What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

What will happen if the PPACA continues to force Americans into purchasing coverage?

If you are sofa king stupid not to have health insurance, then there is no sense in arguing with you. Who do you think pays when asshats like you get a heart attack & runs up a $400k bill that you can't pay.

Man up.
What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

That is indeed unfortunate, but what does that have to do with anyone else? By what right does the government take money out of citizens' pockets, essentially at gunpoint, to pay for YOUR misfortune? Where in the Constitution is charity listed as the venue of American government?

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better

Government theft cannot be made "better".

How is forcing health insurance companies to cover health problems taking money out your pocket? WTF man, what about all the taxes I paid over the years? You guys kill me with the selfish fallacy that you are the only ones that have ever paid taxes.
with the ACA, people that are lower income types can get a subsidy to a point that they are paying almost nothing for their insurance, however, people that have been responsible in their life might end up paying 3 or 4 times as much as they used to for less insurance, They are being forced to cover those subsidies for the irresponsible people.
I looked at what my costs would be if I were forced to use the ACA, My premiums would have been over 10k a year with a deductable of 12k out of pocket, so basically, If I got sick, I could actually pay up to 22,000 a year for my insurance. While some Darwin candidate gets his for almost free.
Right now I pay roughly 6k per year for the family policy, I have 10 dollar co-pay at the doctors office, no co-pay for specialists or the ER, my drug plan gives me my prescriptions for 4 or 7 dollars, depending on name brand or not.
So tell me, where is the value for me in the ACA? I dont want to sound cold but, I really dont think I should have to pay for someone elses medical bills.
Taxpayers already get stuck with the housing, food, spending money, phones, heat, electric, transportation, clothing etc... for these non producers, now we get to keep the mooch alive too? when does it end? seriously, how much is enough for these greedy bastards that refuse to go out and provide for themselves.

I'm checking into that now. I can only afford so much, and it's government that determines what you can afford based on your income.

Of course they have no idea what your expenses might be and they don't care either. If government determines you can afford X, then that's what you can afford as far as they are concerned.

The best I can do is a policy that costs around 400 a month, and it has a $2,500 deductible and a $7,500 out of pocket. Unless I get hit by a truck, it's almost worthless. So now I have to pay for that insurance on top of paying for my medical bills.
What will happen if the PPACA continues to force Americans into purchasing coverage?

If you are sofa king stupid not to have health insurance, then there is no sense in arguing with you. Who do you think pays when asshats like you get a heart attack & runs up a $400k bill that you can't pay.

Man up.
That should be up to the hospital, not the government. I dated a nurse that had to take care of a AIDs patient that knowingly infected a half dozen women. It cost the hospital (and the paying customers) many millions. The staff would have loved to pull the plug.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
Prove it.
anyone that has been paying for their own insurance for years can pretty much tell you that the ACA totally destroyed insurance. It also has destroyed the care given at the hospitals, ERs have been hit really hard.
Our quality of care has gone down due to the ACA.
What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

That is indeed unfortunate, but what does that have to do with anyone else? By what right does the government take money out of citizens' pockets, essentially at gunpoint, to pay for YOUR misfortune? Where in the Constitution is charity listed as the venue of American government?

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better

Government theft cannot be made "better".

How is forcing health insurance companies to cover health problems taking money out your pocket? WTF man, what about all the taxes I paid over the years? You guys kill me with the selfish fallacy that you are the only ones that have ever paid taxes.
with the ACA, people that are lower income types can get a subsidy to a point that they are paying almost nothing for their insurance, however, people that have been responsible in their life might end up paying 3 or 4 times as much as they used to for less insurance, They are being forced to cover those subsidies for the irresponsible people.
I looked at what my costs would be if I were forced to use the ACA, My premiums would have been over 10k a year with a deductable of 12k out of pocket, so basically, If I got sick, I could actually pay up to 22,000 a year for my insurance. While some Darwin candidate gets his for almost free.
Right now I pay roughly 6k per year for the family policy, I have 10 dollar co-pay at the doctors office, no co-pay for specialists or the ER, my drug plan gives me my prescriptions for 4 or 7 dollars, depending on name brand or not.
So tell me, where is the value for me in the ACA? I dont want to sound cold but, I really dont think I should have to pay for someone elses medical bills.
Taxpayers already get stuck with the housing, food, spending money, phones, heat, electric, transportation, clothing etc... for these non producers, now we get to keep the mooch alive too? when does it end? seriously, how much is enough for these greedy bastards that refuse to go out and provide for themselves.

I'm checking into that now. I can only afford so much, and it's government that determines what you can afford based on your income.

Of course they have no idea what your expenses might be and they don't care either. If government determines you can afford X, then that's what you can afford as far as they are concerned.

The best I can do is a policy that costs around 400 a month, and it has a $2,500 deductible and a $7,500 out of pocket. Unless I get hit by a truck, it's almost worthless. So now I have to pay for that insurance on top of paying for my medical bills.
The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are now only an Obamacare use away from bankruptcy.....
More and more, it seems like health care is like the jobs thing with these right wingers.

They want high paying jobs that require no skills and no education. And they believe Donald Trump is going to give it to them with the same belief that tells them the earth is 6 thousand years old and man was shimmered into being from a pile of dirt.
Typically, you lie. You are a stupid, dishonest piece of shit. Why you are so determined to prove it is a mystery.
I agree....Obamacare is bankrupting millions of American families....

I don't know if it's bankrupting millions, but it certainly takes a lot of residual income out of circulation.

For anything decent, the price is about the cost of a house payment, a SUV payment, a vacation home.

That's money that can't be used to buy things, to pay off bills, to get ahead on your mortgage, to save for your retirement or make other investments.

This big-eared creep cost me more money in his two terms than every President before him combined. But I must hate him because he's black.........
The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are now only an Obamacare use away from bankruptcy.....

You don't have to buy the insurance. They can just keep your income tax refund if you get one at the end of the year. Since I pay outstanding medical bills, I apply for a waiver every year and never had a problem getting one, so they can't fine me and I get my tax check back at the end of the year.
At one point, no one had health insurance and it was fine... for ages and ages it was fine. I've gone for 40+ years without health insurance.

Now I understand folks want health insurance because they are unable to save up for medical expenses. (Though I do /heavily/ question what you folks put ahead of paying for such things.) However, it is not /my/ fault that you got sick/got into an accident/had a child who needed care. I'm sorry to sound cold, but it is forced charity - and really expensive and practically useless charity at that.

Tell me, if you end up in the ER, what's you deductible on ACA? The report I linked noted $6k deductibles, do you have $6k on hand right now? Cause that's what you're going to pay before it helps you.

Look, if you want to blame someone, blame the insurance companies and the Big Pharma. Let me give you an example. I've had an ongoing problem with C-Diff. I've had it for quite a long time... doctors don't know why or how it came about, though they say it may have started when I was put on medicine when I broke my leg. Well I took several rounds of regular meds for it like Flagyll. That didn't work. So then they put me on a VERY strong antibiotic called Vancomycin... which is very expensive. Over $1,000. Not only is it strong, I had to take it 4 times per day for 14 days. Still didn't work. So then what? They put me on a drug called Dificid. Guess how much that one retails for? I take it twice a day for 10 days, so 20 tablets. Take a shot in the dark how much. $3,400!!!!! So you want to guess why rates are so fucking high... there is why.
very heartwarming story, thank you.
Now, if you show how I or anyone else should be responsible for covering the cost of your medical treatments, I would be really happy to consider this.
What we need to know is, what value do you serve us? why is your life important enough to anyone here for us to spend money keeping you alive?
Let me give you a bit of a hint. There is nobody on this forum that would suffer any consequences if I died right now this very moment. I am of no value to any of you here. And as such, I fail to see how I could justify you being forced to maintain my health.
But, go ahead and tell us what wonderful things you do that nobody but you can do. Justify our expense of paying your health care costs.

Got it. You don't care about fellow human beings. Funny how so many Republicans want to spend so much on the military for OTHERS to risk their lives to defend their lives while they sit at home, but then when it comes to other things like stepping up and having their money actually go to helping lives instead of taking lives, it's bad bad bad!

Another reason why I will never be a Republican again. Republicans are the most selfish people I have ever met. As I stated earlier, they would rather spend more energy, time, and money to complain and legislate AGAINST a problem than just to help the problem. Yet then you have the other side where extreme liberals want everything to be free... I don't agree with that either because I see so many people taking advantage of the system.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Healthcare would go way down if government got out of it, the red tape is an enormous burden. Also malpractice suits need to be dialed way down, modern medicine practices legal defense first and foremost, health second. That adds a lot of expenses since they run every conceivable test to cover their butts.
You are a dreamer.

The truth is, health care would be way down if the insurance companies got out of it.

Think about it. What do health care companies bring. They don't have any doctors or hospitals. They don't have medicine. All the are is middle men. Skimming money off policies to make money.

Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

It is a great way to travel. You're sitting in a luxurious corporate jet, leather seats, very spacious. And I was served my lunch by a flight attendant who brought my lunch on a gold-rimmed plate. And she handed me gold-plated silverware to eat it with. And then I remembered the people that I had seen in Wise County. Undoubtedly, they had no idea that this went on, at the corporate levels of health insurance companies.


So we were paying for all that and then right wingers were insisting it was "cheaper"? Who could possibly be that fucking stupid? Who? Tell me.
The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are now only an Obamacare use away from bankruptcy.....

You don't have to buy the insurance. They can just keep your income tax refund if you get one at the end of the year. Since I pay outstanding medical bills, I apply for a waiver every year and never had a problem getting one, so they can't fine me and I get my tax check back at the end of the year.
So, the .gov will take out your deductible too?
No one should survive at public expense. It's not your money.

Leave charity with charitable organizations.

You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.
actually er care is cheaper than the current system.

ER for ongoing care is cheaper? You're kidding right? You do understand there is a reason why with insurance that ER co-pays are usually five to ten times higher than a co-pay for a visit to your primary care doctor?
ER doctors around here didn't seam to care if some people could pay or not.
They got paid the same.

The ER doctor's don't care? Well hospital administrators do. And what about the huge bills that people then get stuck with that they can't pay, that then gets reported to their credit history which effects everything from renting a place to live, buying a car, getting utilities, hell even some jobs now require a person to have good credit. How can a person get a good job to pay off their bills if they can't get the job because of the bills?
and after all that it's still better than obamacare.
Lewdog - I love how you call us "selfish" when you're the one asking for a handout...

Are you going to pay my bills for me? I fucking doubt it. In fact, I bet you wouldn't pay a penny for anything for me.
You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.
actually er care is cheaper than the current system.

ER for ongoing care is cheaper? You're kidding right? You do understand there is a reason why with insurance that ER co-pays are usually five to ten times higher than a co-pay for a visit to your primary care doctor?
ER doctors around here didn't seam to care if some people could pay or not.
They got paid the same.

The ER doctor's don't care? Well hospital administrators do. And what about the huge bills that people then get stuck with that they can't pay, that then gets reported to their credit history which effects everything from renting a place to live, buying a car, getting utilities, hell even some jobs now require a person to have good credit. How can a person get a good job to pay off their bills if they can't get the job because of the bills?
and after all that it's still better than obamacare.

How, you haven't supported that at all.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Cut off giving any free healthcare to any illegal.
That remedy alone will save the system a trillion dollars.
Ask any hard working middle class family who have just had their premiums go up 50-100% what they think of my remedy.
Lewdog - I love how you call us "selfish" when you're the one asking for a handout...

Are you going to pay my bills for me? I fucking doubt it. In fact, I bet you wouldn't pay a penny for anything for me.

So where do you live? It's relevant to my answer.
More and more, it seems like health care is like the jobs thing with these right wingers.

They want high paying jobs that require no skills and no education. And they believe Donald Trump is going to give it to them with the same belief that tells them the earth is 6 thousand years old and man was shimmered into being from a pile of dirt.

Who screwed your head on backwards? It's Democrats and their unions that want overpaid workers--not Republicans. It's the Democrats who are pushing for a much higher minimum wage so that low skilled workers can earn (what they call) a livable wage. It's you liberals constantly preaching how Walmart is responsible for people going on government assistance.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Cut off giving any free healthcare to any illegal.
That remedy alone will save the system a trillion dollars.
Ask any hard working middle class family who have just had their premiums go up 50-100% what they think of my remedy.

I don't support insurance for illegals.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Cut off giving any free healthcare to any illegal.
That remedy alone will save the system a trillion dollars.
Ask any hard working middle class family who have just had their premiums go up 50-100% what they think of my remedy.

I don't support insurance for illegals.
So you don't support Obama?
So, the .gov will take out your deductible too?

No, that's not what I meant.

They have a Hardship Clause in Commie Care. There are over a dozen hardship cases where you can apply for a waiver to avoid paying the penalty. One of them is if you are paying outstanding medical bills which I do every month. So you make out the application, send them evidence (bills, canceled checks) that you are paying on medical bills, and they send you a number to put on your income tax return so they don't penalize you for not having insurance.

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