What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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You don't even know YOUR history, and you're now going to tell me about mine?

Physician, heal thyself.
I see, so blacks and slavery are your history, not American's history? Besides being ignorant, what if I said that about white Americans, shut up, it's not your history. Would you be cool with that?

See.....this is why you don't just jump in the middle of a thread and start wailing away.
I see, you're American Indian not black so it's OK that it's "your" American history and not mine. That is completely different, I see your point...
The left has NEVER cared what the Constitution said. That is why we are in the mess we are now.

Total BS. We didn't create the unconstitutional Patriot Act. The Right did. So lets not act like the right is all holy, they are actually quite the opposite. They hate Americans that aren't in the top 1%. But continue being an idiot. It suits you.
The constitutionalists have actually attacked the idea of abolition in this thread.

Except one, who admitted he doesn't believe in the constitution anyway
The left has NEVER cared what the Constitution said. That is why we are in the mess we are now.

Total BS. We didn't create the unconstitutional Patriot Act. The Right did. So lets not act like the right is all holy, they are actually quite the opposite. They hate Americans that aren't in the top 1%. But continue being an idiot. It suits you.

No but you expanded it's power.
That was the second question I had when reading JFK's post. The first I had was "What if you are attacked by more than one assailant?"

It is folly to think that banning high cap mags and assault weapons will remove them from our world. That horse is not only out of the barn, he is 9 States away.

On an interesting side-note, we have been selling the crap out of high caps since the Giffords shooting, and supplies are starting to dry up. Knee-jerk reactions on either side of the issue are a gun dealer's best friend :)

If the 0.0000001% chance that you face multiple gunmen, I would still say you don't need a 50 caliber or AK 47. You need to not piss multiple people off to want to kill you. Besides I think if you were that person, you would have those guns illegally anyways.

But I view it as what does a law abiding citizen have that is reasonable and able to defend yourself INSIDE your house.
This ignores the other part of the intent of the 2nd - the collective exercise of the right to self-defense. This almost exclusively takes plae outside the home and involves multiple potential targets.

Never mind that your perception of what someone needs to protect his home doesnt create a sound argument for the restriction of weapons that fall outside that fold. An AR15 or M16 or AK47 is well-suited for home defense and can unquestionably be used effectively in that role.

Why in this day in age should you be able to pull a gun on someone nowadays? We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

One of my brothers friend got in jail for 2 months for pulling a gun out on someone but not shooting it as intimidation. I think he should of got more time. Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself. There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself. Thats straight up retarded.
If the 0.0000001% chance that you face multiple gunmen, I would still say you don't need a 50 caliber or AK 47. You need to not piss multiple people off to want to kill you. Besides I think if you were that person, you would have those guns illegally anyways.

But I view it as what does a law abiding citizen have that is reasonable and able to defend yourself INSIDE your house.
This ignores the other part of the intent of the 2nd - the collective exercise of the right to self-defense. This almost exclusively takes plae outside the home and involves multiple potential targets.

Never mind that your perception of what someone needs to protect his home doesnt create a sound argument for the restriction of weapons that fall outside that fold. An AR15 or M16 or AK47 is well-suited for home defense and can unquestionably be used effectively in that role.

Why in this day in age should you be able to pull a gun on someone nowadays? We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

One of my brothers friend got in jail for 2 months for pulling a gun out on someone but not shooting it as intimidation. I think he should of got more time. Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself. There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself. Thats straight up retarded.

I sat in a restaurant just last night with a 1911 on my side. Enjoyed my meal, didn't point it at anyone, and other than my family and a LEO who nodded at me as I was leaving, no one knew I had it. That's an every day thing for me now. The world we live in sucks.

They're everywhere you go, JFK. You'd be in the floor crying like a little school girl if you actually could see all the ones you're within 10 feet of every day. They're everywhere now. Probably 1 for every 10 people you see, if not more. And the number of people carrying is growing FAST.
We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

I'm not even sure where to begin with that one


Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...
There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself.

Instead, i should be denied the right to protect myself from a crazed leftwingut with an extended clip...

Thats straight up retarded.
I was just thinking the very same thing...
This ignores the other part of the intent of the 2nd - the collective exercise of the right to self-defense. This almost exclusively takes plae outside the home and involves multiple potential targets.

Never mind that your perception of what someone needs to protect his home doesnt create a sound argument for the restriction of weapons that fall outside that fold. An AR15 or M16 or AK47 is well-suited for home defense and can unquestionably be used effectively in that role.

Why in this day in age should you be able to pull a gun on someone nowadays? We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

One of my brothers friend got in jail for 2 months for pulling a gun out on someone but not shooting it as intimidation. I think he should of got more time. Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself. There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself. Thats straight up retarded.

I sat in a restaurant just last night with a 1911 on my side. Enjoyed my meal, didn't point it at anyone, and other than my family and a LEO who nodded at me as I was leaving, no one knew I had it. That's an every day thing for me now. The world we live in sucks.

They're everywhere you go, JFK. You'd be in the floor crying like a little school girl if you actually could see all the ones you're within 10 feet of every day. They're everywhere now. Probably 1 for every 10 people you see, if not more. And the number of people carrying is growing FAST.

So you admit being schizophrenic? Great but water is wet too.

I actually live in the ghetto here in Kansas City. Never needed a gun. Nothing happens to me you know why? Because I am respectful to people. I don't start fights and the whole world isn't out to get me.

I am what you call a normal human being.
Why in this day in age should you be able to pull a gun on someone nowadays? We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

One of my brothers friend got in jail for 2 months for pulling a gun out on someone but not shooting it as intimidation. I think he should of got more time. Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself. There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself. Thats straight up retarded.

I sat in a restaurant just last night with a 1911 on my side. Enjoyed my meal, didn't point it at anyone, and other than my family and a LEO who nodded at me as I was leaving, no one knew I had it. That's an every day thing for me now. The world we live in sucks.

They're everywhere you go, JFK. You'd be in the floor crying like a little school girl if you actually could see all the ones you're within 10 feet of every day. They're everywhere now. Probably 1 for every 10 people you see, if not more. And the number of people carrying is growing FAST.

So you admit being schizophrenic? Great but water is wet too.

I actually live in the ghetto here in Kansas City. Never needed a gun. Nothing happens to me you know why? Because I am respectful to people. I don't start fights and the whole world isn't out to get me.

I am what you call a normal human being.

My last fight was in college, 30 years ago.

I am respectful to people as well. The whole world isn't out to get me, just a couple of ex business partners, but they know better :)

I have pulled my sidearm 3 times in 20 years that I've been carrying daily. All three times were to protect someone else. All 3 times, someone went to jail, and it wasn't me or the victim :)

I carry primarily to protect my employees and my customers, but also myself and my family (the nature of my business dictates that I carry large sums of cash, and people who know me know that).

God help the person who tries to rob my home, because my wife will shoot them 6 times before I ever get the chance :)

On behalf of those who carry daily,

you're welcome.
We are much more civilized that we were 250 years ago. We don't need guns to protect ourselves out on the streets.

I'm not even sure where to begin with that one


Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...
There is no reason that someone should have to be in threat of their own life because some schizophrenic right winger feels the whole world is getting to kill him so he has to carry an AK 47 to protect himself.

Instead, i should be denied the right to protect myself from a crazed leftwingut with an extended clip...

Thats straight up retarded.
I was just thinking the very same thing...

Their is absolutely no reason for a gun in our society outside of hunting and protecting yourself.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...

So you need a gun to go shopping? Go to the Movies? Explain the real danger that everytime you do these things every day where you have to use your gun every day then I will agree you have a need. Until then, their is no need. Just you being schizophrenic.

Ha! The Jared Loughner reference even though he is far from being left wing and many right wing nut jobs tried to bring guns to an Obama town hall meeting. Or the one that shot at police trying to kill the Tides foundation because Glenn Beck told him to. Or the multiple right wingers who blow up mosques around the country.
So you need a gun to go shopping? Go to the Movies? Explain the real danger that everytime you do these things every day where you have to use your gun every day then I will agree you have a need. Until then, their is no need. Just you being schizophrenic.

Ha! The Jared Loughner reference even though he is far from being left wing and many right wing nut jobs tried to bring guns to an Obama town hall meeting. Or the one that shot at police trying to kill the Tides foundation because Glenn Beck told him to. Or the multiple right wingers who blow up mosques around the country.


I must have missed those.....

I want to send the folks that blew them up Valentines cards, but I'm not aware of any being blown up?
That's an outright lie, biggie. Put up or shut up, little man.

Once again stupid you re defending the left Congress extends Patriot Act, no new protections

Only you would give the proof against yourself. Show us where the new provisions are that expand (expand, your moron, not extend!) the act.

Is English your first language?

Justice Department Supports Renewal of Patriot Act Provisions | Main Justice
Once again stupid you re defending the left Congress extends Patriot Act, no new protections

Only you would give the proof against yourself. Show us where the new provisions are that expand (expand, your moron, not extend!) the act.

Is English your first language?

Justice Department Supports Renewal of Patriot Act Provisions | Main Justice

This is your audience watching you shake your rattle.

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