What has happened to us?

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Usually takes three generations for the assimilation to be complete. No more than that and often faster.


With a little violation of rights push...

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia

...from the federal government.



The Alien and Sedition Acts were unConstitutional.....obviously growing pains for the New Republic...passed by the con-servative party of the time, the Federalists.

Passed by Congress, and therefore law. That's how that works. ;)
I came late to this thread, so I only read the first few pages. They were nice. Everybody agreed that the political discord in this country has been a problem on both sides. It was making me sick, so I skipped to the last page. Everybody hates each other. Everybody's stopping short of calling the other person's mother a c*nt, but only to avoid being banned.

I love USMB. :)

Nothing good ever comes from passive aggressive threads like this. It's sadistic, really.
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One side pushed too far.............the other side pushed back........

And some crazies escaped in the process............Will the left stop calling us every name in the book.......will they respect the right of the other side to speak their views publically without being harassed......Will their elected officials stop telling their side to harass and attack our side..................

There are too sides who are becoming highly pissed at each other........did you notice..........We didn't start the fire.

.will they respect the right of the other side to speak their views
Dont count on it..

View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Diversity is what is happening. But don’t worry... “It’s our strength”. Lol...
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
In school. In the military. In restaurants. In hiring. In the way my tax dollars are spent.... I could go on forever...

Yup. I sure did. And a portion of the following shit fest.

Tell me more about responsibility.

Responsibility in relation to what?

We have thread after thread after thread about left wing violence.

The article I quoted stated this:

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Is it wrong?

First of all, it isn't an article. It's an opinion piece.

Because your teams narrative is the correct one.

They made me do it.

I think there is violence and responsibility for it on both sides, and have consistently said so. Responsibility lies with the actor. Much of the time left wing violence gears more towards property destruction, rioting, assault, etc. Rightwing violence is more likely to be targeted at taking lives. That is not to say it is always that way. That is just stating facts. Antifa is a relatively small group that has been blown up into some giant anarchistic entity by the right. Most of their vandalism and destruction took place between the election and inauguration but they still feature heavily in the blogosphere of the right. Likewise white supremacist movements, a relatively small group like Antifa.

So why all this outsized attention on only left wing violence? From the sound of it you would think masses of people are being assaulted daily by politically inspired actors. If you examine it it is usually the same old incidents being recycled. Most of it barely qualifies. Graffiti, assaisination “humor” etc. So why is it being promoted so much ... with an intent to seemingly incite people?

Tell that to the police assassinated between 2008 and 2016.


View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdock, rush Limbaugh, those are the things that happened to us. They took terms like "libtard" and "feminazi" and made them ok to say on the air and the street. They made a career of demonizing the other side. They made it ok, even easy, to hate. They mainsteamed conspiracy theories and racism. And mostly, from my point of view, because there was a black man in the white house.

Yes, yes.

There's never been any hate from the American Left. No one ever heard of it.
Who's made that claim?
They just like to build that straw man.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdock, rush Limbaugh, those are the things that happened to us. They took terms like "libtard" and "feminazi" and made them ok to say on the air and the street. They made a career of demonizing the other side. They made it ok, even easy, to hate. They mainsteamed conspiracy theories and racism. And mostly, from my point of view, because there was a black man in the white house.

Yes, yes.

There's never been any hate from the American Left. No one ever heard of it.
Who's made that claim?
They just like to build that straw man.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

Are you a racist? A bigot?

Are you trying to be ironic? Or are you just proving my point with your idiocy?
Do gays fight for the rights of heterosexuals?

LOL dream on, and

get your AIDS test
Yes, when the gay person is an attorney and has a litigant that is in a civil rights lawsuit.

Only if the attorney is trying to remove all gay perks. Kid this has never happened
Don't bet on it Granpa...
Don't bet on Julio not having AIDS
You certainly have a thing for AIDS....lose someone near and dear to it?
Nope, I just want to make sure that the gays here are responsible and not killing innocent people, including themselves

So did you get your AIDS test
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

I can say the same about conservatives. I used to be able disagree without being labeled “evil” or “Nazi”or “commie”. It is crazy.

So, not prepared to even try to change? THe idea that YOU might have to do something different, completely out of the question?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.
Correll, you know Coyote doesn't believe that.

EVERY TIME. Not one liberal on this site does not play that game.
Well, if you are one of those White Nationalists, the shoe fits. I don't try to keep you folks straight, so I wouldn't dare to guess.

Are you trying to be ironic, or did you just prove my point, by doing exactly what I said you libs do?
What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Are we required to believe in your god, your holy spirit, your satan?

You can believe in your purple dildo if you want, Bodey. However, it won't establish a moral code and neither will your depraved self.

That's something best left to God. If you think your doublewide dieseldyke ass can do it better than God? Pardon me while I LMAO.

What happened to us? MSM, social media, the crappy foods we eat and give to our kids, the polluted air we breathe. No more is the face to face socializing. Now we are bombarded 24/7 with opinions, demands, news (mostly BAD news) while shoving in our faces bad GMO foods breathing rotten air. Oh, and don't forget the dismissal of morals.

My own personal belief is backs were turned towards God.

Morals are gone, families don't exist and the world is upside down
That too. Absence from God.
We have not forgotten. He was just as bad...just as bad...as crazy...as out of control. Now...show us anyone who blames the Republican baseball players for not being armed. Show us anyone who called that a false flag.

So now you're saying that people should go around armed at all times or it's their fault they were hurt, maimed, or even killed?

I'm sure that will go over well in the progressive gun free zones.


View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Dimms refuse to give up on the socialist meme of freeshit for everyone. Until they modify their view, there will be conflict...not cooperation. Who wants to cooperate in the death of their country?
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?


Get real.

Public University’s Plaque Labels President Lincoln A Democrat - The College Fix

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

Are you a racist? A bigot?

Are you trying to be ironic? Or are you just proving my point with your idiocy?

I'm asking a question. I am not familiar enough with your posts in the general forums to draw a conclusion.

The only point I might be trying to make is this, if you're not, it doesn't matter what anyone calls you. They could call you a frog but that doesn't make you a frog...
What sucks is when the hatred and division filters down to your family.I've never seen it like this. When you have to tip toe around politics with Uncles, Aunts, cousins and In-laws so as not to start a fight, something has gone very wrong.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

Are you a racist? A bigot?

Are you trying to be ironic? Or are you just proving my point with your idiocy?

I'm asking a question. I am not familiar enough with your posts in the general forums to draw a conclusion.

The only point I might be trying to make is this, if you're not, it doesn't matter what anyone calls you. They could call you a frog but that doesn't make you a frog...

HJMick is a leftist pansy. I made a statement.

No business having a parrothead avatar, because he has no clue where the goddamn salt is.

I'll go so far as to say never strummed a 6-string on a front porch swing.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
What happened?

Hillary lost and Progressives refuse to live peacefully in a country that they don't run

Progressives aren't shooting up Synagogues, black Churches or sending bombs to political critics. We have a more serious problem than Antifia going on.
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