What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

Saying whites need to be aware of systemic racism, whether it exists or not, is an opinion, not a fact.
Absolutely, since there is no systemic racism against blacks. People really ought to learn what systemic means! In fact, the only actual systemic racism, in which policies are specifically designed to favor blacks and disadvantage whites (and Asians and Jews) is in the liberal loon world of higher education admissions.
Only if you are of the opinion that the culture needs to be changed. Losers often want the rules to change.
So....you don't believe in change at all? Imagine if the same was believed when there were those trying to change the culture about women's rights, about child labor, about smoking, about technology, about slavery, about religious freedom, about space flight........etc.
So....you don't believe in change at all? Imagine if the same was believed when there were those trying to change the culture about women's rights, about child labor, about smoking, about technology, about slavery, about religious freedom, about space flight........etc.
Change for the right reason sure, to rewrite history nope
So....you don't believe in change at all? Imagine if the same was believed when there were those trying to change the culture about women's rights, about child labor, about smoking, about technology, about slavery, about religious freedom, about space flight........etc.
Yawn. Your lack of intellectual depth is boring and my plane is boarding soon. Stop flailing about, it’s embarrassing for you.
Absolutely, since there is no systemic racism against blacks. People really ought to learn what systemic means! In fact, the only actual systemic racism, in which policies are specifically designed to favor blacks and disadvantage whites (and Asians and Jews) is in the liberal loon world of higher education admissions.
You mean "higher education admissions" that pick white women before all others?
Deflection continues
Maybe you can define Marxism? Or CRT? or is it really:
I’m just clown juggling now.
The le
I beg to differ. Awarness is essential to changing the culture.
What culture? That blacks are oppressed due to the systemic racism that whites are keeping in place to keep blacks oppressed? THAT is an opinion, by the CRT Marxists, and it isn’t true.

The main reason that blacks aren‘t as successful as whites (as a group……where I live, they are all educated and living in $800,000 homes) is due to their ridiculous out-of-wedlock birthrate. But leftists don’t want to hear that: they want to ignore any responsibility that falls on Blacks’ themselves and blame everything on racism.
Still not seeing a definition by one who waves "Marxism" around like a bloody shirt.
Are you unable to google it yourself? I’ve already stated that the definition is easily found. I’m not here to play fetch for your shallow debate techniques, kid.
I should count how many posts you've made here AVOIDING having to define Marxism. An interesting study.
Are you unable to google it yourself? I’ve already stated that the definition is easily found. I’m not here to play fetch for your shallow debate techniques, kid.
The le

What culture? That blacks are oppressed due to the systemic racism that whites are keeping in place to keep blacks oppressed? THAT is an opinion, by the CRT Marxists, and it isn’t true.

The main reason that blacks aren‘t as successful as whites (as a group……where I live, they are all educated and living in $800,000 homes) is due to their ridiculous out-of-wedlock birthrate. But leftists don’t want to hear that: they want to ignore any responsibility that falls on Blacks’ themselves and blame everything on racism.
Are you not blaming not being served before a black customer on racism?
Nobody is saying anyone doesn't have the right. Karens are known for being whiny and going straight to the manager. For a political ideology that lives pretty much only in memes these days it's strange that you don't know this one.
Really? Ever hear of “let’s go Brandon”? That’s the saying of the century already. You’re definitely a Karen by your operational definition. You cried to me about a poll that you could have easily found yourself. Karen.
Are you unable to google it yourself? I’ve already stated that the definition is easily found. I’m not here to play fetch for your shallow debate techniques, kid.
Why would I be the one to google it? IF you can't figure it out, ask someone sitting next to you waiting for your plane. Maybe they know.

It is sad when people throw words around and they have NO IDEA what they mean. Might as well have the Far Right have their next outrage over "XIMAQ".

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