What happens to a nation if too many vote on feelings and free sh!t?

You just voted on feelings and free shit.
Can you post the Crypt Keepers list of accomplishments please?
Thanks in advance.
You voted for how he makes you feel like your insignificant life matters and more free shit for the "job creators".

That’s all just typical foolish illiterate Lib speak...”tax cuts are welfare”
Trumps 3.5 year record speaks for itself.
Please posts the geriatric patients 47 year record for comparison.
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently...Thanks in advance.
I voted against Trump. I have no illusions about the accomplishments or potential of Biden. At best he is a place holder. Look at your own candidate realistically and you will never end up becoming emotionally invested in the political fortunes of one man.

He is going to put the country into a Great Depression. The economic recovery is now over......if you have a job, you may not have it in the future.......and your friends and family will suffer the same.............

The democrat party is wholly owned by the Chinese communists....and they want to destroy the U.S. and the democrat party is their weapon.
When things don't turn into your imaginary economic horror show. You'll have no memory of being wrong. Conservatives never remember being wrong.

Yeah.......you are a moron......I hope you like soup lines.....do you know what those are? Look them up under "Great Depression."
Don't know where you get all your fear. Democratic presidents have been pretty good for economic growth.
No. That has never happened. The economy has been good at times, but it isnt because of democrat policies. The dot.com boom wasnt a creation of Clintons, for example.
So you are saying the president has no control of the economy and never deserves credit or blame for boom or bust? I'm assuming you are applying the same rules for both parties, to do otherwise makes you a hack.
No, im not saying that. Im saying democrat policies have NEVER resulted in an economic boom. Not ever.
the ''Dems'' have been doing that for a long time --that's why they are in a self destructive cycle
You just voted on feelings and free shit.
Can you post the Crypt Keepers list of accomplishments please?
Thanks in advance.
You voted for how he makes you feel like your insignificant life matters and more free shit for the "job creators".

That’s all just typical foolish illiterate Lib speak...”tax cuts are welfare”
Trumps 3.5 year record speaks for itself.
Please posts the geriatric patients 47 year record for comparison.
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently...Thanks in advance.
I voted against Trump. I have no illusions about the accomplishments or potential of Biden. At best he is a place holder. Look at your own candidate realistically and you will never end up becoming emotionally invested in the political fortunes of one man.

He is going to put the country into a Great Depression. The economic recovery is now over......if you have a job, you may not have it in the future.......and your friends and family will suffer the same.............

The democrat party is wholly owned by the Chinese communists....and they want to destroy the U.S. and the democrat party is their weapon.
When things don't turn into your imaginary economic horror show. You'll have no memory of being wrong. Conservatives never remember being wrong.

Yeah.......you are a moron......I hope you like soup lines.....do you know what those are? Look them up under "Great Depression."
Don't know where you get all your fear. Democratic presidents have been pretty good for economic growth.
No. That has never happened. The economy has been good at times, but it isnt because of democrat policies. The dot.com boom wasnt a creation of Clintons, for example.
So you are saying the president has no control of the economy and never deserves credit or blame for boom or bust? I'm assuming you are applying the same rules for both parties, to do otherwise makes you a hack.
No, im not saying that. Im saying democrat policies have NEVER resulted in an economic boom. Not ever.
A hack then.
When only the dregs of society call the shots by way of elections?
When economics, national debt, deficit spending, trade, foreign policy, tax code and constitutional governance takes a back seat to taxpayer funded freebies, societal and cultural issues / desires?

We just saw four years of that, actually.

When only the dregs of society call the shots by way of elections?
When economics, national debt, deficit spending, trade, foreign policy, tax code and constitutional governance takes a back seat to taxpayer funded freebies, societal and cultural issues / desires?
Watch this about the fatal flaw in all DEMOCRACIES. The country was never supposed to be a democracy and voting was never supposed to be a RIGHT and this is the very reason.

Socrates warned against it and it is exactly what is happening.

Large swaths of ignorant people are easily seduced. Demagoguery is the result and as a result the country is doomed.

Learn to pronounce

  1. political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
    "the demagoguery of political opportunists"
When only the dregs of society call the shots by way of elections?
When economics, national debt, deficit spending, trade, foreign policy, tax code and constitutional governance takes a back seat to taxpayer funded freebies, societal and cultural issues / desires?
The Blues States are bankrupt because they are running out of middle class tax slaves.
When only the dregs of society call the shots by way of elections?
When economics, national debt, deficit spending, trade, foreign policy, tax code and constitutional governance takes a back seat to taxpayer funded freebies, societal and cultural issues / desires?
The Blues States are bankrupt because they are running out of middle class tax slaves.
All deliberate. The left want to abolish the states and propertied class. So, they run up debt that can never be paid so that the state becomes federal property like Washington DC.

They will get rid of the propertied classes by seizing the property of the middle class who won't be able to pay the outrageous taxes to fund the 94 trillion dollar green deal along with every program passed by the democrats, disguised as concerns for the planet, the poor and minorities in order proceed with the cultural marxist agenda.
When only the dregs of society call the shots by way of elections?
When economics, national debt, deficit spending, trade, foreign policy, tax code and constitutional governance takes a back seat to taxpayer funded freebies, societal and cultural issues / desires?

We just saw four years of that, actually.

What exactly are you saying?
You saw four years of Americans investing in their food sources?
We're about to find out what happens and I'm betting big it isn't pretty. The American people are going to be forced to go back to the era of promises made, promises broken. We'll never have a President as good as Trump again.

@ BL; What happens??? Well it's obvious, ya get a bunch of statist lefties trying to game the election, a corrupt senile old man that dreams of being a potus someday & a narcissistic induced woman that thinks modern day Venezuela is a tropical paradise.

At the very worse you get to say you were right. For what that's worth. These people could not figure out why they have lived good lives compared to others.
Well guys…here we are just months later and it‘s all kinda playing out for us isn’t it?

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