What has happened to us?

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View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Not us.

Just the left.

And a good example of the problem.

Actually, a good example of the problem is your inability to recognize what the problem is.

Why did you leave this off your list, Coyote?

Because you are the problem.

Utah Man Charged With Sending Ricin To White House, Pentagon

My list covered incidents over the past week which you would know if you read the OP. That occurred longer ago, the article is only dealing with the charges.
"Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?"

"I would wager that 98% of the public doesn't even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.

Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?"


They weren’t fake. Try to at least occasionally tell the truth.
What's so funny, Sobie? Its a fact. They are both good people. Just because a difference in politics doesn't make them bad, ya know.

Coyote, Care, Mac, Old Lady, You and many on this board can be civil in their disagreements.

It is the fringers on every side that make a decent conversation impossible and I am sick of it!

I am getting sick of it too....:(
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

DC Media Loves Obama's Violent Rhetoric, Freaks Over Trump's 'Punch' Wish | Breitbart
Keep in mind that this is the exact same made that ensured President Obama paid no political price after his team accused Mitt Romney of murder in 2012; the exact same media that looked the other way when Obama said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” and “argue with neighbors, get in their face“; the exact same media that downplayed the beating Kenneth Gladney just hours after a top Obama official called on supporters to “Hit back twice as hard.”
The Lickspittle, Lapdog, Lame Stream Media has been down playing the violent rhetoric of the left for decades, and the establishment Republicans have been taking it all that time, until, the fighter President Trump(who was a Democrat in the 1990's) decided he didnt like the way the Democrats turned into Fascists, so he ran against them and won, thus proving how violent the left is, but fighting back with their own Rules for Radicals.

We Conservatives(classical liberals) have been watching and waiting, preparing for the worst, yet praying for the better, and each day, the violence of the liberals bring US just that much closer to real actions that the left isnt going to like.
1. Liberals hate the POLICE and go out and assassinate them, the police isnt going to side with the left.
2. Liberals hate the MILITARY and go out of their way to hurt them all the time, even when a Radical Muslim shoots and kills many, yet the liberals call it work place violence.

When the shit hits the fan, those who have Obama/Biden or I'm with Her(the idiot) bumper stickers on their cars, just might be mistaken for ISIS sympathizers, just like Obama and Hillary were.

Oh yes it is all the other side...ISIS sympathizers...good example of a statement untethered from reality.

How many Christians did Obama allow in from the Middle East for humanitarian needs? How many Muuuuuslims did Obama allow in who weren't vetted and have radical ties to Al Qaeda or ISIS? Hmmm?

Census Data Confirms Obama Is Flooding America With Over 100K+ Muslim Immigrants Yearly • Now The End Begins

I have to bring out the picture AGAIN, for you liberals to understand how we feel about you.

View attachment 225289

No one remembers when he refused to meet with a Rep, from Israel in his second term. I don't remember him ever meeting with any one from the Nation and it was not on his ASS KISS trip to the area either.

Yet he gave Israel the biggest military aid package ever given to a nation.
The day after the bomber was arrested trump was abusing a bomb recipient on twitter. There is no leadership.

Thank you for your obviously foreign interference. Now, go have a vodka and warm up by the fire.
Your country is run by a pig. It will get worse.

Your country is run by ignorant cucks, already is worse, and will continue to be worse, while the US will get better, Tommy Faggot.
Care4All and Coyote both are very nice decent people. Kind hearted. But it amazes me how they embrace their blindness.:(
------------------------------------ couldn't it also be very stupid , naive or they might even be traitorous Gracie . Course i am mostly talking about Coyote as i see Care4 as simply being naive Gracie .
"Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?"

"I would wager that 98% of the public doesn't even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.

Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?"


They weren’t fake. Try to at least occasionally tell the truth.

Ah ah.. :nono: Yes dear, they were all fake bombs.

No fuses, no detonators, delivered all over the country (by hand and not USPS), yet supposedly this man acted alone and is a cray Trump supporter.

Pardon me while I cough. (Bullshit)
"Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?"

"I would wager that 98% of the public doesn't even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.

Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?"


They weren’t fake. Try to at least occasionally tell the truth.

Ah ah.. :nono: Yes dear, they were all fake bombs.

No fuses, no detonators, delivered all over the country (by hand and not USPS), yet supposedly this man acted alone and is a cray Trump supporter.

Pardon me while I cough. (Bullshit)

Not according to law enforcement.
"Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?"

"I would wager that 98% of the public doesn't even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.

Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?"


They weren’t fake. Try to at least occasionally tell the truth.

Ah ah.. :nono: Yes dear, they were all fake bombs.

No fuses, no detonators, delivered all over the country (by hand and not USPS), yet supposedly this man acted alone and is a cray Trump supporter.

Pardon me while I cough. (Bullshit)

Not according to law enforcement.

Proof? I can detonate a pipe full of gunpowder with no fuse or detonator myself..I just need my rifle.
"Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?"

"I would wager that 98% of the public doesn't even know that packages far more deadly than the ineffective bomb-resembling packages allegedly mailed by Cesar Sayoc were mailed to the president and his allies and staff.

Remember that time American media was consumed with news that the deadly poison ricin – contact with the skin can be deadly – was sent to President Trump, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson? Remember all of the introspective opinion pieces wondering if attacks on the president had gone too far? Or if claiming that Republican policies kill people, might not be an incitement to violence?

"Me either. But who can remember all the way back to October 2?"


They weren’t fake. Try to at least occasionally tell the truth.

Ah ah.. :nono: Yes dear, they were all fake bombs.

No fuses, no detonators, delivered all over the country (by hand and not USPS), yet supposedly this man acted alone and is a cray Trump supporter.

Pardon me while I cough. (Bullshit)

Not according to law enforcement.


Care4All and Coyote both are very nice decent people. Kind hearted. But it amazes me how they embrace their blindness.:(
------------------------------------ couldn't it also be very stupid , naive or they might even be traitorous Gracie . Course i am mostly talking about Coyote as i see Care4 as simply being naive Gracie .
Coyote is extremely kind hearted and very far from stupid. What you see as her opinions here is just one small aspect of who she is as a whole person. You only see/read a smidgeon of what makes Coyote...Coyote. We do not agree on political stances...but as a human being that I know what makes her, her..well. I would do all within my power for her if she asked of it.
Just don't see someone as ALL as what you see. What we see here of you is not ALL of you correct? :)
Care4All and Coyote both are very nice decent people. Kind hearted. But it amazes me how they embrace their blindness.:(
------------------------------------ couldn't it also be very stupid , naive or they might even be traitorous Gracie . Course i am mostly talking about Coyote as i see Care4 as simply being naive Gracie .
Coyote is extremely kind hearted and very far from stupid. What you see as her opinions here is just one small aspect of who she is as a whole person. You only see/read a smidgeon of what makes Coyote...Coyote. We do not agree on political stances...but as a human being that I know what makes her, her..well. I would do all within my power for her if she asked of it.
Just don't see someone as ALL as what you see. What we see here of you is not ALL of you correct? :)

I know how Coyote is and appreciate it. That's why I'm not a total dickhead her way. :eek:

Believe me, I could word things a lot more insultingly.
i can only judge people by what i read in what they post . She seems very unAmerican to me Gracy . Sorta like a mrobama or hilary or other lefty in my opinion Gracy . As far as me , hey , American FIRST always and forever Gracy .
i can only judge people by what i read in what they post . She seems very unAmerican to me Gracy . Sorta like a mrobama or hilary or other lefty in my opinion Gracy . As far as me , hey , American FIRST always and forever Gracy .

She’s a jihadist
i can only judge people by what i read in what they post . She seems very unAmerican to me Gracy . Sorta like a mrobama or hilary or other lefty in my opinion Gracy . As far as me , hey , American FIRST always and forever Gracy .

She’s a jihadist
-------------------------------------------- i always figured that she is 'muslim' which might mean 'jihadist' . No matter what i see Coyote as unAmerican .
i can only judge people by what i read in what they post . She seems very unAmerican to me Gracy . Sorta like a mrobama or hilary or other lefty in my opinion Gracy . As far as me , hey , American FIRST always and forever Gracy .

She’s a jihadist


Sure, newbie

In case you haven't noticed, I call it like see it with zero filter.

That’s fair. Agree to disagree
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