What happened to Trump "the war President"?

Deaths and ICU care way down thanks to a vigorous effort by doctors and labs to develop new forms of treatment...all made possible by the quick thinking experts put in place by Trump....you can thank him anytime snowflake....
You seem confused. Every treatment that Trump advocated was either bogus or too dangerous to try.
Current treatments such as with steroids came from the medical community, and clinical experimentation.

Hydrochloroquin works.

I bet if you showed them a picture of a puppy, they would scream and say it is Jack The Ripper. There is a huge disconnect with reality going on.
For all you people who are saying that the only reason there is a surge in cases of the virus is because of more testing, can you explain why ICU's in many states are starting to become over run again?
The surge is only because of testing. There is no real surge. The virus has been practically defeated by Trump already, saving 2 million American lives.
Mike Pence has to delay his last trip, because too many of his secret service agents tested positive. Since he and Trump rely on testing instead of masks.
Are you referring to how you attributed a post from dragonlady to me.

And called me a liar.

Yeah, your M.O. is clear. BTW: You ever think of apologizing when you wrongfully call somebody a liar?
You were a liar. I proved both of you to be liars.

I just got her lie mixed up with yours.

She was the ONLY lie you found, and you tried to pin it on me. And when I pointed out your mistake, all you did was refuse to take it back.
You lied too, asswipe. You claimed NY was one of the lowest in deaths. (she said the lowest) You provided no link. I did, and it showed NY to be the highest in new deaths.

Man, I can’t believe you wanted to revisit that can of whoopass I opened on you.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
You lied too, asswipe. You claimed NY was one of the lowest in deaths. (she said the lowest) You provided no link. I did, and it showed NY to be the highest in new deaths.

Man, I can’t believe you wanted to revisit that can of whoopass I opened on you.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Wrong. You pulled up incomplete data, 31 states NOT reporting by the charts deadline. If you clicked on "yesterday" like I did, so instead of 19 states reporting, there were 50. And you would have seen NY was below nearly half a dozen other states. Even states with far smaller populations.
So no lie there. The only "lie" was you saying that New York had the most new deaths. And that was because you thought there were only 19 states.
The only person the President is at war with is himself. Hubris is his own worst enemy....
For all you people who are saying that the only reason there is a surge in cases of the virus is because of more testing, can you explain why ICU's in many states are starting to become over run again?
I know you won’t get that link, so let me just say that if they do ever fill up we can send the infected into nursing homes and become Dimwinger heroes.
For all you people who are saying that the only reason there is a surge in cases of the virus is because of more testing, can you explain why ICU's in many states are starting to become over run again?
Read a damn newspaper idiot. Texas is reporting their ICU at 100% capacity. States have to transfer patients to other hospitals (including out of state) because their ICU's are full.
You lied too, asswipe. You claimed NY was one of the lowest in deaths. (she said the lowest) You provided no link. I did, and it showed NY to be the highest in new deaths.

Man, I can’t believe you wanted to revisit that can of whoopass I opened on you.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Wrong. You pulled up incomplete data, 31 states NOT reporting by the charts deadline. If you clicked on "yesterday" like I did, so instead of 19 states reporting, there were 50. And you would have seen NY was below nearly half a dozen other states. Even states with far smaller populations.
So no lie there. The only "lie" was you saying that New York had the most new deaths. And that was because you thought there were only 19 states.
“Below nearly half a dozen states”???????

That would put them in the Top 10%. You claimed they were “near the bottom”.

Thanks for confirming that you are a lying sack of shit.
For all you people who are saying that the only reason there is a surge in cases of the virus is because of more testing, can you explain why ICU's in many states are starting to become over run again?
Read a damn newspaper idiot. Texas is reporting their ICU at 100% capacity. States have to transfer patients to other hospitals (including out of state) because their ICU's are full.
That was one hospital in Houston, liar.

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