What has Liberalism done for humanity?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief
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Good stuff!!!
After a long, exhausting night of watching Fox news, Joe wakes up refreshed and ready to start his new day. He reaches over to grab his picture of Rush Limbaugh, gives it a kiss, and gets ready for work.

He decides to put in an extra couple of hours today, and thanks to a liberal and the Fair Labor Standards act, he gets overtime pay. Prior to 1938, he wouldn’t have gotten that, and likely would be working far more than his typical 40 hours per week. But, he doesn’t care, and instead finds something to complain about “liberals” while being allowed to listen to Rush during his shift. The thought that his 12 year old son can freely attend school instead of working for 14 hours straight in a factory also never crosses his mind.

When he gets home, extremely agitated and angry from his daily Rush Limbaugh brainwashing session, he pours himself a glass of tap water. Thanks to liberals and the Clean Water Act, his city has fantastic infrastructure for ensuring he can drink and shower in fresh, clean, pollutant-free water. In fact, the water is so good in the city he lives in, he doesn’t ever have to buy bottled water.

He gets a surprise phone call from his brother. He just bought a house! His brother, a veteran, just got a loan for buying a home thanks to the G.I. Bill of Rights. This is great news!

Excited about the news, he gives his parents a call. They’re retired, and both worked hard their entire lives. Unfortunately, they started their retirement investment plan just a bit too late in their careers out of necessity, but thanks to the Social Security Act, they’re able to afford basic necessities. They’re thrilled about the news as well.

He decides to crack open his Bible and read through a few verses. Jesus, very clearly a liberal, loved to heal the sick and help the poor for absolutely nothing in return. He preached about loving all people, no matter who they were or what they look like. In the background Fox news can be heard as they replay a clip of Trump talking about not allowing Muslims into the country. He stops for a second to yell out “Yeah! You tell ‘em Trump!”

The Fox news anchor then switches the subject to illegal immigrants and the idea of building a wall. Joe yells out “Yeah! You tell ‘em!” He decides to take a quick break to go out to his backyard to get some fresh air. His lawn and plants, perfectly manicured, was just cut this morning by illegal aliens.

He remembers he needs to take his heart medication. Thanks to the Pure Food and Drug Act, signed by the founder of the progressive party, he can feel secure knowing his medication is backed by science instead of ingesting snake oil and hoping for the best. He needs to eat food with his medication, and Joe has to be careful about what he eats due to lifelong allergies. Thanks to a liberal, food products must disclose that their products might contain traces of fatal allergens.

Exhausted after a long day of being fairly compensated for his work and having to put up with all of these conveniences, he decides to unwind and listen to some records…all of his favorite albums were made by liberals.
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Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.
Rather than apply a liberal label to anything that suits your fancy (ILMAO at libs. "critical thinkers"), let's talk about the MODERN LIBERAL, okay?

Without the modern liberal:

1. Men can't marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

2. Children are taught an education instead of being up-ended by those who can't even speak the language.

3. College students need their safe zones. They're such "critical thinkers" they need the space to ensure their safety under the guard of a tampon.

4. The product of college is effectiveness as opposed a &**%&* flower who can't even read/write, never mind break their way out of a wet paper bag without first consoling.

5. Women crying at the loss of Cooked Clinton as if we were invaded by Mars.

6. BLM projecting responsibility, because today's liberalism teaches everyone to reject/project responsibility to anyone that demonstrates responsibility. You know, you're just a flower and deserve something.

7. Reject God as your imaginary friend, but embrace stupid ideas that demonstrate you and the bible-thumper are on two sides of the same short bus.

8. Go out on the town every night and blame the man when you don't have a job or cannot save any cash.

9. Reject all things traditional and embrace all things contradictory no matter how absurd.

10. Tell others how to spend their money but give nothing to charity.

11. You don't need an action for a reaction.
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Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
Modern liberalism did none of the things you listed.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.
You, a Clinton supporter, bringing up Haiti = Priceless

See, this is a perfect example of why you are one of the board jokes. You are completely useless.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You really are stupid...good grief

You're a dumb bitch. You don't know it but you'd support turning this country into Haiti. Seriously, wake the fuck up.

LMAO Your candidate Clinton screwed Hati big time....now who's the stupid one, clown boy?
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
It has destroyed and is in the process of destroying any sort of freedom and individuality… Fact
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

You forgot, created the internet.


Either those kids are magnificent actors, or they are retards who don't actually know how stupid they are.

If only there were popular comedians who constantly tore down college students at every level, that would be truly hilarious.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.

Herpaderp derpity derp?

What has leftism done for humanity? I mean other than the death camps and killing fields you folk created?
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
There is some much stupid in this I don't now where to start. But here we go..

Created Civilization.......Native Americans did that.
Created the need for people to work together...Native Americans did that.
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.......The United Negro College was started by republicans
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
The Romans are best known for that.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Our laws started as English laws.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Jews/arabs had written and done math THOUSANDS of years BEFORE we existed.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
You cannot force respect idiot.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Clean air......Nixon
Clean water...Nixon
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Started in 1906 by Republican Teddy Roosevelt'

Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
You better check the vote on that one idiot.

Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.
TV......Philo Farnsworth.....Mormon NO party.. http://www.biography.com/people/philo-t-farnsworth-40273#synopsis

Internet...Norway 1973. Who Invented the Internet?

Airplane..... Santos Dumont from BRAZIL flew his in 1906 in Paris.
Created farming
Created Civilization
Created the need for people to work together
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Created regs to demand clean air and water..This increased our quality of life.
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.

Thanks liberalism!

I aint saying that modern liberalism of the past 30 years haven't done some stupid things but there's' no arguing with the reality above.
There is some much stupid in this I don't now where to start. But here we go..

Created Civilization.......Native Americans did that.
Created the need for people to work together...Native Americans did that.
Created the college and education for our children out of the thirst to have an educated society.......The United Negro College was started by republicans
Created the republic out of the need for input of the population within the governance of the society.
The Romans are best known for that.
Created human rights. What not to do in war? How not to treat another human being and moral standards.
Our laws started as English laws.
Created logical and rational thought...Which frankly created science, math and the written word.
Jews/arabs had written and done math THOUSANDS of years BEFORE we existed.
Created common sense rules, regulations and laws to force individuals to respect the other.
You cannot force respect idiot.
Created laws and regs protecting our environment for future generations
Clean air......Nixon
Clean water...Nixon
Created food safety standards...Racist on this board like to go on and on how the africans live poorly,,,well, thank liberals for you being born in a first world country.
Started in 1906 by Republican Teddy Roosevelt'

Created a safetynet for our old, poor and disabled so they don't have to suffer on the side of the street.
You better check the vote on that one idiot.

Created the t.v, airplanes, and the internet thanks to the knowledge we pass down to our children and the research that our colleges provide.
TV......Philo Farnsworth.....Mormon NO party.. http://www.biography.com/people/philo-t-farnsworth-40273#synopsis

Internet...Norway 1973. Who Invented the Internet?

Airplane..... Santos Dumont from BRAZIL flew his in 1906 in Paris.

Nah this can't be. Without liberals we lack the ability to think. I know that because the OP says so. Truthfully though, without the modern liberal we lack "liberal" definitions for simple tasks, like intercourse "It also commonly denotes penetrative oral sex and penile–anal sex, particularly the latter."
Or as conservative, General MacArthur said: "For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."

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