What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

Lewdog could it be that you presume [incorrectly] that everyone who is against ACA /must/ be Republican? Or Christian?

Agnostic, Independent here

You live in Alaska so you obviously don't count. You'd rather be totally detached from society and not have to deal with other people. :badgrin:
Not all hospitals, usually it is the Baptist ones, or other ones with a religious affiliation.

Actually no, they have government programs for financial aid no matter what facility you attend. But again, you can't have much of an income to apply. We as a society don't care about the people who try, we care about those who don't.
More and more, it seems like health care is like the jobs thing with these right wingers.

They want high paying jobs that require no skills and no education. And they believe Donald Trump is going to give it to them with the same belief that tells them the earth is 6 thousand years old and man was shimmered into being from a pile of dirt.
Must be why under the Obama Administration hospitals have a hard time finding trained workers to employ in the hospital/healthcare industry.
Lewdog I will give you that. In fact, it's going around up here that folks want to leave the US again.

Personally I'll be out if Clinton gets in either way.
So you're for low wages?

No, I'm for proving you wrong like I always do. You said that Republicans want high paying monkey jobs, and I just showed you that it's quite the opposite.

But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
Lewdog I will give you that. In fact, it's going around up here that folks want to leave the US again.

Personally I'll be out if Clinton gets in either way.

Texas has been talking about it for awhile. The U.S. would be pretty screwed if they lost two of their largest oil producing states.
So you're for low wages?

No, I'm for proving you wrong like I always do. You said that Republicans want high paying monkey jobs, and I just showed you that it's quite the opposite.

But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get an a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
We sure do....we want jobs for everyone.....we even want to help you not be a taker....:lol:
So I'm watching Thomas Roberts interviewing a Trump surrogate. A blond woman. Seems most of them are blond.
So she is talking about healthcare and she says we don't want more people insured. That only raises premiums. You can't insure everybody and dumbass Thomas lets it slide.

He should have asked who we insure and who we don't. Do we divide it up by race? Religion? Sex? Age? How?

But he didn't.
So I'm watching Thomas Roberts interviewing a Trump surrogate. A blond woman. Seems most of them are blond.
So she is talking about healthcare and she says we don't want more people insured. That only raises premiums. You can't insure everybody and dumbass Thomas lets it slide.

He should have asked who we insure and who we don't. Do we divide it up by race? Religion? Sex? Age? How?

But he didn't.
You want to grab her pussy? Oops....I mean trump her?
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
THe fear and desperation makes you say so much stupid.

Obastardcare has already failed. No one wants it. It's not affordable.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Healthcare would go way down if government got out of it, the red tape is an enormous burden. Also malpractice suits need to be dialed way down, modern medicine practices legal defense first and foremost, health second. That adds a lot of expenses since they run every conceivable test to cover their butts.
You are a dreamer.

The truth is, health care would be way down if the insurance companies got out of it.

Think about it. What do health care companies bring. They don't have any doctors or hospitals. They don't have medicine. All the are is middle men. Skimming money off policies to make money.

Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

It is a great way to travel. You're sitting in a luxurious corporate jet, leather seats, very spacious. And I was served my lunch by a flight attendant who brought my lunch on a gold-rimmed plate. And she handed me gold-plated silverware to eat it with. And then I remembered the people that I had seen in Wise County. Undoubtedly, they had no idea that this went on, at the corporate levels of health insurance companies.


So we were paying for all that and then right wingers were insisting it was "cheaper"? Who could possibly be that fucking stupid? Who? Tell me.
The insurance companies offer better coverage than the government. Why do you think people still use them for replacement plans and secondary insurance?
Lies passed ObamaCare legislation, lies supported its implementation. As its death spiral begins, angry and panicked lies by Democratic apologists attempt to deflect accountability for its economic devastation.

ObamaCare’s economic wreckage will insure President Barack Obama’s now classic promises regarding ObamaCare will eventually scar his legacy. History is written usually by the victors. In the case of ObamaCare, the economic losers are so numerous their bitter complaints will write the titles, fill the chapters and pack the footnotes. ObamaCare’s Chickens Come Home to Roost
OMG. One of those idiot fucking right wing articles.

OK, suppose you live in California and buy a policy in New York and they fuck you over. What do you do? What can you do? You live in California and they live in New York.

And that's why you can't buy across state lines.

(sigh) Everything has to be explained.
When President Trump eliminates Obamacare anyone will be able to buy insurance across State lines.
But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get an a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.

I don't know where you get this notion that Republicans want low paying jobs. How would that benefit Republican representatives? If anything, lower income people vote Democrat.

But we Republicans don't believe it's governments business what an employer pays their workers. That's not (or shouldn't be) a government concern.

College is no different than any other investment one makes in life. You pay money out in hopes that you make your money back plus a profit. That's what happens with college. You will likely make much more money by being a college graduate than a high school graduate.

If we as taxpayers have to foot the bill for college for people we don't know, will never know, or ever met in our lives, when will government give me 50K for me to invest in the stock market or real estate???
Lewdog Sadly it'll never happen - you saw what happened last time anyone tried to break away from big brother it would only be 100x worse today.

Which is exactly why I'll be washing my hands of the USA. No longer represents my values. I'm going to tour the world as an "[ex]American Refugee"
No one should survive at public expense. It's not your money.

Leave charity with charitable organizations.

You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.
If they can afford cars and houses. They can afford insurance.
You beat me to it.

They can't afford their own healthcare, but can afford cars, houses, flat screen TV's, etc.

Then they whine and bitch when you call them on it, complaining that we are insensitive because we are fed up with supporting their lazy asses.
They will pay hundreds of dollars for tatoos, cell phones,video games,spa treatments etc. but want the tax payers to pay for their medical bills.
On the ER visit thing. My husband hit a moose on the highway and broke his neck a couple years back. We have no health insurance, they treated him in the ER no problem. They also offered us a payment plan to pay of the bill. (We had cash of course) Do they not offer the same at other hospitals?
All hospitals offer financial aid.
Where do they get the money from?
Several places. Fund raising, private organizations like the United Way...Employee donations. You do realize that healthcare industry donates large sums of money to charitable organizations right?
Anyone here on Obamacare.

I am actually not on it!


I pay out of pocket to see my doctor which is forty-five dollars every three months and with blood work is around one hundred dollars every six months...

A hell of a lot cheaper than Affordable Care Act!

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