What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

Lewdog - Alaska. Are you going to try to go psycho on me or something. Fair warning Alaska is 90% carry where I live and two of my next door neighbors are officers.
At one point, no one had health insurance and it was fine... for ages and ages it was fine. I've gone for 40+ years without health insurance.

Now I understand folks want health insurance because they are unable to save up for medical expenses. (Though I do /heavily/ question what you folks put ahead of paying for such things.) However, it is not /my/ fault that you got sick/got into an accident/had a child who needed care. I'm sorry to sound cold, but it is forced charity - and really expensive and practically useless charity at that.

Tell me, if you end up in the ER, what's you deductible on ACA? The report I linked noted $6k deductibles, do you have $6k on hand right now? Cause that's what you're going to pay before it helps you.

Look, if you want to blame someone, blame the insurance companies and the Big Pharma. Let me give you an example. I've had an ongoing problem with C-Diff. I've had it for quite a long time... doctors don't know why or how it came about, though they say it may have started when I was put on medicine when I broke my leg. Well I took several rounds of regular meds for it like Flagyll. That didn't work. So then they put me on a VERY strong antibiotic called Vancomycin... which is very expensive. Over $1,000. Not only is it strong, I had to take it 4 times per day for 14 days. Still didn't work. So then what? They put me on a drug called Dificid. Guess how much that one retails for? I take it twice a day for 10 days, so 20 tablets. Take a shot in the dark how much. $3,400!!!!! So you want to guess why rates are so fucking high... there is why.
very heartwarming story, thank you.
Now, if you show how I or anyone else should be responsible for covering the cost of your medical treatments, I would be really happy to consider this.
What we need to know is, what value do you serve us? why is your life important enough to anyone here for us to spend money keeping you alive?
Let me give you a bit of a hint. There is nobody on this forum that would suffer any consequences if I died right now this very moment. I am of no value to any of you here. And as such, I fail to see how I could justify you being forced to maintain my health.
But, go ahead and tell us what wonderful things you do that nobody but you can do. Justify our expense of paying your health care costs.

Got it. You don't care about fellow human beings. Funny how so many Republicans want to spend so much on the military for OTHERS to risk their lives to defend their lives while they sit at home, but then when it comes to other things like stepping up and having their money actually go to helping lives instead of taking lives, it's bad bad bad!

Another reason why I will never be a Republican again. Republicans are the most selfish people I have ever met. As I stated earlier, they would rather spend more energy, time, and money to complain and legislate AGAINST a problem than just to help the problem. Yet then you have the other side where extreme liberals want everything to be free... I don't agree with that either because I see so many people taking advantage of the system.
you want to know what selfish is? selfish is expecting others to pay for everything you need and want without you considering any type of return on their investment.
Sorry but enough is enough, the takers had to know that sooner or later they would hit the point that people are pretty much tired of supporting you. Guess what? that time has come. Im not willing to just keep working harder while my quality of life decreases because I have to give my earned income away to some POS that refuses to take care of himself.
You need care? take out a loan, sell your car and use your auto insurance money to buy the drugs, get rid of your internet connection, Im sure there are plenty of places that you could find money to actually take care of yourself.
So again, what is it that makes you so important to society that they should be willing to keep you alive.
So, the .gov will take out your deductible too?

No, that's not what I meant.

They have a Hardship Clause in Commie Care. There are over a dozen hardship cases where you can apply for a waiver to avoid paying the penalty. One of them is if you are paying outstanding medical bills which I do every month. So you make out the application, send them evidence (bills, canceled checks) that you are paying on medical bills, and they send you a number to put on your income tax return so they don't penalize you for not having insurance.

I thought with bills like that, as long as it isn't already in collections, as long as you send even one dollar a month, they can't send it to collections and have it reported to your credit report. Now $1 a month won't cover the penalty cost, nor pay down the bill, but it will keep it from ruining your credit. I learned that not long ago.
Oh sure....


Give a man a fish.......

Sorry, this is an internet forum... if you can't support your own arguments, your opinion is about as useless as tits on a boar.
I did....just because your education failed you, it's not my problem.....

What? You didn't prove shit. You just said they are going up 100%. If you are going to make statements support them. And if you are referring to a link to someone else. I'm sorry I don't ready everyone's arguments between each other. But if you are going to specifically quote me, and counter my argument, then either take the time to provide evidence, or stfu and move on.
Check your poor education....try an on-line degree......

Right, so you can't support your argument. So your full of hot air? I see you are from Washington, DC. You must fit in well there.
85% of Americans were happy with their health insurance. So along come the dems and take over he entire industry to cover 15% of those not insured.
Never was about insurance. It was about power and catering to their base and the free stuff crowd.
So, the .gov will take out your deductible too?

No, that's not what I meant.

They have a Hardship Clause in Commie Care. There are over a dozen hardship cases where you can apply for a waiver to avoid paying the penalty. One of them is if you are paying outstanding medical bills which I do every month. So you make out the application, send them evidence (bills, canceled checks) that you are paying on medical bills, and they send you a number to put on your income tax return so they don't penalize you for not having insurance.
So the typical American family, living paycheck to paycheck, will just write a check for 12,500 dollars when they use Obamacare.....then pay for Obamacare by over deducting their federal payroll tax each week.

I know what you are saying, but it's insane to even try to discuss Obamacare....it's just plain fucking evil to America.....
I get it just fine.

No, you don't. Not to mention, then because you have ERs packed with people, guess what happens to the quality of care there? Not just for the people you think are leaches on society, but yes, you, the people that might have to go there even with insurance. And I'm sorry, but they aren't going to let people with insurance jump line.
The ER is just as busy now as it was before Obamacare.

Try again

You don't get it...if they take away Obamacare anyone with insurance now but with a preexisting condition, regardless if you can afford the insurance, you're fucked. NO INSURANCE. Broken back? Fucked. MS? Fucked. You're kid has scoliosis? Fucked. Your kid needs to get asthma treatments? Fucked.

On and on and on,.
Many lower income folks have had Medicare/Medicaid for years. What? You think Obamacare is somehow better when it's run off the same system and guidelines?

Wrong again. Strike two for you. Many low income people didn't have those things unless they had young kids or they were disabled, or retired.
All they had to do was apply. Just like they would for food stamps.
So, the .gov will take out your deductible too?

No, that's not what I meant.

They have a Hardship Clause in Commie Care. There are over a dozen hardship cases where you can apply for a waiver to avoid paying the penalty. One of them is if you are paying outstanding medical bills which I do every month. So you make out the application, send them evidence (bills, canceled checks) that you are paying on medical bills, and they send you a number to put on your income tax return so they don't penalize you for not having insurance.

I thought with bills like that, as long as it isn't already in collections, as long as you send even one dollar a month, they can't send it to collections and have it reported to your credit report. Now $1 a month won't cover the penalty cost, nor pay down the bill, but it will keep it from ruining your credit. I learned that not long ago.
Try it....
You are a dreamer.

The truth is, health care would be way down if the insurance companies got out of it.

Think about it. What do health care companies bring. They don't have any doctors or hospitals. They don't have medicine. All the are is middle men. Skimming money off policies to make money.

With that line of thinking, why do we have auto insurance, life insurance, house insurance????

This is where it's all heading to with the Democrats, to eventually wipe out all insurance and have government take over everything. Government will take care of your healthcare, government will take care of your house if it gets burned down, government will take care of your car if you get drunk one night and total it, government will take care of everything.

Democrats hate insurance because people can take care of themselves without government. Eventually wipe out insurance, and you create an entire country of government dependents which is what Democrat politicians want.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...
And college kids can get insurance through the university.

College insurance is usually pretty terrible, and if a college kid is taking several hours in order to graduate on time and can't work, where are they going to get the money to pay the premiums? The out of pocket costs?
Same place they get it now. Obamacare ain't free you know.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?
Most people /don't/ have life insurance. Auto insurance we were /forced/ to have by the government (sound familiar -- though at least that one I semi-understand) As for home insurance, uhm only a bank makes you get that because they're protecting their investment, else it's optional
Got it. You don't care about fellow human beings. Funny how so many Republicans want to spend so much on the military for OTHERS to risk their lives to defend their lives while they sit at home, but then when it comes to other things like stepping up and having their money actually go to helping lives instead of taking lives, it's bad bad bad!

Another reason why I will never be a Republican again. Republicans are the most selfish people I have ever met. As I stated earlier, they would rather spend more energy, time, and money to complain and legislate AGAINST a problem than just to help the problem. Yet then you have the other side where extreme liberals want everything to be free... I don't agree with that either because I see so many people taking advantage of the system.
You may have been a Republican but you were never a conservative. Does the distinction really need to be explained?

You define selfishness as letting people decide what to do with their own money. That makes you a totalitarian jackass, an enemy of every freedom loving person on Earth.
Lewdog - Alaska. Are you going to try to go psycho on me or something. Fair warning Alaska is 90% carry where I live and two of my next door neighbors are officers.

Uh, no. I'de need it to be more specific than that, but I'll do my best with just Alaska. In 2009 the federal government gave $15 million dollars to build an airport in the village Ouzinkie, Alaska. Why the fuck would I want my tax dollars to go to that? I don't live there. I'm not going there. My family don't live there. My friends don't live there. The people that live there CHOSE to live there. They knew what they were getting into when they moved there in the first place. So why should my taxes pay for the luxury of them having an airport? If you want that luxury, then move. Move to Chicago where there is an airport. Or, if you want an airport, then take your local tax dollars and do it. Why should my tax dollars pay for it?

$15 Million Taxpayer Dollars for Alaska's Airport to Nowhere

Yeah, we can play this game. I'm sure I can find a bridge... or a shipping port... or whatever that federal tax dollars paid for.
No one should survive at public expense. It's not your money.

Leave charity with charitable organizations.

You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.
If they can afford cars and houses. They can afford insurance.
You beat me to it.

They can't afford their own healthcare, but can afford cars, houses, flat screen TV's, etc.

Then they whine and bitch when you call them on it, complaining that we are insensitive because we are fed up with supporting their lazy asses.
So the typical American family, living paycheck to paycheck, will just write a check for 12,500 dollars when they use Obamacare.....then pay for Obamacare by over deducting their federal payroll tax each week.

I know what you are saying, but it's insane to even try to discuss Obamacare....it's just plain fucking evil to America.....

Agreed. I'm 56 years old right now, and I've been covered my entire working life with my preexisting conditions. Thanks to Commie Care, I now find myself at this age with no insurance. Trying to find a new job that still has coverage is nearly impossible.

Thanks Obama you big-eared goon. You Fd millions of people just so you could create more government dependents for your stupid party power. But the good news is, the kid that makes my french fries at McDonald's now has medical coverage that I used to have.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Healthcare would go way down if government got out of it, the red tape is an enormous burden. Also malpractice suits need to be dialed way down, modern medicine practices legal defense first and foremost, health second. That adds a lot of expenses since they run every conceivable test to cover their butts.
You are a dreamer.

The truth is, health care would be way down if the insurance companies got out of it.

Think about it. What do health care companies bring. They don't have any doctors or hospitals. They don't have medicine. All the are is middle men. Skimming money off policies to make money.

Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

It is a great way to travel. You're sitting in a luxurious corporate jet, leather seats, very spacious. And I was served my lunch by a flight attendant who brought my lunch on a gold-rimmed plate. And she handed me gold-plated silverware to eat it with. And then I remembered the people that I had seen in Wise County. Undoubtedly, they had no idea that this went on, at the corporate levels of health insurance companies.


So we were paying for all that and then right wingers were insisting it was "cheaper"? Who could possibly be that fucking stupid? Who? Tell me.
We haven't had government out of medicine in a long while so your rant is meaningless. I don't give a fuck about Bill Moyers, why throw him up? You can't explain how obiecare can be fixed and insulting naysayers is all you have.
If they can afford a car and a house, they can afford healthcare?

Anyone have an issue with this statement?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO , its a good realistic statement RDean !!
No it's not, it's fucking stupid. Because you have a house for your kids to safely live in and grow up in and a car to get to work doesn't mean you have a lot of money left over.
Here's a thought.

Don't fucking have children if you can't support them.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
How many homeless people do you house?

We going to play this game? I've taken in homeless people before. I often stop and buy food for homeless people. It's no bullshit. You can believe me if you want or not. I was homeless for 5 months once. I know what it is like... I know that not all homeless people get that way because of drugs or crime. I'm not a drug addict. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I have a college education. I've worked most of my life. Sometimes things happen. It is what it is. Not everyone has a great support system around them of a strong family. Every situation is different. It's been beaten to death, but if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes you shouldn't judge them.
Uh, no. I'de need it to be more specific than that, but I'll do my best with just Alaska. In 2009 the federal government gave $15 million dollars to build an airport in the village Ouzinkie, Alaska. Why the fuck would I want my tax dollars to go to that? I don't live there. I'm not going there. My family don't live there. My friends don't live there. The people that live there CHOSE to live there. They knew what they were getting into when they moved there in the first place. So why should my taxes pay for the luxury of them having an airport? If you want that luxury, then move. Move to Chicago where there is an airport. Or, if you want an airport, then take your local tax dollars and do it. Why should my tax dollars pay for it?

That's funny because I was just thinking about this the other day.

Our state is wasting money by putting up sound barriers between the highways and homes. Why are we paying for that? You moved next to a Fn highway, now you're upset because it's noisy?

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