What has happened to us?

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but anyway , you Coyote loving guys and girls that appreciate Coyotes KINDNESS , well that ok with me but Kindness towards Invading third worlder ' Invader Columns ain't worth a pinch of zhit' , :afro: !!
We're on it right now, Coyote. Social media and anonymous sites are giving people a chance to nurture their hate. This country has made a poor choice with its interpretation of the 1st Amendment, as well, and allows speech that is way outside the realm of acceptable discourse. Put the two together and you've got.....this past week.
Until people of your ilk can understand that hate speech is not some expressing the opinion of wanting secure borders even if it requires a wall, we are not going to make any progress.
Not sure why Coyote has so much Pally advocation. My guess is empathy, not jihadism.

We're all different, baby.
and WHY are invading third worlders to be treated with KINDNESS but young American kids are supposed to give up their place as American owners of their country to some third worlders eh ??
We're on it right now, Coyote. Social media and anonymous sites are giving people a chance to nurture their hate. This country has made a poor choice with its interpretation of the 1st Amendment, as well, and allows speech that is way outside the realm of acceptable discourse. Put the two together and you've got.....this past week.
Until people of your ilk can understand that hate speech is not some expressing the opinion of wanting secure borders even if it requires a wall, we are not going to make any progress.

So, first we have to roll over and declare that the thinly veiled xenophobic hate speech - "secure borders" - isn't hate speech. Having done so there is no longer any reason to suspect the brazen demagoguery calling a bunch of refugees "invading hordes" might be hate speech. And for doing so we're then denigrated as slow in the uptake, and an "ilk". Taken together, that's then supposed to be "progress".


The GOP has gone bonkers. Collectively, all taken together, they have barely a shred of decency left. But then they betray an oversupply of chutzpah, turning around and on those who would point it out. If, in this context, there's anything to be held against Democrats, it's that their attempts at holding the fort are too feeble, to few, too far in between.

There is no compromise with xenophobes and racists. There is, in particular, no compromise with the xenophobes and racists who would whip up xenophobic and racist fears and resentments for electoral gains. That much should be obvious to any person who has a shred of decency left. And no, there is nothing wrong with the First Amendment. Government shall make no law infringing on the Freedom of Speech. And folks should use that freedom, and do so loudly, so that the nation can learn what we're dealing with, what to prepare for, and how to counter their stupid and ugly, hate-filled demagoguery.

Trump, it has been said, is the best thing that could have happened to the U.S. of A., for he exposed for all to see the rot infesting the GOP, how low they could go, the authoritarian impulses festering in their shameful subservience to the American plutocracy, and how much hatred of any Other guides them, and how little by way of reason, Christian and family values was there to begin with. All it would now take for the nation is to end their slumber and open their eyes. So, wake the eff up, already.
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.
------------------------------------------ I think that IRosie did in her post number 684 Coyote !!

Let's see...the right to claim discrimmination based on sexual orientation Pis?

What law denies hetros the same right?

You know what? I got fired from a job because a Puerto-Rican dyke lied on me just to get another Bori in there.

After I saved the whole place from burning down. At least the owners acknowledge that.

My friend got me the job, I didn't care that much about it. So yeah, I saved the whole place from burning down, and then a Puerto-Rican dyke manager lied on me to make room for another Puerto-Rican at the place.

I'm not mad at him, but what that skunt did was wrong. My friend that got me that job is long dead anyways, and I did good by her, so fuck it. I showed up to that shithole more often than I had to, just to not make my friend that got me the job look bad. She was a good friend. I didn't want to let her down.

The owners probably didn't even believe the lying dyke, but had to go along with it because of Affirmative Action.

My White lady friend had a Black lady customer make up some racist story to get her fired.

The company didn't want to take any chances so they did fire her.

It's definitely BS though because I've never heard her say anything racist, or mean to anybody.
What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.
------------------------------------------ I think that IRosie did in her post number 684 Coyote !!

Let's see...the right to claim discrimmination based on sexual orientation Pis?

What law denies hetros the same right?

You know what? I got fired from a job because a Puerto-Rican dyke lied on me just to get another Bori in there.

After I saved the whole place from burning down. At least the owners acknowledge that.

My friend got me the job, I didn't care that much about it. So yeah, I saved the whole place from burning down, and then a Puerto-Rican dyke manager lied on me to make room for another Puerto-Rican at the place.

I'm not mad at him, but what that skunt did was wrong. My friend that got me that job is long dead anyways, and I did good by her, so fuck it. I showed up to that shithole more often than I had to, just to not make my friend that got me the job look bad. She was a good friend. I didn't want to let her down.

The owners probably didn't even believe the lying dyke, but had to go along with it because of Affirmative Action.

My White lady friend had a Black lady customer make up some racist story to get her fired.

The company didn't want to take any chances so they did fire her.

It's definitely BS though because I've never heard her say anything racist, or mean to anybody.

Yeah, they do things like that. Whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

White people do it, too.

I think it's a trashy people thing.
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this isn't the America i grew up in

we've changed ,and not for the better

and so, all these 'alt' characters are being pandered to now , extreemism is the order of the day, America is a police state compared to 50 yrs ago , the disparity is hands down insane ,and we've a dictator wanna be in office

maybe we're becoming Brazil

this isn't the America i grew up in

we've changed ,and not for the better

and so, all these 'alt' characters are being pandered to now , extreemism is the order of the day, America is a police state compared to 50 yrs ago , the disparity is hands down insane ,and we've a dictator wanna be in office

maybe we're becoming Brazil


Umm, why is that man spoiling such a pretty dress?
We're on it right now, Coyote. Social media and anonymous sites are giving people a chance to nurture their hate. This country has made a poor choice with its interpretation of the 1st Amendment, as well, and allows speech that is way outside the realm of acceptable discourse. Put the two together and you've got.....this past week.
Until people of your ilk can understand that hate speech is not some expressing the opinion of wanting secure borders even if it requires a wall, we are not going to make any progress.
That is not hate speech. Most people do NOT consider that hate speech. Some of the rhetoric that goes along with demanding a Wall, now some of that here is damned close to hate speech, the way these folks are described. But wanting the Wall itself and believing in stricter border control is NOT hate speech and anyone saying that it is, isn't worth arguing with.
We're on it right now, Coyote. Social media and anonymous sites are giving people a chance to nurture their hate. This country has made a poor choice with its interpretation of the 1st Amendment, as well, and allows speech that is way outside the realm of acceptable discourse. Put the two together and you've got.....this past week.
Until people of your ilk can understand that hate speech is not some expressing the opinion of wanting secure borders even if it requires a wall, we are not going to make any progress.
That is not hate speech. Most people do NOT consider that hate speech. Some of the rhetoric that goes along with demanding a Wall, now some of that here is damned close to hate speech, the way these folks are described. But wanting the Wall itself and believing in stricter border control is NOT hate speech and anyone saying that it is, isn't worth arguing with.

Operation Wetback 2? :aargh:
Obama openly insulted Israel and all Jews repeatedly during his reign.

If so
Trump openly insulted Muslims & Mexicans.

Bowers isn't a minion of Trump.
I openly insult Mexicans and Muslims who are here illegally all the time...Got an issue with that? Yeah, and fucking fascists, I have an issue with also.

Why are people who criticize Muslims any different than those who criticize Jews, exactly?

Fascism isn't the killer, a lot of states modeled off of Fascism & killed few.

It's called Anglo- Saxons kill they did so as Nazi anti-Jews & they did so as Neocon pro- Jews.

My Polish people have been Fascist like & anti-Semitic with Jozef Beck killed few & killed few under Capitalism & Communism too.

You Anglo-Saxons are just violent & ruin everything.
Of late, I dont see 1% of the Jews strapping bombs to their children and sending them into crowds of Jews and Muslims to blow them up. Radical Islam is very much like Fascism, where they dont allow people to speak freely, or let people to live with out fear. You can keep trying to rewrite history but we know better than to listen to a Fascist. It didnt end well for either one...

So there were never Jewish terrorists, gee no Baruch Goldstein, no Ami Popper, no Menachem Begin, no Irv Rubin, no Avraham Stern.

So Muslims are the only ones silencing free speech like that Muslim Zuckerberg who owns Facebook & Muslims Larry Page & Sergei Brinn who own Youtube.
Again let me REPEAT MYSELF.....
Of late, I dont see 1% of the Jews strapping bombs to their children and sending them into crowds of Jews and Muslims to blow them up.
But I do see fascists and Muslims going out of their way to hurt other people.....
If so
Trump openly insulted Muslims & Mexicans.

Bowers isn't a minion of Trump.
I openly insult Mexicans and Muslims who are here illegally all the time...Got an issue with that? Yeah, and fucking fascists, I have an issue with also.

Why are people who criticize Muslims any different than those who criticize Jews, exactly?

Fascism isn't the killer, a lot of states modeled off of Fascism & killed few.

It's called Anglo- Saxons kill they did so as Nazi anti-Jews & they did so as Neocon pro- Jews.

My Polish people have been Fascist like & anti-Semitic with Jozef Beck killed few & killed few under Capitalism & Communism too.

You Anglo-Saxons are just violent & ruin everything.
Of late, I dont see 1% of the Jews strapping bombs to their children and sending them into crowds of Jews and Muslims to blow them up. Radical Islam is very much like Fascism, where they dont allow people to speak freely, or let people to live with out fear. You can keep trying to rewrite history but we know better than to listen to a Fascist. It didnt end well for either one...

So there were never Jewish terrorists, gee no Baruch Goldstein, no Ami Popper, no Menachem Begin, no Irv Rubin, no Avraham Stern.

So Muslims are the only ones silencing free speech like that Muslim Zuckerberg who owns Facebook & Muslims Larry Page & Sergei Brinn who own Youtube.
Again let me REPEAT MYSELF.....
Of late, I dont see 1% of the Jews strapping bombs to their children and sending them into crowds of Jews and Muslims to blow them up.
But I do see fascists and Muslims going out of their way to hurt other people.....

As if Neocon Zionists havent had a bunch of massacres & war genocides?

Now who's being silly?
"The left’s wanton acts of violence, vandalism, harassment, bullying — combined with the establishment media’s defense and justification of same — more than doubled the 16 recorded acts in September and 18 acts in August.

"Contributing to this threatening atmosphere of violence is, of course, the looming midterm elections and the bitter fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

"While the establishment media attempt to pin the appalling crimes of a serial criminal and vehement Trump hater on Trump and his supporters (an act that will only gin up more hate and violence against Trump and his supporters), throughout the country Republicans are facing organized acts of criminality and harassment at the rate of nearly 1.5 per day.

"Thus far, in October…

"There was an assassination attempt against President Trump:

"This assassination attempt also targeted high-ranking Trump officials:

  • October 3, 2018: Defense Secretary James Mattis and FBI director Wray sent ricin letters.
"The New York Times openly fantasized about Trump’s assassination:

  • October 25, 2018: New York Times runs story fantasizing about Trump’s assassination
"One MSNBC commentator called for the military to remove Trump from office:

"There appears to have been an assassination attempt against Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) for her support of Brett Kavanaugh:

  • October 16, 2018: Person claimed ricin was in letter sent to Senator Collins home
"No fewer than five Republican campaign centers and a club have been vandalized: [Update: six]

"There have been 12 rape and death threats aimed at Republicans, their families, and supporters:

  • October 24, 2018: N.J. GOP Congressional Candidate Receives Letter Threatening His Children
  • October 19, 2018: New York Man Charged With Threatening Two Senators Over Kavanaugh Support
  • October 2, 2018: 2 hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at Cruz’s Houston campaign office
  • October 16, 2018: DFL Employee Calls for Republicans to be Beheaded
  • October 8, 2018: Leftist Teacher Tweets: “So Who’s Gonna Take One For the Team and Kill Kavanaugh?”
  • October 15, 2018: Vermont GOP House Candidate Receives Death Threat
  • October 7, 2018: Sen. Cory Gardner claims wife received a beheading video over Kavanaugh vote.
  • October 4, 2018: Republican Senators Hit With Death Threats Amidst Kavanaugh Fight
  • October 8, 2018: Rand Paul’s Wife: I Sleep with a Loaded Gun Thanks to Leftists’ Threats
  • October 6, 2018: Sen. Collins Flooded with Abusive Tweets Threatening Death, Violence
  • October 17, 2018: TN Restaurant owner’s life threatened for renting space to GOP’s Marsha Blackburn
  • October 11, 2018: Anti-Trump Protester Threatens to Rape Conservative Reporter
"There have been nine assaults and attempted assaults against Republicans

  • October 18, 2018: Dem operative for Soros-funded group arrested for ‘battery’ against Nevada GOP candidate’s campaign manager
  • October 6, 2018: Kavanaugh Protesters Accost Elderly Trump Supporter
  • October 5, 2018: Protesters Chase Graham To His Car Saying They Will Remove Him From Office
  • October 2, 2018: GOP Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) assaulted by protesters
  • October 10, 2018: Susan Rice’s Republican Son Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event
  • October 16, 2018: Left-wing comedian gets physical with Trump supporter at Hooters
  • October 16, 2018: Republican candidate Shane Mekeland punched in Minnesota restaurant
  • October 16, 2018: Republican State Rep. Sarah Anderson assaulted in Minnesota
  • October 13, 2018: VIDEO: Republican Justin Fareed’s Campaign Canvasser Allegedly Chased, Assaulted
"There have been six acts of harassment and open calls to harass Republicans:

  • October 28, 2018: Left-wing mobs disrupt Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) rally
  • October 20, 2018: Watch–Angry Leftists Harass McConnell, Wife at Restaurant: ‘Why Don’t You Get Out of Here?’
  • October 17, 2018: Portland Antifa tells 9/11 NYPD widow “YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD FUC*ING ROT IN THE GRAVE”
  • October 17, 2018: Professor calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking ‘fingers in their salads’
  • October 8, 2018: Left-Wing Terrorist Group Antifa Takes Over Portland, Harasses Old Man
  • October 6, 2018: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) harassed at airport
  • October 1, 2018: Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Badgered At Airport By Anti-Kavanaugh Activists
"Three high-ranking Democrats have called for more violence and incivility:

  • October 21, 2018: Obama’s former deputy secretary of state, Philippe Reines says harassment of McConnell and his wife “is fine”
  • October 9, 2018: Hillary Clinton opposes “civility” with Republicans.
  • October 10, 2018: Eric Holder Tells Dem Activists: ‘When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em’
"CNN called for more harassment of Republicans:

  • October 10, 2018: CNN says mobs have “constitutional right” to chase Republicans out of restaurants
Gov. Cuomo (D-NY) said Republicans deserved to have their Manhattan club vandalized:

  • October 16, 2018: Gov. Cuomo (D-NY) Blames GOP for Antifa Attack on Manhattan Club
"A left-wing news outlet blamed Republican Rep. Steve Scalise for nearly being murdered:

  • October 8, 2018: Raw Story’s Editor: Steve Scalise ‘Accomplice’ to His Attempted Murder
"A Trump supporter’s truck was lit on fire:

  • October 11, 2018: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was left at a bar overnight. Someone set it on fire.
"At the time of writing, Breitbart News has recorded over 625 events of this kind against Trump and his supporters. The media either ignore, downplay, or justify these attacks."

Death Threats, Assaults, Vandalism: over 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October, So Far… | Breitbart
Yet the October surprise is a Rules for Radicals guy who not only pastes bumper stickers on his van that look brand new, but sends FAUX pipe bombs, that couldn't explode. Sounds like a stupid liberal who was disenfranchised by the Democrats when Bernie Sanders lost the primaries because Hillary and Debbie rigged it so he would lose...Think about that...
That is not hate speech. Most people do NOT consider that hate speech. Some of the rhetoric that goes along with demanding a Wall, now some of that here is damned close to hate speech, the way these folks are described. But wanting the Wall itself and believing in stricter border control is NOT hate speech and anyone saying that it is, isn't worth arguing with.

Of course, it is hate speech, and there is no mistaking it. "Secure borders" formerly meant the ability to repel another nation's military attack. Deploying the term in the context of migration and refugees depicts them as rampaging, murderous invaders bringing about all the ills and destruction of warfare. It is exactly the apocalyptic, demonizing speech anyone with a hint of sense should stand up against, and normalizing that kind of speech is the way to spread the hate.

Your own verbiage really should give you a hint as to how slippery that slope you're on really is: "believing in stricter border control is NOT hate speech and anyone saying that it is, isn't worth arguing with." So, you've not only excluding those who disagree with you from debate, but you're already denying their "worth". That's how hate speech bears strange fruit even in those who would otherwise reject it.
Care4All and Coyote both are very nice decent people. Kind hearted. But it amazes me how they embrace their blindness.:(
------------------------------------ couldn't it also be very stupid , naive or they might even be traitorous Gracie . Course i am mostly talking about Coyote as i see Care4 as simply being naive Gracie .
Coyote is extremely kind hearted and very far from stupid. What you see as her opinions here is just one small aspect of who she is as a whole person. You only see/read a smidgeon of what makes Coyote...Coyote. We do not agree on political stances...but as a human being that I know what makes her, her..well. I would do all within my power for her if she asked of it.
Just don't see someone as ALL as what you see. What we see here of you is not ALL of you correct? :)
Coyote is a her? Damn, must be a trans.....For I thought he/she/it was a man, the way she/he/it spews forth the liberal filth.
Nope. I am always looking for real discussion about the issues, based on the issues.

And I am constantly disappointed. And more and more so.
You as in "you conservatives" not.you individually.

Not buying it. There is no sign that the macro differs from my personal experience.
You can "buy" whatever you want. I told the truth. That's all that matters to me.

You told me that you blame conservatives for the actions of liberals, without backing it up at all.

At least you aren't denying the behavior of liberals in this. Thank you for that honesty.

If you were interested in discussion on the issue, which would make sense as you are a member of a discussion forum,

at this point you should explain how you think that we conservatives are responsible.

I want to note, that I really worked to control my snarkiness in this post. I want credit for that.
How I know conservatives are responsible? You kids are big on the Bible right? Surely you've heard the phrase "as for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap".

I've heard it. And you are still just assuming as a premise that your view on this is right.

You don't even have a clue how to make a supporting argument do you?

Because you've never done it before. Because you think that calling someone names, such as implying that are bible thumpers, is making a point.

Hint: It is not.

Are you aware at all, that you are demonstrating my point? Anything? The slightest glimmer of understanding?

(snarkiness rising. still fighting it. I still want credit for how little, relatively, is getting though)
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