What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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And to add

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said.

broader meaning expanded.
And to add

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said.

broader meaning expanded.
Reading comprehension

No troll you're the one with the fail to comprehend problem. Exactly what does broader than previously acknowledged mean to you?
And to add

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said.

broader meaning expanded.
Reading comprehension

No troll you're the one with the fail to comprehend problem. Exactly what does broader than previously acknowledged mean to you?
It's not a matter of what it means to anyone. It's a question of what it means.

It means that, previously, they didn't acknowledge how broad the powers granted by the act were. It does not mean the powers become broader than they were previously.

Is ASE your second language?
And to add

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said.

broader meaning expanded.
Reading comprehension

No, troll, you're the one with comprehension problem. Exactly what does 'broader than previously acknowledged' mean to you?
English is your second language, isn't it?
I have asked bigreb if English was his native language, and he denied that he was from Mexico.
Mini 14 said:
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Mini 14

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No troll you're the one with the fail to comprehend problem. Exactly what does broader than previously acknowledged mean to you?
It's not a matter of what it means to anyone. It's a question of what it means.

It means that, previously, they didn't acknowledge how broad the powers granted by the act were. It does not mean the powers become broader than they were previously.

Is ASE your second language?

I'm beginning to think the English language is a struggle for you. When the patriot act was extended that prevision was not in it from the previous years..
bigreb is demonstrating his normal problems with English. Comprendes, bigreb, comprendes.
No troll you're the one with the fail to comprehend problem. Exactly what does broader than previously acknowledged mean to you?
It's not a matter of what it means to anyone. It's a question of what it means.

It means that, previously, they didn't acknowledge how broad the powers granted by the act were. It does not mean the powers become broader than they were previously.

Is ASE your second language?

I'm beginning to think the English language is a struggle for you. When the patriot act was extended that prevision was not in it from the previous years..

Link and quote citing what language was added, please. None of you link titles stated that.
It's not a matter of what it means to anyone. It's a question of what it means.

It means that, previously, they didn't acknowledge how broad the powers granted by the act were. It does not mean the powers become broader than they were previously.

Is ASE your second language?

I'm beginning to think the English language is a struggle for you. When the patriot act was extended that prevision was not in it from the previous years..

Link and quote citing what language was added, please. None of you link titles stated that.

You really do not read any thing from any link posted do you? I posted the link already.
Your link does not support your claim, bigreb. Please post the proof. Otherwise, here is your audience watching you shake your rattle.

Last edited by a moderator:
I have asked bigreb if English was his native language, and he denied that he was from Mexico.

and here we have the liberal in denial .

You did not prove your point. The act did not expand or broaden the powers. That's what you said, that's what you have to prove, and you have not done that. Do it, please.

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said.

broader and broaden?
The Patriot Act?

Few liberals know it was written by Joe Biden..............in 1995. Let that sink in. 1995.

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