What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

Obama and the Dims are to blame, asshole. They're the ones with the guns, not the insurance companies, who just have to do what they're told.

lol - what? wow - that is some fucked up logic right there.
ROFL! Ya think? Do you actually believe the insurance companies can tell the government to fuck off?

yep - they have for years.... why do you think they have been able to rake in massive amts of profit off the backs of sick people? bigpharma is in on that deal too. donny also promised to rein in drug prices.... how'z that working out for the american people?

'too big to fail' applies to any massive corporation.
Insurance companies make a profit of about 5%, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

prove that asshole. give me a credible link. in the meantime suck on the true facts:

Axios - Health care earnings spreadsheet
  1. Your source is Axios, which is a leftwing propaganda organ.
  2. The average profit for all the companies listed is 7.5%. Many of those are drug companies. They aren't insurance companies. There are a lot of other companies on your list that aren't insurance companies. Few people contest the fact that drug companies make high profits. Take out the drug companies and the average is probably less than 5%.
whitewater failed because interest rates had risen to 20 percent and very few people could afford or would even entertain the idea to by land at that rate
It also fit your post about a liar in office and selling some land to those who believed him
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Because all lie for tramp, tramp included , due to his tweets if you do not agree with him, we can't believe a word he says, except Christopher Wray has a mind of his own.
And you would think everyone in this country had a mind of their own. Fathom that.
Top US national security officials continue to defend the Trump administration's claim that it killed Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in response to an imminent threat to American lives, but the lack of evidence provided to lawmakers and the public has fueled lingering skepticism about whether the strike was justified.
The only skepticism comes from totally irrelevant anti-USA zealots such as yourself.

When Trump says......Imminent Danger
Your first reaction has to be that he is lying again

Soleimani has been an imminent danger to the US for many years.
Even the Trump administration is backing away from its “imminent danger” claims.

They have nothing to back it
Talking about Obama.....

CNN Fact Check: Obama went on an apology tour, Romney and others say - CNNPolitics

He then goes on to talk about forging "common solutions to our common problems."
"America cannot confront the challenges of this century alone, but that Europe cannot confront them without America. So I've come to Europe this week to renew our partnership, one in which America listens and learns from our friends and allies, but where our friends and allies bear their share of the burden. Together, we must forge common solutions to our common problems."


American does not need anyone. Obama was full of crap then and he's full of crap now.

Let the Europeans hand over their countries to immigrants......

Can you imagine the apology tour that will be needed after Trump?

Only a leftwingers would make one.

What has Trump actively done to hurt other countries.
Divine Judgment is coming upon Iran. They lose 90% of their military in a single day. Remember that I told you that when you see it happen.

WOW....... I thought you were going to hide under your blanket.

They (Iran) lose 90% of their military in a single day...... I’m shocked for you to say that despite with all your post all that crap about Trump....... You are this ignorant.

Dude when we start bombing Iraq it’s a piece of cake with minimum resistance.. Bur it took several months of bombing.

Iran is not a weakling Iraq. They been preparing that a rouge inept US president like Trump will come and messed up ME.....
You are right US has the advantages of military fire power.
You drop one bomb in Iran and the whole Persian gulf kiss good bye affecting world wide economy into crisis. You can kiss Saudi Arabia and other countries nearby. That’s the consequences that idiot Donnie and you don’t understand.
America is NEVER going to war with Iran. God is going to destroy Iran by Supernatural Holy Power. Ezekiel 38-39. He is also going to turn Syria in to a pile of Rubble and several other Syrian Cities with it, and it will be uninhabitable. Isaiah 17.

America does not have to lift a finger to do this. It is done by God.

There is even a passage that talks about Arrows (Missiles) being shot up in to the air, and ALL OF THEM, raining down upon the Iranians, Russians and Turks that fired them at Israel.

Repent. Thy Judgment is at hand. Fear God, or be Forever Condemned.

America is never going to war with Iran. With idiot Donnie in the WH?

You are a religious person at the same time you idolize a bad person.
How is that makes you?

We are against bad people. So when judgement come. I thought bad people will be eliminated.

Who wants war with Iran ?

Ask your friend Donnie and his ultra right wing media that promotes conspiracy theory.

Donnie wants to bomb 52 cultural sites inside Iran. Idiot doesn’t even know it’s against international law.

This is the reason Tucker Carlson was blasting those chest pumping Trump supporter medias promoting war.

Call me when he bombs them.

He simply informed people he had his next targest picked out should Iran chose to retaliate in some openly heavy handed fashion.

If we start another war.....my guess is we level whoever we are fighting.

This nickel and dime crap was why I was against any action in 2003.
Who wants war with Iran ?

Are we going by words or deeds?


Deeds? Trump does. Words? Trump doesn't.

And what deeds are those ?

You don't recognize an act of war when you see one? Never mind then.

I realize you need to try and fit reality to your narrative.

I never did mind you.
No it won't. When The Messiah Returns, The Entire System of Human Government is Destroyed. All Evil Doers and Followers of The Anti-Christ and his False Prophet are cast in to Hell. Jesus Christ God, The Son of God then becomes The Government, "it rests upon His shoulders, and He rules as The Prince of Peace with a "Rod of Iron" and there will be No Killing or Sin, Nor Death Nor Sickness in All The Earth.

He Destroys Iran, Russia, Turkey and their Allies in a single Day, Destroys all The AntiChrist Armies in a Single Day Destroys Human Government in a Single Day, and Sends Satan and his followers, to Hell.

Then there is finally True Peace on Earth.

It's coming soon. Watch Damascus be turned in to Rubble, and Watch Iran, Turkey & Russia be destroyed as they Attack Iran.

Are you confused or something on meth?

You have zero rebuttal then you gave me your religious belief mixing Trump.

If devil existed as you describe. Trump boi will be a good example of that. You know why I said that?
He just purposely created a humanitarian crisis for the Kurds with hundreds of thousands families being misplaced kids and women in hunger without homes.
You want Trump to bomb Iran will results world wide crisis resulting in a hunger turmoil.

All of us are born in sin. Trump, you, me. But if you follow The One True God's Will, God will save you. God's promises are true. If president Trump protects Israel, God will protect and bless President Trump and America. It's that simple.

Where was allah when General Soleimani was sent to Hell?


You are a very confuse human being.
How can god protect a hypocrite prolific liar Trump?

Trump inflicted pain and suffering to hundreds thousands of people.

Trump chain hundreds of children in deplorable situations inside US.

Trump cheated on his wife. A pussy grabber.

Trump cheated on peoples money.

Trump hides his tax returns a corrupted potus.

God will come down burn Trump to hell.

TDS on full display.

While I don't care for him as a person, he's a much better president than Obama.

Truth hurts.

Obama was and is well respected and feared around the world.

The whole world knows Trump is a weakling idiot coward president. Total embarrassment.

In short TDS. Trump Dumb Stupid

I am sure General S. agrees with you.

Obama was laughed at by most of the world.

How do you think Russia got in a position to even attempt to influence our elections.
Talking about Obama.....

CNN Fact Check: Obama went on an apology tour, Romney and others say - CNNPolitics

He then goes on to talk about forging "common solutions to our common problems."
"America cannot confront the challenges of this century alone, but that Europe cannot confront them without America. So I've come to Europe this week to renew our partnership, one in which America listens and learns from our friends and allies, but where our friends and allies bear their share of the burden. Together, we must forge common solutions to our common problems."


American does not need anyone. Obama was full of crap then and he's full of crap now.

Let the Europeans hand over their countries to immigrants......

That’s nothing compared to Trump damages he created.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.....
Obama was an ass-kissing doormat. Our allies loved him because he would do whatever they said.

Trump has a backbone.

Your crappy narrative sounds just like the way they spoke about Reagan.

Move to Iran and take some of your left wing pussies with you.

Sorry to say. Trump made us look very weak and stupid around the world. No backbone.

Obama worked with our allies as a team. Trump work with our allies as a worthless bully.

You bet he worked as a team.

He asked which part of their ass they wanted kissed....and he did just that.

I’m getting old but I didn’t see Obama kissed any ass. Would you care to give an example?

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

Heritage group?

So, you are proud how we treated native Americans? You proud of slavery and the racism, that followed? are you proud of camps of Japanese Americans in the 40's.

What are you talking about.

It's a piece on Obama's wimpy speeches.

You dicks will reach for anything.
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Troops don't grow on trees, and 2000 ain't zip. Credit where due. How hard is that?
2,000 is zip; the US outspends all of our “allies” when it comes to everything.

Not just our allies. Iran's annual defense budget wouldn't run the Pentagon for 10 days. None of which makes 2000 troops zip. You're just saying stupid shit.
Iran manages to kill people with machetes and machine guns, not jets or naval ships.

Is Iran one of those countries that hangs gays or throws them off of bridges ?
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
Top US national security officials continue to defend the Trump administration's claim that it killed Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in response to an imminent threat to American lives, but the lack of evidence provided to lawmakers and the public has fueled lingering skepticism about whether the strike was justified.
The only skepticism comes from totally irrelevant anti-USA zealots such as yourself.

When Trump says......Imminent Danger
Your first reaction has to be that he is lying again

Yes, he has a history of doing this.
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

I would say go back to the last five administrations and ask them since they were ALL experts at doing this before and INCLUDING trump but Reagan is dead and burning in hell now so i will just say go back and ask the previous four administrations,they were experts at it long before trump and all have a place waiting in hell alongside reagan for them.LOL
Are we going by words or deeds?


Deeds? Trump does. Words? Trump doesn't.

And what deeds are those ?

You don't recognize an act of war when you see one? Never mind then.

I realize you need to try and fit reality to your narrative.

I never did mind you.

Yeah, right. Trump was just warning Iran not to retaliate for something that didn't happen. Goofy.

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