Zone1 what happens after death?

Procrustes Stretched
George Wald concludes, "What this kind of thought means essentially is that one has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves."
This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so. The linkage between mind and matter isn't a new concept. It is primarily physicists who have expressed the relationship between mind and matter, and the primacy of mind; Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker, Wolfgang Pauli and George Wald, all contemplated it.
"the constant presence of mind?"


There was 'mind' before there were living beings like humans? The universe was around long before living beings on Earth.
Procrustes Stretched
George Wald concludes, "What this kind of thought means essentially is that one has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves."
In 1970, Wald predicted that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
Procrustes Stretched
George Wald concludes, "What this kind of thought means essentially is that one has no more basis for considering the existence of matter without its complementary aspect of mind, than for asking that elementary particles not also be waves."
Coming from Boston, I remember Wald. Fascinating character. But he is not and was not the last word on anything.

see: Circumcision resource center in Boston

Logical? Purpose? If the purpose is to replicate, than life has little meaning in the sense people construct.

Why are babies born just do die seconds, minutes, days later? What purpose? Why are some babies born to live out lives cut short by disease? Why are some born with diseases?

What is the meaning of a rock?
Imagine if an innocent baby can die just a few minutes after he or she is born, what are you now going to do? Are you going to become nihilistic, and choose to be evil, absolutely selfish, just looking out for #1, or are you still, despite the fact that horrible things happen to good people, even innocent little babies, are you going to choose good over evil? This world is perfect for its purpose. Would you prefer a world, where you get breakfast in bed every day? YHWH and His angels bring you your breakfast, you never have to experience pain or suffering. Forget "No Pain - No Gain", the best world is supposedly "No Pain - No Pain", everything is like this:

The perfect, pain-free world of Teletubbies?

No, this is the world where angels are born. Souls are born here to evolve and grow. Some come to provide the backdrop, the substance and fabric of this school of hard knocks.


We're in a crucible, where angels are born and are tested. Would you appreciate immortality, without first living on the edge of oblivion? You need to experience this before you enter YHWH's Kingdom or you won't appreciate heaven (the higher realms).

A few years ago I came across some videos on YouTube, showing people communicating with "spirits" using "radio-sweepers" a.k.a. "Ghost Boxes". I didn't believe it at first, but I found it entertaining. The people researching this phenomenon called what they were doing ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication). After a few times of watching their videos, I bought myself a radio and modified it using instructions I got from one of these YouTube Channels and I tried to talk to the spirits. After a few minutes of the radio sweeping through the channels I started getting replies to my questions, just as you see here:

I started getting the same responses as in those videos. I confirmed for myself, that this phenomena is real. I even had poltergeist activity, while I was conducting my research. I was a hard-core atheist-materialist-Marxist, when I was doing my research in the early 2010s. 2011, 2012..I was living in Tucson, Arizona at the time, with my wife, in a modest apartment.


One morning I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom, and the top of the Scope Mouthwash bottle on the counter in front of me, was loose but still attached to the bottle. It started moving up and down, "click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click........". It took me a few seconds to figure out where that noise was coming from and I looked at the bottle and saw the top going up and down, making that click click click sound. My brain was like "Earthquake", I touched the wall near me to see if it was shaking, and nothing. It lasted like 15 or 20 seconds and then it stopped. That was the beginning of the poltergeist activity.

A spatula on my kitchen counter, flew off the counter, in front of my wife and I, landing in the living room, a few feet away. My computer headphones slid across my desk, right in front of me. It was a corded headphone, so I looked by my legs to make sure I didn't move my leg and the headphones with it. The cord was away from me and it just slid across the table in front of me. My wife saw a few of the kitchen cabinet doors open by themselves and in one occasion they opened and closed right in front of her. This didn't stop until I stopped using the "ghost box"/radio-sweeper. Now every once in a while, maybe once every three months or so, I'll get another poltergeist event.

I'm not saying this is evidence for life after death or for the existence of God, but it's interesting. It does demonstrate for me and my wife, that there's more to life than we can see or touch. The universe is much more interesting than I used to believe, when I was an atheist, Marxist-materialist. Much more interesting. The paranormal, transformed my paradigm, of what is possible.
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Imagine if an innocent baby can die just a few minutes after he or she is born, what are you now going to do? Are you going to become nihilistic, and choose to be evil, absolutely selfish, just looking out for #1, or are you still, despite the fact that horrible things happen to good people, even innocent little babies, are you going to choose good over evil? This world is perfect for its purpose. Would you prefer a world, where you get breakfast in bed every day? YHWH and His angels bring you your breakfast, you never have to experience pain or suffering. Forget "No Pain - No Gain", the best world is supposedly "No Pain - No Pain", everything is like this:

The perfect, pain-free world of Teletubbies?

No, this is the world where angels are born. Souls are born here to evolve and grow. Some come to provide the backdrop, the substance and fabric of this school of hard knocks.


We're in a crucible, where angels are born and are tested. Would you appreciate immortality, without first living on the edge of oblivion? You need to experience this before you enter YHWH's Kingdom or you won't appreciate heaven (the higher realms).

A few years ago I came across some videos on YouTube, showing people communicating with "spirits" using "radio-sweepers" a.k.a. "Ghost Boxes". I didn't believe it at first, but I found it entertaining. The people researching this phenomenon called what they were doing ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication). After a few times of watching their videos, I bought myself a radio and modified it using instructions I got from one of these YouTube Channels and I tried to talk to the spirits. After a few minutes of the radio sweeping through the channels I started getting replies to my questions, just as you see here:

I started getting the same responses as in those videos. I confirmed for myself, that this phenomena is real. I even had poltergeist activity, while I was conducting my research. I was a hard-core atheist-materialist-Marxist, when I was doing my research be in the early 2010s. 2011, 2012..I was living in Tucson, Arizona at the time, with my wife, in a modest apartment.

One morning I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom, and the top of the Scope Mouthwash bottle on the counter in front of me, was loose but still attached to the bottle. It started moving up and down, "click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click........". It took me a few seconds to figure out where that noise was coming from and I looked at the bottle and saw the top going up and down, making that click click click sound. My brain was like "Earthquake", I touched the wall near me to see if it was shaking, and nothing. It lasted like 15 or 20 seconds and then it stopped. That was the beginning of the poltergeist activity.

A spatula on my kitchen counter, flew off the counter, in front of my wife and I, landing in the living room, a few feet away. My computer headphones slid across my desk, right in front of me. It was a corded headphone, so I looked by my legs to make sure I didn't move my leg and the headphones with it. The cord was away from me and it just slid across the table in front of me. My wife saw a few of the kitchen cabinet doors open by themselves and in one occasion they opened and closed right in front of her. This didn't stop until I stopped using the "ghost box"/radio-sweeper. Every once in a while, maybe once every three months or so, I'll get another poltergeist event. Now I hardly ever see anything.

I'm not saying this is evidence for life after death or for the existence of God, but it's interesting. It does demonstrate for me and my wife, that there's more to life than we can see or touch. The universe is much more interesting than I used to believe, when I was an atheist, Marxist-materialist. Much more interesting. The paranormal, transformed my paradigm, of what is possible.

Oh, my emotions are firing!

Please stop it! The emotional appeals are...

I know it's ridiculous. Crazy.

In truth, we all don't want to believe in an afterlife. I know I don't. Would it be nice if there were? That's like asking if I'd like to believe in Unicorns. I believe if and when religions disappear, only a cultish few would still hope for an afterlife. Then again, we have no idea how different people and the world would be by then.

Fear of Death. (Denial of Death - Ernest Becker) I believe the 'Why' do we exist, runs parallel to the other questions that lead us to wondering. And for me at a young age, the 'Who cares' helped.

In 1970, Wald predicted that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
So what you are saying is he was a liberal :dunno:

So rather than addressing the content you making an ad hominem argument? Brilliant. Of course there's still the small matter of Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker and Wolfgang Pauli. Are you going to tell me they didn't brush their teeth. Elevate your game, bro.

Coming from Boston, I remember Wald. Fascinating character. But he is not and was not the last word on anything.

see: Circumcision resource center in Boston

That's nice. Do you have any more ad hominem attacks to make to distract from the fact that you can't address the content?

In truth, we all don't want to believe in an afterlife. I know I don't. Would it be nice if there were? That's like asking if I'd like to believe in Unicorns. I believe if and when religions disappear, only a cultish few would still hope for an afterlife. Then again, we have no idea how different people and the world would be by then.

Fear of Death. (Denial of Death - Ernest Becker) I believe the 'Why' do we exist, runs parallel to the other questions that lead us to wondering. And for me at a young age, the 'Who cares' helped.

Believe whatever you want. I don't know for certain if we survive the death of our biological bodies, maybe not. I don't know. However, maybe we're more than just biology. I do know one thing, the paranormal is real, because I experienced it. I know there are beings around us that we can't see and can affect the material world. You would have to experience that for yourself to share my belief in the paranormal.
Yes it is.

As when somebody gets something like a cancer diagnosis they act ridiculous, right? It's only information. The disease was there before the information.
Or had their legs blown off by a land mine too, right? Still not seeing how that negates that the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness and that consciousness and matter are different aspects of the same reality much like elementary particles are also waves. This is way beyond your pay grade. Maybe you should phone a friend.
So what you are saying is he was a liberal :dunno:

So rather than addressing the content you making an ad hominem argument? Brilliant. Of course there's still the small matter of Arthur Eddington, Von Weizsacker and Wolfgang Pauli. Are you going to tell me they didn't brush their teeth. Elevate your game, bro.

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Quoting a person is an ad hominem attack?


outta here
Believe whatever you want. I don't know for certain if we survive the death of our biological bodies, maybe not. I don't know. However, maybe we're more than just biology. I do know one thing, the paranormal is real, because I experienced it. I know there are beings around us that we can't see and can affect the material world. You would have to experience that for yourself to share my belief in the paranormal.

The day there is evidence for this, I'll take it seriously. For now, it's just an intellectual circle jerk

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