What happened to the farm bill?

How does a government subsidy create natural demand? Just asking.

Food stamps are currency for purchasing food products. The market, therefore, creates demand--and the suppliers (farmers) have no alternative but to react to demand if they want to stay in business. If you are confused by the term "natural," I use it in an economic sense. It is the natural demand of consumers.

Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

No, consumers desiring food and obtaining it is a most natural demand. You oppose it because you believe they don't deserve help, but that's your personal belief. It has nothing at all to do with economics.
How does a government subsidy create natural demand? Just asking.

Food stamps are currency for purchasing food products. The market, therefore, creates demand--and the suppliers (farmers) have no alternative but to react to demand if they want to stay in business. If you are confused by the term "natural," I use it in an economic sense. It is the natural demand of consumers.

Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

ALSO, capitalists "take" profits from the productive labor of the workforce every day. Those profits are "taken" from laborers and "given" to capitalists. Don't look too closely at economic systems if you are concerned with fairness issues.
Food stamps are currency for purchasing food products. The market, therefore, creates demand--and the suppliers (farmers) have no alternative but to react to demand if they want to stay in business. If you are confused by the term "natural," I use it in an economic sense. It is the natural demand of consumers.

Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

No, consumers desiring food and obtaining it is a most natural demand. You oppose it because you believe they don't deserve help, but that's your personal belief. It has nothing at all to do with economics.
Consumers naturally desire food. Everyone does. But there is nothing natural about a government subsidy, which must be paid for by other people. That is totally artificial and distorts the market. Whether those people "deserve" help or not is immaterial. Food stamps are an artificial way of altering the market through subsidy.
Food stamps are currency for purchasing food products. The market, therefore, creates demand--and the suppliers (farmers) have no alternative but to react to demand if they want to stay in business. If you are confused by the term "natural," I use it in an economic sense. It is the natural demand of consumers.

Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

ALSO, capitalists "take" profits from the productive labor of the workforce every day. Those profits are "taken" from laborers and "given" to capitalists. Don't look too closely at economic systems if you are concerned with fairness issues.

Marxism has been debunked over and over. This is no exception. It would be equally fair to say that labor takes profits from capital, since there would be no demand for labor without capital.
I grew up where cornstalks vote and elect soybeans to office. So WTF happened to the farm bill? They didn't even vote on one last year in the House, and this year 62 Republicans voted against it after voting FOR a poison pill that drove off all Democratic support. What are Republicans saying in Kansas? It's like Democrats proposing that blacks be counted as three-fifths of a vote in all elections. Are Midwest farmers being kicked out of the Republican base and being treated like chopped liver?

They had to concentrate on "abortion".

three fifths? What does that even mean?
Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

No, consumers desiring food and obtaining it is a most natural demand. You oppose it because you believe they don't deserve help, but that's your personal belief. It has nothing at all to do with economics.
Consumers naturally desire food. Everyone does. But there is nothing natural about a government subsidy, which must be paid for by other people. That is totally artificial and distorts the market. Whether those people "deserve" help or not is immaterial. Food stamps are an artificial way of altering the market through subsidy.

So are corporate subsidies OK? What about the apology to BP?
I grew up where cornstalks vote and elect soybeans to office. So WTF happened to the farm bill? They didn't even vote on one last year in the House, and this year 62 Republicans voted against it after voting FOR a poison pill that drove off all Democratic support. What are Republicans saying in Kansas? It's like Democrats proposing that blacks be counted as three-fifths of a vote in all elections. Are Midwest farmers being kicked out of the Republican base and being treated like chopped liver?

They had to concentrate on "abortion".

three fifths? What does that even mean?

It actually means nothing. There was never any move to count blacks as 3/5ths of anything. Anotehr left wing lie.
No, consumers desiring food and obtaining it is a most natural demand. You oppose it because you believe they don't deserve help, but that's your personal belief. It has nothing at all to do with economics.
Consumers naturally desire food. Everyone does. But there is nothing natural about a government subsidy, which must be paid for by other people. That is totally artificial and distorts the market. Whether those people "deserve" help or not is immaterial. Food stamps are an artificial way of altering the market through subsidy.

So are corporate subsidies OK? What about the apology to BP?

No. Corporate subsidies are not OK. Surprised you would even ask. But that's what the farm bill offered since many of the beneficiaries of price supports are corporations.
What does an apology to BP have to do with anything?
If we have to cut food stamps to reduce subsidies to absentee megacorporate farms, then I say, "Go for it!". Let the poor steal. If is good enough for corporate America, it is good enough for Jasper Joad! Besides, what are they complaining about? I donated a can of beets last year at Safeway...
If we have to cut food stamps to reduce subsidies to absentee megacorporate farms, then I say, "Go for it!". Let the poor steal. If is good enough for corporate America, it is good enough for Jasper Joad! Besides, what are they complaining about? I donated a can of beets last year at Safeway...

Yeah because those are the only two alternatives. ::cuckoo:
80% of the Farm bill was for food stamps.
768 Billion for Food Stamps and 11% goes to Farms.
This is insane.
Look at the chart to this link.
We do not have the money for this. The spending is out of control.
Chart of the Week: This Farm Bill 56 Percent More Costly Than Last

Interesting blog. They are uncovering evil conspiracies from China to Hispanic immigrants, and everything in between! (with the exception of Tea Party people, who are standing alone between America and Armageddon).Example: "Pew Study Reveals 5–1 Bias for Same-Sex Marriage in Media Coverage". I figure that anyone who has identified the gay marraige/media alliance has GOT to be an expert on farm economics!
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Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

ALSO, capitalists "take" profits from the productive labor of the workforce every day. Those profits are "taken" from laborers and "given" to capitalists. Don't look too closely at economic systems if you are concerned with fairness issues.

Marxism has been debunked over and over. This is no exception. It would be equally fair to say that labor takes profits from capital, since there would be no demand for labor without capital.

Abraham Lincoln was correct in stating that labor always precedes capital.

Without labor and consumption, the capitalist starves.
If we have to cut food stamps to reduce subsidies to absentee megacorporate farms, then I say, "Go for it!". Let the poor steal. If is good enough for corporate America, it is good enough for Jasper Joad! Besides, what are they complaining about? I donated a can of beets last year at Safeway...

If a poor man gets a year for stealing bread, how high should be build the gallows for the rich man who steals for greed?
Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

ALSO, capitalists "take" profits from the productive labor of the workforce every day. Those profits are "taken" from laborers and "given" to capitalists. Don't look too closely at economic systems if you are concerned with fairness issues.

Marxism has been debunked over and over. This is no exception. It would be equally fair to say that labor takes profits from capital, since there would be no demand for labor without capital.

Hell, every modern economic system has been "debunked" in one form or another. It all depends on your personal position regarding how you relate to other people specifically, and society in general. As you said, it all depends upon how you frame it.
I have a huge farm & I don't like all the farm subsidies. There are only 2 that are worth while. Payments to protect natural areas, wetlands, etc. & food-stamps. It should all be capped at $100k per farmer or eliminated. All they do is drive up land prices for rich people & fill their pockets with our tax dollars.

The crop insurance program is just a scheme for government to put a tight leash on farmers & keep the money flowing to the rich. It needs to go.
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If we have to cut food stamps to reduce subsidies to absentee megacorporate farms, then I say, "Go for it!". Let the poor steal. If is good enough for corporate America, it is good enough for Jasper Joad! Besides, what are they complaining about? I donated a can of beets last year at Safeway...

If a poor man gets a year for stealing bread, how high should be build the gallows for the rich man who steals for greed?

The rich pay off legislators to make loopholes so their greedy theft is legal. You can never get them into the gallows. Laws like fiduciary responsibility only apply to the 99%. The 1% call it market making when they create a scheme to defraud people of their wealth. And if the scheme backfires, they get bailed out. The house always wins.
ALSO, capitalists "take" profits from the productive labor of the workforce every day. Those profits are "taken" from laborers and "given" to capitalists. Don't look too closely at economic systems if you are concerned with fairness issues.

Marxism has been debunked over and over. This is no exception. It would be equally fair to say that labor takes profits from capital, since there would be no demand for labor without capital.

Hell, every modern economic system has been "debunked" in one form or another. It all depends on your personal position regarding how you relate to other people specifically, and society in general. As you said, it all depends upon how you frame it.

Wrong. Capitalism has provided the most consistent increase in wealth and standard of living every time it's been tried.
Food stamps are currency for purchasing food products. The market, therefore, creates demand--and the suppliers (farmers) have no alternative but to react to demand if they want to stay in business. If you are confused by the term "natural," I use it in an economic sense. It is the natural demand of consumers.

Food stamps are subsidies. You're giving people something that was taken from someone else. It creates artificial demand and nothing more. There is nothing "natural" in markets regarding wealth redistribution.

No, consumers desiring food and obtaining it is a most natural demand. You oppose it because you believe they don't deserve help, but that's your personal belief. It has nothing at all to do with economics.

How you feel about something has absolutely nothing to do with economic reality. What you suggested is wrong in economics. Period. It's wrong for the very reason I stated it. There is nothing natural about artificial demands. :cuckoo:
Consumers naturally desire food. Everyone does. But there is nothing natural about a government subsidy, which must be paid for by other people. That is totally artificial and distorts the market. Whether those people "deserve" help or not is immaterial. Food stamps are an artificial way of altering the market through subsidy.

So are corporate subsidies OK? What about the apology to BP?

No. Corporate subsidies are not OK. Surprised you would even ask. But that's what the farm bill offered since many of the beneficiaries of price supports are corporations.
What does an apology to BP have to do with anything?

Well, if you give them subsidies, should you also apologize to them for making them clean up their mess?

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