What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.
nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
You libs want access to something you can't have. Trump can deny you information because of executive privilege.
Trump has many uneducated ignorant misinformed supporters like USMB poster "lennypartiv". No clue of what executive privilege is.

He can deny access because the info is classified. If you want to see abuse of executive privilege, review the obama years.
So you believe you can prove things that haven't happened? And I'm the idiot?

you don't know what imminent means do you? it's crystal clear that poorly educated deplorables don't. why haven't we bombed NK for an imminent threat to SK?

god damn you're stuuuuuuuuuuupid. but a very loyal flying monkey, i'll give you that.
One thing we know "imminent" means is that it's in the future. That means something that hasn't happened yet. So you're demanding that Trump prove that something that hasn't happened didn't happen.

That's your conception of a smart statement.

there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.

nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
How would you even know that? All that kind of information is classified.

As usual, you're just blowing hot gas out your ass.

rand paul said everything that was covered in that 'classified' briefing he already knew from reading the newspapers. there was NO classified intel. period. first pompeo was backpeddling saying we 'didn't know where or when' any act of aggression was gonna take place. how is that 'imminent'?

it's not.

then donny tried to say 'an embassy' was in their sites, then said to laura braun in a fox interview that it's up to 4 embassies. funny how not one congress critter is validating that. they are still saying NOTHING was mentioned regarding even one embassy. not one shred of evidence proving any of that bullshit. you know what that means, don'tcha?

trump & pompeo are lying.

prove they are lying. You made the claim, now post the proof----------------or crawl back under hillary's fat ass and STFU
there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.
nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
You libs want access to something you can't have. Trump can deny you information because of executive privilege.
Trump has many uneducated ignorant misinformed supporters like USMB poster "lennypartiv". No clue of what executive privilege is.

He can deny access because the info is classified. If you want to see abuse of executive privilege, review the obama years.

he initially denied access to the gang of eight - who have the same/highest security clearances as donny. except for his butt buddy, ms lindsey who most likely pushed him into this clusterfuck, along with pompeo.
you don't know what imminent means do you? it's crystal clear that poorly educated deplorables don't. why haven't we bombed NK for an imminent threat to SK?

god damn you're stuuuuuuuuuuupid. but a very loyal flying monkey, i'll give you that.
One thing we know "imminent" means is that it's in the future. That means something that hasn't happened yet. So you're demanding that Trump prove that something that hasn't happened didn't happen.

That's your conception of a smart statement.

there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.

nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
How would you even know that? All that kind of information is classified.

As usual, you're just blowing hot gas out your ass.

rand paul said everything that was covered in that 'classified' briefing he already knew from reading the newspapers. there was NO classified intel. period. first pompeo was backpeddling saying we 'didn't know where or when' any act of aggression was gonna take place. how is that 'imminent'?

it's not.

then donny tried to say 'an embassy' was in their sites, then said to laura braun in a fox interview that it's up to 4 embassies. funny how not one congress critter is validating that. they are still saying NOTHING was mentioned regarding even one embassy. not one shred of evidence proving any of that bullshit. you know what that means, don'tcha?

trump & pompeo are lying.

prove they are lying. You made the claim, now post the proof----------------or crawl back under hillary's fat ass and STFU

<pfffft> there is ZERO evidence to back any of it up. why did pompeo LIE? why did donny say one embassy after all that backpeddling? why change it to 4 now?

cause he can't help himself. lol.... the onus is on THEM to prove it.
there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.
nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
You libs want access to something you can't have. Trump can deny you information because of executive privilege.
Trump has many uneducated ignorant misinformed supporters like USMB poster "lennypartiv". No clue of what executive privilege is.

He can deny access because the info is classified. If you want to see abuse of executive privilege, review the obama years.
You are almost as ignorant and misinformed as lenny.
there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.
nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
You libs want access to something you can't have. Trump can deny you information because of executive privilege.
Trump has many uneducated ignorant misinformed supporters like USMB poster "lennypartiv". No clue of what executive privilege is.

He can deny access because the info is classified. If you want to see abuse of executive privilege, review the obama years.

he initially denied access to the gang of eight - who have the same/highest security clearances as donny. except for his butt buddy, ms lindsey who most likely pushed him into this clusterfuck, along with pompeo.

we took out one crazy muslim terrorist, we are not at war with Iran. But, they have been at war with us since 1979. They have been screaming death to america for 40 years. We finally retaliated after they tried to bomb our embassy (american territory) and you partisan fools bitch about it. Where were you when Kennedy and Johnson caused the deaths of 58,000 americans in viet nam for absolutely nothing?

the hypocrisy of the left is obsessive and persistent.
there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.
nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
You libs want access to something you can't have. Trump can deny you information because of executive privilege.
Trump has many uneducated ignorant misinformed supporters like USMB poster "lennypartiv". No clue of what executive privilege is.

He can deny access because the info is classified. If you want to see abuse of executive privilege, review the obama years.
You are almost as ignorant and misinformed as lenny.

Having held top secret and SAP clearances for years, I am quite familiar with who can and cannot have access to classified data. Hillary clinton violated those laws multiple times with her private server, but the bitch still walks free. If I had done what she did, I would be in federal prison for a long term.

Just curious, why do you on the left condone the idea that some americans are above the law?
One thing we know "imminent" means is that it's in the future. That means something that hasn't happened yet. So you're demanding that Trump prove that something that hasn't happened didn't happen.

That's your conception of a smart statement.

there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.

nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
How would you even know that? All that kind of information is classified.

As usual, you're just blowing hot gas out your ass.

rand paul said everything that was covered in that 'classified' briefing he already knew from reading the newspapers. there was NO classified intel. period. first pompeo was backpeddling saying we 'didn't know where or when' any act of aggression was gonna take place. how is that 'imminent'?

it's not.

then donny tried to say 'an embassy' was in their sites, then said to laura braun in a fox interview that it's up to 4 embassies. funny how not one congress critter is validating that. they are still saying NOTHING was mentioned regarding even one embassy. not one shred of evidence proving any of that bullshit. you know what that means, don'tcha?

trump & pompeo are lying.

prove they are lying. You made the claim, now post the proof----------------or crawl back under hillary's fat ass and STFU

<pfffft> there is ZERO evidence to back any of it up. why did pompeo LIE? why did donny say one embassy after all that backpeddling? why change it to 4 now?

cause he can't help himself. lol.... the onus is on THEM to prove it.

they don't have to prove shit to you or anyone else. When you get a top secret clearance you might be able to see the data that they used in making those decisions. But even that is not likely since you could not demonstrate a need to know.
there is NOTHING to suggest ANYTHING was even in the works. no chatter in the air - no intel on the ground confirming it - no hard copy fact, figures - no satellite images.

nothing. if there was a crumb to give the public to justify it - it would have been supplied. even some (R)s said there isn't any imminent threat basd on their briefing. spin spin sin away little basketdweller - it's fun watching you dance.
How would you even know that? All that kind of information is classified.

As usual, you're just blowing hot gas out your ass.

rand paul said everything that was covered in that 'classified' briefing he already knew from reading the newspapers. there was NO classified intel. period. first pompeo was backpeddling saying we 'didn't know where or when' any act of aggression was gonna take place. how is that 'imminent'?

it's not.

then donny tried to say 'an embassy' was in their sites, then said to laura braun in a fox interview that it's up to 4 embassies. funny how not one congress critter is validating that. they are still saying NOTHING was mentioned regarding even one embassy. not one shred of evidence proving any of that bullshit. you know what that means, don'tcha?

trump & pompeo are lying.

prove they are lying. You made the claim, now post the proof----------------or crawl back under hillary's fat ass and STFU

<pfffft> there is ZERO evidence to back any of it up. why did pompeo LIE? why did donny say one embassy after all that backpeddling? why change it to 4 now?

cause he can't help himself. lol.... the onus is on THEM to prove it.

they don't have to prove shit to you or anyone else. When you get a top secret clearance you might be able to see the data that they used in making those decisions. But even that is not likely since you could not demonstrate a need to know.
If they have the data, they can show it to people with Top Secret Clearance who can affirm it

As it is, they are making claims where most of the world says...WTF?
translation: I can't come up with any so I made a joke :5_1_12024:

you know what else is funny? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting sued & paying out $25,000,000.00 for fraud!!!! isn't that hilarious???????????????? i mean nobody could possibly CONnect the dots between fraud & lying, right!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course not!!!!

AND guess what?????

paying a $2,000,000.00 dollar fine for taking money in 'donations' for a 'charitable' foundation, to be given to CHARITIES, but instead using that cash as a personal piggy bank & spending them thar donations on a personal presidential campaign is not akin to lying either!!!! nope! no sireeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's funny as hell, ain't it?????

Most of the money the charity donated came directly from Trump's pocket, you fucking dumbass. Also, there's no such thing as paying money for fraud. A lawsuit is a civil dispute. It's not a criminal matter. You TDS morons keep using the term "fraud" even though it's not applicable. This is just another example of how you douchebags twist and abuse English when you have no facts on your side.

bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.
you know what else is funny? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting sued & paying out $25,000,000.00 for fraud!!!! isn't that hilarious???????????????? i mean nobody could possibly CONnect the dots between fraud & lying, right!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course not!!!!

AND guess what?????

paying a $2,000,000.00 dollar fine for taking money in 'donations' for a 'charitable' foundation, to be given to CHARITIES, but instead using that cash as a personal piggy bank & spending them thar donations on a personal presidential campaign is not akin to lying either!!!! nope! no sireeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's funny as hell, ain't it?????

Most of the money the charity donated came directly from Trump's pocket, you fucking dumbass. Also, there's no such thing as paying money for fraud. A lawsuit is a civil dispute. It's not a criminal matter. You TDS morons keep using the term "fraud" even though it's not applicable. This is just another example of how you douchebags twist and abuse English when you have no facts on your side.

bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
Most of the money the charity donated came directly from Trump's pocket, you fucking dumbass. Also, there's no such thing as paying money for fraud. A lawsuit is a civil dispute. It's not a criminal matter. You TDS morons keep using the term "fraud" even though it's not applicable. This is just another example of how you douchebags twist and abuse English when you have no facts on your side.

bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
He didn't cheat anyone, you fucking moron.
you know what else is funny? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting sued & paying out $25,000,000.00 for fraud!!!! isn't that hilarious???????????????? i mean nobody could possibly CONnect the dots between fraud & lying, right!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course not!!!!

AND guess what?????

paying a $2,000,000.00 dollar fine for taking money in 'donations' for a 'charitable' foundation, to be given to CHARITIES, but instead using that cash as a personal piggy bank & spending them thar donations on a personal presidential campaign is not akin to lying either!!!! nope! no sireeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's funny as hell, ain't it?????

Most of the money the charity donated came directly from Trump's pocket, you fucking dumbass. Also, there's no such thing as paying money for fraud. A lawsuit is a civil dispute. It's not a criminal matter. You TDS morons keep using the term "fraud" even though it's not applicable. This is just another example of how you douchebags twist and abuse English when you have no facts on your side.

bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

it means any cash given to the foundation was to be distributed among CHARITIES no matter who gave it. donny doesn't get to be an indian giver & take it back -- - - first enjoying the tax breaks it gave him, then using it for his personal benefit. once that cash goes into the foundation coffer - - taking it back is stealing. too bad so sad how the courts thought so too 'eh? hence the fines & therefore the outright BAN imposed that they can be any part of any future charity board or foundation.
bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
He didn't cheat anyone, you fucking moron.

ya he did. the ruling said so. $2,000,000.00 worth of guilt imposed. neener neener ha ha HA.
bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
He didn't cheat anyone, you fucking moron.

Charitable contributions went to Trump
Want to talk about Trump U where Trump cheated people out of their life savings?
Most of the money the charity donated came directly from Trump's pocket, you fucking dumbass. Also, there's no such thing as paying money for fraud. A lawsuit is a civil dispute. It's not a criminal matter. You TDS morons keep using the term "fraud" even though it's not applicable. This is just another example of how you douchebags twist and abuse English when you have no facts on your side.

bullshit. trump didn't give his foundation any money. cough up a credible link to that m'k? in the meantime - - know who did? linda mcmahon.

ya THAT linda mcmahon... WWE's linda mcmahon.... trump's pick for sec of the small business admin. & it matters not cause that there money was supposta go to charity & donny kept it. he's a thief & you suck that in for all it's worth as long as he whispers sweet nothings in yer ear.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was sued for fraud in that 'university' case.

. unlawful business practices. deception. whatever you call it - he was sued & settled. why? cause they had him dead to rights.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

it means any cash given to the foundation was to be distributed among CHARITIES no matter who gave it. donny doesn't get to be an indian giver & take it back -- - - first enjoying the tax breaks it gave him, then using it for his personal benefit. once that cash goes into the foundation coffer - - taking it back is stealing. too bad so sad how the courts thought so too 'eh? hence the fines & therefore the outright BAN imposed that they can be any part of any future charity board or foundation.
Horseshit. It's not stealing. You can't rob yourself. The courts don't view it as stealing. Otherwise he would be in jail.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
He didn't cheat anyone, you fucking moron.

Charitable contributions went to Trump
Want to talk about Trump U where Trump cheated people out of their life savings?

That's an opinion, not a fact.

The charitable contributions came from Trump.
Other than McMahon, it was all his money, your stupid dingbat. TDS morons like to pretend that Trump was screwing other people out of cash by failing to report that significant detail, but all he really did is take some exemptions that weren't allowed. Wealthy people play tax games with charities all the time.

Again, people have legal disputes all the time. The wealthier they are, the more often they get sued. That doesn't mean they are doing anything nefarious. Being sued doesn't mean you committed a crime, dingbat. Clinton, on the other hand committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and you don't give a damn about at.

as part of that settlement - donny & his spawn are never allowed to be part of a charitable foundation at all. 'cause they did nothing wrong?

you are trying to peddle the idea that because some of the money he may have given - - - can write off on his taxes - - - earmarked for charity - - - - was his to keep after the fact? :auiqs.jpg:yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.

Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

people don't pay fines because they are innocent of any wrong doing. he also had to pay a $2500 fine to the IRS for his pay to play 'CONtribution' from his foundation - to the FLA AG so she would drop the university FRAUD lawsuit down there.

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

Cheating a charity is the moral equivalent of jaywalking
He didn't cheat anyone, you fucking moron.

ya he did. the ruling said so. $2,000,000.00 worth of guilt imposed. neener neener ha ha HA.
Who did he cheat?
Charitable contributions went to Trump
Want to talk about Trump U where Trump cheated people out of their life savings?
Quit whining, that shouldn't have affected you Democrats, you only go to schools with super liberal professors teaching sociology and psychology.

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