What Famous Personalities Have You Met Or Gotten In Close Proximity To…?

sat across from walter payton on a flight, spoke a bit, a sweet, class guy. he signed autographs for everyone in the cabin with delight too, no attitude.

met roger waters in an airport lounge, spoke for an hour, hes actually a nice guy, he was surprised when I said that to him...:lol:Hes a very , uhm, deep, conflicted person and knows it.

Like Si modo I work around scientists etc etc etc. I have lunch with the top one or two researchers in lithium tech. on a monthly basis, *shrugs*

Oh, Joe DiMaggio ate at my house in, I think it was 90. His personality defies ready and simple analysis too :lol:
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As a Waitress I've waited on:

John Cougar Mellencamp, Allen Thick, Ron Jeramey :eek: (didn't know who he was, but the guys I work with sure did! :lol: ) Bunch of Pacer and Colts players, Dick Vital, Angelo Pizzo, David Anspaugh (They produced and directed "Hoosiers")

Met and hung out with the Meat Puppets, had drinks with Mick Fleetwood, took my students to a Tiger Woods golf clinic in the inner-city here, met Jay Leno and still have a caricature he drew for me.

That's all I can think of right now.

I wish I would had met Neil Young when I had the chance....*sigh* :(
Keith Richards and his band the Expensive Winos. Eric Clapton. Miles Davis. Dizzy Gillespie. Chet Baker. John Heard, Willam Hurt, John Goodman. Margot Kidder. Owned a club where the cast of Saturday Night Live used to come for their after after the show party when Mike Myers, Dana Carvey and Chris Farley were on the show. Steven Wright. Bill Murray. Joe Cocker. Arthur and Red Prysock. Elaine Newman. Richard Harris. Nick Nolte.

wow... you bumped into Chet Baker...?! I'm so jealous...

seriously... I'm a huge Chet Baker fan...

Seriously, your avatar is putrid.
I know some of these aren't really famous but borderline.
Madonna's publicist (don't remember her name), my friend was her driver.
Milly and Becky Rosso at a wrap party for the finishing of the movie legally blondes.
Ethan Suplee (Randy from my name is earl), Jaime Pressly and the director for my name is earl. They did a filming in my parking lot at work twice. Somehow neither time Jason Lee was there.
I personally know Del Ballard (bowling hall of fame) and his wife Carolyn Dorin-Ballard (arguably the greatest female bowler of all time). I've met a few other bowlers, but I wont get too into that since bowling isn't that big.
Pete Rose at a signing (does that count?)
Was at a store the same time as Dryden Mithcell (lead singer of alien ant farm). I didn't know who he was but my friend got all excited and had to tell me.
Jeez.....well I worked at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix for many years so I have run into absolutely tons of them. How about I give you my top lists of coolest/most pleasant I have dealt with and my top ten absolute assholes? :lol:

Coolest/Most Pleasant
11. Joe Walsh (total stud if you sneak him alcohol)
10. Reggie Miller (big tipper, very gracious)
9. Black Sabbath (Iommi, Ward, Butler, and Osbourne - reunion tour)
8. Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach (cooler than Ringo is reputed to be)
7. Barry Manilow (just an all around nice guy)
6. Eric Clapton (massive sweet tooth - eats dessert before dinner and another dessert afterwards)
5. George H.W. Bush (great schmoozer)
4. Prince (more than happy to sit and chat with you)
3. Charles Barkley (was always a complete gentleman, big tipper, and total stud)
2. Cameron Diaz (spent the afternoon having drinks and flirting, she played me like a fiddle) :lol:
1. Muhammad Ali (seemed more happy to meet me than I was to meet him)

Complete Pricks
10. Joe Walsh (total prick if you refuse to sneak him alcohol)
9. Janet Jackson (very stand-offish....to some degree understandable)
8. Julia Louise Dreyfus (not sure what she has to be such a snooty bitch about)
7. Barry Bonds (never seen that many street-walking hookers in my life)
6. Elton John (love his music but he's a complete diva)
5. Larry King (needy, needy, needy)
4. Nicolas Cage (kicked out for getting ridiculously drunk and shitting in the hallway)
3. Al Gore (never met a man who is a more arrogant, condescending, egomaniac prick)
2. Gary Busey (this guy is just insane...I mean I think he's really crazy)
1. Mariah Carey (should have a "dickhead" category all to herself. Finally booted her when she demanded that an employee was fired for daring to look her in the eye)
What the fuck us up with the daring to look in their eyes shit and then wanting them fired? Add paris hilton and eddie murphey to that list.

Jeez.....well I worked at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix for many years so I have run into absolutely tons of them. How about I give you my top lists of coolest/most pleasant I have dealt with and my top ten absolute assholes? :lol:

Coolest/Most Pleasant
11. Joe Walsh (total stud if you sneak him alcohol)
10. Reggie Miller (big tipper, very gracious)
9. Black Sabbath (Iommi, Ward, Butler, and Osbourne - reunion tour)
8. Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach (cooler than Ringo is reputed to be)
7. Barry Manilow (just an all around nice guy)
6. Eric Clapton (massive sweet tooth - eats dessert before dinner and another dessert afterwards)
5. George H.W. Bush (great schmoozer)
4. Prince (more than happy to sit and chat with you)
3. Charles Barkley (was always a complete gentleman, big tipper, and total stud)
2. Cameron Diaz (spent the afternoon having drinks and flirting, she played me like a fiddle) :lol:
1. Muhammad Ali (seemed more happy to meet me than I was to meet him)

Complete Pricks
10. Joe Walsh (total prick if you refuse to sneak him alcohol)
9. Janet Jackson (very stand-offish....to some degree understandable)
8. Julia Louise Dreyfus (not sure what she has to be such a snooty bitch about)
7. Barry Bonds (never seen that many street-walking hookers in my life)
6. Elton John (love his music but he's a complete diva)
5. Larry King (needy, needy, needy)
4. Nicolas Cage (kicked out for getting ridiculously drunk and shitting in the hallway)
3. Al Gore (never met a man who is a more arrogant, condescending, egomaniac prick)
2. Gary Busey (this guy is just insane...I mean I think he's really crazy)
1. Mariah Carey (should have a "dickhead" category all to herself. Finally booted her when she demanded that an employee was fired for daring to look her in the eye)

What the fuck us up with the daring to look in their eyes shit and then wanting them fired? Add paris hilton and eddie murphey to that list.

I have never run into them. I don't know what it is though. But boy she was a bitch. You know it's one thing to have special needs or requests but usually their manager takes care of it and no sweat. But oh no.....she demanded a meeting with all the department heads upon her arrival at the hotel to "inform us of how our operations will proceed during her stay". We sat there for a good 40 minutes while she laid out the terms by which we would have the pleasure of accommodating her. I have never seen anything like it.
What the fuck us up with the daring to look in their eyes shit and then wanting them fired? Add paris hilton and eddie murphey to that list.

I have never run into them. I don't know what it is though. But boy she was a bitch. You know it's one thing to have special needs or requests but usually their manager takes care of it and no sweat. But oh no.....she demanded a meeting with all the department heads upon her arrival at the hotel to "inform us of how our operations will proceed during her stay". We sat there for a good 40 minutes while she laid out the terms by which we would have the pleasure of accommodating her. I have never seen anything like it.

Nothing new.... lots of them out there like that. The "handlers" are even worse.
I got to meet both Jackson Brown (1981)and Robert Blake (1984) in Jail, at the San Luis Obispo Men's Colony. I've met both Leon Panetta and Charlie Rangel.
I got to meet both Jackson Brown (1981)and Robert Blake (1984) in Jail, at the San Luis Obispo Men's Colony. I've met both Leon Panetta and Charlie Rangel.

Kind of surprised you didn't meet Charlie Rangel in jail too. :wink_2:
Oh jeez....I forgot this one. This is a great story. My brothers and I toured Europe one summer and at one point went to Rome. We decided to go to the Vatican for mass with Pope John Paul II (we're not Catholic but how many opportunities does one have to go to mass with the Pope)? So we got there early and my brothers were trying to get as close as possible. I wanted an aisle seat so we could get out of there as quickly as possible when it was over so we took some seats right against the ropes on this huge aisle. So the place fills up and eventually (we didn't even think of this at the time) we were shocked to see the Pope driving through the crowd right down our aisle. So we stood on our chairs and reached our hands out and such. Well there was this Italian woman pulling on my jacket holding a baby toward me saying something and so I figured it out and grabbed the baby and held it out. The Popemobile stopped, he took the baby from my hands, blessed the baby, took my hands and blessed me, then off he went. My brother has a great picture of me handing the baby to him. But anyhow that was a real cool one. The thing I remember most was how soft his hands were. That woman was in tears when i gave her baby back to her "Grazie Senior, grazie, grazie"" :lmao:
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I dined with Catherine Bach once. So did 50 other Navy CPO's. She was on a USO Christmas tour on a ship I was stationed on.

Again, once when I was in the Navy, John Wayne happened into a bar we were at in Cannes, France. He drank a beer with us and had a few laughs before he left on his way.

Ran into Mike Ditka on the streets of Chicago once.

When I was a corpsman stationed at Bethesda Naval Hospital back in 1970, the Washington Redskin football team and Playboy bunnies used to come to the surgery ward I was working on to visit patients pretty often.

Drank a cup of coffee with General Westmoreland once. He was a very nice and interesting man.

My wife, Mrs. BBD, had Thanksgiving dinner at the White House and sat right beside of Mrs. Nixon.
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I was stationed north of Malibu, Ca and my squadron was used to film a lot of tv shows and movies. I met Ben Afleck, Martin Sheen, Katherine Bell, Dolly Parton, and the hardest drinking wildest actor next to Charlie Sheen-Kiefer Sutherland. I watched him drink 2 fifths of Cutty Sark in about 5 hours, while filming 24. It was near the end of the season and his character was supposed to be up for about 22 hours. Now I know why he looked so haggard when fightinh the terrorists.

I also met the biggest jerk off in Hollywood- David James Elliott. He taped JAG in my squadron for two weeks and he was rude and nasty the whole time.
I was stationed north of Malibu, Ca and my squadron was used to film a lot of tv shows and movies. I met Ben Afleck, Martin Sheen, Katherine Bell, Dolly Parton, and the hardest drinking wildest actor next to Charlie Sheen-Kiefer Sutherland. I watched him drink 2 fifths of Cutty Sark in about 5 hours, while filming 24. It was near the end of the season and his character was supposed to be up for about 22 hours. Now I know why he looked so haggard when fightinh the terrorists.

I also met the biggest jerk off in Hollywood- David James Elliott. He taped JAG in my squadron for two weeks and he was rude and nasty the whole time.

That's pretty impressive. How the hell does he have a liver left?
My college Delta Psi Omega group went to Graumann's Chinese theater in 1965 or 1966. Andy Williams and his wife(?) sat directly in front of me.

One of my neighbor friends of 25 years was a representative in the U.S. Congress, and at church, I was a friend of a senator's wife in the 70s, attended the baptisms of another senator's children in the 90s. Between 2003-2009, both senators and the representative distributed a total of 30 quilts I quilted for wounded soldiers.

All three were conservative friends that I just adored. Unfortunately, Washington is a long way from Wyoming, and after each of them went to the hill, we didn't get to see them very often at all. That place expropriates their time in a very demanding way. They were often on my prayer list for making good decisions and doing the right thing.

I do believe God helps and blesses our dear representative and senators when we pray for them, and also the vice president who grew up in our community and once worked for the same electrical power company as my husband's was on my prayer list.

And President Bush? His enemies were on my prayer list. They needed mercy a lot more than he did.
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Keith Richards and his band the Expensive Winos. Eric Clapton. Miles Davis. Dizzy Gillespie. Chet Baker. John Heard, Willam Hurt, John Goodman. Margot Kidder. Owned a club where the cast of Saturday Night Live used to come for their after after the show party when Mike Myers, Dana Carvey and Chris Farley were on the show. Steven Wright. Bill Murray. Joe Cocker. Arthur and Red Prysock. Elaine Newman. Richard Harris. Nick Nolte.

wow... you bumped into Chet Baker...?! I'm so jealous...

seriously... I'm a huge Chet Baker fan...

Seriously, your avatar is putrid.

sorry, Sarah... I was gonna change it to sumpin' else... but several of my closest friends told me they liked it the way it is... so I'm gonna leave it for now...
Keith Richards and his band the Expensive Winos. Eric Clapton. Miles Davis. Dizzy Gillespie. Chet Baker. John Heard, Willam Hurt, John Goodman. Margot Kidder. Owned a club where the cast of Saturday Night Live used to come for their after after the show party when Mike Myers, Dana Carvey and Chris Farley were on the show. Steven Wright. Bill Murray. Joe Cocker. Arthur and Red Prysock. Elaine Newman. Richard Harris. Nick Nolte.

wow... you bumped into Chet Baker...?! I'm so jealous...

seriously... I'm a huge Chet Baker fan...

I owned the kitchen concession in a jazz club in NYC and I spent a week with him. Nice guy, bad habit.

obviously had a bad habit... tragic the way he let it take him over... he was the golden boy in the 50's...
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the ones that come to mind for me…

I and several of my fellow high school students had a personal audience with Mayor Richard Daley in his office, on a 1968 field trip to Chicago with a teacher who had taught his sons…

I met and spent time with Murray Rothbard, libertarian philosophical icon, during a 1980 Libertarian Party convention in Houston…

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip passed within 20 feet of me in their motorcade convertible as it slowly drove by where I was standing (Calgary, 1973)… next day, saw them along with Pierre and Margaret Trudeau about 50 yards away from where I was standing at the Calgary Stampede…

I was standing about 50 yards away from Richard Nixon when he made a whistle-stop at the train station in our town in 1960…

I was standing about 20 yards away from the motorcade of Charles De Gaulle when he was being driven past my neighborhood on a 1959 visit to New Orleans…

I was at the edge of the stage about 20-30 feet from Janis Joplin during her performance at a 1969 rock festival…

sometime in the mid-80's, I met Stevie Ray Vaughn backstage at a local roadhouse owned by a friend of mine...

I’ll mebbe think of others later…

MANY famous celebs AND politicians, but.....sorry....no names....:eusa_shhh:

Me too....

Anyone in the hospitality industry have met quite a few....so celebrity is no biggie to me.

not asking to be impressed... just asking what famous persons you've met or been in close proximity to...
MANY famous celebs AND politicians, but.....sorry....no names....:eusa_shhh:

Me too....

Anyone in the hospitality industry have met quite a few....so celebrity is no biggie to me.

And some of us met them before being in that business and still considered them, "no biggies," but some formidable and highly recognizable names for sure. I am just not impressed with celebrity, as much as I am, by genius and successful people, in general.

same comment I posted for syrenn... I'm not asking to be impressed... just asking what famous persons you've met or been in close proximity to...

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