What Happens When They Are Caught Lying???

I thought this thread would be about Trumps buddies .

"I thought this thread would be about Trumps buddies ."

1. Never again use those first two words in your post.....fact not in evidence.

2. Trump may have misstated things like the size of the crowd when he was sworn in......

Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

Ask me to prove it.

Proof? Ok , compare Obama’s guys vs Trumps guys when it comes to indictments and guilty pleas

Let me know when you're ready to agree that Obama is the worst liar in American history.

Not counting you.

Please . Everyone knows Trump takes that crown. All the links to your righty hack sites won’t change a thing .
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Same thing that happens when trump lies, he discredits himself.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
When it comes to lies tRump is the king. On average ten a day since he has been in office would make a few thousand. Obama would have to have worked at it to be that good. And who cares about tRumps lies anyway? Certainly not you!!!
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
When it comes to lies tRump is the king. On average ten a day since he has been in office would make a few thousand. Obama would have to have worked at it to be that good. And who cares about tRumps lies anyway? Certainly not you!!!

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
When it comes to lies tRump is the king. On average ten a day since he has been in office would make a few thousand. Obama would have to have worked at it to be that good. And who cares about tRumps lies anyway? Certainly not you!!!

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Congratulations, you are totally out of your mind, super duper liar... Ridiculous garbage is all you know, and you really can't be this stupid...
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....

It can't be 'garbage' if you just admitted that Ocasio put out a document saying exactly what I said she did.

Is English a second language to you?????

Do you have a first language?

BTW......wait for my post destroying the idea of a guaranteed income for not working.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
When it comes to lies tRump is the king. On average ten a day since he has been in office would make a few thousand. Obama would have to have worked at it to be that good. And who cares about tRumps lies anyway? Certainly not you!!!

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Congratulations, you are totally out of your mind, super duper liar... Ridiculous garbage is all you know, and you really can't be this stupid...

I detect a tap-dance in your non-post.

Clearly, what I said is true and correct.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....

Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....

View attachment 245341
Considering you don't even believe in global warming, talking to you about this is a total waste of time, super dupe.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....

View attachment 245341
Considering you don't even believe in global warming, talking to you about this is a total waste of time, super dupe.

Nay, nay.....it is attempting to educate you that is a waste of time.

Luckily for you I am an eternal optimist.
10.” Economic security for those unable or unwilling to work.”

They’ll promise anything….as long as fools vote Democrat.
Ocasio-Cortez and the Democrats

This plan has already been proven a failure:
Proof? Sure. The government conducted a study, 1971-1978 known as the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment, or SIME-DIME, in which low income families were give a guaranteed income, a welfare package with everything liberal policy makers could hope for. Result: for every dollar of extra welfare given, low income recipients reduced their labor by 80 cents.

The results for husbands show that the combination of negative income tax plans tested in SIME/DIME — which, as already mentioned, represents on average a relatively generous cash transfer program with a guarantee of 115% of the poverty line and a tax rate of 50% — has a significant negative effect on hours worked per year.
Overview of the Final Report of the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment]

Further results: dissolution of families: “This conclusion was unambiguously unfavorable to advocates of a negative income tax that would cover married couples, for two important reasons. First, increased marital breakups among the poor would increase the numbers on welfare and the amount of transfer payments, principally because the separated wife and children would receive higher transfer payments.

Second, marital dissolutions and the usual accompanying absence of fathers from households with children are generally considered unfavorable outcomes regardless of whether or not the welfare rolls increase.”

“When families received guaranteed income at 90% of the poverty level, there was a 43% increase in black family dissolution and a 63% increase in white family dissolution. At 125% of the poverty levels, dissolutions were 75% and 40%.”
Robert B. Carleson, “Government Is The Problem,” p. 57.

What Ocasio and the Democrats left out of the Green New Deal was “Duhhhhhhhhh…….”
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Imaginary Superhero Captain Planet Criticizes Green New Deal For Being Unrealistic
February 8th, 2019

"U.S.—In a statement released Friday, famed environmental hero Captain Planet and his Planeteers attempted to distance themselves from the radical, far-left Green New Deal proposal, criticizing the sweeping legislative mandate as "unrealistic" and "implausible."

Five cartoon teenagers gathered in front of the Capitol Building, pulled out their rings, and shouted, "Earth! Fire! Wind! Water!" and the best power of all, "Heart!" in order to summon the captain to make his official statement on the Green New Deal.

"Frankly, this proposal just isn't realistic at all," said the imaginary cartoon hero. "It would probably be a lot more plausible if the Dems would just try to summon me using the magic rings of five diverse teenagers. That would definitely be a lot more achievable than eliminating cows, cars, and airplanes by next week."

"We believe the Democrats need to go back to the drawing board and come up with something more realistic," said the animated environmentalist superhero before flying off to battle the notorious Doctor Blight."
Imaginary Superhero Captain Planet Criticizes Green New Deal For Being Unrealistic
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

And the nut is Donald Trump. See “executive time”.

Unless you consider watching TV and tweeting as “work“.
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

And the nut is Donald Trump. See “executive time”.

Unless you consider watching TV and tweeting as “work“.

Let's checek:

Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

And the nut is Donald Trump. See “executive time”.

Unless you consider watching TV and tweeting as “work“.

Now....as far as who is working for the benefit of the American people.....

1.”Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan”

Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan

2. “U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million” U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million

3. “House Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individuals’ Tax Cuts Permanent”
House Republicans Unveil Plan to Make Individuals’ Tax Cuts Permanent

4. “Airlines say booming US economy led to record summer travel”
Airlines say booming US economy led to record summer travel

5. Las Vegas is booming again
Few cities were hit as hard as Las Vegas by the 2008 financial crisis and recession, which eroded consumer spending on the sort of fast thrills the city had to offer and left it with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Home prices plummeted 62 percent from their peak in 2006 to their bottom in 2012, according to data from ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate tracking firm.” Las Vegas is booming again, and bracing itself for next slump | Reuters

The name is TRUMP.

11. Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
That goes double for Ocasio

The most basic truth is that the Democrats/communists/Liberals understand nothing about human nature.
There is no amount of free things that they can call ‘entitlements’ or ‘human rights’…..the takers will always want more for their vote, and the Left will give it because it doesn’t come out of their pockets.

““Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.

Will a guarantee to those who choose not to work be enough?
Not hardly.
Thomas Paine ... What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly

And for those who imagine that guaranteeing a free paycheck will ‘break the cycle of poverty,’ or make the recipient feel better about himself, ….
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg
Deny! Deny! Deny!

1. In a recent thread "The Left Never Keeps Those Promises," The Left Never Keeps Those Promises
...the theme referenced the international promise by Leftists everywhere, "From each according to their ability, to each, according to their need."


It has always ended in slaughter, oppression and tyranny.

2. But the 'saving grace' for the Left is their control of the media, schools, and the dissemination of information, which effectively removed talk of, and evidence of, their lies.
So, how to blame them when they are not held responsible for the lies.
Case in point: Obama told more and more significant lies, than anyone outside of Goebbels, and still is asked to put his two cents in all all sorts of issues.

3. And not just the sort of statements recognized as lies.....but outright insane, proven false ideas, advanced by any one with the political 'D' after their name.
Case in point, the lying and clearly insane, new fresh face of the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez.

4. One lie is by those Liberals/Democrats who are actually embarrassed by this fool.....the claim that she doesn't represent the Democrat mainstream.
"…virtually the entire 2020 Democratic field has endorsed the Green New Deal.

Jerry Dunleavy@JerryDunleavy

The 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls (either likely or already declared) in the Senate— Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, & Elizabeth Warren— are all official co-sponsors of the Green New Deal resolution."
https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-and-rep-ocasio-cortez-introduce-green-new-deal-resolution …

5. The second is both a glaringly insane plan, and the lie that she didn't make it part of her Green New Deal.
This nut stated that the government would support any who didn't care to work.
Then, they denied that it was their plan.

‏"Verified account @JerylBier

Here's an archived version of the now-deleted @AOC's House webpage with the #GreenNewDeal FAQ's and the "guarantee" in all its glory: "It guarantees to everyone... Economic security to all who are... unwilling to work."
http://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=ocasio-cortez.house.gov%2fmedia%2fblog-posts&d=878013549557&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=gygNe-kUm0RiWuxEDvJnch56EPcazHTd …
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. What you are talkin about was a draft that never should have been put out.on the other hand with so many jobs being lost to automation, a monthly stipend of $700 or something would give the unemployed a better chance to start a business or follow personal artistry. Finland did that lately and it has definite possibilities. So by all means go off half-cocked lying about what Democrats want again, you silly POS liar....

View attachment 245341
Considering you don't even believe in global warming, talking to you about this is a total waste of time, super dupe.

Nay, nay.....it is attempting to educate you that is a waste of time.

Luckily for you I am an eternal optimist.
Yet you never eve show the bad side of the GOP, myopic at best..
12. The Ocasio/Democrat Party plan requires immense government intervention and take-over.

Charles Murray’s book “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

““Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "The Bankruptcy Bomb"

  1. "The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
    These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.

...its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare.
If you pick up a stray dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the principal difference between dogs and men. Mark Twain.
13. What happened to those who posted that Ocasio wasn't really the 'new face of the Democrat Party'????

This happened:

"The “Green New Deal” congressional resolution from Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...As of Feb. 9, the resolution has 65 co-sponsors from the House (not counting two non-voting representatives), as well as 11 from the Senate. Most of the announced presidential candidates, several of whom are in the Senate, have signed on,...."
The Weak Rollout of the Green New Deal | RealClearPolitics

14. Yet, the proposal is insane, designed to end American prosperity, and hegemony, and hasn't a chance of being successful.

"This plan could cost many tens of trillions of dollars over the next ten years. Replacing all nuclear (which don’t release greenhouse gases) and fossil-fuel based power plants with “clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources" may itself cost well over $10 trillion. Others put the costs even much higher.

...“will require”: public ownership of much of the economy, government-run healthcare, "family sustainable" wages, “family farming,” paid family leave, unionization of workers, and "affordable" housing. Global warming seems to justify every program that Democrats have ever wanted."
Analyzing the Green New Deal

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