What happens if Biden resigns?

There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.
Ford was VP long before Nixon resigned.
If he was mentally incapacitated when coming into office why would he resign now?

The wonderful thing about being a democrat is, never having to say you are sorry or inept or corrupt.

The press has your back. Just go hide in the basement Joe.\

Really, the only thing that would remove him is death itself, and maybe not even then. I mean, if he passed in his sleep would anyone even know?

Why would Biden resign? Maybe he's tired of the job, maybe his health is failing, maybe he wants out of the pressure. Maybe his doctors are telling him that if he doesn't quit then he won't last more than a few more months, or something like that. This is not a man in good health, he might just say "fuck it, I'm outta here".

The wonderful thing about being a democrat is, never having to say you are sorry or inept or corrupt. LOL, can't argue with that.

The press has your back. Just go hide in the basement Joe. Lately even CNN is coming after him, at some point the press is going to decide that they don't want to go down with the ship and look bad to sponsors and viewers.

Really, the only thing that would remove him is death itself, and maybe not even then.
Back in the early 1920s President Woodrow Wilson is believed to have suffered a stroke a year or so before the end of his 2nd term, but his wife and his administration managed to keep that quiet and they finished out his presidency for him. But that was then and this is now, and I don't think it is possible to do that in this day and age. A president has to be seen and heard or questions are asked, and if it got out that Biden was dead or severely incapacitated and the democrats hid that information from the public, it would tar their image as a political party for a generation. Or longer.
Why would Biden resign? Maybe he's tired of the job, maybe his health is failing, maybe he wants out of the pressure. Maybe his doctors are telling him that if he doesn't quit then he won't last more than a few more months, or something like that. This is not a man in good health, he might just say "fuck it, I'm outta here".

The wonderful thing about being a democrat is, never having to say you are sorry or inept or corrupt. LOL, can't argue with that.

The press has your back. Just go hide in the basement Joe. Lately even CNN is coming after him, at some point the press is going to decide that they don't want to go down with the ship and look bad to sponsors and viewers.

Really, the only thing that would remove him is death itself, and maybe not even then. Back in the early 1920s President Woodrow Wilson is believed to have suffered a stroke a year or so before the end of his 2nd term, but his wife and his administration managed to keep that quiet and they finished out his presidency for him. But that was then and this is now, and I don't think it is possible to do that in this day and age. A president has to be seen and heard or questions are asked, and if it got out that Biden was dead or severely incapacitated and the democrats hid that information from the public, it would tar their image as a political party for a generation. Or longer.
Well let's see, he can retire to his basement or be President in his basement.

The government is running itself.............sort of.
Ford was VP long before Nixon resigned.
That's true, I misspoke there. Nixon nominated Ford to replace Agnew, and when Nixon subsequently resigned Ford became president. And I think Ford then nominated Nelson Rockefeller to be his VP. But Rockefeller had to be confirmed by both chambers of Congress, just like Ford was (to be the new VP). Hope I got that right.

In today's political environment, would the GOP accept whoever Harris nominated to be her VP? IOW, would Romney or Murkowski or Collins or someone like that vote to approve the dem VP nominee?
Well let's see, he can retire to his basement or be President in his basement.

The government is running itself.............sort of.

For 3+years, until Jan 2025? What if he couldn't even give the SOTU address?
That's true, I misspoke there. Nixon nominated Ford to replace Agnew, and when Nixon subsequently resigned Ford became president. And I think Ford then nominated Nelson Rockefeller to be his VP. But Rockefeller had to be confirmed by both chambers of Congress, just like Ford was (to be the new VP). Hope I got that right.

In today's political environment, would the GOP accept whoever Harris nominated to be her VP? IOW, would Romney or Murkowski or Collins or someone like that vote to approve the dem VP nominee?
Oh yeah, Romney, Murkowski and Collins would vote for whoever Harris nominated.
What if Kamala chooses Hillary to be her VP?
Will they cancel he life insurance?

It's very hard to believe that Kamala would nominate Hillary and even harder to believe the Senate would confirm that.
When Kommie the Ho ascends to potus, who becomes her VP?
Kamala would nominate somebody and the House and Senate would have to confirm the nomination by a majority vote. But here's the thing, once Kamala becomes the prez, she can't cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, and unless somebody from the GOP votes with the dems then that nomination would fail.
There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.

I can't see Sleepy Joe resigning under any circumstances.

Sure, he's incompetent. But his old lady and his beloved son are sitting in seats of power. No way in hell will they let the Big Guy get deposed.
When Kommie the Ho ascends to potus, who becomes her VP?

No one, until the Congress confirms them. And with a 50-50 split, I doubt it as confirming any Democrat would swing the Senate back to the Democrats.

If the D's take firm control of the body, it becomes a different story.
Still think that even Soros, Clinton and the Chinese don't want the HO in either…

It's very hard to believe that Kamala would nominate Hillary and even harder to believe the Senate would confirm that.

Kamala would nominate somebody and the House and Senate would have to confirm the nomination by a majority vote. But here's the thing, once Kamala becomes the prez, she can't cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, and unless somebody from the GOP votes with the dems then that nomination would fail.
But someone would have to assume the role of VP immediately.
No one, until the Congress confirms them. And with a 50-50 split, I doubt it as confirming any Democrat would swing the Senate back to the Democrats.

If the D's take firm control of the body, it becomes a different story.
But someone would have to assume the role of VP immediately.
But someone would have to assume the role of VP immediately.
Not really. The VP job was vacant for a couple of months after Agnew resigned as VP under Nixon. And the VP office was vacant for about 4 months when Ford replaced Nixon as president. There's no time table involved.
Not really. The VP job was vacant for a couple of months after Agnew resigned as VP under Nixon. And the VP office was vacant for about 4 months when Ford replaced Nixon as president. There's no time table involved.
But someone had to assume the role in the interim.
But someone would have to assume the role of VP immediately.

But someone would have to assume the role of VP immediately.

But someone had to assume the role in the interim.
No, nobody really does.

Constitutionally, the Vice President has two important roles.

One is to serve as a backup President, to fulfill the duties of the President if the President is unavailable, or to take over the role as President if the President dies or is removed from office.

Absent a Vice President, that role falls next to the Speaker of the House.

The other is to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate, if the senate vote otherwise is a tie.

Absent a Vice President, a tie vote in the Senate simply fails.

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