What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.
We can nyuk nyuk Trumps lies and let them pass

But it also means we can’t trust anything he says
Trust me, I am telling the truth this time
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
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If only Democrats and their media could be right .. just once .. it would be a vast improvement... :2cents:
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.
His speech offered nothing to Iran
They can’t trust what he says anyway
If we need to we can always drop more bombs.

Maybe some diplomacy

how about some more pallets of cash? that worked so well when obozo did it.

you don't negotiate with people who are trying to kill you, you kill them first.
We don’t have any more of Iran’s cash
What cash do you want to give?

some of what obozo sent them was their money that had been frozen as part of the sanctions, the rest was a gift from obozo to his muslim brothers.

the only things we should send them now are things that explode.
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
As we both know, (a) there are plentiful examples that can be found pretty much anywhere, and (b) you'll deny and dismiss all of them.

So, for you, Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories. There ya go!
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I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
As we both know, (a) there are plentiful examples that can be found pretty much anywhere, and (b) you'll deny and dismiss all of them.

So, for you, Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

We need to separate blatant out and out lies like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "we landed under sniper fire" from political rhetoric and jokes. "russia, if you are listening..." was a joke. "crooked hillary" was political rhetoric and is also true.

So, give us some real Trump lies or admit that you can't come up with any.

and for the record all politicians lie, at all levels and layers or government. They tell us what they think we want to hear and then tell the next group the opposite if thats what they want to hear.

Trump has probably done less of that than his predecessors or your local mayor and governor. Thats why the media hates him so much, because he tells the truth about them rather than kow towing to them like everyone else.
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
As we both know, (a) there are plentiful examples that can be found pretty much anywhere, and (b) you'll deny and dismiss all of them.

So, for you, Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

We need to separate blatant out and out lies like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "we landed under sniper fire" from political rhetoric and jokes. "russia, if you are listening..." was a joke. "crooked hillary" was political rhetoric and is also true.

So, give us some real Trump lies or admit that you can't come up with any.

and for the record all politicians lie, at all levels and layers or government. They tell us what they think we want to hear and then tell the next group the opposite if thats what they want to hear.

Trump has probably done less of that than his predecessors or your local mayor and governor. Thats why the media hates him so much, because he tells the truth about them rather than kow towing to them like everyone else.
I've already admitted, I can't come up with any lies by Trump. Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

When Donald Trump says something, it is literal and clear and honest, with no bullshit or hyperbole or distortion. What this man says is gospel.

You got me. There ya go.
i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
As we both know, (a) there are plentiful examples that can be found pretty much anywhere, and (b) you'll deny and dismiss all of them.

So, for you, Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

We need to separate blatant out and out lies like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "we landed under sniper fire" from political rhetoric and jokes. "russia, if you are listening..." was a joke. "crooked hillary" was political rhetoric and is also true.

So, give us some real Trump lies or admit that you can't come up with any.

and for the record all politicians lie, at all levels and layers or government. They tell us what they think we want to hear and then tell the next group the opposite if thats what they want to hear.

Trump has probably done less of that than his predecessors or your local mayor and governor. Thats why the media hates him so much, because he tells the truth about them rather than kow towing to them like everyone else.
I've already admitted, I can't come up with any lies by Trump. Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

When Donald Trump says something, it is literal and clear and honest, with no bullshit or hyperbole or distortion. What this man says is gospel.

You got me. There ya go.

translation: I can't come up with any so I made a joke :5_1_12024:
If only Democrats and their media could be right .. just once .. it would be a vast improvement... :2cents:
You mean there really were thousands of Muslims dancing on NJ rooftops on 9-11?
Do you have a reasonable theory as to why Trump just suddenly decided to kill a guy for no reason? If not, you should be embarrassed for making this threa.

because he's an impulsive man baby with no self CONtrol. he tweets 'official' government business in 280 characters & there is still no proof of any 'imminent threat'.
There can never be irrefutable proof of something that hasn't happened, dumbfuck. Even if there was, you would still claim there is no proof.

don't start the day being the obvious idiot that you are.
So you believe you can prove things that haven't happened? And I'm the idiot?

you don't know what imminent means do you? it's crystal clear that poorly educated deplorables don't. why haven't we bombed NK for an imminent threat to SK?

god damn you're stuuuuuuuuuuupid. but a very loyal flying monkey, i'll give you that.
One thing we know "imminent" means is that it's in the future. That means something that hasn't happened yet. So you're demanding that Trump prove that something that hasn't happened didn't happen.

That's your conception of a smart statement.
Or the US

WTF are we doing there?
We should be everywhere with no Rules of Engagement.
Jihad is global.
I can’t believe you worked for the government and know dipshit.
I worked for the Department of Defense

Made me see how vast our global deployments were

Janitors don't see much so your claim is a lie. On the other hand, anybody with internet, and a brain, can quickly figure out where we are positioned.

But, Trump didn't lie about what happened. Unlike your festering hero, the obummer did.
Trump didn’t lie about what happened?

Then why did he claim “an imminent threat “ and then back down when asked to identify the threat ?
Imminent is a relative term, you'll agree. Not worth quibbling in the long run.

Actually no it's not.

Here's what 3 different dictionaries say as the meaning of that word.

They are all the same.

Words do have real meanings. You can't change the meaning of a word just for your convenience.

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I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

well, why would they care if they are lied to whilst donny carries out his scorched earth policies as long as the libs get owned?
I've noticed that even Limbaugh is having to scramble to spin for Trump's alternate-universe dishonesty.

Now, since he can't deny the way Trump is, he'll play a clip of Trump casually tossing out an abject lie, and then say, "hyuk hyuk, they just don't get Trump".

So evidently, the standard rules of fundamental honesty don't apply to Trump, so anything he says is off limits to fact-checking or normal expectations.

Other world leaders, the rest of America, the rest of the world, are somehow supposed to suspend all standards of honesty for this man-child.

Okay, well, at least we know the rules now.

i get whiplash from reading their excuses for donny. which is it?

he means what he says or he's just trolling or joking? i guess it depends on what level of ridiculousness he blurts out.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

well, why would they care if they are lied to whilst donny carries out his scorched earth policies as long as the libs get owned?
Yeah. I don't like being lied to, regardless of what's in it for me, so I don't quite get this stuff.
Most of the spin I hear for him is that he's just trolling the media and the liberals by lying to everyone.

That's fine in the alternate universe. They don't mind being lied to.

quote some of his lies for us.
As we both know, (a) there are plentiful examples that can be found pretty much anywhere, and (b) you'll deny and dismiss all of them.

So, for you, Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

We need to separate blatant out and out lies like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "we landed under sniper fire" from political rhetoric and jokes. "russia, if you are listening..." was a joke. "crooked hillary" was political rhetoric and is also true.

So, give us some real Trump lies or admit that you can't come up with any.

and for the record all politicians lie, at all levels and layers or government. They tell us what they think we want to hear and then tell the next group the opposite if thats what they want to hear.

Trump has probably done less of that than his predecessors or your local mayor and governor. Thats why the media hates him so much, because he tells the truth about them rather than kow towing to them like everyone else.
I've already admitted, I can't come up with any lies by Trump. Donald J Trump never lies, and is the most honest person in the history of historical histories.

When Donald Trump says something, it is literal and clear and honest, with no bullshit or hyperbole or distortion. What this man says is gospel.

You got me. There ya go.

translation: I can't come up with any so I made a joke :5_1_12024:

you know what else is funny? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! getting sued & paying out $25,000,000.00 for fraud!!!! isn't that hilarious???????????????? i mean nobody could possibly CONnect the dots between fraud & lying, right!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course not!!!!

AND guess what?????

paying a $2,000,000.00 dollar fine for taking money in 'donations' for a 'charitable' foundation, to be given to CHARITIES, but instead using that cash as a personal piggy bank & spending them thar donations on a personal presidential campaign is not akin to lying either!!!! nope! no sireeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's funny as hell, ain't it?????

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