What happens if Flynn wiretap was illegal?

What state has laws like that? Care to give ius an example? Oh, wait! You don't know what he did, do you?

You need to knock off the mind-altering substances if you are posting!

New York in the center of financial crime prosecutions. Everything from wall street to money laundreing, it all comes out of the southern district of new york, where Prett Bhrar used to be US Attorney.
Trump will pardon Flynn just to piss off the media and the progs...
If Flynn thought so, then there would have been no reason for him to Plea Bargain all of his crimes down to the one charge, in exchange for cooperating with the Mueller team...

and remember, if any of what he is telling them turns out to be NOT TRUE, then he will be charged for all of his crimes and they will make certain he and his son are charged with some of them, at the State level, so Trump can't pardon him for those.

What state has laws like that? Care to give ius an example? Oh, wait! You don't know what he did, do you?

You need to knock off the mind-altering substances if you are posting!
coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment! ;)

Couldn't answer the post, huh? Typical! You make a claim and then run from it as fast as you can!
I don't want flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail.... I think he is bat shit crazy and has been for about 5 to 10 years now.... I don't know what made him snap...but he did snap and go bonkers.... he served his country well, before that....

Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.

Only if he sings like a canary. Plays the stool pidgeon. Squeels, rats out, sings for his supper.

I think you get the point.
I don't want flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail.... I think he is bat shit crazy and has been for about 5 to 10 years now.... I don't know what made him snap...but he did snap and go bonkers.... he served his country well, before that....

Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.

Only if he sings like a canary. Plays the stool pidgeon. Squeels, rats out, sings for his supper.

I think you get the point.

Brian Ross tell ya that one.
Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.

Only if he sings like a canary. Plays the stool pidgeon. Squeels, rats out, sings for his supper.

I think you get the point.

Brian Ross tell ya that one.
Read Flynns information (guilty plea), and his cooperation agreement. Flynn said he would do anything ,including take a lie detector test for Mueller. From his agreement Mueller owns Flynn's ass.
For Flynn it's irrelevant, he's already plead guilty, there's no going back form that.

Even if Trump pardons Flynn, his cooperation agreement still stands.

Has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

You said there's no way of going back from a guilty plea. Well a pardon reverses a guilty plea. But it doesn't relieve non criminal obligations, such as if someone paid a $10,000 fine, and served 6 months in jail, the pardon nulifies the conviction, but the fine stands.
For Flynn it's irrelevant, he's already plead guilty, there's no going back form that.

Even if Trump pardons Flynn, his cooperation agreement still stands.

Has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

You said there's no way of going back from a guilty plea. Well a pardon reverses a guilty plea. But it doesn't relieve non criminal obligations, such as if someone paid a $10,000 fine, and served 6 months in jail, the pardon nulifies the conviction, but the fine stands.

You might want to look up the definition of "pardon", it doesn't mean what you think.

We are weaponizing our intelligence apparatus to attack political enemies.

How adorable...sounds very HITLER to me.

You'll have to sue a lot of Foreign intelligence agencies---:badgrin:

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information. The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets. Over several months, different agencies targeting the same people began to see a pattern of connections that were flagged to intelligence officials in the US.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

You said there's no way of going back from a guilty plea. Well a pardon reverses a guilty plea. But it doesn't relieve non criminal obligations, such as if someone paid a $10,000 fine, and served 6 months in jail, the pardon nulifies the conviction, but the fine stands.

You might want to look up the definition of "pardon", it doesn't mean what you think.


A pardon is executive clemency removing the effects of a criminal conviction.
You said there's no way of going back from a guilty plea. Well a pardon reverses a guilty plea. But it doesn't relieve non criminal obligations, such as if someone paid a $10,000 fine, and served 6 months in jail, the pardon nulifies the conviction, but the fine stands.

You might want to look up the definition of "pardon", it doesn't mean what you think.


A pardon is executive clemency removing the effects of a criminal conviction.

So where does it say it reverses anything? It only applies to future effects.

I don't want flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail.... I think he is bat shit crazy and has been for about 5 to 10 years now.... I don't know what made him snap...but he did snap and go bonkers.... he served his country well, before that....

Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.
That's pretty much the deal he made, to stop protecting the criminal Trump and dump the goods on him right at the feet of the Grand Jury.
I don't want flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail.... I think he is bat shit crazy and has been for about 5 to 10 years now.... I don't know what made him snap...but he did snap and go bonkers.... he served his country well, before that....

Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.
That's pretty much the deal he made, to stop protecting the criminal Trump and dump the goods on him right at the feet of the Grand Jury.

Why should the Grand Jury believe someone who admitted that he lied? All you have to do is watch a few TV crime dramas to know how stupid that would be.

Mueller shot his wad and could only get a Martha Stewart conviction. Sad!

It's only cost us $6.7 million dollars for this witch hunt.
I don't want flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail.... I think he is bat shit crazy and has been for about 5 to 10 years now.... I don't know what made him snap...but he did snap and go bonkers.... he served his country well, before that....

Flynn will never see the inside of a jail cell.
That's pretty much the deal he made, to stop protecting the criminal Trump and dump the goods on him right at the feet of the Grand Jury.

Why should the Grand Jury believe someone who admitted that he lied? All you have to do is watch a few TV crime dramas to know how stupid that would be.

Mueller shot his wad and could only get a Martha Stewart conviction. Sad!

It's only cost us $6.7 million dollars for this witch hunt.
If given the choice who to believe between Flynn and lyin’ Donald??


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