What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

I get it just fine.

No, you don't. Not to mention, then because you have ERs packed with people, guess what happens to the quality of care there? Not just for the people you think are leaches on society, but yes, you, the people that might have to go there even with insurance. And I'm sorry, but they aren't going to let people with insurance jump line.
The ER is just as busy now as it was before Obamacare.

Try again

You don't get it...if they take away Obamacare anyone with insurance now but with a preexisting condition, regardless if you can afford the insurance, you're fucked. NO INSURANCE. Broken back? Fucked. MS? Fucked. You're kid has scoliosis? Fucked. Your kid needs to get asthma treatments? Fucked.

On and on and on,.
Many lower income folks have had Medicare/Medicaid for years. What? You think Obamacare is somehow better when it's run off the same system and guidelines?
So you are suggesting everyone get's medicare? You know Republcians want to end medicare, right?

Jeb Bush pushes to 'phase out' Medicare

It says something important about Republican politics in 2015 when the most mainstream candidate is also the candidate who wants to scrap Medicare altogether.
What health insurance does Obamacare sign everyone up with?
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
What's hilarious about this thread are the right wingers who complain Obamacare isn't perfect so we should abolish it. Which I think they are saying nothing at all is better.

Then they say it was better before Obamacare when we know it wasn't. It was medical bills being the number one cause of bankruptcy and that was better. It was pre existing conditions being refused policies and that was better. It was substandard policies that did nothing to help and that was better.

Just like everything else, they have no policies on anything. No ideas. No fixes. Just complaints about the other guy.

And they think Trump is somehow going to help them. Get them high paying jobs that don't require skills or education.

They want to live in the "Land of Milk and Cookies" but that place simply doesn't exist.
Obamacare can't sustain itself. It is a pyramid scheme doomed to fail.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...
And college kids can get insurance through the university.
Prove it. And make sure you put down some costs and figures.
You do realize that they combined the old student health insurance programs with Medicaid providers in the exchange...yes?
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...
And college kids can get insurance through the university.
Prove it. And make sure you put down some costs and figures.
You do realize that they combined the old student health insurance programs with Medicaid providers in the exchange...yes?
You do know how many insurance companies pulled out of the exchange... yes?

No... we aren't talking about illegals. And like was stated in the OP, if they drop the Obamacare, almost every American will be fucked hard. Because if the insurance companies can all of a sudden deny you for a pre-existing condition, there are millions of Americans that won't be eligible. Elderly, kids, you name it. And you know what else? The insurance companies could force you to get a physical, and then charge you an arm and a leg for your insurance, which might be higher than it is now. Man people are just not thinking straight about this. You can't just get rid of Obamacare... you have to have a system ready to replace it with.
Elderly have medicare. Kids have Schip.

So many insurance companies have pulled out that the existence of Obamacare is academic...
And college kids can get insurance through the university.
Prove it. And make sure you put down some costs and figures.
You do realize that they combined the old student health insurance programs with Medicaid providers in the exchange...yes?
You do know how many insurance companies pulled out of the exchange... yes?

Of course I do. I work in healthcare. The exchanges have been failing from the beginning.
Three things would do wonders to help lower insurance costs. Let policies be sold across state lines. Tort reform, taking attorneys out of medical care and stopping the practice of doctor care for trivial complaints. Now you have affordable medical care.

Countries that have universal medical care do not have attorneys chasing medical malpractice claims.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
To an extent right now that may be true, but that's a recent development in the law. For awhile prices were stable across the board. The law began to show cracks. That's where we are now.

Here are some important points however.

1) Healthcare costs were still very high before ObamaCare. Drug prices for consumers were through the roof in comparison to many European nations. Now let's pretend ObamaCare never happened shall we? What forces at work in the US healthcare system would prevent these costs to consumers from going up in the future? Be specific.

2) Since ObamaCare, 20 million people have health insurance. That is what makes this ACA law worth saving.
Pardon me for being the voice of reason here.

Simple solution -- Law stating preexisting conditions must be covered by insurance companies. ~ We can call it the ACA Recovery Act
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
One thing we know is that leftwingers will never step up and volunteer to pay for their healthcare. That's how caring and compassionate they are.

Did you know that with current Obamacare policies that the "insured" end up paying for 95% of all their medical costs?

What do you suppose that does for the economy?
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
To an extent right now that may be true, but that's a recent development in the law. For awhile prices were stable across the board. The law began to show cracks. That's where we are now.

Here are some important points however.

1) Healthcare costs were still very high before ObamaCare. Drug prices for consumers were through the roof in comparison to many European nations. Now let's pretend ObamaCare never happened shall we? What forces at work in the US healthcare system would prevent these costs to consumers from going up in the future? Be specific.

2) Since ObamaCare, 20 million people have health insurance. That is what makes this ACA law worth saving.

They have it only because they are compelled to have it. Meanwhile the rest of us have "insurance" that is too expensive to use. The so-called "insured" end up paying 95% of all medical costs.
Doesn't have health insurance, never will.

Self Employed. Pays out of pocket.

Spent a grand total of $500 on medical last year. (ACA tax will cost me more than my fucking medical expenses were...)
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

Just leave things like that are and republicans won't have to do a damn thing, maobamacare will commit suicide.

After a couple of years the subsidies will be limited to the rate of inflation and rate hikes will drive people out of the market all by themselves. We told you it was unsustainable all along.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

They literally don't care. They feel wronged by the 'moochers' and want to exact revenge on those who can't afford their own insurance. Some here would probably pay to watch people lose everything they have over a major illness.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Don't worry. The Republicans have their patented "let him die" health care plan to roll into place.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
The economy would necessarily skyrocket!!!!!!!!!

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