What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
You seems to forgot. I posted #108 the reality we face if we follow your opinion.
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
You seems to forgot. I posted #108 the reality we face if we follow your opinion.
The poster weasel just can't face the fact that we are not going to deport millions of aliens.
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
Most or all will leave the kids behind. As you mentioned foster care.
Who will pay for these kids expenses? Let say 20 on the low side to 30, 40 millions kids. Brilliant idea.
I see you're not a parent, or at the least, a very poor one. Virtually ALL parents would take their children with them or make sure they had a loving family to care for them here. The few that stayed would likely be teens who would be only our problem for a short time.
Your opinion is based from your avatar. You do not understand any of these crap.
I have kids and a grandparent. You are questioning my status. I challenged 4 members of USMB. To come see my businesses but all declined. I challenge YOU to come see my house in Palm Spring, Ca, La Jolla, San Diego and Key Biscayne Fl. Take your pick ass hole. You can reply here or sent me an email however you want. I'm WAITING.
I posted #108 for you and Eatmorechicken both of you got scared.
I gave you an example why SA countries shoved their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to US borders.
You don't have any kids and I know you are poor. So I challenge you. PROVE to me what you got. I'm WAITING.
Why would a parents take their kids to a place with no food, no house, no land, no education? Why do you think SA countries send their kids for us ( not you because you are poor) to take care?
You mentioned FEW we are talking at least 20 millions at the minimum. That just shows what kind of brain you got.
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
Most or all will leave the kids behind. As you mentioned foster care.
Who will pay for these kids expenses? Let say 20 on the low side to 30, 40 millions kids. Brilliant idea.
I see you're not a parent, or at the least, a very poor one. Virtually ALL parents would take their children with them or make sure they had a loving family to care for them here. The few that stayed would likely be teens who would be only our problem for a short time.
Reported for rules violation.

The far right wing has absolutely no argument of merit that will allow for the deportation of citizens. If Trump keeps saying he will keep families together, either he is going to create exceptions or he is going to violate the Constitution and law.
who are you going to report him to jake?....the principal?...
Jake IS the Principal. Jake considers himself the final authority on everything though he hasn't even a tenuous grasp on reality.
I find my time spent here is infinitely more pleasurable since I put his silly ass on ignore
The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
Most or all will leave the kids behind. As you mentioned foster care.
Who will pay for these kids expenses? Let say 20 on the low side to 30, 40 millions kids. Brilliant idea.
I see you're not a parent, or at the least, a very poor one. Virtually ALL parents would take their children with them or make sure they had a loving family to care for them here. The few that stayed would likely be teens who would be only our problem for a short time.
Reported for rules violation.

The far right wing has absolutely no argument of merit that will allow for the deportation of citizens. If Trump keeps saying he will keep families together, either he is going to create exceptions or he is going to violate the Constitution and law.
who are you going to report him to jake?....the principal?...
Jake IS the Principal. Jake considers himself the final authority on everything though he hasn't even a tenuous grasp on reality.
I find my time spent here is infinitely more pleasurable since I put his silly ass on ignore
:lol: And yet that is why he loves to post about me. He and some others tried to get tough with stat and me, and they were beaten into submission. ES went away for almost a year, named and shamed.

The fact is that there will be no worry about property distribution, because there will be no mass deportation.
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

The parents can't stay, they broke the law. If they want to take their kids with, they have that right. Otherwise the kid can go into foster care. This has actually happened.

That article was never put in place so invaders can abuse our law to their advantage. It was to ensure slaves were not deported. That might be too much for a pea brain like yourself, but I tried.
Most or all will leave the kids behind. As you mentioned foster care.
Who will pay for these kids expenses? Let say 20 on the low side to 30, 40 millions kids. Brilliant idea.
I see you're not a parent, or at the least, a very poor one. Virtually ALL parents would take their children with them or make sure they had a loving family to care for them here. The few that stayed would likely be teens who would be only our problem for a short time.
Your opinion is based from your avatar. You do not understand any of these crap.
I have kids and a grandparent. You are questioning my status. I challenged 4 members of USMB. To come see my businesses but all declined. I challenge YOU to come see my house in Palm Spring, Ca, La Jolla, San Diego and Key Biscayne Fl. Take your pick ass hole. You can reply here or sent me an email however you want. I'm WAITING.
I posted #108 for you and Eatmorechicken both of you got scared.
I gave you an example why SA countries shoved their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to US borders.
You don't have any kids and I know you are poor. So I challenge you. PROVE to me what you got. I'm WAITING.
Why would a parents take their kids to a place with no food, no house, no land, no education? Why do you think SA countries send their kids for us ( not you because you are poor) to take care?
You mentioned FEW we are talking at least 20 millions at the minimum. That just shows what kind of brain you got.
"You don't have any kids and I know you are poor. So I challenge you. PROVE to me what you got. I'm WAITING."
Where the fuck did that come from? What fucking difference does it make if you have 4 houses? Why should that give you any credibility?
Why do you suppose I am poor?
I own a successful bar in Foley Alabama.
Why do you suppose I have no children?
I have 4 and 3 grandchildren.

Listen to me you fucking idiot! I was raised in Connecticut; spend most of my first 50 years there. I have lived in Alabama for 5 years and love it here.
I love the food, the people, the pace of the life and the weather.
I also have learned a lot of truth; stuff we weren't taught in schools in the North.
Yup I have a battle flag that I fly on Robert E. Lee Day and I sport one in my avatar. I do that to tweak libbies. It seems to have worked for you and caused you to go personal. You want that pal?
I'm MUCH better at it than you.
I'll be back later gotta tend to business

It's the regressive playbook. Get schooled, move on to the attack chapter. You aren't new to this. It's the equivalent of small children having a tantrum, because we don't have any change for the ice cream man.
That is so evil - and Republican.

What's evil is to force Americans to obey every law on the books, while letting illegals do whatever they want while enjoying their stay on taxpayer dime. Fuck you and your moral values. I got mine.
What's evil about enforcing the law. Even immigrants have the right to a speedy trial.

These people are breaking our laws they MUST be removed before they become Democrat voters.
The way you treating them they are already democrat voters. Trust me the unity of these people are all time high.
They broke the law in coming here illegally to seek a better life for their family. But that doesn't mean they are committing crimes.

What better life means anyways. And on whose expense?
Getting free education, healthcare, welfare, just because we're good enough to give it to them.

How about they make their own place better and livable before they come and shit on mine.
What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

Their property will be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar to good Americans like Trump
Wrong. Trump is just dreaming. How can you prove that illegals own a land or a house or such property.? Since when an illegal can buy a house?

Trump maybe dreaming. IMHO, he's un-electable, but for sure he's stirring the pot and hit some nerves on both sides. We all know illegals are problem, and Trump is only one so far who got balls to say it.
Then let's reform the system: (1) secure the border, (2) regulate the businesses, and (3) pathway to residency. Together.

Fiorina was get serious with Chuck Todd as she called Trump out, saying he won't able to do what he says he will do. She's right.
America is a liberal nation, founded for liberals. Fire away...
Then let's reform the system: (1) secure the border, (2) regulate the businesses, and (3) pathway to residency. Together.

Fiorina was get serious with Chuck Todd as she called Trump out, saying he won't able to do what he says he will do. She's right.
Is Fiorina part of the Far Right?

How about Trump? Is he part of your mythical far right?
There are some pretty disgusting comments on this thread so far. They remind me of the sentiments toward Japanese-Americans and how their property was stolen and they were treated at the outset of WWII without due process just as being suggested in this thread.
The incident you are talking about involved American citizens..

The fact that you try to compare that with criminal aliens is rather disgusting.
Your saying 11 millions are criminals?
Yes 11 million criminals. They got to go, they had there free ride, now get your stuff and get out. Let them take there belongings, just get out. The free ride is over!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I looked back... I suggested that you weren't a parent or weren't very good at parenting.I made no claim as to your wealth, only your character in response to this: "Most or all will leave the kids behind."

Real, loving parents would not leave their children behind. If you think they would, you have confirmed my assessment that you are a poor parent and probably not have procreated.
Using your analogy is based from your own life and your status here in US. People like me will never leave my kids behind.
However if you take their places. Where no food, no land, no home, education and no future. Why would any of these parents put their children to this kind of life? When they have a better future here.
People from SA countries send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders at tax payers cost. Between 2014 and July 15 a total of 30 thousands kids arrived in Texas (Google). Forgot the numbers before that.
These are unaccompanied children meaning no parents. Why do you think these parents are doing that?
The illegals are home, they are not going anywhere.

The Ernie S.'s will be able to doing about it.
I looked back... I suggested that you weren't a parent or weren't very good at parenting.I made no claim as to your wealth, only your character in response to this: "Most or all will leave the kids behind."

Real, loving parents would not leave their children behind. If you think they would, you have confirmed my assessment that you are a poor parent and probably not have procreated.
Using your analogy is based from your own life and your status here in US. People like me will never leave my kids behind.
However if you take their places. Where no food, no land, no home, education and no future. Why would any of these parents put their children to this kind of life? When they have a better future here.
People from SA countries send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders at tax payers cost. Between 2014 and July 15 a total of 30 thousands kids arrived in Texas (Google). Forgot the numbers before that.
These are unaccompanied children meaning no parents. Why do you think these parents are doing that?
Post postpartum abortions?
People who send 4 year olds to an uncertain future are not parents.
This conversation has gone way off the rails. Get back on topic.
I looked back... I suggested that you weren't a parent or weren't very good at parenting.I made no claim as to your wealth, only your character in response to this: "Most or all will leave the kids behind."

Real, loving parents would not leave their children behind. If you think they would, you have confirmed my assessment that you are a poor parent and probably not have procreated.
Using your analogy is based from your own life and your status here in US. People like me will never leave my kids behind.
However if you take their places. Where no food, no land, no home, education and no future. Why would any of these parents put their children to this kind of life? When they have a better future here.
People from SA countries send their unaccompanied children as young as 4 years old to Texas borders at tax payers cost. Between 2014 and July 15 a total of 30 thousands kids arrived in Texas (Google). Forgot the numbers before that.
These are unaccompanied children meaning no parents. Why do you think these parents are doing that?
Post postpartum abortions?
People who send 4 year olds to an uncertain future are not parents.
Agree. Maybe you can tell that to parents from South American countries.
I'm not sure if illegals have that much property to declare or confiscate. From what I heard in dealings with hispanic people. Properties like cars or house are named under other relatives or siblings that are US citizens.
They do the same with businesses.

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