What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

hmmm interesting that iran warned iraq so they could warn us. donny still hasn't coughed up any legit reason for calling it an 'imminent' threat'... & i while i enjoy relying on the constitution, you are relying on a flawed man baby.
Why don't you Dems impeach him for it?

i am not a (D) & lest ye ferget it seems more than a few (R)s voted on limiting donny's war powers.
Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

mike lee is a (D)? rand paul? fucking matt gaetz?

dance dance dance............
You voted for them?
Why are you so upset at Bill Gates, Wells-Fargo and JP Morgan Chase?
I bet your bank lies all the time; when are you going to put your money in your mattress?

get back to me when that makes any sense.
You must be pretty ignorant to not know how many people and institutions are sued all the time.

they aren't occupying the white house.
They controlled it until Trump occupied it.

doesn't matter. it's who's the frontman that does.
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.
hmmm interesting that iran warned iraq so they could warn us. donny still hasn't coughed up any legit reason for calling it an 'imminent' threat'... & i while i enjoy relying on the constitution, you are relying on a flawed man baby.
Why don't you Dems impeach him for it?

i am not a (D) & lest ye ferget it seems more than a few (R)s voted on limiting donny's war powers.
Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

mike lee is a (D)? rand paul? fucking matt gaetz?

dance dance dance............
You voted for them?

nope - & wouldn't if they were my reps or senators. but i have voted (R) several times.
Calling a man a liar without proof will condemn your own soul to Hell, but you don't care, because in your arrogance, you think Satan wins the final battle. He loses miserably.

Why do you defend Terrorists, and why are you not speaking out against Iran wanting to interfere in our elections?

One reason not discussed as to why Soleoimani was executed like the cowardly black dog he was, is that Iran was going to attempt to interfere in US and Israel Elections. They also wanted to start forest fires in The US like they have done in Australia, and wanted to engage in skirmishes with Border Patrol. Overseas they planned rocket and knife attacks on Israel, and attacks on Embassies, and planned kidnappings of US Diplomats and Israelis.

Strange, but you had no problem calling me a liar with absolutely no proof of that. I guess YOUR SOUL is now condemned to hell.

Why are YOU not speaking out against Russian actually interfering your elections, not just "wanting to" interfere?

Soleimani was on his way to a PEACE CONFERENCE, and Putin doesn't wan't peace in the ME, he wants the US to be hated and attacked by Muslims. Anything to weaken and destroy the USA.
I call you a liar because you are a liar. I have caught you promoting lies repeatedly on this forum. Most of you trashing America and The President are liars. If I do not call you out on your lies I fail God, and myself, and those listening to you who would believe your lies.

Just on The Russian Collusion Hoax alone is enough to condemn you all to Hell.

Dude you are a big time liar. We are not trashing America.
We are trashing a piece of garbage Trump.
The President of The United States is The Commander and Chief of all American Military Forces. He is also The Chief Law Enforcement Official in The United States. His office also has the authority over all US Government Agencies, and he also is the sole authority for setting Foreign Policy. He also has authority over all Trade Agreements, and Trade and Commerce in The US, and he also has authority over Border Security and Immigration.

Yes, when you attack The President of The United States, you are attacking The United States.

And I pray to god that bad people who purposely inflicted pain and sufferings to humans should be eliminated.
Pain & suffering from locked up children at the border?
get back to me when that makes any sense.
You must be pretty ignorant to not know how many people and institutions are sued all the time.

they aren't occupying the white house.
They controlled it until Trump occupied it.

doesn't matter. it's who's the frontman that does.
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.

uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. donny is 'prez' & a 'prez' shouldn't be doing that. period - - end of story.
Are you really trying to turn this piddly-ass shit into some kind of major scandal? All you are doing is showing how desperate you are.

oh it's a done deal & on any normal day in politics b4 trump, it would have been - but CONsidering the last 3 years w/ the life long conman in office - it doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
It would never have happens to a Democrat because this is purely a political prosecution, and everyone knows it. The NY AG is a political hack who has no qualms about prosecuting people simply because they belong to the opposition party.


You are a fool.

& you're grasping.
You're prehensile.
You must be pretty ignorant to not know how many people and institutions are sued all the time.

they aren't occupying the white house.
They controlled it until Trump occupied it.

doesn't matter. it's who's the frontman that does.
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.

uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. period - - end of story.

Donny wasn't charged with stealing, moron.

Notice how you brain damaged TDS moron are trying to turn this into a major scandal while you avert your eyes from the quid pro quo that Biden confessed to.
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Why don't you Dems impeach him for it?

i am not a (D) & lest ye ferget it seems more than a few (R)s voted on limiting donny's war powers.
Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

mike lee is a (D)? rand paul? fucking matt gaetz?

dance dance dance............
You voted for them?

nope - & wouldn't if they were my reps or senators. but i have voted (R) several times.
ROFL! In other words, you are indistinguishable from a Democrat.
oh it's a done deal & on any normal day in politics b4 trump, it would have been - but CONsidering the last 3 years w/ the life long conman in office - it doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
It would never have happens to a Democrat because this is purely a political prosecution, and everyone knows it. The NY AG is a political hack who has no qualms about prosecuting people simply because they belong to the opposition party.


You are a fool.

& you're grasping.
You're prehensile.

i know you are but what am i.... are you kidding me? be original.
It would never have happens to a Democrat because this is purely a political prosecution, and everyone knows it. The NY AG is a political hack who has no qualms about prosecuting people simply because they belong to the opposition party.


You are a fool.

& you're grasping.
You're prehensile.

i know you are but what am i.... are you kidding me? be original.
Yeah, because your post was so original!
i am not a (D) & lest ye ferget it seems more than a few (R)s voted on limiting donny's war powers.
Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

mike lee is a (D)? rand paul? fucking matt gaetz?

dance dance dance............
You voted for them?

nope - & wouldn't if they were my reps or senators. but i have voted (R) several times.
ROFL! In other words, you are indistinguishable from a Democrat.
They are deluded an are not mentally stable. That's what happens when you fill your life with hate, anger and lies 24-7.
Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

mike lee is a (D)? rand paul? fucking matt gaetz?

dance dance dance............
You voted for them?

nope - & wouldn't if they were my reps or senators. but i have voted (R) several times.
ROFL! In other words, you are indistinguishable from a Democrat.
They are deluded an are not mentally stable. That's what happens when you fill your life with hate, anger and lies 24-7.

lol.... for the winning team y'all are pretty wild in yer emotions.........
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Obama has been out of office for over three years now. Quit bitching.
Obama never left power. He formed The Resistance and has been plotting with Hillary Clinton to overturn the election since 2016.
You must be pretty ignorant to not know how many people and institutions are sued all the time.

they aren't occupying the white house.
They controlled it until Trump occupied it.

doesn't matter. it's who's the frontman that does.
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.

uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. donny is 'prez' & a 'prez' shouldn't be doing that. period - - end of story.
What are you talking about?
you can't indict a sitting prez you stupid fuck. but you sure as shit can fine donny.


or sue him

also done.

& his filthy spawn had to take lessons on how not to steal from people.

Chiefly, Mr. Trump admits to personally misusing funds at the Trump Foundation, and agrees to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General in the event he creates a new charity. The settlements also include mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump. Finally, the settlements name the charities that will receive the remaining assets of the Trump Foundation as part of its dissolution.

AG James Secures Court Order Against Donald J. Trump, Trump Children, And Trump Foundation | New York State Attorney General
It's not a criminal violation, you brain damaged twat. It's purely a regulatory violation. it's the equivalent of not mowing the grass on your vacant lot. No matter how hard you try, you can't fool anyone who has two brain cells to rub together.
Many people are in prison for stealing less than $2 million
No one stole any money, you witless git.
If someone donates to a charity expecting it to be used for charitable causes and you use it for personal use.....it is stealing
Trump is the only one who donated, moron.
You don’t see how that works, do you?
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Obama has been out of office for over three years now. Quit bitching.
<sob>. But....but.....What about Owebama!
It's not a criminal violation, you brain damaged twat. It's purely a regulatory violation. it's the equivalent of not mowing the grass on your vacant lot. No matter how hard you try, you can't fool anyone who has two brain cells to rub together.
Many people are in prison for stealing less than $2 million
No one stole any money, you witless git.
If someone donates to a charity expecting it to be used for charitable causes and you use it for personal use.....it is stealing
Trump is the only one who donated, moron.
You don’t see how that works, do you?
What is it that I don't see, that you can't steal from yourself?
they aren't occupying the white house.
They controlled it until Trump occupied it.

doesn't matter. it's who's the frontman that does.
So when Warren Buffet decides to change the Mark to Market value of real estate, it was only GW who was to blame for the Housing Crash?
Are you an idiot?
I guess only the Mafia don should go down and not his gang who commit all the actual killings.

uh - what? donny stole. donny got caught. donny was fined. donny is 'prez' & a 'prez' shouldn't be doing that. period - - end of story.
What are you talking about?

i was talking about yer prez stealing cash from his foundation - earmarked for charities - & instead used it for his campaign & personal bank acct. you started replying to me about bigcorp.
It's not a criminal violation, you brain damaged twat. It's purely a regulatory violation. it's the equivalent of not mowing the grass on your vacant lot. No matter how hard you try, you can't fool anyone who has two brain cells to rub together.
Many people are in prison for stealing less than $2 million
No one stole any money, you witless git.
If someone donates to a charity expecting it to be used for charitable causes and you use it for personal use.....it is stealing
Trump is the only one who donated, moron.
You don’t see how that works, do you?

the only thing that flying monkey sees is the inside of donny's colon.

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