What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Don't worry. The Republicans have their patented "let him die" health care plan to roll into place.
No, we despise your democrat death panel.....
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

I'm trying to figure out if your psychic or psychotic.

You have absolutely no idea - none - what the health care will look like once Obamacare implodes. Quit trying to scare everybody with nonsense.
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.
Obamacare isn't health insurance, its a tax bill. For millions the deductible is so sky high the insurance never kicks in and pays, so the people are forced to pay both the sky high premiums which the filth left use to gift free healthcare to the mooching losers to buy their votes then they have to pay for their healthcare out of pocket. With friends like Obama and Hillary who needs mortal enemies.
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.
I will still have my healthcare that I currently do And I will no longer be worried about losing the ability to use it due to the cost.
Those that cant buy their own? tough.
Survival of the fittest should not be overruled.
The sad part is that the rubes will vote for it then, when the $700/m hits, blame <insert the wealthy/business owners/republicans here>
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.

Irony...its called the "affordable" care act. Yes the left really are that dumb.
Yea but it came with the label of "cheap shit" so they bought into it. I mean I don't blame them so much, but the fact that they still argue it a great thing and that they're going to do it again... gets harder and harder to forgive the ignorance.
You don't get it... if people don't have insurance anymore and have to go to the ER, they will just get a huge ER bill they can't pay. Which then means they get their credit ruined, which means then they can't buy cars and houses, which means it hurts the economy, which means health care cost go up, because health care is REQUIRED to treat people that go to the ER, and won't be getting paid for it... so that means if you do have insurance? Yeah it's going to go up regardless, along with the out of pocket costs.

I get it just fine.

No, you don't. Not to mention, then because you have ERs packed with people, guess what happens to the quality of care there? Not just for the people you think are leaches on society, but yes, you, the people that might have to go there even with insurance. And I'm sorry, but they aren't going to let people with insurance jump line.
The ER is just as busy now as it was before Obamacare.

Try again

You don't get it...if they take away Obamacare anyone with insurance now but with a preexisting condition, regardless if you can afford the insurance, you're fucked. NO INSURANCE. Broken back? Fucked. MS? Fucked. You're kid has scoliosis? Fucked. Your kid needs to get asthma treatments? Fucked.

On and on and on,.
Many lower income folks have had Medicare/Medicaid for years. What? You think Obamacare is somehow better when it's run off the same system and guidelines?

Wrong again. Strike two for you. Many low income people didn't have those things unless they had young kids or they were disabled, or retired.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...
And college kids can get insurance through the university.

College insurance is usually pretty terrible, and if a college kid is taking several hours in order to graduate on time and can't work, where are they going to get the money to pay the premiums? The out of pocket costs?
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.

And then step over them while they sleep homeless on the streets and go home and complain about the homeless problem.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...

I don't know why I discuss things with some people here... the point is. Obamacare got somethings right, but it isn't perfect, but it is irresponsible to scrap the program completely without having a new system to replace it.

It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain in the program at this point?
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No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...

I don't know why I discuss things with some people here... the point is. Obamacare got somethings right, but it isn't perfect, but it is irresponsible to scrap the program completely without having a new system to replace it.

It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain at this point?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better... when they can sit back and watch it fail so it can support their feelings from before and then give them more ammunition to get rid of it. Don't blame it all on Obamacare, blame your idiot Republican representatives that are being selfish about their egos.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...

I don't know why I discuss things with some people here... the point is. Obamacare got somethings right, but it isn't perfect, but it is irresponsible to scrap the program completely without having a new system to replace it.

It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain at this point?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better... when they can sit back and watch it fail so it can support their feelings from before and then give them more ammunition to get rid of it. Don't blame it all on Obamacare, blame your idiot Republican representatives that are being selfish about their egos.
In the face of 100%+ Obamacare premium increases, seems the free market was indeed the better path forward.....
I don't know why I discuss things with some people here... the point is. Obamacare got somethings right, but it isn't perfect, but it is irresponsible to scrap the program completely without having a new system to replace it.

It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain at this point?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better... when they can sit back and watch it fail so it can support their feelings from before and then give them more ammunition to get rid of it. Don't blame it all on Obamacare, blame your idiot Republican representatives that are being selfish about their egos.
In the face of 100%+ Obamacare premium increases, seems the free market was indeed the better path forward.....

Prove that. Why does CNN report an average of 22%? And they even complain that 22% is "skyrocketing." You're saying 100%... that's not even close. 22% is a bargaining compared to your's.

Obamacare premiums to soar 22% on average
What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

That is indeed unfortunate, but what does that have to do with anyone else? By what right does the government take money out of citizens' pockets, essentially at gunpoint, to pay for YOUR misfortune? Where in the Constitution is charity listed as the venue of American government?

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better

Government theft cannot be made "better".
I don't know why I discuss things with some people here... the point is. Obamacare got somethings right, but it isn't perfect, but it is irresponsible to scrap the program completely without having a new system to replace it.

It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain at this point?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better... when they can sit back and watch it fail so it can support their feelings from before and then give them more ammunition to get rid of it. Don't blame it all on Obamacare, blame your idiot Republican representatives that are being selfish about their egos.
In the face of 100%+ Obamacare premium increases, seems the free market was indeed the better path forward.....
I agree, I have never once been without health insurance since I can remember. Now however because of this redistribution of wealth program called the ACA, I have concerns about how I will be affording my care in the coming years.
Keeping kids on until 26 is a good thing I think, and I dont mind paying to keep my daughter on my policy until then. The key here is that I dont mind paying for her. Im not asking someone else to do that for me.
Those that benefit from the ACA are taking money from others to pay their bills. Its not right.
Pre existing is another tough one. True, there are conditions that would suggest forcing companies to take preexisting illness and cover it, however if that illness or need for medical care came about during a time when someone should have already been covering themselves, I find it hard to think it fair for others to have to help pay. You dont buy car insurance after the accident do you?
But the question as to what will happen if the ACA is scrapped? simple, it will go back to the way it was and I will no longer have concerns about my or my families care in the future.
If everyone took care of their own families we would not even have a need for this discussion.
And, while we are at it, we need to make it legal to toss non citizens out of the hospital if they do not have the means to pay for their care.
It got nothing right.
Except for pre existing conditions

Insurance is an assumption of risk for a possible future event, not an assumption of financial responsibility for an event that has previously occurred. What you have now is charity, not health care insurance.

except for letting kids be covered while they went to college

Yes, apparently the age of majority has been moved to 26, yet the little darlings can vote at 18. All kinds of damn sense there.

Except for states who actually supported Obamacare

Nice try, but rates will continue to inexorably rise if the program is left in place. How many insurance companies actually remain at this point?

What? Do you have any type of long time illness? Any injuries sustained from an accident that have lingering effects? I dealt with the preexisting condition thing before because of a car accident where I got injured and the other driver was under-insured. If you haven't dealt with the problem it is easy to sit back and complain. I have high blood pressure. It's a trait in my family, I couldn't really avoid it. I have a GI problem I have to get treatment for. So...if I lose my healthcare that I have now and have to switch to another? Yeah, I'm fucked. You think that's cool?

The age was raise to 26 because so many times it takes kids that long to finish their degree and get a job. Things today are different than before. You have to take more credit hours to graduate, not to mention doing most often free internships. Not to mention college based insurance was awful, unless you went to a college that had its own hospital like The Ohio State University.

States that support Obamacare actually use their energy to fight the insurance companies for lower rates, and work with the government to get things to work more like they should. In Republican states, they ignore what's going on with Obamacare and how it affects their citizens, instead spending all their time reporting how horrible things are and how they can get rid of it. Stop and think about that... they never wanted it in the first place, so why would they fight to make it better... when they can sit back and watch it fail so it can support their feelings from before and then give them more ammunition to get rid of it. Don't blame it all on Obamacare, blame your idiot Republican representatives that are being selfish about their egos.
In the face of 100%+ Obamacare premium increases, seems the free market was indeed the better path forward.....

Prove that. Why does CNN report an average of 22%? And they even complain that 22% is "skyrocketing." You're saying 100%... that's not even close. 22% is a bargaining compared to your's.

Obamacare premiums to soar 22% on average
Oh sure....


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