What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

That is indeed unfortunate, but what does that have to do with anyone else? By what right does the government take money out of citizens' pockets, essentially at gunpoint, to pay for YOUR misfortune? Where in the Constitution is charity listed as the venue of American government?

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better

Government theft cannot be made "better".

How is forcing health insurance companies to cover health problems taking money out your pocket? WTF man, what about all the taxes I paid over the years? You guys kill me with the selfish fallacy that you are the only ones that have ever paid taxes.
Even Medicare and Medicaid don't cover everything. Why should BCBS or United or any other insurance company? Infact most private run insurance covers more and at a better return.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.
Most people /don't/ have life insurance. Auto insurance we were /forced/ to have by the government (sound familiar -- though at least that one I semi-understand) As for home insurance, uhm only a bank makes you get that because they're protecting their investment, else it's optional

So was health insurance--it was optional. But government is trying to force them out of their industry. That was my point.
Uh, no. I'de need it to be more specific than that, but I'll do my best with just Alaska. In 2009 the federal government gave $15 million dollars to build an airport in the village Ouzinkie, Alaska. Why the fuck would I want my tax dollars to go to that? I don't live there. I'm not going there. My family don't live there. My friends don't live there. The people that live there CHOSE to live there. They knew what they were getting into when they moved there in the first place. So why should my taxes pay for the luxury of them having an airport? If you want that luxury, then move. Move to Chicago where there is an airport. Or, if you want an airport, then take your local tax dollars and do it. Why should my tax dollars pay for it?

That's funny because I was just thinking about this the other day.

Our state is wasting money by putting up sound barriers between the highways and homes. Why are we paying for that? You moved next to a Fn highway, now you're upset because it's noisy?

Those homeowners knew where they were moving to. They should raise the money to pay for it. Now tax dollars are going to pay for it, and the homeowners property value will go up. So tax payers just helped to pay for a home upgrade for those people.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
No one should survive at public expense. It's not your money.

Leave charity with charitable organizations.

You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.
actually er care is cheaper than the current system.

ER for ongoing care is cheaper? You're kidding right? You do understand there is a reason why with insurance that ER co-pays are usually five to ten times higher than a co-pay for a visit to your primary care doctor?
ER doctors around here didn't seam to care if some people could pay or not.
They got paid the same.

The ER doctor's don't care? Well hospital administrators do. And what about the huge bills that people then get stuck with that they can't pay, that then gets reported to their credit history which effects everything from renting a place to live, buying a car, getting utilities, hell even some jobs now require a person to have good credit. How can a person get a good job to pay off their bills if they can't get the job because of the bills?
You do realize that people with Medicare/Medicaid and no secondary insurance get stuck with the out of pocket medical bills that the government doesn't cover ... yes?

BWAHAHAHAHA Okay so it was part of a federal stimulus package - the 150 residents who were like "o_O wtf?!?" - $15 Million Taxpayer Dollars for Alaska's Airport to Nowhere & Buffett Likens Economic Stimulus to Viagra

It's funny because the "supposed economic stimulus package" brought not a job to the natives in the village. On the plus side that air field can now handle a coast guard plane if it needs to. (~shrug~ it was mentioned when the airport opened or w/e)

That was one example. I'm sure I can find many, many more.
Those homeowners knew where they were moving to. They should raise the money to pay for it. Now tax dollars are going to pay for it, and the homeowners property value will go up. So tax payers just helped to pay for a home upgrade for those people.

Exactly. And of course, when a car smashes through one of those wall, they have to be replaced. Already in lower income areas, the kids are using those walls for graffiti and it looks worse now than it did before. The government has to clean all that stuff up or replace the sections of the wall the kids spray painted.
Lewdog Are you saying I'm going to Hell? I'm okay with that, I'm not a Christan.

Do feel free, then show me where the fuck I asked for it while you're at it. I guarantee you won't find it.
On the ER visit thing. My husband hit a moose on the highway and broke his neck a couple years back. We have no health insurance, they treated him in the ER no problem. They also offered us a payment plan to pay of the bill. (We had cash of course) Do they not offer the same at other hospitals?
All hospitals offer financial aid.
They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.
More and more, it seems like health care is like the jobs thing with these right wingers.

They want high paying jobs that require no skills and no education. And they believe Donald Trump is going to give it to them with the same belief that tells them the earth is 6 thousand years old and man was shimmered into being from a pile of dirt.

Who screwed your head on backwards? It's Democrats and their unions that want overpaid workers--not Republicans. It's the Democrats who are pushing for a much higher minimum wage so that low skilled workers can earn (what they call) a livable wage. It's you liberals constantly preaching how Walmart is responsible for people going on government assistance.
So you're for low wages?
On the ER visit thing. My husband hit a moose on the highway and broke his neck a couple years back. We have no health insurance, they treated him in the ER no problem. They also offered us a payment plan to pay of the bill. (We had cash of course) Do they not offer the same at other hospitals?
All hospitals offer financial aid.
Where do they get the money from?
And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
So stop judging people you don't know... Before lecturing others on the matter.

How is it judging people when they are flat out saying how they feel? If you fucking say you don't care if someone can't get health care and they just die off because of it... then you have no empathy for the rest of the humans around you. That's unethical, it's immoral, it's unChristian...That's right, unChristian, which is supposed to be a major factor in being a Republican.
Link to where I said any of that... or just stop with the irrelevant drama queen crap.

You just told me to stop judging people. Do you have split personalities and not know what the other says? The only thing that can possibly be presumed as judging in this thread is where I said Republicans, which almost every person in this thread that is for getting rid of Obamacare is, are selfish... so not sure what else you could be talking about.
rdean They raise thee damn rates on everyone else. (Presuming the deadbeats don't pay their bill) and that dear is why the cost of medical care keeps going up. Because deadbeats don't pay for their own shit.

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