What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? Itā€™s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Obama has been out of office for over three years now. Quit bitching.
Obama never left power. He formed The Resistance and has been plotting with Hillary Clinton to overturn the election since 2016.

Your god Alex Jones told you that?
Why would you worship people? Who is Alex Jones? Probably someone leftist fear because he has guts to speak out against The Machine.

Trump is exonerated and you get 5 more years of him.

Fear? Nah! They ordered him to pay $100,000 to penalties for lying like you.
Far As I know, no one has lied and the topic is not about Alex Jones. Seems to me that you were losing an argument so you tried to change the subject. That's what Liars and Cowards do.

Dems silent on Iran protests as demonstrators blame regime, not Trump, for plane crash
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.

uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. donny is 'prez' & a 'prez' shouldn't be doing that. period - - end of story.
What are you talking about?

i was talking about yer prez stealing cash from his foundation - earmarked for charities - & instead used it for his campaign & personal bank acct. you started replying to me about bigcorp.
Did he?
I guess Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates canā€™t run for President.

i posted links. go look for 'em. & whatever comparison, analogy or whatever you are trying to twist as some kind of cohesive reply ain't doing the job you thi nk it is.
Neither is your being a moron.
From which university did you receive your law degree?
What is it that I don't see, that you can't steal from yourself?

the 'foundation' isn't his as much as try to peddle it that way.
Then who's is it?

not 'his'. donny was CONsidered to be a DISQUALIFYING PERSON per the law.

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ā€˜self-dealing,ā€™ new filing to IRS shows
By David A. Fahrenthold
November 22, 2016
President-elect Donald Trumpā€™s charitable foundation has admitted to the Internal Revenue Service that it violated a legal prohibition against ā€œself-dealing,ā€ which bars nonprofit leaders from using their charityā€™s money to help themselves, their businesses or their families.

The admission was contained in the Donald J. Trump Foundationā€™s IRS tax filings for 2015, which were recently posted online at the nonprofit-tracking site GuideStar. A GuideStar spokesman said the forms were uploaded by the Trump Foundationā€™s law firm, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.

The Washington Post could not immediately confirm if the same forms had actually been sent to the IRS.

In one section of the form, the IRS asked whether the Trump Foundation had transferred ā€œincome or assets to a disqualified person.ā€ A disqualified person, in this context, might be Trump ā€” the foundationā€™s president ā€” or a member of his family or a Trump-owned business.

The foundation checked yes.

game set match. better luck next time. :itsok:
What the law says and what reality says are two separate things.

only by deploarbles' standards.
You mean by the standards of people not suffering brain damage like you who can reason.
uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. donny is 'prez' & a 'prez' shouldn't be doing that. period - - end of story.
What are you talking about?

i was talking about yer prez stealing cash from his foundation - earmarked for charities - & instead used it for his campaign & personal bank acct. you started replying to me about bigcorp.
Did he?
I guess Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates canā€™t run for President.

i posted links. go look for 'em. & whatever comparison, analogy or whatever you are trying to twist as some kind of cohesive reply ain't doing the job you thi nk it is.
Neither is your being a moron.
From which university did you receive your law degree?

TDS university. Everything Trump does is a felony, according to them.
You donā€™t see how that works, do you?
What is it that I don't see, that you can't steal from yourself?
Wish I could do that on my taxes

Make donations to myself
That's called "not paying taxes." It isn't called stealing.
Oh I get it now...

I just need to tell the IRS I was not cheating......just ā€œnot paying taxesā€
Not paying taxes is one thing. Stealing is another. I know you're too fucking stupid to understand that difference.
Same thing
What is it that I don't see, that you can't steal from yourself?
Wish I could do that on my taxes

Make donations to myself
That's called "not paying taxes." It isn't called stealing.
Oh I get it now...

I just need to tell the IRS I was not cheating......just ā€œnot paying taxesā€
Not paying taxes is one thing. Stealing is another. I know you're too fucking stupid to understand that difference.
Same thing
State Department officials involved in US embassy security were not made aware of imminent threats to four specific US embassies, two State Department officials tell CNN, further undermining President Donald Trump's claims that the top Iranian general he ordered killed earlier this month posed an imminent threat to the diplomatic outposts.

Without knowledge of any alleged threats, the State Department didn't issue warnings about specific dangers to any US embassy before the administration targeted Qasem Soleimani, Iran's second most powerful official, according to the sources.
So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
State Department officials involved in US embassy security were not made aware of imminent threats to four specific US embassies, two State Department officials tell CNN, further undermining President Donald Trump's claims that the top Iranian general he ordered killed earlier this month posed an imminent threat to the diplomatic outposts.

Without knowledge of any alleged threats, the State Department didn't issue warnings about specific dangers to any US embassy before the administration targeted Qasem Soleimani, Iran's second most powerful official, according to the sources.

the defense secretary esper claims he didn't know either.

how much safer could we possibly feel?
This thread is a joke. Soleimani was traveling with a known terrorist (Muhandis) who had a death sentence on him for atrocities he committed in Kuwait. Soleimani was also classified as a terrorist and a war criminal & was under a travel ban since 2007, and both of them were scouting out sensitive US sites for attacks. MI 6 and Massad confirmed that as did our intelligence. What they were planning was going to be a lot worse than Benghazi.
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So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
It's funny watching you TDS morons trying to claim killing the terrorism general is a bad thing.
So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
"Cluster fuck?" It's a home run for Trump.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? Itā€™s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Obama is no longer in office!

But then again what do you expect from those that supported the illegal wars of Obama!

You mean the invasion of Panama and Granada, the first invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Iraq (again) and Afghanistan? Or maybe Korea and Vietnam? Hey, let's go back to Manifest Destiny and the Indian wars, the Spanish American War. Say again which Wars Obama instigated?
A Democrat complains about a "leader" who "lies"

Gosh is that funny....

Note too this particular Democrat was here four years ago supporting HILLARY......


Translation - lying is good when Dems do it and don't get caught, and fuck Putin for catching her!!!!
So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
It's funny watching you TDS morons trying to claim killing the terrorism general is a bad thing.

never said it wasn't.

but the unlawful & dismissal of congress, & the blatant lying about it is.
So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
"Cluster fuck?" It's a home run for Trump.

america is war wary & the vast majority do not feel safer because of donny's impulsive idiocy.
america is war wary

The DUMBEST LIFE FORMS IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE, the pro Israel Christians, they are not at all. They want a US war with Iran, because they attend churches that tell them to want that, and they never notice that the "Christian preacher" telling them that is really Jewish and doesn't believe a word of the New Testament.... but rather sees it as an opportunity to manipulate MORONS to "serve Israel."
So now we see more of the lies from our president unravel

State Department security officials weren't notified of 'imminent' threats to US embassies - CNNPolitics

For an ā€œimminent threat ā€œ on FOUR embassies, State Department Security was not notified. The agency responsible for protecting our embassies was not even told.

but but but pompeo knew & his ' not sure when & not sure where' was good enough for me!!!


seriously though - this whole cluster fuck is really going off the rails.
The Trump Administration lies about an imminent threat and when asked specifics they say......None of your business

Now, it appears, they told the actual embassies it was none of their business
A Democrat complains about a "leader" who "lies"

Gosh is that funny....

Note too this particular Democrat was here four years ago supporting HILLARY......


Translation - lying is good when Dems do it and don't get caught, and fuck Putin for catching her!!!!

<sob>. but...but....What about Hillary!
What about Owebama!

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