What has shocked you most about a semi post pandemic world

I am shocked by the number of people who still cling to cling to Covid slogans despite admitting they are baseless. For example, I overheard two people "in the medical profession" complaining about people who refused to wear masks. I asked them about reports that the masks didn't work for Covid and they agreed! But these obvious contradiction went right over their heads.
Yeah, it's all about control, control. They want control over other people, doesn't matter if it makes sense, it's about training us.
Yeah, don't get me started on the "they" problem. I've made another Executive Decision like the one about never saying "gay" for homosexual and the other new language atrocities like everyone getting their own pronouns ----- I'm not playing. I'm calling them he or she and that's them apples.

I myself often use s/he on this forum and elsewhere, but saying "he or she" is not a big deal: just take the time.

I am not sure this is what is meant by the structure of the language changing the nature of the speaker's thought -------- but it may well be. Maybe you just have more up-to-date examples than I do, of a wildly changing English. I was thinking of German, which uses reflexives for all emotions: they say (in German) "I anger myself." ("Ich argere mich.") Which has some really neat philosophical considerations, I think.

You said, " He basically means "this person," just as the related word here means "this place."

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, he and here are not related at all. "He" does not mean "this person," it means "this MALEMALEMALESUPERIORONLYIMPORTANTONE person." We women don't like that. This is an excellent example of language structure dominating thought and you should stop that at once. As you see, we aren't letting you get away with it anymore. Brava!!

If you think saying "he" and pretending to mean everyone fools anyone anymore, here is my favorite feminist story:

In Oedipus' old age, he wandered lame and blind and one day he smelled a very familiar, worrying smell. "Sphinx!" he said. "Is that you? What do you want with me?"

"You didn't answer my riddle correctly," purred the sphinx.

"I answered your riddle!!!" he said. "You asked what goes on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening, and I said, Man, who crawls as a baby, walks in his prime, and moves around with a cane in old age!"

"You forgot women," said the sphinx.

"No, I didn't," cried Oedipus. "The masculine INCLUDES the feminine!"

"That's what you think," said the sphinx, and pouncedIn Ancient Greek, "understanding" means "standing on top of (epistime). That may be why they were so advanced for their times, while the passive English-Germanic people are positioned under a thought.
Tongue Pandemic

The latest media grammatical virus infecting the public is the unnecessary and illogical use of "so," as in:

"Where were you born?"
"So I was born in Chicago."

It's almost as if it means, "So it's my turn to speak now and here is what I want to say." But its ulterior purpose is to make logical conclusions seem trivial, since every unconnected first statement is presented by "so" as a logical conclusion.
Tongue Pandemic

The latest media grammatical virus infecting the public is the unnecessary and illogical use of "so," as in:

"Where were you born?"
"So I was born in Chicago."

It's almost as if it means, "So it's my turn to speak now and here is what I want to say." But its ulterior purpose is to make logical conclusions seem trivial, since every unconnected first statement is presented by "so" as a logical conclusion.
The Romans were worse. Every sentence needed to show how it was connected to the previous sentence with a word in second place meaning for or also or one of the other many connectors. I'm okay with a lot of modern language changes (I LOVE the indeterminacy of "I've got some issues" -- it's like the 1960s "I can't, I'm hung up.") and I guess I'm okay with So. I agree with your analysis of its use.
I know it was just a figure of speech and I shouldn't jump all over you.

I just happen to hate that one in particular.

I'm not too relaxed about confusing lose and loose, either -----
New Weird Order

When the Red States form their own country, they ought to change to phonetic spelling. Everything written since the Sick Sixties is best left hard-to-read. In fact, that has been the motive of the other side, dribbling out all these name changes, such as "Moslem" to "Muslim," "Bombay" to "Mumbai," "Kiev" to "Kyiv" ad nauseam. By this trick, everything written before then is made to seem obsolete.
New Weird Order

When the Red States form their own country, they ought to change to phonetic spelling. Everything written since the Sick Sixties is best left hard-to-read. In fact, that has been the motive of the other side, dribbling out all these name changes, such as "Moslem" to "Muslim," "Bombay" to "Mumbai," "Kiev" to "Kyiv" ad nauseam. By this trick, everything written before then is made to seem obsolete.
It is a trick to control speech, and I've recently decided not to play. I wonder if you noticed I've started saying Moslem, which was the word till the day after 9/11. Who decided on the change? More training us to comply, comply, like the masks. No point, just training. Cats do that: they train us endlessly, even if they aren't hungry, just to keep us well under control. You know what? I seriously don't like that, at least not from people. Cats, okay.

I say Kiev and they can like it or lump it. Peking, Calcutta, Ceylon, and Burma.

I was considering Formosa, but decided it was a bridge too far.
Oh, I've noticed something: if everytime someone says that awful "People of Color" circumlocution I say colored people, everyone stops using either phrase!! Here.

Works for me. (Heh-heh)
1. I didn't quite understand how different blue vs red states were. When my daughter came from WA to AR to visit me back in February, she was shocked that masks weren't being widely warn here. When I traveled via car [my wife talked me into vacation by saying that we could take the new MX-5 for a 2,000 mile road trip] from AR to FL last late summer, masks were rarely found as I traveled through AR, MS, GA, FL. Back in the fall of 2020, the same thing when we took a 4,000 mile road trip. Masks were only worn in blue states
2. What shocks me is who is wearing masks still. It isn't middle age people and rarely older people but kids. On my short trip to the office, I will pass two schools within the first quarter mile: Arts Academy High School and a college prep school. It isn't the students of the college prep school that are still wearing masks but the arts kids.
3. Fashion changed. The office that I work at, we all wear jeans including the CEO of a 2,000 employee company. But I generally will wear a nicely pressed dress shirt. Those have pretty much disappeared in the shops.
4. My department [IT] has lost nearly 60% of our staff over the past 12 months. The vast majority of those who left [we normally get together once a month or so] work from home. Being forced to work from home those first few months opened up the floodgates to people working at home but for a company that is across the country. One of the reasons that we get together is because they have discovered that they miss human interaction.
5. Movies are just now beginning to return and it has only been in the past 4 months where theaters have been sold out. I honestly thought that would happen sooner
I don't know if I would call it shocking but in both red and blue states there is a huge difference in the recovery depending on age. The lives of younger people under 50 have pretty much returned to normal. Older adults are still very reluctant to participate in society as they did prior to covid. I have not seen a church rummage sale since before covid. Small museums, hospitals, and tourist offices that depend on senior volunteers are still closed or have limited hours due to the fact the lack of volunteers. Cruise ships lines report that lack of customers over 60 are major reason for the lack luster recovery of the industry.

There're still millions of people both older adults and those with compromised immune systems that are reluctant to mix with general public.
It is a trick to control speech, and I've recently decided not to play. I wonder if you noticed I've started saying Moslem, which was the word till the day after 9/11. Who decided on the change? More training us to comply, comply, like the masks. No point, just training. Cats do that: they train us endlessly, even if they aren't hungry, just to keep us well under control. You know what? I seriously don't like that, at least not from people. Cats, okay.

I say Kiev and they can like it or lump it. Peking, Calcutta, Ceylon, and Burma.

I was considering Formosa, but decided it was a bridge too far.
"Let Them Eat Catnip"

My cat, Queen Catifa, feels that it is her royal prerogative to keep us peasant humans in our place.
Actually, you are just stupid.

Liberalism is a political philosophy, not an identity.

You obviously do not comprehend what it entails as it is most definitely NOT an authoritarian screed that minimzes liberty.
Learn how to spell
Actually, you are just stupid.

Liberalism is a political philosophy, not an identity.

You obviously do not comprehend what it entails as it is most definitely NOT an authoritarian screed that minimzes liberty.
So Biden & Co. are not liberals? If so, I agree. They are radicals.
The Romans were worse. Every sentence needed to show how it was connected to the previous sentence with a word in second place meaning for or also or one of the other many connectors. I'm okay with a lot of modern language changes (I LOVE the indeterminacy of "I've got some issues" -- it's like the 1960s "I can't, I'm hung up.") and I guess I'm okay with So. I agree with your analysis of its use.
So-ing Circle

But those Latin sentences did have some connection; the On-Air AirHeads' use of the connective "so" has no logical connection with the previous statement. It is a verbal tic and belongs on the mindless and addictive silliness of Tik-Tok.
It is a trick to control speech, and I've recently decided not to play. I wonder if you noticed I've started saying Moslem, which was the word till the day after 9/11. Who decided on the change? More training us to comply, comply, like the masks. No point, just training. Cats do that: they train us endlessly, even if they aren't hungry, just to keep us well under control. You know what? I seriously don't like that, at least not from people. Cats, okay.

I say Kiev and they can like it or lump it. Peking, Calcutta, Ceylon, and Burma.

I was considering Formosa, but decided it was a bridge too far.
The Great Silencing

The switch came after the Jihadi Oil Embargo in 1973, when our Chickenhawk ruling class decided to appease the Moslems instead of fighting back. By that Orwellian change, all previous writings about them were made to seem obsolete. Same with Peking becoming Beijing so the corporate traitors could outsource our jobs to the "new" China.

Detecting another linguistic crime, I noticed the retarded use of "they" with a singular in a quotation from a book written in 1900. I was able to locate the original text, and sure enough, the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords had misquoted to fit their Postmodern grammatical decadence.
I'm shocked that idiots bought into the belief that Biden was going to stop Covid. He campaigned on that. Instead, more people have died on his watch, and in far less time, than on Trump's watch. Biden stopped nothing, and what I find shocking is that idiot liberals still stand by him and support him.

I'm shocked that gas costs $4.75 a gallon where I am when, on election day in 2020, it was $1.97 a gallon. Almost a $3 a gallon increase in under two years? Yeah, I know who to blame, and it ain't OPEC.

I'm shocked that our so-called government allows illegal scumbag aliens to cross our border and not even test them for Coivd or, God forbid, immunize them, but they'll put the screws to their own citizens.

I'm shocked that people want to blame Covid for all their woes. Despite the pandemic, my two businesses thrived. I didn't lose a single employee due to Covid and, in fact, we hired several people.

I'm shocked at the number of people who simply refuse to work. The government gave them so much for so long that now they want more for nothing. Well, fuck those people. I hope they die in front of their families. They're nothing but infection-filled boils on the ass of an otherwise great country, and we would be better without them.

Other than that, I'm not too shocked about much...
I've come to the conclusion that most of the people in the SF-Berkeley-Oakland area who refuse to give up their masks are mentally ill religious zealots. Zero Covid is their religion.

And there are a lot of them.
I'm shocked that 4.5 million people quit their jobs. Of course that includes many who retired. It's been awesome to see and has opened up the job market. Both employees and emoyers won on it.

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