dug up. It's not like anything's going to happen in this case either. The worst case scenario for the White House and PP is that the far right media picks it up for a while before getting distracted by some other scandal. The only legal action that's going to be taken will be against the whistle blowers who started this whole mess to begin with.
I'm still trying to understand what the crime would be.

The narrative is "trafficking baby body parts"

Which gives the impression Planned Parenthood has a secret shadow division that acquires baby parts in some horrific and illegal way, ...

"Which gives the impression Planned Parenthood has a secret shadow division that acquires baby parts in some horrific and immoral, unethical way, ... ."

Fixed that for ya.

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