What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.
I'm jaded, people die around here all the time. If it's not war, it's the animals eating people. I think we lose, on average, 3 people a year - just misappear. Usually at least one is a tourist that got stupid. Bear snacks.
We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.
Bruce_T_Laney When we mathed ours out under ACA it came out to $10k/y for my husband and I. We said yeea fuck off...

10k a year?

Sorry for deleting the other response, and was going to rewrite it...

It is cheaper yearly for me to pay the penalty tax and pay out of pocket than be covered by the ACA...

At 10k a year you could put that into a savings and when you do need the money you have it...

I am over fifty and pay around $290 yearly to visit the doctor and for medication it is another $160 yearly our of pocket and the penalty tax for me does not get me anywhere near the 10k yearly...

ACA is a drain on the individual...
BlueGin that is what I presumed as well.
They will assign folks a financial aid case worker. Hospitals actually have a charity fund just for the homeless and low income folks who can't pay bills.

Not all hospitals, usually it is the Baptist ones, or other ones with a religious affiliation.
Most hospitals do have a religious affiliation. Who do you think founded most of them?

You didn't say most. You said "hospitals."
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much
So you're for low wages?

No, I'm for proving you wrong like I always do. You said that Republicans want high paying monkey jobs, and I just showed you that it's quite the opposite.

But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
You're a liar. All you have is lies and hate. Republicans aren't a single entity, MORON. But conservatives want government out of payscales and it wasn't conservatives that jacked up tuition rates. That's largely due to:
A. Socialists feed off of capitalists, they are parasites.
B. Do gooder libs made government loans easy to get and colleges have capitalized on it.
C. And it isn't conservatives or Republicans in general that are declaring everyone must have a college degree. Many good jobs don't require one and a degree doesn't help if no one needs or wants your specialty.
Iceweasel They don't want to have to 'work into' a real job anymore, they think they waltz out of mommy and daddy's basement into a 3 bedroom with a yard working at McDonalds. It's become ridiculous.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.
Liberals donate to things like... The symphony, art museums. Places that only the well off can utilize. Conservatives donate to the needy.

Bleeding Heart Tightwads
How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website: Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website: Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
Churches run the food pantries and soup kitchens...shelters...many rehab centers. Provide the poor and disabled clothing and healthcare.

Both here and overseas.
You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website: Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
Churches run the food pantries and soup kitchens...shelters...many rehab centers. Provide the poor and disabled clothing and healthcare.

Both here and overseas.

Some do...some. Where I live there are LOTS of poor people. It's funny because it's a Baptist College town, and it used to be known as having one of the most millionaires percapita in the country, but there is a lack of a middle class here. People either have money or they are poor. And the churches here... the big ones don't do much for the community. The ones that do are the small ones, the ones that don't actually bring in as much as the larger churches.
...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website:

So what do you think churches do with that money besides support the church itself and perhaps a school?
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website: Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
Must be why all of the soup kitchens and homeless shelters are ran by places called. St Anthony's, St John's, first Unitarian Church, Gods Church, the Salvation Army,Noon day ministry, FBC (first baptist church). To name a few examples.
...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website:

So what do you think churches do with that money besides support the church itself and perhaps a school?

They pay the bills, they pay the pastor, they pay for the pastor's house...they save the money and build bigger churches...

It makes me sick every time I see these huge churches, and the money spent that could actually do something good. I used to live in Ohio, and I would regularly drive by the Solid Rock Church along I-75. It made me sick. You might know the church as the home of Butter Jesus. It was the HUGE Jesus statue that got struck by lightening and burned down. Sign from God maybe?

So what odes the church do? They build another HUGE statute in its place.


Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
"However, there is another issue to address which is: what to count as charity? All of these studies use the IRS definition of "charity" rather than the biblical definition. In the bible, God defines charity as giving to the needy without receiving, or expecting to receive, anything in return. Most "charity" conservatives give is in the form of tithes to their church. The vast majority of that money goes to salaries and building expenses -- for people and buildings that provide the giver with services. A tiny, miniscule fraction goes to the poor and needy.

So, in actuality, it seems that liberals give quite a bit more to biblical charity than conservatives."

That's a MIT study? Bullshit. It's an opinion looking for facts to support a conclusion. Nothing is quantified. Not all churches build or move, salaries, income and expenses aren't the same anywhere.

Liberals give a homeless guy a few bucks from their Lexus and they are good for a month. Giving as much as 10% of you income is huge, especially if you aren't doing that well.

That "study" refers to liberals giving more to secular causes, not PEOPLE.
You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
^^Blah blah blah. Drama,emotional spewing, more drama not based in fact.

Conservatives donate more time and money to charity than Liberals. So you really have no argument with this " republicans want everyone to die " crapola.

Proof? For example, many say Trump won't show his tax returns because he lies about how much he actually gives to charities. So it swings both ways, but unfortunately Trump won't release his taxes and prove them wrong. So you need to show me proof that Conservatives donate more to charities than Liberals. Otherwise I just took a dump with more value than your post.

Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

...and as I was going to say anyway, part of that takes into account donating to their own church, which isn't necessarily giving to those in need. From an article by MIT that can be found at this website: Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

And I can tell you first hand because I see it here in the south, just because you give to a church it isn't really charity. That money doesn't go to the homeless, or the poor families, or other things in the community. It goes to building a bigger church, or church outings, or other church related activities.
Must be why all of the soup kitchens and homeless shelters are ran by places called. St Anthony's, St John's, first Unitarian Church, Gods Church, the Salvation Army,Noon day ministry, FBC (first baptist church). To name a few examples.

And can you show me where all those organizations are funded by Republicans and not Liberals? Liberals go to church too. The problem with this idea is...the areas on the map that are dominated by the "giving" of Republicans is in rural areas where there aren't as many of these soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and such. Those are mostly in big cities... cities that are dominated by Liberal donations, like the Northwest, the West Coast, and Upper Midwest.

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