What has shocked you most about a semi post pandemic world

95% of the population is always wrong

The 5% is how man advances
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall

It's not the 95% fault that they have no opinions except those forced into them by the overwhelming power of the 1%. But as you state, the oligarchic clique is outnumbered 5 to 1. Its power is an illusion.
I've come to the conclusion that most of the people in the SF-Berkeley-Oakland area who refuse to give up their masks are mentally ill religious zealots. Zero Covid is their religion.
I was reading a book John McWhorter* and he described it pretty well. As people stopped following religion, they created their own to fill the gap. Strange thing is, they keep changing what church they actually attend. It could be covid church today or the global warming church tomorrow. Maybe I just group them all in the Woke Church

*First started with his linguistics books as a weird hobby that I have. I can't speak more than one language but am fascinated about languages grow and develop. He describes himself as a cranky democrat but is feed up with all of the woke crap. His book Woke Racism is pretty good.
I've come to the conclusion that most of the people in the SF-Berkeley-Oakland area who refuse to give up their masks are mentally ill religious zealots. Zero Covid is their religion.

And there are a lot of them.
I bet it's mostly young black males; that's what it is in Maryland. They LOVE the anonymity.
What shocks me is that in the face of the reality that the experimental jab stops neither infection nor transmission and sports a VAERS database larger than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years, it is still required of servicemen, federal employees, and foreigners who want enter this country (legally).

This one isn't shocking anymore, but hearing things like "I got Covid once after my first vaccine shot and then again after my second vaccine booster." Should have the room in stiches but it's normal now.

and we still dont know what will happen to the children 5 years from now.
I was reading a book John McWhorter* and he described it pretty well. As people stopped following religion, they created their own to fill the gap. Strange thing is, they keep changing what church they actually attend. It could be covid church today or the global warming church tomorrow. Maybe I just group them all in the Woke Church

*First started with his linguistics books as a weird hobby that I have. I can't speak more than one language but am fascinated about languages grow and develop. He describes himself as a cranky democrat but is feed up with all of the woke crap. His book Woke Racism is pretty good.

Yes, I have that book in my ever growing reading pile.

People need meaning in their lives. In the U.S., that has generally meant family, community and church. Without these, people seek something to fill the void in their soul; and they are susceptible the the Utopian Charlatans.
I bet it's mostly young black males; that's what it is in Maryland. They LOVE the anonymity.

Actually, it's mostly young and old Asians, and middle aged white women and their beta mates who won't defy them. Yes, criminals of all ethnicities love the prevalence of masking - but Prop 47 and Prog DAs have done more to encourage them than has the Zero Covid religion.
I was reading a book John McWhorter* and he described it pretty well. As people stopped following religion, they created their own to fill the gap. Strange thing is, they keep changing what church they actually attend. It could be covid church today or the global warming church tomorrow. Maybe I just group them all in the Woke Church

*First started with his linguistics books as a weird hobby that I have. I can't speak more than one language but am fascinated about languages grow and develop. He describes himself as a cranky democrat but is feed up with all of the woke crap. His book Woke Racism is pretty good.
Yes, I have read several of his, including the new racism book. I listened early to some on audio and simply did NOT believe he was black ---- he is, though, I looked him up. Raised by white parents, of course, gets the accents right. He IS good with languages, after all. He's a total sweetie-pie and I was hoping he wouldn't succumb to the black thing, but of course they co-opt every black who accomplishes ANYthing and they finally got him. Now he teaches racial something at Columbia University and I don't know what will happen to his excellent linguistics.

It's a pity, really, but I suppose the rarity of accomplished blacks makes it necessary for them to co-opt every one they can find. But back to his linguistics, he's of the camp that does not believe that the structure of the language determines the thought patterns of its speakers.

I'm pretty up on languages and I do think that. But it has nothing to do with race! Thank you, Lord!! A black managed to say something scholarly that was not about race!!! No wonder I like him.
I was reading a book John McWhorter* and he described it pretty well. As people stopped following religion, they created their own to fill the gap. Strange thing is, they keep changing what church they actually attend. It could be covid church today or the global warming church tomorrow. Maybe I just group them all in the Woke Church

*First started with his linguistics books as a weird hobby that I have. I can't speak more than one language but am fascinated about languages grow and develop. He describes himself as a cranky democrat but is feed up with all of the woke crap. His book Woke Racism is pretty good.
I have been saying this for 2 years now.
Virtue Signaling is the new religion. The new way to measure your character. Whether you are a good person not, today, is more about what rubber bracelet you wear than how you treat others.
It's an oldie but a goody, but "The True believer" by Eric Hoffer should also be required reading.
But back to his linguistics, he's of the camp that does not believe that the structure of the language determines the thought patterns of its speakers.

I'm pretty up on languages and I do think that.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

This Nextrix use of they with a singular antecedent has been intentionally promoted by the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords in the paid media in order to cripple thought patterns. The difference between singular and plural cannot be blended without literally causing brain damage. He had always been used for "he or she" and originally meant that, (the unnecessary word she, with its mangled inflection (Why isn't it "she, shis, shim?) was thrown in later, creating a Pandora's box). He basically means "this person," just as the related word here means "this place."

So the attack on he is motivated by the Femininny desire to emasculate us. Using "they" with a singular attacks individualism. Mixing up singular and plural dumbs us down. All these effects have happened, so language does contribute.

Another example is using a pejorative word like "pollution" to describe neutral by-products. The result of that language-bending is that opponents of the Unabomber Cult can only say that it is a necessary evil that is not so harmful, "even though still harmful," that we have to depress the economy to get rid of it.

But because that forced term limits thought, it is hard to convince victims of language control to believe that "pollution" has been beneficial. It destroys viruses and had prevented pandemics for 100 years until the Lethal Lockdown.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

This Nextrix use of they with a singular antecedent has been intentionally promoted by the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords in the paid media in order to cripple thought patterns. The difference between singular and plural cannot be blended without literally causing brain damage. He had always been used for "he or she" and originally meant that, (the unnecessary word she, with its mangled inflection (Why isn't it "she, shis, shim?) was thrown in later, creating a Pandora's box). He basically means "this person," just as the related word here means "this place."

So the attack on he is motivated by the Femininny desire to emasculate us. Using "they" with a singular attacks individualism. Mixing up singular and plural dumbs us down. All these effects have happened, so language does contribute.

Another example is using a pejorative word like "pollution" to describe neutral by-products. The result of that language-bending is that opponents of the Unabomber Cult can only say that it is a necessary evil that is not so harmful, "even though still harmful," that we have to depress the economy to get rid of it.

But because that forced term limits thought, it is hard to convince victims of language control to believe that "pollution" has been beneficial. It destroys viruses and had prevented pandemics for 100 years until the Lethal Lockdown.
Yeah, don't get me started on the "they" problem. I've made another Executive Decision like the one about never saying "gay" for homosexual and the other new language atrocities like everyone getting their own pronouns ----- I'm not playing. I'm calling them he or she and that's them apples.

I myself often use s/he on this forum and elsewhere, but saying "he or she" is not a big deal: just take the time.

I am not sure this is what is meant by the structure of the language changing the nature of the speaker's thought -------- but it may well be. Maybe you just have more up-to-date examples than I do, of a wildly changing English. I was thinking of German, which uses reflexives for all emotions: they say (in German) "I anger myself." ("Ich argere mich.") Which has some really neat philosophical considerations, I think.

You said, " He basically means "this person," just as the related word here means "this place."

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, he and here are not related at all. "He" does not mean "this person," it means "this MALEMALEMALESUPERIORONLYIMPORTANTONE person." We women don't like that. This is an excellent example of language structure dominating thought and you should stop that at once. As you see, we aren't letting you get away with it anymore. Brava!!

If you think saying "he" and pretending to mean everyone fools anyone anymore, here is my favorite feminist story:

In Oedipus' old age, he wandered lame and blind and one day he smelled a very familiar, worrying smell. "Sphinx!" he said. "Is that you? What do you want with me?"

"You didn't answer my riddle correctly," purred the sphinx.

"I answered your riddle!!!" he said. "You asked what goes on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening, and I said, Man, who crawls as a baby, walks in his prime, and moves around with a cane in old age!"

"You forgot women," said the sphinx.

"No, I didn't," cried Oedipus. "The masculine INCLUDES the feminine!"

"That's what you think," said the sphinx, and pounced.
Honestly what shocks me the most is that 95+% don't even realize how badly they have been played by authorities over a flu, experimental gene therapies, stolen elections, lockdowns, mandates & the general expansion of Uniparty powers.
Many kinda know somethings going on but most won't pay attention until it's too late.
It' so obvious but they live in denial because the truth forces them to acknowledge some uncomfortable realities that desperately need to be addressed.
Sounds like a hassle to them I guess
Paranoid much?
Yes, me too. I never did, so far, about the horrible masks, but I did get tricked into the vaccine, and it was wholly, totally a scam, turned out! AFTER I got vaccinated, I had a BAD four-month case of Covid so the whole thing is just a pile of lies, exactly like the flu vaccines! Pretty sad.
If you go to a HOSPITAL here

You wear a mask.

Don’t want your mammogram?

That’s YOUR choice
If you go to a HOSPITAL here

You wear a mask.

Don’t want your mammogram?

That’s YOUR choice
Yep. And I don't. Enough with the personal talk, please. I don't wear masks.


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