Zone1 what happens after death?

I am not into fairy-tales nor self-written religious books. There is no physical, nor scientific proof for a "soul".
The entire topic pertains to neuroscience aka brain, the nerve-receptor system which in turn receives input from the environment.

Anything else pertains solely to religion - for which there is no proof at all, but simply "induced" belief, via self-proclaimed individuals "claiming godly inspiration" and religious organizations, philosophizing about something that doesn't exist, but being necessary to uphold/justify their own needless existence.
Great, so then you would also acknowledge that religion's continued widespread and long lived existence in overwhelming numbers in every civilization since the beginning of man is Darwinian, right?

The day there is evidence for this, I'll take it seriously. For now, it's just an intellectual circle jerk

the evidence requires perception -


the cicadas physiology is transformed from one being to another by its unique spiritual content ...

as evolution itself is similarly evidence that metaphysical physiology requires its unique spiritual content for its regeneration as when removed dissipates into the atmosphere as well the extreme example, disassociation of the spiritual content to its physiology causing extinction.
Great, so then you would also acknowledge that religion's continued widespread and long lived existence in overwhelming numbers in every civilization since the beginning of man is Darwinian, right?
Mankind and live forms existed long before religion or philosophical aspects started to be introduced, "invented".
Religion and Philosophy simply started to replace and furthered caveman's mystical explanations, and believes, some 8000 years ago.

It "was" the inability of modern humans to explain e.g. natural phenomenon's - thus religion (just another word for "unprofessional science") came in, and is entirely based on wild assumptions and foremost "pushing" the unexplainable, onto some GOD aka higher being.

Those that continue to receive aka believe into "religious explanations" - simply ain't into science - respectively have been indoctrinated for millennia by religious organizations to "reject" science, upon threat of sin, burned at the stake, hell, etc.

Today's practiced religions, are nothing else but up-keeping fearmongering towards science - since scientific facts, make religion redundant.
Think of it as your consciousness (not necessarily your conscience). It's essentially comprised of your whole being.
And consciousness is the result of brain, body and the environment - causing e.g. respective human reactions
So where does this "soul" come in? it simply doesn't exist.

How do you know that fire hurts? - due to your nerve receptors you feel pain - and your brain instructs you to avoid contact with fire, thus causing your muscles to retract your fingers from a flame. it's simple science.

Same goes for your "good"or "bad" soul belief - factually you brain tells you if you keep aggravating someone, you might get beat up. So your brain and not some "good soul" tells you to stop aggravating someone in order to avoid repercussions - that can result in both physical and physiological reactions from your opposite.
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More like a nut job.

I only can give you these words
1 Corinthians 4: 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored!

Romans 1: 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools.
And consciousness is the result of brain, body and the environment - causing e.g. respective human reactions
So where does this "soul" come in? it simply doesn't exist.

How do you know that fire hurts? - due to your nerve receptors you feel pain - and your brain instructs you to avoid contact with fire, thus causing your muscles to retract your fingers from a flame. it's simple science.

Where did 'consciousness' come from?
Where did 'consciousness' come from?
The moment a brain starts to take up it's function towards the body and the environment.

You are aware that a brain-dead person (not talking about being in a coma) has absolutely no functioning body nor reactions (he can't even feel pain) - even though his heart is still beating due to artificial live support.

Therefore there is no recorded case of a brain-dead having recovered - aka regained consciousness, since a brain-dead person is not even able to breath by himself. He is factually DEAD. Since there is no such thing as a soul - one can't jump-start it, in order for the "soul" to tell the brain to take up it's function. Neither can the heart instruct a brain.
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The moment a brain starts to take up it's function towards the body and the environment.

You are aware that a brain-dead person (not talking about being in a coma) has absolutely no functioning body nor reactions (he can't even feel pain) - even though his heart is still beating due to artificial live support.

Therefore there is no recorded case of a brain-dead having recovered - aka regained consciousness, since a brain-dead person is not even able to breath by himself. He is factually DEAD. Since there is no such thing as a soul - one can't jump-start it, in order for the "soul" to tell the brain to take up it's function. Neither can the heart instruct a brain.
How does the brain start to 'take up function?' What was it before? Was it dead? How do all the cells in our bodies that make up all our organs know how to work together to make our bodies functional and what they are? What is that force?
How does the brain start to 'take up function?' What was it before? Was it dead? How do all the cells in our bodies that make up all our organs know how to work together to make our bodies functional and what they are? What is that force?
It "develops/evolves " - just like the heart, organs, blood-system etc.
Just like nerve/brain cells develop/evolve - they don't exist "ready-made" on day one.

It all pertains to "evolution" - therefore no such thing as Adam&Eve and their "creation"
It "develops/evolves " - just like the heart, organs, blood-system etc.
Just like nerve/brain cells develop/evolve - they don't exist "ready-made" on day one.

It all pertains to "evolution" - therefore no such thing as Adam&Eve and their "creation"
Let's go a bit deeper. What causes the brain and nerves, heart, etc. to develop? You may say DNA, ribosomes, etc. and you would be correct. However what drives DNA? You see, what I am getting at is one cannot put one's finger on causation so where does consciousness really come from?

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