What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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So Jake....
What does my vote to end slavery in 1807 mean?
If you're in congress?

it's means that you're a left anti-american progressive who wants to throw away the constitution

Because the vote- or any other efforts by congress to end slavery on or before December 31 1807 would have been unconstitutional.

That means that if you believe in the constitution you had to support the legality of slavery- and the continued importation of slaves- until January 1st 1808.

Hang on.....

You didn't say I didn't have the ability to change the Constitution. If I had the ability to travel in time, back to 1807, and change the Constitution so that I could be ALLOWED in Congress (I'm a Cherokee Indian), much less HAVE A VOTE, why wouldn't I be able to change the Constitution so that my vote would be perfectly in line with its intent?

Your "history" is one of convenience, no different from your 1807 analogy. Like most blacks and most whites, you have conveniently forgotten the parts which reveal your blatant hypocrisy, your blatant racism, and ALL of that history which blows your "tolerant position" completely out of the water.

Must be nice to live in that world.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.
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So Jake....
What does my vote to end slavery in 1807 mean?
If you're in congress?

it's means that you're a left anti-american progressive who wants to throw away the constitution

Because the vote- or any other efforts by congress to end slavery on or before December 31 1807 would have been unconstitutional.

That means that if you believe in the constitution you had to support the legality of slavery- and the continued importation of slaves- until January 1st 1808.

Hang on.....

You didn't say I didn't have the ability to change the Constitution.
You can amend it per the processes in it.

Those are your rules, remember?
If I had the ability to travel in time, back to 1807, and change the Constitution
And how would you do that?
so that I could be ALLOWED in Congress (I'm a Cherokee Indian), much less HAVE A VOTE, why wouldn't I be able to change the Constitution so that my vote would be perfectly in line with its intent?

So you want the power to unilaterally change the constitution? Interesting.
Your "history" is one of convenience
Really? So I'm the one pretending America is as pure as the freshly-driven snow? I seem to recall your side being the ones who always forget all of America's sins when condemning the rest of the world.
, no different from your 1807 analogy.

It's not an analogy.
Like most blacks and most whites, you have conveniently forgotten the parts which reveal your blatant hypocrisy
Do quote any posts in this thread that are contradictory.
, your blatant racism
O rly? Opposing slavery makes me racist? Do 'spalin
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.

Simplistic to you, Charles, but the truth nevertheless. The FF's failed on this issue, and their efforts guaranteed a civil war over it.
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

Explain to me WHY nothing they did contributed to the end of slavery. Explain to me exactly HOW the Founder failed on the issue. You're the one with all of these accusations, you prove them.

Is not the three-fifths compromise an example of the start of considering slaves "people." Was this written in the Constitution by the FF? Was the statement of "All men are created equal..." not a statement that was used to eventually brine slavery to end by acknowledging that slaves were "man" and were equal???

Making it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about is not helping you sound any better...
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.

Exactly...the validity of the 10th Amendment...
The only thing skarky has done was repeat himself over and over again in this thread without posting a shred of evidence...
BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.

Simplistic to you, Charles, but the truth nevertheless. The FF's failed on this issue, and their efforts guaranteed a civil war over it.

Correct, but their efforts also guaranteed there would be a Nation to fight a civil war in the first place.

Not sure how you can call that an abject failure.
BF joined a movement. So did Jefferson. So did several others. Nothing they tried ended slavery. Nothing contributed to the end of slavery. A massive civil war ended slavery because the Founders failed on this issue.

What don't you get, Brian.?

That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.

Exactly...the validity of the 10th Amendment...
The only thing skarky has done was repeat himself over and over again in this thread without posting a shred of evidence...

You are projecting your failing on me, BrianH, because your world view impedes your clear thinking. Show me exactly what the FF did to end slavery?
If you're in congress?

it's means that you're a left anti-american progressive who wants to throw away the constitution

Because the vote- or any other efforts by congress to end slavery on or before December 31 1807 would have been unconstitutional.

That means that if you believe in the constitution you had to support the legality of slavery- and the continued importation of slaves- until January 1st 1808.

Hang on.....

You didn't say I didn't have the ability to change the Constitution.
You can amend it per the processes in it.

Those are your rules, remember?
And how would you do that?

So you want the power to unilaterally change the constitution? Interesting.
Really? So I'm the one pretending America is as pure as the freshly-driven snow? I seem to recall your side being the ones who always forget all of America's sins when condemning the rest of the world.

It's not an analogy.
Like most blacks and most whites, you have conveniently forgotten the parts which reveal your blatant hypocrisy
Do quote any posts in this thread that are contradictory.
, your blatant racism
O rly? Opposing slavery makes me racist? Do 'spalin

Congratulations. You're now either officially a troll, or you're a retarded squirrel.

May I now, on behalf of Native Americans of all tribes, in all areas of the US where you now allow us to live, officially THANK YOU for recognizing us as citizens in 1924, and giving us the right to vote in elections that govern the lands which we roamed freely for more than 500 years before your arrival and our subsequent brutalization and pillaging at your hands. You are truly a great, and benevolent race.

In 1807, we weren't even considered human.

The blacks had, and continue to have it easy. You've never declared war on them, or forced them to march to their death.

Pick and chose the facts you want.

Its your only hope, because the totality, and the history, are not going to help you one iota.
That is such a simplistic view. To say they failed. As I have pointed out. Had they not failed on the slavery issue. They would have failed to even create a Nation in the first place.

Actually if you really want to get down to nuts and bolts. Slavery was just the catalyst for the Civil war. The actually fight was about the power of the Fed over the States.

Simplistic to you, Charles, but the truth nevertheless. The FF's failed on this issue, and their efforts guaranteed a civil war over it.

Correct, but their efforts also guaranteed there would be a Nation to fight a civil war in the first place.

Not sure how you can call that an abject failure.

You are better than BrianH and you know that. That is not what I said. They did not fail at nation. They failed at ending slavery.
BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.

The only one thinking illogically here is you. Had the Founders made slavery illegal, there would likely have been NO United States, thus no Civil War had been fought. There decision to NOT tackle slavery at the drafting of the Constitution led the country eventually down the path of abolishing it....Starkey, what aren't you getting?
BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.
You do realize that the 3/5 compromise was a means of concentrating as much power as possible on the hands of non-slave states by reducing the slave stats' ability to pad their population counts with slaves for the sake of the census and the counting of congressional seats, right?
I've been close to recent shootings. In the bank robbery in Cary NC on Thursday, that is my branch, I know everyone in there. It's a half mile my house. I also am a Virginia Tech alum.

So, thank you liberals for being sure criminals could go into these situations knowing they would be the only ones with guns, that sure made it a safer situation, the criminals being the only ones with guns.

But kaz, it's because of lax gun laws they could get a gun! This is your fault! Riiigghttt. If government makes it illegal then people won't be able to get them. You know, like drugs...
BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.
You do realize that the 3/5 compromise was a means of concentrating as much power as possible on the hands of non-slave states by reducing the slave stats' ability to pad their population counts with slaves for the sake of the census and the counting of congressional seats, right?

You do understand that the Founders compromised on the 3/5ths issue to get the right to tax imports?
May I now, on behalf of Native Americans of all tribes, in all areas of the US where you now allow us to live, officially THANK YOU for recognizing us as citizens in 1924, and giving us the right to vote in elections that govern the lands which we roamed freely for more than 500 years before your arrival and our subsequent brutalization and pillaging at your hands. You are truly a great, and benevolent race.

In 1807, we weren't even considered human.

The blacks had, and continue to have it easy
You were talking about exposing your blatant racism?
BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.
You do realize that the 3/5 compromise was a means of concentrating as much power as possible on the hands of non-slave states by reducing the slave stats' ability to pad their population counts with slaves for the sake of the census and the counting of congressional seats, right?

Wrong, the three-fifths compromise was actually a push from the South to get more congressional seats. The North didn't want them to count at all. But we're not talking about the North. We're talking about the FF.

Starkey and JBUk are going on the ignore list.
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BrianH, do you have cognitive disabilities we don't know about? I am not being mean to you, I truly don't think your mind works logically. Help me understand. Your two examples (1) underline the issue of slavery, and (2) the disconnect the Founders generally had with the idea of slaves being equal to nonslaves.
You do realize that the 3/5 compromise was a means of concentrating as much power as possible on the hands of non-slave states by reducing the slave stats' ability to pad their population counts with slaves for the sake of the census and the counting of congressional seats, right?

You do understand that the Founders compromised on the 3/5ths issue to get the right to tax imports?
Guess what is among those imports...

Seems like uses taxes to discourage behavior by making it as costly as possible isn't a new concept ;)

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