What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

How original! You know very little about Native Peoples, IMMIGRANT!
you have no idea what i am talking about do you?....try posting here more and learn about the people here and you may actually have a clue...

Oh thee of small and bigoted mind, I knew and know exactly what you're talking about; your factions biases! If anyone knows in their gut about the process of confiscation of the, "... property of one group and give it to another", as you claimed, it would be the Native Peoples and what your ilk stole and destroyed!

And when did the number of posts one has to date on this site have any relevance to the content? Are you a self appointed gate keeper, or just garden variety neoconservative fascist WASP doing your faction's scut work?
confiscation of the, "... property of one group and give it to another", as you claimed
i said this?....you want to show me where?....i said something about one person here who is just as much of an ass as those he talks about...and just to let you know,my "ilk" wasnt here yet when this shit was happening...

Ah, you're right, you weren't into the discussion until you piggybacked the post after your, ""ilk"" posted the remark about confiscation, to which you inferred tacit support in your remarks. A minor error on my part in picking out the one who made the slur... my apologies for that minor point. Save that bit, I was right on target with your superior Bullshit Attitude and swagger, which coincided with the proper miscreant.
miscreant?....lakota?....you got that right,he does display a superior bullshit attitude...
see....even he agrees....
Native Americans were massacred and their lands confiscated.

Japanese-Americans suffered a similar fate regarding property.

Confiscations from Japanese-Americans During World War II

Will Hispanics suffer a similar fate if Republicans have their way?
Hopefully, yes. Ill gotten gains.... They don't belong here, so they didn't legally acquire any property here. Can you understand that?
It's the same as seizing the property of a drug dealer or a tax cheat.
Ernie, From your post #64.
#1. Deport us citizen kids with illegal parents oh! let say 20 on the low side to maybe 30 millions of these kids. Now you have millions and millions of these people with no land, no food, no jobs, no education, nowhere to go, no future. Nothing. What do you think will happen to them? What kind of jobs or any means to survive but CRIMES. When they are old enough they come back to US soil. Now you have these millions and millions of criminals and uneducated. Some have families that will bring with them. Since they are all legals they are now qualify to all welfare benefits like SSI. How many millions is that now? What kind of jobs do you think they can find here in U.S.?Except crimes.
Now they can petition their inlaws. Inlaws will petition their siblings. And so on and so on. All on welfare. Who pays for all of these? Tax payers. WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA.
#2. Leave kids behind. Where they have better future or at least they will eat and education.
Who will take care of these kids let say 20 millions on the low side to maybe 30 millions? Relatives, friends, fema camps orphanage? If you are raising your own kids let say 2 or more. Over night I gave you 2 more kids to feed, schools, clothing, day care etc. Is that acceptable? You will seek help from government. Right. If you sent them to orphanage by the millions. Who will feed them? Tax payers. Which we never have to take of them before to begin with. WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA.
Most or all will pick #2.
SA countries sent their unaccompanied children as young as 4yo to our border in Texas. As of July/14 there are about 30k kids that they shoved to take care. Only 30k and they are having a hard time placing them. Think about 20 or 30 millions of these kids.
EITHER way you choose there are grave consequences.
But I'm not stopping you or anybody. GO ahead deport these 11 millions immigrants.

Ernie, Eatmorechicken, Lahkota or anybody wants to challenge my post #80. All silence? I did not heard any disagreement of the reality.
I might reply to a coherent post. I suggest putting the cork back in the vodka bottle.
Native Americans were massacred and their lands confiscated.

Japanese-Americans suffered a similar fate regarding property.

Confiscations from Japanese-Americans During World War II

Will Hispanics suffer a similar fate if Republicans have their way?

By the standards of modern ethics, what we did to the Indians was wrong. But it's in the past, and cannot be undone, now.

I do think it is worth pointing out that when Europeans arrived on this continent, no organized nation existed here, and no organized set of rules or enforcement mechanisms regarding immigration. There was really nothing to stop the influx of new, uncontrolled immigrants from taking over the land, and displacing and destroying what cultures and people previously occupied it.

Now that we've established such a large and powerful and important nation, do we really want to allow the same thing to happen to us? Unlike those that we displaced in order to create this nation, we have the means to defend it against foreign invasion. But if we fail to do so, then ultimately, our fate will be the same as that of those who were here before us.

The Japanese-Americans that were abused during WWII are a completely different matter. What was done to them was wrong, and unjustifiable; the act of a President who had already showed an unprecedented degree of contempt in other areas for the Constitution of this nation, and for the principles upon which it is based.

The Japanese-Americans who were interred were, however, legitimate U.S. citizens, unlike the invading foreign criminals that are the subject of current controversies. As citizens, they had the right to be here, and they had the right to the same protection of our laws as all citizens; and the FDR administration committed a great crime against them.

It is a Constitutionally-assigned power and duty of our federal government to defend this nation and its people against foreign invasion. By willfully refusing to do so, our President and his allies are committing felony-level malfeasance. Further, by using the power of their offices to promote the interests of invading foreign criminals, to the detriment of the American people, the actions of these corrupt officials meets the Constitutional definition of treason, as found in Article III Section 3 of the Constitution. This is the only crime actually defined as such in the Constitution itself, and the highest crime that any American can commit, and is traditionally punished by firing squad.
The law is clear that infants born to parents in America subject to US jurisdiction are citizens. To deport unlawfully American citizens is a major felony. Any attempt to do so will put said folks in real jeopardy of going to federal prison hard time for quite a few years
The law is clear that infants born to parents in America subject to US jurisdiction are citizens. To deport unlawfully American citizens is a major felony. Any attempt to do so will put said folks in real jeopardy of going to federal prison hard time for quite a few years

No it is not clear...as in the wong supreme court case the parents we're here legally.

No one ever challenged criminals having anchor baby's here.
The law is clear that infants born to parents in America subject to US jurisdiction are citizens. To deport unlawfully American citizens is a major felony. Any attempt to do so will put said folks in real jeopardy of going to federal prison hard time for quite a few years

No it is not clear...as in the wong supreme court case the parents we're here legally.

No one ever challenged criminals having anchor baby's here.
You are making up something that is not so: the citizen infants and children and youth are citizens just like you: both born in the US and subject to its jurisdiction. That is how the court has ruled, and nothing at all indicts it will rule differently. Any attempt to deport citizens is a major felony
Native Americans were massacred and their lands confiscated.

Japanese-Americans suffered a similar fate regarding property.

Confiscations from Japanese-Americans During World War II

Will Hispanics suffer a similar fate if Republicans have their way?
Hopefully, yes. Ill gotten gains.... They don't belong here, so they didn't legally acquire any property here. Can you understand that?
It's the same as seizing the property of a drug dealer or a tax cheat.

He's far too biased to understand law.
The unbalanced emotions of the far right like Jim and Chiken clearly interfere with their understanding the consequences of their plans to violate the law while trying to facilitate a crime, the deportation of citizens.
We take care of them anyways, and we have 2 less illegals parasites to take care of. Too many are using us. We are obligated to take care of the world, because we did things right?
Parents aren't going anywhere.

Not under commie rule no. But when we get a lawful administration, they have to go. We have laws, and you can dream all you want but Americans are fed up.
The unbalanced emotions of the far right like Jim and Chiken clearly interfere with their understanding the consequences of their plans to violate the law while trying to facilitate a crime, the deportation of citizens.

Only ones violating law are the invaders. Has anyone ever told you, that you have a good head on your shoulders? Yeah I didn't think so.

Btw it's not chicken it's chikin. Okay Starsky?
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The unbalanced emotions of the far right like Jim and Chiken clearly interfere with their understanding the consequences of their plans to violate the law while trying to facilitate a crime, the deportation of citizens.

Only ones violating law are the invaders. Has anyone ever told you, that you have a good head on your shoulders? Yeah I didn't think so.
He like paint my house can not figure out the definition of people coming here legally and having a child from criminals that have anchor babys
Native Americans were massacred and their lands confiscated.

Japanese-Americans suffered a similar fate regarding property.

Confiscations from Japanese-Americans During World War II

Will Hispanics suffer a similar fate if Republicans have their way?

By the standards of modern ethics, what we did to the Indians was wrong. But it's in the past, and cannot be undone, now.

I do think it is worth pointing out that when Europeans arrived on this continent, no organized nation existed here, and no organized set of rules or enforcement mechanisms regarding immigration. There was really nothing to stop the influx of new, uncontrolled immigrants from taking over the land, and displacing and destroying what cultures and people previously occupied it.

Now that we've established such a large and powerful and important nation, do we really want to allow the same thing to happen to us? Unlike those that we displaced in order to create this nation, we have the means to defend it against foreign invasion. But if we fail to do so, then ultimately, our fate will be the same as that of those who were here before us.

The Japanese-Americans that were abused during WWII are a completely different matter. What was done to them was wrong, and unjustifiable; the act of a President who had already showed an unprecedented degree of contempt in other areas for the Constitution of this nation, and for the principles upon which it is based.

The Japanese-Americans who were interred were, however, legitimate U.S. citizens, unlike the invading foreign criminals that are the subject of current controversies. As citizens, they had the right to be here, and they had the right to the same protection of our laws as all citizens; and the FDR administration committed a great crime against them.

It is a Constitutionally-assigned power and duty of our federal government to defend this nation and its people against foreign invasion. By willfully refusing to do so, our President and his allies are committing felony-level malfeasance. Further, by using the power of their offices to promote the interests of invading foreign criminals, to the detriment of the American people, the actions of these corrupt officials meets the Constitutional definition of treason, as found in Article III Section 3 of the Constitution. This is the only crime actually defined as such in the Constitution itself, and the highest crime that any American can commit, and is traditionally punished by firing squad.
Not all the Japanese that were interred were u.s. Citizens.
The far right loonies are chuckle. They believe they are rational clear thinking people. Yet the don't understand the Constitution, they don't understand the law, and they think they can violate the law without consequences.

No one cannot deport citizens under Wong or any other legislation or SCOTUS opinion. There is nothing.
The far right loonies are chuckle. They believe they are rational clear thinking people. Yet the don't understand the Constitution, they don't understand the law, and they think they can violate the law without consequences.

No one cannot deport citizens under Wong or any other legislation or SCOTUS opinion. There is nothing.

What citizens are people trying to deport? Pretty straight forward question.
The far right loonies are chuckle. They believe they are rational clear thinking people. Yet the don't understand the Constitution, they don't understand the law, and they think they can violate the law without consequences.

No one cannot deport citizens under Wong or any other legislation or SCOTUS opinion. There is nothing.
What citizens are people trying to deport? Pretty straight forward question.
See, you get cornered, and you go into deflection mode. I am glad you are admitting that citizens should not deported. Good for you.
The far right loonies are chuckle. They believe they are rational clear thinking people. Yet the don't understand the Constitution, they don't understand the law, and they think they can violate the law without consequences.

No one cannot deport citizens under Wong or any other legislation or SCOTUS opinion. There is nothing.
What citizens are people trying to deport? Pretty straight forward question.
See, you get cornered, and you go into deflection mode. I am glad you are admitting that citizens should not deported. Good for you.

How is asking you to back up a claim you made deflection?

Again, what citizens do conservatives want to deport?

Let me remind you, the only deflecting being done here is you, because you can't answer a simple question.
The far right loonies are chuckle. They believe they are rational clear thinking people. Yet the don't understand the Constitution, they don't understand the law, and they think they can violate the law without consequences.

No one cannot deport citizens under Wong or any other legislation or SCOTUS opinion. There is nothing.
What citizens are people trying to deport? Pretty straight forward question.
See, you get cornered, and you go into deflection mode. I am glad you are admitting that citizens should not deported. Good for you.
How is asking you to back up a claim you made deflection? Again, what citizens do conservatives want to deport? Let me remind you, the only deflecting being done here is you, because you can't answer a simple question.
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.

You and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

He isn't talking about citizens. Are you honestly this fuckin stupid?
You continue to deflect. The far right reactionary wing, none of the conservatives at all, want the citizens gone so they can loot their property. Trump certainly does by saying families will stay together and go.
That means the citizen infants and children are going. Now you are implying that you don't want to deport citizens. I hope so; that would be a good change for you.

Up until now you and coherent thought do not recognize each other.

You and JimBowie et al. are excellent poster weasels for why most far right reactionary threads are lies.

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