What exactly is the position of Kamala Harris on abortion?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

When listening to Harris, the government should not interfere with a woman and her "body".

Why does she then throw a fit when Trump tries to bring up the fact that democrats tend to favor late term abortion and say he is lying?

I thought a woman had a right to her own body, period, the end.

Which is it democrats?

And when Harris says she wants to return to the protections of Roe vs. Wade, what is Roe vs. Wade protecting exactly? Is it a baby?

And lastly, abortion is not about reproductive rights, it is about terminating one's own reproduction.
Why does she then throw a fit when Trump tries to bring up the fact that democrats tend to favor late term abortion and say he is lying?

Late term abortions are very rare and usually because there are serious complications with the pregnancy.

That means an absolute ban is unwarranted

Like Harris says….It is a decision best made by a woman and her doctor
Not Republicans
Late term abortions are very rare and usually because there are serious complications with the pregnancy.

That means an absolute ban is unwarranted

Like Harris says….It is a decision best made by a woman and her doctor
Not Republicans
So, you would allow a woman to have an abortion at any point in her pregnancy, so long as the doctor and woman wanted it.

Trump is right then, people like you and Harris are Ok with this.

Why then do you seem so ashamed to admit it like Harris?
So, you would allow a woman to have an abortion at any point in her pregnancy, so long as the doctor and woman wanted it.

Trump is right then, people like you and Harris are Ok with this.

Because a woman and her doctor understand the specifics of her case and are best suited to make that decisions.

Republicans are making that decision based on misinformation and fear mongering

Because a woman and her doctor understand the specifics of her case and are best suited to make that decisions.

Republicans are making that decision based on misinformation and fear mongering

Its actually a woman and her abortionist- not her doctor.

In many ultra liberal jurisdictions, its now legal for non-doctors to commit the abomination of abortion. So if you want to do it yourself, you should open up an abortuary in a back alley yourself.
In the state of California, there is literally no point at which an abortion is against the law...any time up to the moment of live birth. The fact that it is rare doesn't change the horrific law, of which the Vice President totally approves.

And the claim that she wants to go back to "Roe v Wade" is a lie. Under Roe v Wade, a woman had an "unfettered right" to obtain an abortion only in the first trimester. During the second trimester, the State could "regulate" abortions, and during the third trimester - when the fetus was arguably viable - you could not get an abortion it was a legal person.

That's what she wants? Hell no. It is a lie.

And of course, neither the Congress nor the President has the power under the Constitution to regulate, prohibit, or allow abortions, so all this talk about a law to restore RvW or create a national abortion ban are bullshit.

Leftists constantly lie. Why do some people fail to see it?

Because a woman and her doctor understand the specifics of her case and are best suited to make that decisions.

Republicans are making that decision based on misinformation and fear mongering
Like, Dr. Gosnell and his patients


Should Dr. Gosnell be a free man?
Late term abortions are very rare and usually because there are serious complications with the pregnancy.
Right, democrats kill ONLY 6-10,000 late term babies and we should just pretend its OK. And you have ZERO proof that its "usually because there are serious complications with the pregnancy".

That's not what research says:

There are two pathways by which people come to need a third-trimester abortion: new information and barriers to abortion before the third trimester.

The limits of medical knowability mean some information about a pregnancy is simply not available before the third trimester. For instance, clinical research shows that some serious fetal health issues are not observable until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Interviewees needed an abortion in circumstances that were similar to those of people who need abortions in the first and second trimesters. While third-trimester abortion may be exceptional in its cost, clinical complexity, logistics, and low social support, the reasons people need third-trimester abortion care are not.

Late term abortions are very rare and usually because there are serious complications with the pregnancy.

That means an absolute ban is unwarranted

Like Harris says….It is a decision best made by a woman and her doctor
Not Republicans
Then you agree a doctor should be able to say they will not preform an abortion.

Because a woman and her doctor understand the specifics of her case and are best suited to make that decisions.

Republicans are making that decision based on misinformation and fear mongering
Like the Virginia governor said, after the baby is born. He can be put in another room, and kept comfortable. Then the doctor and the mother can discuss whether she wants to keep it or not. You loons are sick.
Please, you think the Dems allowed immigrants at their convention???
You had to have an id to get in though. So they didn't want any minorities there. Well only the rich ones.
Then you agree a doctor should be able to say they will not preform an abortion.
Only if it is HER doctor, Who has been aware of her health and condition from the beginning.
SO HER doctor knows and understands the situation.
NEVER again like the abused situation of the poor brain dead lady the far right used to incite Republicans.

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