Zone1 what happens after death?


The day there is evidence for this, I'll take it seriously. For now, it's just an intellectual circle jerk
Consciousness and matter are different aspects of the same reality much like particles and waves are different aspects of elementary particles.

"...If I say, with Eddington, “the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff,” that has a metaphysical ring. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious..."

your thinking is what is called the secular world, meaning you are of the world, the resurrection of the dead.

This isn't rocket science. We know what happens when people die. All of us do. It isn't a mystery at all. You don't even have to read a book to figure it out. Just go to your local funeral home and open your eyes.
This isn't rocket science. We know what happens when people die. All of us do. It isn't a mystery at all. You don't even have to read a book to figure it out. Just go to your local funeral home and open your eyes.
Sure, we know their bodies die. What else do you KNOW?
This isn't rocket science. We know what happens when people die. All of us do. It isn't a mystery at all. You don't even have to read a book to figure it out. Just go to your local funeral home and open your eyes.
yes, the dead is dead, but?
This isn't rocket science. We know what happens when people die. All of us do. It isn't a mystery at all. You don't even have to read a book to figure it out. Just go to your local funeral home and open your eyes.
Here's what I know... Faith... religion... are about living, not dying. How to live. How not to live. But since you can't attack that, you ignore that and hope no one notices.
Sure, we know their bodies die. What else do you KNOW?

This thread is not titled, "Meaning of Life", "the Existence of God", or "What Day do I die?". The thread is about what happens when someone dies. I don't have to tell anybody what happens when they die. I can just show them. If I am not available to show them then they can get off their computer, go to the local funeral home, and find out. The question isn't that hard to answer. Not only do I KNOW what happens when we die. You KNOW what happens when we die. The smartest person on earth KNOWS what happens when we die. The dumbest person on earth KNOWS what happens when we die. Why do we even have to discuss this?
Here's what I know... Faith... religion... are about living, not dying. How to live. How not to live. But since you can't attack that, you ignore that and hope no one notices.

I'm only stating what I observed when being around dead people. I'd hardly call that an attack. Maybe it sounds like an attack because I am so puzzled that others didn't observe the same thing I did when they were around dead people.

Instead of attacking, I am just passionately puzzled.
This thread is not titled, "Meaning of Life", "the Existence of God", or "What Day do I die?". The thread is about what happens when someone dies. I don't have to tell anybody what happens when they die. I can just show them. If I am not available to show them then they can get off their computer, go to the local funeral home, and find out. The question isn't that hard to answer. Not only do I KNOW what happens when we die. You KNOW what happens when we die. The smartest person on earth KNOWS what happens when we die. The dumbest person on earth KNOWS what happens when we die. Why do we even have to discuss this?
You just admitted you only know what happens to the body. That's all you know.
Your proof is exactly what you claim theirs to be...NON-EXISTENT.
My proof of what? That nothing happens after death?

Excuse you. Every shred of evidence ever collected supports that idea.

Every shred.

Every physical law, every observation, every scientific theory of chemistry and electromagnetics. With not one single exception documented among the billions and billions of people who have ever lived.

And you have not shred of evidence to the contrary.

Take my advice: if you are going to make these extraordinary claims, stay away from discussion of the evidence. Or it will be a very short discussion.
Here is the best I have come up with as advice about living: Eat food, drink water, breath air, and avoid things that cause death. That last one might require lots of elaboration but that is the gist of what I know about life.

That's just fabulous. What a wonderfully simple and ineffective way of dealing with the complexities of life. :rolleyes:

Religion and faith are much much more than just what happens at death.
and so do you. What is wrong with that? Why does that make me bad?
Yes, and so do I. That's not what makes you a bad person. People's faith and religion is like a family member to them. They take your attacks personal. Mainly because they are intended to be taken personally. According to your worldview all there is is the material; the physical. You going to teach your kids that their feelings are just electrochemical reaction in their brain? Because according to your beliefs that's all they are and you doing things like that is what would make you a bad person.

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