What Happened the Last Time Republicans Had a Majority?

Bush started the fire Mr. Buzz. He did it with lies about Saddam/al Qaeda collusion and WMD's. He betrayed the troops and tied the next administrations hands when he signed his surrender agreement one month before leaving office. He committed the US to halt combat and leave Iraq on a specific date. Remember, he did it one month before leaving office. That is why it is said he dumped the mess on the next President. He could have and should have just not signed an agreement and told Iraq they would have to talk to the new guy in a few weeks.
The last time they had total control, they started two wars that cost us over $6 trillion tax payer dollars and we got absolutely nothing in return.

Because Obama fucked up the endgame BOTH times, you delusional dipshit.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.

Thank you for checking this dumb ass. The US would still be fighting the fuckin Japs, were it not been for the german jew givin us the Atomic Bomb. I'm not hating on us, but I get so sick of this country relying on the pass of WWII to bolter our force around the world. We kicked ass, yes, but we weren't alone, we had help and as a world entity, all envolved put an end to Nazi rule.
Bush started the fire Mr. Buzz. He did it with lies about Saddam/al Qaeda collusion and WMD's. He betrayed the troops and tied the next administrations hands when he signed his surrender agreement one month before leaving office. He committed the US to halt combat and leave Iraq on a specific date. Remember, he did it one month before leaving office. That is why it is said he dumped the mess on the next President. He could have and should have just not signed an agreement and told Iraq they would have to talk to the new guy in a few weeks.

Haven't you heard, facts mean nothing to a neo con shit head.
The last time they had total control, they started two wars that cost us over $6 trillion tax payer dollars and we got absolutely nothing in return.

Because Obama fucked up the endgame BOTH times, you delusional dipshit.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

I too am a WWII fan, and I can go tit for tat with you any day, any week any time....without ever using Google, that's how versed I am on the history of that war.
The last time they had total control, they started two wars that cost us over $6 trillion tax payer dollars and we got absolutely nothing in return.

Because Obama fucked up the endgame BOTH times, you delusional dipshit.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?
Because Obama fucked up the endgame BOTH times, you delusional dipshit.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

In hindsight, the germans were well equipt to really take over the world, they're the forbearer's of missile usage, they had in their mist, the minds for atomic usage, thier weapons were equal to ours, I mean, if there leader hadn't been so sick and evil, we could all very well be speaking German today...well, at least the blonde blue eyes white folk, us negro's and jews, would all be ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Because Obama fucked up the endgame BOTH times, you delusional dipshit.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

The British raid on the heavy water factory at Telemark ended the German pursuit of the atom bomb, with the help of Hitler who had no idea it was THE weapon that would have changed the war.

The V2 rocket was like the scud, it was a terror weapon but could not win a war on its own by any long shot.

And Lend-Lease certainly helped the Russians and the British but each of those nations fought and won key decisive battles on their own with their own equipment. The Russians used their own artillery, own tanks, and millions of men to defeat the Germans on their own terms.

All the food and trucks we supplied were absolutely enormous assets that we supplied. But the battles themselves, the Russians won those all on their own with their own equipment. And the Battle of Britain was the battle that broke Germany's veil of 'invincibility'. Similar to the Battle of the Coral Sea and on the ground at Guadalcanal when the US showed it could stand toe to toe with the Japanese.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

In hindsight, the germans were well equipt to really take over the world, they're the forbearer's of missile usage, they had in their mist, the minds for atomic usage, thier weapons were equal to ours, I mean, if there leader hadn't been so sick and evil, we could all very well be speaking German today...well, at least the blonde blue eyes white folk, us negro's and jews, would all be ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Tiger, be honest. If you were speaking these comments rather than writing them then wouldn't there be a lot more "motherfuckers" and "jive turkeys" interspersed therein?
War, torture, six million jobs lost, crashed economy, no environmental enforcement
Yep, and if you're going to drag this country into war, at least have a valid reason! Don't invade the wrong country and then continue to lie for years.
Endgame. Now that is delusional. The Obama derangement crowd thinks leaving 10,000 American troops would have been something other than targets for ISIL. Somehow they think the 10,000 troops would not have needed a massive reinforcement of 100,000 troops and renewed participation in an endless Sunni-Shiite religious war that has been going on for hundreds of years.
With two years longer fighting in Iraq than it took to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII, Bush left just a few things that needed to be done and his "endgame" that he left to the next CiC would have resolved all the problems.

Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

The British raid on the heavy water factory at Telemark ended the German pursuit of the atom bomb, with the help of Hitler who had no idea it was THE weapon that would have changed the war.

The V2 rocket was like the scud, it was a terror weapon but could not win a war on its own by any long shot.

And Lend-Lease certainly helped the Russians and the British but each of those nations fought and won key decisive battles on their own with their own equipment. The Russians used their own artillery, own tanks, and millions of men to defeat the Germans on their own terms.

All the food and trucks we supplied were absolutely enormous assets that we supplied. But the battles themselves, the Russians won those all on their own with their own equipment. And the Battle of Britain was the battle that broke Germany's veil of 'invincibility'. Similar to the Battle of the Coral Sea and on the ground at Guadalcanal when the US showed it could stand toe to toe with the Japanese.

Put it this way, if the nutzies hadn't been so racist, so hell fire bent on exterminating jews, the same jews that help fight WWI. Had they not tried to fight to huge wars on two fronts, these nuts could very well had won the war. The japs were a formidable force, as were the Germans....The World won this war against evil and sadly the US who took a lead, has never been able to step away from any wars since then, and it is costing us, this country our families huge....because this war with Islam is a done deal, and we're gonna lose this one big time and I pray God somebody gets wise to the facts.
Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

In hindsight, the germans were well equipt to really take over the world, they're the forbearer's of missile usage, they had in their mist, the minds for atomic usage, thier weapons were equal to ours, I mean, if there leader hadn't been so sick and evil, we could all very well be speaking German today...well, at least the blonde blue eyes white folk, us negro's and jews, would all be ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Tiger, be honest. If you were speaking these comments rather than writing them then wouldn't there be a lot more "motherfuckers" and "jive turkeys" interspersed therein?

Actually, if I were having a face to face with someone discussing shit like this, I may throw in a curse word or two, depending on the temperature of the room. For some reason you shit for brains rednecks get me heated, so I go there....but to be honest with you, I really really really really got a potty mouth, its just me.,,, and it has led me into a lot of shit in my life, but hey, it is what it is.
Uh, a little history lesson for the fool....the US did not, I repeat did not win WWII by ourselves....it was a World War, not a US...we had help, you moronic simp...now with that being said, other than a few here and there countries, we're fighting this useless never ever gonna win war, pretty much by ourselves...a WAR THAT YOUR HERO THE IDIOT SAVANT STARTED...AND HE DIDN'T JUST LEAVE A FEW THINGS, HE LEFT A LOT AND FINALLY YOU MORONIC FUCK HEAD, OBAMA WITH HIS STUPID ASS CONTINUES TO BOW TO THE PRESSURE OF THE FUCKING WHITE RIGHT WING SHIT FOR BRAINS MOTHERFUCKERS YOU SUPPORT, YOU BAD BREATH NUT HEAD.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

The British raid on the heavy water factory at Telemark ended the German pursuit of the atom bomb, with the help of Hitler who had no idea it was THE weapon that would have changed the war.

The V2 rocket was like the scud, it was a terror weapon but could not win a war on its own by any long shot.

And Lend-Lease certainly helped the Russians and the British but each of those nations fought and won key decisive battles on their own with their own equipment. The Russians used their own artillery, own tanks, and millions of men to defeat the Germans on their own terms.

All the food and trucks we supplied were absolutely enormous assets that we supplied. But the battles themselves, the Russians won those all on their own with their own equipment. And the Battle of Britain was the battle that broke Germany's veil of 'invincibility'. Similar to the Battle of the Coral Sea and on the ground at Guadalcanal when the US showed it could stand toe to toe with the Japanese.

Put it this way, if the nutzies hadn't been so racist, so hell fire bent on exterminating jews, the same jews that help fight WWI. Had they not tried to fight to huge wars on two fronts, these nuts could very well had won the war. The japs were a formidable force, as were the Germans....The World won this war against evil and sadly the US who took a lead, has never been able to step away from any wars since then, and it is costing us, this country our families huge....because this war with Islam is a done deal, and we're gonna lose this one big time and I pray God somebody gets wise to the facts.

If Germany had defeated Britain before taking on Russia they would have had a better chance but still would have lost though the war would have lasted a year longer likely, the Russians once they got going were a lot like America, they produced huge amounts of artillery and armor and they had limitless supplies of men.

The Japanese had no chance of winning and the head of their navy Yamamoto said so before they attacked America. He told the Japanese government he could guarantee Japan could wreak havoc in the Pacific for six months but after that he could make no guarantee of anything. He was almost exactly right. The battle of Midway happened on June 4 1942, almost six months to the day after Pearl Harbor and the Japanese lost 4 of their large aircraft carriers which they were hard pressed to replace, pretty much swinging control of the Pacific over to the Americans in ten minutes of battle. From that point on for the rest of the war the Japanese were fighting a delaying action only. The outcome was inevitable. The US started the war with 4 large carriers and ended the war 3.5 years later with 25 large carriers and 75 small carriers. Japan could not even begin to match our industrial output, this is what Yamamoto knew before the war started. Japan's soldiers never gave up in battle, 99% of them across the Pacific fought to the death. It didn't matter, the US was in fact a giant that simply took a couple years to stand up and when we did all was swept before us.

The current war with the radicals in the middle east is no real threat to America or Europe other than they can kill people here and in Europe, which of course is not desirable but we are talking about winning or losing wars and sovereignty. We can never lose.

Germany had 45 million people, a 6 million man army of fanatics with the best military equipment in the world and they lost.

The radicals in the middle east are a pimple. A painful pimple but in the grand scheme of things just a pimple. They can't defeat us ever.

You people that are scared of this nonsense need to get over it. They can't win. They are more like the Timothy McVeighs of the world, they can cause local deaths and damage but that is all. They cannot defeat any of the nations in Nato. Not even close.
They lost it...folks, history always repeat itself...vote democrat to be safe!!
Bullshit. When the Republicans had control, the USA thrived economically. Are you too young to remember that? I'm not. That's why I can retire in my 40s.
Dude, I will go head to head with you anytime on WWII history. My post and contributions to WWII related topics are usually accompanied with academic links. I happen to have the opinion that part of the US winning WWII was lend lease and the air campaign. Without those two things both England and Russia would have been defeated. We manipulated and led the allied forces and that is what led to victory. My opinion, but shared by many.

You seem pretty quick to call names and make assumptions about people. I am one of the harshest anti Bush posters on this board. That you are assuming I am a fan of W and support him shows your ignorant readiness to attack people with nothing more than you arrogant uninformed imagination. That makes you an asshole. An asshole with very poor reading comprehension skills. Can't imagine who the "RIGHT WING MOTHERFUCKERS" you lie about me supporting are. Plus you use the term "NUT HEAD". A great silly name still used be little children today.

Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

The British raid on the heavy water factory at Telemark ended the German pursuit of the atom bomb, with the help of Hitler who had no idea it was THE weapon that would have changed the war.

The V2 rocket was like the scud, it was a terror weapon but could not win a war on its own by any long shot.

And Lend-Lease certainly helped the Russians and the British but each of those nations fought and won key decisive battles on their own with their own equipment. The Russians used their own artillery, own tanks, and millions of men to defeat the Germans on their own terms.

All the food and trucks we supplied were absolutely enormous assets that we supplied. But the battles themselves, the Russians won those all on their own with their own equipment. And the Battle of Britain was the battle that broke Germany's veil of 'invincibility'. Similar to the Battle of the Coral Sea and on the ground at Guadalcanal when the US showed it could stand toe to toe with the Japanese.

Put it this way, if the nutzies hadn't been so racist, so hell fire bent on exterminating jews, the same jews that help fight WWI. Had they not tried to fight to huge wars on two fronts, these nuts could very well had won the war. The japs were a formidable force, as were the Germans....The World won this war against evil and sadly the US who took a lead, has never been able to step away from any wars since then, and it is costing us, this country our families huge....because this war with Islam is a done deal, and we're gonna lose this one big time and I pray God somebody gets wise to the facts.

If Germany had defeated Britain before taking on Russia they would have had a better chance but still would have lost though the war would have lasted a year longer likely, the Russians once they got going were a lot like America, they produced huge amounts of artillery and armor and they had limitless supplies of men.

The Japanese had no chance of winning and the head of their navy Yamamoto said so before they attacked America. He told the Japanese government he could guarantee Japan could wreak havoc in the Pacific for six months but after that he could make no guarantee of anything. He was almost exactly right. The battle of Midway happened on June 4 1942, almost six months to the day after Pearl Harbor and the Japanese lost 4 of their large aircraft carriers which they were hard pressed to replace, pretty much swinging control of the Pacific over to the Americans in ten minutes of battle. From that point on for the rest of the war the Japanese were fighting a delaying action only. The outcome was inevitable. The US started the war with 4 large carriers and ended the war 3.5 years later with 25 large carriers and 75 small carriers. Japan could not even begin to match our industrial output, this is what Yamamoto knew before the war started. Japan's soldiers never gave up in battle, 99% of them across the Pacific fought to the death. It didn't matter, the US was in fact a giant that simply took a couple years to stand up and when we did all was swept before us.

The current war with the radicals in the middle east is no real threat to America or Europe other than they can kill people here and in Europe, which of course is not desirable but we are talking about winning or losing wars and sovereignty. We can never lose.

Germany had 45 million people, a 6 million man army of fanatics with the best military equipment in the world and they lost.

The radicals in the middle east are a pimple. A painful pimple but in the grand scheme of things just a pimple. They can't defeat us ever.

You people that are scared of this nonsense need to get over it. They can't win. They are more like the Timothy McVeighs of the world, they can cause local deaths and damage but that is all. They cannot defeat any of the nations in Nato. Not even close.

I disagree with the latter part of this comment.....We would have lost the vietnam war, had we not thrown in the towel, bottom line, you can not win wars when the ideology of your opponent is embedded in their minds and they have nothing to lose. We will not, as Russian and Europe found out, win this war
Britain defeated the German air force all on their own in 1940 during the Battle of Britain, resulting in Hitler cancelling the invasion of Britain and instead invading Russia in 1941.

Russia inflicted massive defeats on German armies all on their own on the Eastern front.

Did help from the US and Britain help Russia, yes, was it decisive, no.

People need to overcome this 'America saves the world every time' disease. America outright crushed Japan once we got going. And we certainly contributed in a major way to defeating Germany in Europe, but Britain and Russia were key players as well.
You offer versions that are debated to this very day. Just as tactic and strategies of all wars are debated. So many "what if's" to consider. What if the allies hadn't slowed down the V rocket developments and the invasion hadn't neutralized the launch sites? What if the Russian's had not had the 80,000 jeeps and 150,000 deuce and a half trucks to use in maneuvering their forces? How much time did US aid and the bombing campaign lessen the time frame and how far away was Germany away from putting their super weapons to game changing use? Would they have developed an atom bomb?

The British raid on the heavy water factory at Telemark ended the German pursuit of the atom bomb, with the help of Hitler who had no idea it was THE weapon that would have changed the war.

The V2 rocket was like the scud, it was a terror weapon but could not win a war on its own by any long shot.

And Lend-Lease certainly helped the Russians and the British but each of those nations fought and won key decisive battles on their own with their own equipment. The Russians used their own artillery, own tanks, and millions of men to defeat the Germans on their own terms.

All the food and trucks we supplied were absolutely enormous assets that we supplied. But the battles themselves, the Russians won those all on their own with their own equipment. And the Battle of Britain was the battle that broke Germany's veil of 'invincibility'. Similar to the Battle of the Coral Sea and on the ground at Guadalcanal when the US showed it could stand toe to toe with the Japanese.

Put it this way, if the nutzies hadn't been so racist, so hell fire bent on exterminating jews, the same jews that help fight WWI. Had they not tried to fight to huge wars on two fronts, these nuts could very well had won the war. The japs were a formidable force, as were the Germans....The World won this war against evil and sadly the US who took a lead, has never been able to step away from any wars since then, and it is costing us, this country our families huge....because this war with Islam is a done deal, and we're gonna lose this one big time and I pray God somebody gets wise to the facts.

If Germany had defeated Britain before taking on Russia they would have had a better chance but still would have lost though the war would have lasted a year longer likely, the Russians once they got going were a lot like America, they produced huge amounts of artillery and armor and they had limitless supplies of men.

The Japanese had no chance of winning and the head of their navy Yamamoto said so before they attacked America. He told the Japanese government he could guarantee Japan could wreak havoc in the Pacific for six months but after that he could make no guarantee of anything. He was almost exactly right. The battle of Midway happened on June 4 1942, almost six months to the day after Pearl Harbor and the Japanese lost 4 of their large aircraft carriers which they were hard pressed to replace, pretty much swinging control of the Pacific over to the Americans in ten minutes of battle. From that point on for the rest of the war the Japanese were fighting a delaying action only. The outcome was inevitable. The US started the war with 4 large carriers and ended the war 3.5 years later with 25 large carriers and 75 small carriers. Japan could not even begin to match our industrial output, this is what Yamamoto knew before the war started. Japan's soldiers never gave up in battle, 99% of them across the Pacific fought to the death. It didn't matter, the US was in fact a giant that simply took a couple years to stand up and when we did all was swept before us.

The current war with the radicals in the middle east is no real threat to America or Europe other than they can kill people here and in Europe, which of course is not desirable but we are talking about winning or losing wars and sovereignty. We can never lose.

Germany had 45 million people, a 6 million man army of fanatics with the best military equipment in the world and they lost.

The radicals in the middle east are a pimple. A painful pimple but in the grand scheme of things just a pimple. They can't defeat us ever.

You people that are scared of this nonsense need to get over it. They can't win. They are more like the Timothy McVeighs of the world, they can cause local deaths and damage but that is all. They cannot defeat any of the nations in Nato. Not even close.

I disagree with the latter part of this comment.....We would have lost the vietnam war, had we not thrown in the towel, bottom line, you can not win wars when the ideology of your opponent is embedded in their minds and they have nothing to lose. We will not, as Russian and Europe found out, win this war

Both the Germans and Japanese soldiers were as fanatical as any of the whackjobs in the middle east and they were destroyed utterly.

I'm really not sure where this weird out of place fear of these terrorist groups comes from other than the media and Faux News.

They are bad people, but they can't defeat us, ever. Explain how exactly they will defeat just one of the nations in Nato.

Just one.

It is a ridiculous fear. In World War 1 the arabs in the middle east also declared Jihad, where is that now? Most people don't even know they did this.

Turn off the tv and stop listening to the news. Think about what you are saying. We, who spend 600 billion dollars on defense and have a million man army and can draft another 10 million with no problem, who have tanks, artillery, aircraft carriers, missilles, satellites, and nukes, you think a bunch of goat herders are going to defeat us?

I mean you have to somewhere along the line join us back in reality. No one on Earth can defeat us. No one. And they all know it, you can be sure.
They lost it...folks, history always repeat itself...vote democrat to be safe!!

Do you remember the last time Dems had total control of the government?
They lost it the very next election because they pissed so many people off.
They lost it...folks, history always repeat itself...vote democrat to be safe!!

Do you remember the last time Dems had total control of the government?
They lost it the very next election because they pissed so many people off.

Exactly, but they pissed democrats off....what we had was a bunch of fuckin cowards afraid to stand with Obama, but instead side with the crazy effin GOP and it cost them...glad to see them go and like this current crop of do nothing nuts, nobody can tell the fuckin difference.

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