What has happened to us?

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View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?

Case in point, I'm talking about issues, and the liberal in question focuses on the person I am talking to, or about, and decides that that is what I am really about.

And thus, the debate is ended, and the lib in question calls me a name, I call them names back, and the cycle continues.

You post lies & expect people to accept it as the truth. Then, when called out, you run crying & out comes the bigotry.
It’s looking like your brain might be malfunctioning. Try smacking your head against a wall and let us know if it helps.
I have a valid question here....what is it that can't change?
Did I say something can’t change?
"...when the left learns to accept the things they can't change......"

Accept your 4-8 years, yes. Wait your turn as Americans waited under stagnant 8 years BO.

Accept Kavanaugh, appointed under "the system" yes. Change the "system" next chance you get. Wait your turn ....... yes. Of course. Battery going....

Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
I'm glad you agree that we have equal rights.
Everyone's rights are equal, that said gays have no rights to job protections that non gays do not get...……………..

Where does it specifically protect only gays?
Right here, see I get nothing for being heterosexual, this is wrong, the law make gays special and they are not.

Protection for LGBT Employees Under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

But you would be protected. If discrimination was prohibited based on sexual orientation...that means hetero’s can not be discriminated on that basis as well. You have the same rights.

Oh really, is that what afuckmative action is?

Grow up, and get your AIDS test already
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
Do't make bigoted posts & you won't be called a bigot.

It is that simple.
EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
And babykiller, libtard, and commie.

NOne of those have the same impact as "racist" in our culture, AND, conservatives don't use those to attack the person INSTEAD of discussing the issue.

Hell, they CAN'T even if they wanted to, because calling someone a liberal does not marginalize them the way calling someone a racist does.

YOu can be a liberal, or a commie, and your argument will still be listened to.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.
There are a lot of things people call us that aren’t helpful.

Cuck. Feminazi. Regressive. Terrorist supporter.
I have a valid question here....what is it that can't change?
Did I say something can’t change?
"...when the left learns to accept the things they can't change......"

Accept your 4-8 years, yes. Wait your turn as Americans waited under stagnant 8 years BO.

Accept Kavanaugh, appointed under "the system" yes. Change the "system" next chance you get. Wait your turn ....... yes. Of course. Battery going....

I'm glad you agree that we have equal rights.
Everyone's rights are equal, that said gays have no rights to job protections that non gays do not get...……………..

Where does it specifically protect only gays?
Right here, see I get nothing for being heterosexual, this is wrong, the law make gays special and they are not.

Protection for LGBT Employees Under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

But you would be protected. If discrimination was prohibited based on sexual orientation...that means hetero’s can not be discriminated on that basis as well. You have the same rights.

Oh really, is that what afuckmative action is?

Grow up, and get your AIDS test already
You certainly have no clue.
I don’t know how many are really walking away and how much is rightwing media hype. I do think a number of people have left both parties and gone independent.


Which is why President Trump won.


EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
Do't make bigoted posts & you won't be called a bigot.

It is that simple.

Pot meet kettle and GFY RealDumb, you post some of the most bigoted hateful shit of anyone on this forum
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?

Case in point, I'm talking about issues, and the liberal in question focuses on the person I am talking to, or about, and decides that that is what I am really about.

And thus, the debate is ended, and the lib in question calls me a name, I call them names back, and the cycle continues.

You post lies & expect people to accept it as the truth. Then, when called out, you run crying & out comes the bigotry.

I can believe that you believe that is what happens.

When you disbelieve something a republicans says, calling them a racist is not a rebuttal.

When you call them a racist, and they insult you back, that is not bigotry.

What a reasonable person would do, when presented with a claim they don't believe, is demand some for of supporting link, or argument, or present a counter argument or link of their own.

THis almost never happens anymore.
You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
And babykiller, libtard, and commie.

NOne of those have the same impact as "racist" in our culture, AND, conservatives don't use those to attack the person INSTEAD of discussing the issue.

Hell, they CAN'T even if they wanted to, because calling someone a liberal does not marginalize them the way calling someone a racist does.

YOu can be a liberal, or a commie, and your argument will still be listened to.
I agree with you on the use of racist, but I think slurs in general end discussion. For instance a liberal can’t critisize Trump with out being labeled TDS or “sore loser”.
EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
Do't make bigoted posts & you won't be called a bigot.

It is that simple.

Yeah, we all know that is not true.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.
There are a lot of things people call us that aren’t helpful.

Cuck. Feminazi. Regressive. Terrorist supporter.

Conservatives CAN'T marginalize people way libs can, with Racist or Sexist.

YOu can be called a cuck, and the discussion is not over.

When libs call us a "Racist" that is the whole of their argument from then on.

It is infuriating.
Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?


Get real.

Public University’s Plaque Labels President Lincoln A Democrat - The College Fix

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?
I don’t know how many are really walking away and how much is rightwing media hype. I do think a number of people have left both parties and gone independent.
Check it out for yourself. Its all over twitter and it is NOT right wing media "hype". This is the problem, people. If something doesn't look good to the opposing views and happenings, it's "bullshit". No. Its not.
Ever hear of Blexit? Check that out too, which is also all over twitter. With vids. And pics. And statements. And witnesses.
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
And babykiller, libtard, and commie.

NOne of those have the same impact as "racist" in our culture, AND, conservatives don't use those to attack the person INSTEAD of discussing the issue.

Hell, they CAN'T even if they wanted to, because calling someone a liberal does not marginalize them the way calling someone a racist does.

YOu can be a liberal, or a commie, and your argument will still be listened to.
I agree with you on the use of racist, but I think slurs in general end discussion. For instance a liberal can’t critisize Trump with out being labeled TDS or “sore loser”.

Here's the problem, I've been called a racist so many times I can't count, I was even called a racist towards Asians and we have an adopted Chinese daughter for cripes sake. It's used towards people that are in no way racist

Some use sore loser towards the left, it's pretty clear they are sore losers so it's deserved

Besides being called a sore loser isn't anyway near as bad as labeling someone a racist when they are not
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
This is what happens when only 50% of the people show up to vote every two years.

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?
I don’t know how many are really walking away and how much is rightwing media hype. I do think a number of people have left both parties and gone independent.
Check it out for yourself. Its all over twitter and it is NOT right wing media "hype". This is the problem, people. If something doesn't look good to the opposing views and happenings, it's "bullshit". No. Its not.
Ever hear of Blexit? Check that out too, which is also all over twitter. With vids. And pics. And statements. And witnesses.

Honestly I don’t trust social media or twitter for anything these days, there has been too much manipulation.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

What is happening to us? We are (both sides) letting the political views and race of others determine how we treat them. Things we as a nation claim to have moved past (racism, bigotry, sexism, etc.) we still use for our own political gain. We see (D)'s and (R)'s and suddenly determine if they are good or evil. That's not how any of this is supposed to work.

What is happening to us? We have thrown civility to the wind and feel violence and terror are the only way to get our points across.

What is happening to us? We let all of this happen and don't do a damn thing to stop it. Not. One. Damn. Thing.

What's happening to us? It's a simple Sunday School teaching, "Do to others as you would have them do to you", being misconstrued (intentionally) to mean "eye for an eye, tooth for tooth".

What's happening to us? We stopped educating ourselves, and did away with the critical balance between emotion, passion, and reason; dispensing with reason altogether.

Hatred is mainstream now. Get used to it. That is, unless someone, somewhere, has the courage to implore this dissonant society to stop engaging in this behavior..
Last edited by a moderator:

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?
I don’t know how many are really walking away and how much is rightwing media hype. I do think a number of people have left both parties and gone independent.
Check it out for yourself. Its all over twitter and it is NOT right wing media "hype". This is the problem, people. If something doesn't look good to the opposing views and happenings, it's "bullshit". No. Its not.
Ever hear of Blexit? Check that out too, which is also all over twitter. With vids. And pics. And statements. And witnesses.

Honestly I don’t trust social media or twitter for anything these days, there has been too much manipulation.

Twitter could close up shop tomorrow and I'd never notice until someone mentioned it
That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
And babykiller, libtard, and commie.

NOne of those have the same impact as "racist" in our culture, AND, conservatives don't use those to attack the person INSTEAD of discussing the issue.

Hell, they CAN'T even if they wanted to, because calling someone a liberal does not marginalize them the way calling someone a racist does.

YOu can be a liberal, or a commie, and your argument will still be listened to.
I agree with you on the use of racist, but I think slurs in general end discussion. For instance a liberal can’t critisize Trump with out being labeled TDS or “sore loser”.

Here's the problem, I've been called a racist so many times I can't count, I was even called a racist towards Asians and we have an adopted Chinese daughter for cripes sake. It's used towards people that are in no way racist

Some use sore loser towards the left, it's pretty clear they are sore losers so it's deserved

Besides being called a sore loser isn't anyway near as bad as labeling someone a racist when they are not

Constantly being labeled sore loser when you are not ends debate. They are not sore losers, they genuinely dislike Trump’s policies. You are doing just what those who shout racist are doing. It isn’t deserved.

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?
I don’t know how many are really walking away and how much is rightwing media hype. I do think a number of people have left both parties and gone independent.
Check it out for yourself. Its all over twitter and it is NOT right wing media "hype". This is the problem, people. If something doesn't look good to the opposing views and happenings, it's "bullshit". No. Its not.
Ever hear of Blexit? Check that out too, which is also all over twitter. With vids. And pics. And statements. And witnesses.

Honestly I don’t trust social media or twitter for anything these days, there has been too much manipulation.
Which is EXACTLY why I don't trust MSM. But I know what I see. I know what I hear. I know what I read from many who are eye witnesses. MSM has NOT reported on the #walkawayathon because they don't want anyone else to know what a success it was.
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