Zone1 what happens after death?

Mankind and live forms existed long before religion or philosophical aspects started to be introduced, "invented".
Religion and Philosophy simply started to replace and furthered caveman's mystical explanations, and believes, some 8000 years ago.

It "was" the inability of modern humans to explain e.g. natural phenomenon's - thus religion (just another word for "unprofessional science") came in, and is entirely based on wild assumptions and foremost "pushing" the unexplainable, onto some GOD aka higher being.

Those that continue to receive aka believe into "religious explanations" - simply ain't into science - respectively have been indoctrinated for millennia by religious organizations to "reject" science, upon threat of sin, burned at the stake, hell, etc.

Today's practiced religions, are nothing else but up-keeping fearmongering towards science - since scientific facts, make religion redundant.
Seems like you are selective in your application of science when the science doesn't suit your worldview.

According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So natural selection confirms that religion is a behavior which led to a functional advantage. Otherwise, according to natural selection, religion would have been abandoned long ago.
And consciousness is the result of brain, body and the environment - causing e.g. respective human reactions
So where does this "soul" come in? it simply doesn't exist.

How do you know that fire hurts? - due to your nerve receptors you feel pain - and your brain instructs you to avoid contact with fire, thus causing your muscles to retract your fingers from a flame. it's simple science.

Same goes for your "good"or "bad" soul belief - factually you brain tells you if you keep aggravating someone, you might get beat up. So your brain and not some "good soul" tells you to stop aggravating someone in order to avoid repercussions - that can result in both physical and physiological reactions from your opposite.
Consciousness is an artifact of being and encompasses the entire being. Think of it as who you are. Same for the soul.
I only can give you these words
1 Corinthians 4: 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored!

Romans 1: 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools.
Like I said before, at best you are a Pharisee, at worst you are the serpent in the garden. It seems you would rather work on others than yourself. And your weapon of choice is division.
Like I said before, at best you are a Pharisee, at worst you are the serpent in the garden. It seems you would rather work on others than yourself. And your weapon of choice is division.

The World Hates the Disciples

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The World’s Hatred

John 15: 18-27 18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake because they do not know Him who sent Me.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 He who hates Me hates My Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father.
25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’

The Coming Rejection

The Work of the Holy Spirit

26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.
27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
No one has absolute knowledge of what occurs after biological, bodily death, if anything. We simply don't know. Even paranormal activity doesn't prove life after bodily death, because we don't know what the true source of that phenomena is.

I know that there are invisible entities around us, because I confirmed that for myself, with radio-sweepers/ghost boxes, and through the poltergeist activity that occurred when I was using those devices. But do I know what occurs after bodily death? No. I would have to die and attend my own funeral, as a ghost. Then I would know without a shadow of a doubt that there's life after death. I'm about 35% convinced that there's life after biological death and 65% unconvinced.

I just can't wrap my head around how I can survive the death of my physical body. Maybe I have another body, made of some other substance, but that seems unlikely. It's like a pipe dream. Living after biological death. Do I even want to exist without a physical, biological body? I love being human, with a material body, here on Earth. I don't want to become a ghost. Can I make love to my wife as a ghost? Can I eat a Key Lime Pie, topped with whipped cream, with a tall glass of milk, as a ghost? I don't want to be a ghost.
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And consciousness is the result of brain, body and the environment -

the cns processes the physical conditions necessary for consciousness that is controlled by the unique spiritual content of the physiology - as memory for yet to occur events.
If there Is truth in infinity or the infinite, then anything is possible.
I think I'll side with Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurus, Plato, Laozi, Confucius, The Buddha, Aquinas, Maimonides, Descartes, Pascal, Bacon, Hobbs and Locke over you. They philosophize what something is and are famous for it. All you can do is criticize what threatens your worldview and are a nobody for it.
Go right ahead.

. Then, if you are ever honestly curious if their arguments are sound, and would like to lift your mind out of the shitty murk of faith into the clarity of knowledge, you will have to test the truth of their premises.

(Granted, that's a BIG "if". )

Then you will turn to science.

Science ate philosophy.
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Let's go a bit deeper. What causes the brain and nerves, heart, etc. to develop? You may say DNA, ribosomes, etc. and you would be correct. However what drives DNA? You see, what I am getting at is one cannot put one's finger on causation so where does consciousness really come from?
Where "consciousness" comes from, aka where it gets started - I had already stated

As to what drives DNA replication, RNA primers, etc. - you and me need to check the internet. - however certainly not a non-existing soul.
the evidence requires perception -

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the cicadas physiology is transformed from one being to another by its unique spiritual content ...

as evolution itself is similarly evidence that metaphysical physiology requires its unique spiritual content for its regeneration as when removed dissipates into the atmosphere as well the extreme example, disassociation of the spiritual content to its physiology causing extinction.
You're just making the same.mistake the human race made for 100,000 years.

"Wow, how complex and beautiful! It must be designed!"

We moved past this error caused by childlike wonder and ignorance 150+ years ago.
Let's go a bit deeper. What causes the brain and nerves, heart, etc. to develop? You may say DNA, ribosomes, etc. and you would be correct. However what drives DNA? You see, what I am getting at is one cannot put one's finger on causation so where does consciousness really come from?
You just put your finger on the causation.

Consciousness comes from the complexity of our brains. We came to understand the difference between self and other. Abstract concepts soon followed.

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