What has happened to us?

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Usually takes three generations for the assimilation to be complete. No more than that and often faster.


With a little violation of rights push...

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia

...from the federal government.


What “more rights” have they demanded?

The right to enslave people into providing goods and services which violate the providers' religious beliefs.
AKA sharia.

AKA forcing bakers and florists into bankruptcy for their religious beliefs.
Christian sharia: Where so-called christians don't have to follow business laws when getting business licenses.

B'loney. Opting out of something is not the equivalent of subjugating another person.

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So...you were in full agreement/support with those muslim taxi drivers who wanted to keep their taxi licenses because they said their religion wouldn't let them pick up passengers with pet dogs or alcohol......right?
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Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

DC Media Loves Obama's Violent Rhetoric, Freaks Over Trump's 'Punch' Wish | Breitbart
Keep in mind that this is the exact same made that ensured President Obama paid no political price after his team accused Mitt Romney of murder in 2012; the exact same media that looked the other way when Obama said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” and “argue with neighbors, get in their face“; the exact same media that downplayed the beating Kenneth Gladney just hours after a top Obama official called on supporters to “Hit back twice as hard.”
The Lickspittle, Lapdog, Lame Stream Media has been down playing the violent rhetoric of the left for decades, and the establishment Republicans have been taking it all that time, until, the fighter President Trump(who was a Democrat in the 1990's) decided he didnt like the way the Democrats turned into Fascists, so he ran against them and won, thus proving how violent the left is, but fighting back with their own Rules for Radicals.

We Conservatives(classical liberals) have been watching and waiting, preparing for the worst, yet praying for the better, and each day, the violence of the liberals bring US just that much closer to real actions that the left isnt going to like.
1. Liberals hate the POLICE and go out and assassinate them, the police isnt going to side with the left.
2. Liberals hate the MILITARY and go out of their way to hurt them all the time, even when a Radical Muslim shoots and kills many, yet the liberals call it work place violence.

When the shit hits the fan, those who have Obama/Biden or I'm with Her(the idiot) bumper stickers on their cars, just might be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers, just like Obama and Hillary were.

Oh yes it is all the other side...ISIS sympathizers...good example of a statement untethered from reality.

How many Christians did Obama allow in from the Middle East for humanitarian needs? How many Muuuuuslims did Obama allow in who weren't vetted and have radical ties to Al Qaeda or ISIS? Hmmm?

I have to bring out the picture AGAIN, for you liberals to understand how we feel about you.

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As a point of fact he had zero to do with who came in...or their religion. It was determined by who registered with the U.N. as refugees and who subsequent,y passed a screening process of many years. Again a good example of a belief based on false or incomplete information. Comparable to the claim that Trump was caging children.

As long as we propagate these sorts of things and don’t challenge them...we maintain divisions.

Ah, again the UN shit, where every other country is ruled by Socialists and Dictators, yet they avoided taking in the "refugees" because they didnt want those Muslims Terrorists in their backyard. So Obama wanted more of his religious following in this country, because he totally hates Christians.

Deny, deny, deny, we know all about your liberal tactics and thinking..

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?


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Just as wrong. Just as wrong.

But is the Knockout game a political attack?
So your side is now removing almost all references to slavery as a formative factor in the economic development of our country and Jum Crowe and civil rights gets a scant mention? America altered slavery in several significant ways you want to downplay. They attached to race. The made it lifelong and multigenerational. Children born to slaves were slaves. That was American slavery.


So you're saying that the Egyptians enslaving the Jewish people didn't attach slavery to a specific ethnic group?


What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Are we required to believe in your god, your holy spirit, your satan?

No more than we are required to think your sexual preference is normal, it's not.
No more or less than I think some of the sexual choices heteros make are normal. This marrying people in prison....what's up with not. Not that I would want to hold it against you or anything.....
One side pushed too far.............the other side pushed back........

And some crazies escaped in the process............Will the left stop calling us every name in the book.......will they respect the right of the other side to speak their views publically without being harassed......Will their elected officials stop telling their side to harass and attack our side..................

There are too sides who are becoming highly pissed at each other........did you notice..........We didn't start the fire.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
What happened?

Hillary lost and Progressives refuse to live peacefully in a country that they don't run

That is exactly what happened. :thup:

Case closed.
What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Are we required to believe in your god, your holy spirit, your satan?

No more than we are required to think your sexual preference is normal, it's not.
No more or less than I think some of the sexual choices heteros make are normal. This marrying people in prison....what's up with not. Not that I would want to hold it against you or anything.....

WTF are you lying about now, Plywood?

Nimble fucks like you are the problem in this nation. You create division, lie and when confronted you double down and lie some more.

You're not normal, your preference and yes it is a preference goes against nature.

That and your redundancy is a clear and present sign of a mental disorder....you're just a hot mess, Plywood
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .
So your side is now removing almost all references to slavery as a formative factor in the economic development of our country and Jum Crowe and civil rights gets a scant mention? America altered slavery in several significant ways you want to downplay. They attached to race. The made it lifelong and multigenerational. Children born to slaves were slaves. That was American slavery.


So you're saying that the Egyptians enslaving the Jewish people didn't attach slavery to a specific ethnic group?



Why do you have to go to fictional myth for your comparison?
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .

And guess how banned open carry in California with the blessing of the IRA? Look up Mulford Act.
What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Humans have never instilled those rules

Yes we did. And they were values that worked. I remember the day my Dad put locks on our doors. A "convict" had escaped from the local jail and was in the woods up on the hill we lived on. Prior to that, no one locked their doors. They didn't have to. There was nothing to fear out there. Kids would be gone playing all day, and no parent worried about them being kidnapped. No one was murdered for their shoes. Fast forward to my daughter's generation...
We are a godless society and it shows.
I don’t know. Love thy neighbor only applied if your neighbor looked and believed as you do. I might be over cynical but that is certainly the way it seems now.

Humans are tribal - which is why common values and civil society norms are all the more important to rise above tribal allegiances.

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And thanks to the utter stupidity of identity politics, we are becoming more tribal all the time.
-------------------------------------------------- gotta do it , gotta get tribal and as i always ask , who wants to stand hand in hand in agreement with the 'OldWoman' on 'somali muslim' immigration into the USA as just one example .
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .

Note:...my guns don't need your approval or belief. :)
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .

And guess how banned open carry in California with the blessing of the IRA? Look up Mulford Act.

------------------------------------ and it wasn't the 'ira' and yes , reagan did that 'mulford act' same as he banned sales of newly manufactured machine guns to Americans , think it was GCA of 84 . And then 'reagan' - bush did 'amnesty' in 86 i think . I haven't supported a repub since 2004 [think it is] . I only support Trump , Cruz and other off kilter Deplorable types if they run as 'repubs' Bode .
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .

---------------------------------------- but as i said it was 'feinstein' , a democrat that would take any efficient and effective type of fire arm that she could take especially if it is effective and efficient for full filling the role described in the Second Amendment Bode . And feinstein is a 'dem' and is still at work working to disarm Americans at taxpayer expense . And 'reagan' is mouldering in his grave paying for his sins Bode .
I came late to this thread, so I only read the first few pages. They were nice. Everybody agreed that the political discord in this country has been a problem on both sides. It was making me sick, so I skipped to the last page. Everybody hates each other. Everybody's stopping short of calling the other person's mother a c*nt, but only to avoid being banned.

I love USMB. :)
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