What has Obama accomplished?

What's Obama done?

On a positive side
1) He's made America look less villainous to the rest of the world.
2) He's pulled back from vilifying Islam every day of the week.
3) He's made an attempt at changing the health system, probably as much as he would dare do.
4) He's not majorly messed up the economy, dragged the US into costly wars that would destroy the economy.

On a negative side
1) He bombed Libya
2) He's looking like he might do more to ISIS which is what they want, hopefully he won't send in land troops more than he has done.
Really, this again?

The question has been answered a million time here so you should already be aware of what they outcome is going to be.

The democrats here have a very long list of wonderful things that Obama has done and they will not hear a damn thing against it. The republicans have another list of end of the world things that Obama has done and reject everything on the 'good' list the Democrats have. This never moves anywhere.
What's Obama done?

On a positive side
1) He's made America look less villainous to the rest of the world.
2) He's pulled back from vilifying Islam every day of the week.
3) He's made an attempt at changing the health system, probably as much as he would dare do.
4) He's not majorly messed up the economy, dragged the US into costly wars that would destroy the economy.

1) He's made America look weak
2) The previous president did not "vilify Islam"
3) He used Chicago-style corruption and chicanery to 'pass' a bill that made a flawed system worse
4) He has prevented economic growth and most certainly HAS gotten the US involved in overseas military adventures (often in a vain attempt to fix something he fucked up himself)
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Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

OBL kills 3,000 Americans and Bush says, who cares, I'm focused on the war I started in Iraq.

Liberals don't care about rich people from the towers.

Libs also don't care about the millions killed every year by abortion.

They only care about Americas enemies and water boarding.

I've said it lots of times. If 1/10 of the crap teabaggers claim about liberals was true, I'd hate them myself.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.

Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.
Ah geez, not this shit again.

He has made Jimmy Carter look like a solon and a patriot. That's a real achievment.
Set back race relations 40 years
Made the media become nothing more then a lying lap dog for his fucked up belief system.
Screwed over a friend of over 35 years in Eygpt and ripped the heart out of libya that had some of the highest living standards in all of africa in turned it into a shit hole today.
Licked the butt hole of castro! After half a fucking century as enemies. The commie bastard isn't backing down either!
Weaken our millitary as we now have to deal with people that get in with less training requirments(woman).

Simply agreeing with and thanking this post isn't enough! :clap::clap::clap:

The USA is the most racially and politically divided it has been since its founding. We have a massive number of Americans dependent upon government with a reducing workforce.

What a legacy he leaves. :crybaby:
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.

Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.

Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.

I realize you're obviously stupid and thats why you can't understand a simple sentence.
The fact is that the US had bin Laden so isolated within 6 months he ceased being an effective leader. Thanks, George W!
Obama has accomplished about 158 of these threads

117 from just the Rabbi
Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.

Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.

I realize you're obviously stupid and thats why you can't understand a simple sentence.
The fact is that the US had bin Laden so isolated within 6 months he ceased being an effective leader. Thanks, George W!

Sure lady......You killed that deer........Just let me get my saddle off of it.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Bush was smart enough to know that spending time, money and resources hunting down one man who would be replaced by another in a matter of minutes was not an efficient tactic. He was 100% correct.....or are you one of those that believes that the world is a safer place now that bin Laden is gone? Yeah, you probably are...because Obama told you it is.
Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.

Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.
Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.
I realize you're obviously stupid and thats why you can't understand a simple sentence.
The fact is that the US had bin Laden so isolated within 6 months he ceased being an effective leader. Thanks, George W!

Sure lady......You killed that deer........Just let me get my saddle off of it.
Your abject surrender is noted.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Bush was smart enough to know that spending time, money and resources hunting down one man who would be replaced by another in a matter of minutes was not an efficient tactic. He was 100% correct.....or are you one of those that believes that the world is a safer place now that bin Laden is gone? Yeah, you probably are...because Obama told you it is.

Man kills 3,000 Americans and rightwingers respond with don't bother me, I'm busy planning a war against someone else.
Are you trying to say that al-Qaeda was no longer a threat at that point, and that taking out their founder and leader would have no longer served any purpose? You know better than that.
Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.
I realize you're obviously stupid and thats why you can't understand a simple sentence.
The fact is that the US had bin Laden so isolated within 6 months he ceased being an effective leader. Thanks, George W!

Sure lady......You killed that deer........Just let me get my saddle off of it.
Your abject surrender is noted.

If you understood my post, you realize it is more of recognizing a waste of time than a surrender. I won't try to confuse you with logic any more for now.
Osama was no long er a threat. He was only the titular leader of al Qaeda, which from the beginning had a loose structure and was more in the nature of an association.
Remind me what changed with Osama's death.

So you're saying Shrub had a crystal ball? At the time he was the head of the group that attacked us. We didn't know where he was or what he was doing. We caught some communications from him, but there was no way to know that was all of his communications or instructions to his group who were still giddy over what they saw as a great victory. Only an idiot would have had Shrubs attitude. Of course, it was Shrub, so he just didn't care. I guess you and he both just forgot the following

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush pledged anew Friday that Osama bin Laden will be taken "dead or alive," no matter how long it takes, amid indications that the suspected terrorist may be bottled up in a rugged Afghan canyon. The president, in an Oval Office meeting with Thailand's prime minister, would not predict the timing of bin Laden's capture but said he doesn't care how the suspect is brought to justice. "I don't care, dead or alive — either way," Bush said. "It doesn't matter to me."

Why do you think defending even the most obviously bad choices by Shrub helps in your effort to oppose this president? We both know that's all this is.
I realize you're obviously stupid and thats why you can't understand a simple sentence.
The fact is that the US had bin Laden so isolated within 6 months he ceased being an effective leader. Thanks, George W!

Sure lady......You killed that deer........Just let me get my saddle off of it.
Your abject surrender is noted.

If you understood my post, you realize it is more of recognizing a waste of time than a surrender. I won't try to confuse you with logic any more for now.
Your logic is a laugh and a half.

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