What Has Obama Done to his Elections Odds by Endorsing Gay Marriage?

Does Obama's Endorsement of Gay Marriage Hurt His Election Effort?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • Not significantly in either way

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Dunno

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters
Nonsense. Social issues are at the bottom of the list of voter priorities and gay marriage is at bottom of that list. It is unlikely to have any real impact on the election. However, it's a smart move for Obama. Taking the side of the underdog is always good for points and in this case national polls are showing a majority of Americans now favor legal gay marriage.

Pew Research Poll: Social issues rank lowest among voter priorities – LGBTQ Nation
For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

I hope you're right about the social issues.

I think the timing was terrible for him to announce this. Whether or not he is pandering; he looks like he is.
We always assume that everything a president says is done for political effect, however I think there are times when a president says things because he thinks they need to be said.

However, I think his statements will improve his support among gays and he isn't likely to do well in the Bible Belt anyway where anti-gay feeling runs high. On balance, I don't think he hurt or helped himself in the November election.

One thing that has come out in the polls is that voters that are in favor of legal gay marriage are not near as adamant in their beliefs as the opposition. In a general election, this works in favor of gays, but in limited elections it works against them.

You may be right about that. I think the Dems in NC will be fired up now that such high profile steps have been taken to violate a group of them (homosexuals are largely democrats) and their right to marry the person of their choice.

The next President may get a chance to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices. As it stands, that is the only thing that can stop the attack on personal freedoms.
many hispanics are Catholic !!! he will lose some of their votes over this !!
Don't know...but it was the right thing to do. Well done, Mr. President! :clap2:

It is rather peculiar that Dems define what is morally right by whether it is on their political agenda.

That is barbarism, but I doubt you can grasp what that means.

Political agenda? It is quite personal to me, Sir.

That is irrelevant to the question of whether it is *right*.

People do all kinds of WRONG things that are VERY personal to them, get it?

I am sure anti-semitism is very personal to anti-semites but that doesnt make it right.

I don't think it will make much difference either way this election will be decided on the economy not social issues.
I don't think it will make much difference either way this election will be decided on the economy not social issues.

Not if Democrats have anything to say about it. The DNC motto: Deflect... deflect... deflect!

This may just cost Obama the Bible Belt

Yeah, I think he's probably lost Texas because of this, it's early. :lol:

Sarcasm is all you libs have left any more.

Jesus, you would rather cling to this self delusion that yourideology is the most popular rather than have accurate polls of what the electorate really thinks.


Recent polling has the general population supporting gay marriage, though not by a lot.
There should be a poll.

Will there be a poll?

I think California already gave you a poll.

The status of same-sex marriage in California is unique among the 50 U.S. states, in that the state formerly granted marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but has discontinued doing so. The period of granting such licenses began on June 16, 2008, due to a ruling by the Supreme Court of California based on an equal protection argument and ended November 5, 2008, due to the passage of Proposition 8,[1] an amendment to the California Constitution that limited marriages to those between one man and one woman.

And here's why Obama is in very serious trouble:

Who voted for Prop 8?
The Public Policy Institute of California released a poll in December 2008 to shed some light on who voted for Prop 8, especially in light of widespread claims that relatively heavy support among black voters is what pushed Prop 8 to victory. 2,003 voters were polled from November 5–16.[113],[114]
On a stand-alone question, 47% were in favor of same-sex marriage, 48% were opposed and 5% were unsure.

85% of voters identifying themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians voted "yes".
Of non-evangelical Christians polled, 42% voted yes.
77% of Republicans in the poll voted yes.
65% of Democrats voted no.
85% of John McCain supporters voted yes.
30% of Barack Obama voters voted yes.
61% of Latinos voted yes.
57% of Latinos, Asians, and blacks combined voted yes.

62% of those without a college degree voted yes.
74% of those who voted yes on Prop 8 considered the outcome of the vote to be "very important", while 59% of those who voted no attached the same level of importance to the outcome.[115] This is the California vote.
California Proposition 8, the "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry" Initiative (2008) - Ballotpedia

Just to remind you CALIFORNIA is considered a very liberal state--and you start moving into the south--and the mid-west of this country and it's going to be very difficult for Obama to overcome this.
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Yeah, I think he's probably lost Texas because of this, it's early. :lol:

Sarcasm is all you libs have left any more.

Jesus, you would rather cling to this self delusion that yourideology is the most popular rather than have accurate polls of what the electorate really thinks.


Recent polling has the general population supporting gay marriage, though not by a lot.

You're really going to have to provide a LINK to that claim---:lol::lol: The overwhelming majority of democrats DO NOT support Gay marriage--especially those democrats that live in the mid-west and south of this country.
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Yeah, I think he's probably lost Texas because of this, it's early. :lol:

Sarcasm is all you libs have left any more.

Jesus, you would rather cling to this self delusion that yourideology is the most popular rather than have accurate polls of what the electorate really thinks.


Recent polling has the general population supporting gay marriage, though not by a lot.

Here's where your theory goes off the tracks.

Ohio (62%), Florida (62%), Wisconsin (59%), Virginia (57%), Nevada (67%), Missouri (72%), Michigan (59%), Colorado (56%), and now North Carolina (60%) ALL have constitutional amendments that define marriage as only between a man and a woman.

The percentage is what their constitutional amendments passed by.

What's else do these states have in common?

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Does Obama's Endorsement of Gay Marriage Hurt His Election Effort?

No, those who disagree with the president weren’t going to vote for him, anyway.

Where do you get this factoid from?

Ah yes, from your nether region.

Shoulda known.

Logic, asshole.

Oops, I promised to be a kinder, gentler me. Allow me to try again.

"I despise Romney and everything he stands for. Nevertheless, I shall vote for him in November."

Does that sound logical to you? I hope not. That's because it isn't.
No, those who disagree with the president weren’t going to vote for him, anyway.

Where do you get this factoid from?

Ah yes, from your nether region.

Shoulda known.

Logic, asshole.

Oops, I promised to be a kinder, gentler me. Allow me to try again.

"I despise Romney and everything he stands for. Nevertheless, I shall vote for him in November."

Does that sound logical to you? I hope not. That's because it isn't.

People who kept saying "anyone but Obama" got their wish.
Where do you get this factoid from?

Ah yes, from your nether region.

Shoulda known.

Logic, asshole.

Oops, I promised to be a kinder, gentler me. Allow me to try again.

"I despise Romney and everything he stands for. Nevertheless, I shall vote for him in November."

Does that sound logical to you? I hope not. That's because it isn't.

People who kept saying "anyone but Obama" got their wish.

To be honest--I think Obama just committed political suicide with this one. If you can't get California to go along with gay marriage--you're not going to have much luck anywhere else in this country. Democrats living in the mid west and south are going to be very offended by his endorsement--along with Latino's who are very Catholic faith based.

I think Obama really doesn't want a second term as President--and that's why he came out with this statement. Mitt Romney could not have received a better gift than this.
I think you guys are VASTLY over-estimating the number of Obama supporters who will flip because of this.
I think you guys are VASTLY over-estimating the number of Obama supporters who will flip because of this.

I don't picture people flipping over this.

What I see is an increased potential for ambivalence and more people who voted for him in 2008 staying home this time.
I actually don't think it will make much of a difference. Obama supporting gay marriage was kind of 'baked' into most people's decision to support or oppose him. It wasn't like he was going to come out anytime this election cycle and say he was opposed to gay marriage, and everyone knew that.

I am quite certain that Obamas support for Gay Marriage is not priced in already.

The coming polls over the next few weeks should show us what the fallout is.
Well, I disagree. People who were going to vote for him will do so anyway. Those who were not going to vote for him, won't. Those who have yet to make up their mind because they just returned from one of the Jovian moons, pretty much figured he was a Democrat and will just come down on the side of gays because that his how democrats stay in power.

Democrats stay in power by coming down on the side of gays? You guys sound dumber and dumber every day :lol:
I think you guys are VASTLY over-estimating the number of Obama supporters who will flip because of this.

I don't know how many Latino's were planning on voting for Obama--but I imagine since they typically have a very strong Catholic base--that many are looking at Romney tomorrow a little more seriously--along with many democrats who do not--nor would not approve of same sex marriage.

Again--Barack Obama could not have handed Mitt Romney a better gift.
I think you guys are VASTLY over-estimating the number of Obama supporters who will flip because of this.

I don't know how many Latino's were planning on voting for Obama--but I imagine since they typically have a very strong Catholic base--that many are looking at Romney tomorrow a little more seriously--along with many democrats who do not--nor would not approve of same sex marriage.

Again--Barack Obama could not have handed Mitt Romney a better gift.

I'm assuming Romney will offer them all amnesty, and that will be that.

No? You think not.

Yeah. I didn't really think so either.
I think you guys are VASTLY over-estimating the number of Obama supporters who will flip because of this.

I don't know how many Latino's were planning on voting for Obama--but I imagine since they typically have a very strong Catholic base--that many are looking at Romney tomorrow a little more seriously--along with many democrats who do not--nor would not approve of same sex marriage.

Again--Barack Obama could not have handed Mitt Romney a better gift.

I'm assuming Romney will offer them all amnesty, and that will be that.

No? You think not.

Yeah. I didn't really think so either.

I know it's real difficult for you to stay on topic--but Obama just gave moderates and the right WMD to go after him.
Nice electoral map tool:
2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

This endorsement of Gay Marriage is going to cost Obama the South and most of the western states too. This puts Florida, Virginia, N Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado in the GOP column with another 72 EV bringing Romney's total to 263.

So Romney only needs either Ohio or Pennsylvania, or New Hampshire and Iowa together.

I think Romney will get PA and OH too for a total of 311 to 227.

Obama just shot himself in the arse.

Only thing he proved is that he will lie his ass off to win.

At least will give you an answer, other than "I'm evolving".

fyi; that's pussy for "I lack the courage to tell you what I think or believe."

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